Chapter 15 REDONE

Are you drunk?

"You can’t stop me. Never ever stop me.." You groaned as you held up Taemin’s phone. Yunho was calling. You pushed yourself up from the bed and answered the call. It was late already.. How long had they been trying to reach you?!

"Hey.." You muttered, running a hand through your messy hair. "Sorry I’m late."

"You’re not late. You answered it at the third ring. Where are you right now..? You were acting strange this morning." Strange? You blinked at the notion and got up out of bed. It was around eleven, so late already. What had you done this morning? Did you have amnesia? What was going on?

"This morning? I didn’t.. I just.. I didn’t leave the house today." You ran a hand through your hair as you pushed the door open, heading to the kitchen. This was definitely strange. There on the kitchen was a mess that indicated someone ate breakfast here. Or at least cooked it.

"Don’t kid around. I saw you at the company but you ignored me. Are you angry? Should I not have suggested an amusement park?" At the company? Oh no. This couldn’t be happening!

"Yah! The person you saw at the company! Did you talk to him?"

"Ah that’s rude. Why are you yelling? You were there this morning. You walked straight past us. The manager said there was a recording session!"

"What?! How..-" Taemin was here. You clutched your fist as you slid down to the floor. "How could he do that? I told him to rest and take it easy! Why is he showing up here?"

"Are you saying this morning..-" Yunho’s voice sounded very distant. At least he hadn’t recognized you, or rather not you. It was good that people were still blind as bats. Taemin wouldn’t be recognized, unless of course anyone talked to him and he acted completely different. This was a big, giant mess. What was happening? Where did Taemin even come from?

"Don’t say it. I have to stop him! He can’t do this right now!" You yelped, hurrying to get dressed.

"Yah! Where are you now?"

"I’ll be right over, I’m going to get in the car now!"

"You already did that! I’ll fetch you. Just stay put! I’ll be there in just a few minutes!"  Yunho hung up with a click. Afterwards there was only a dialtone. You paced around the house nervously, stopping to look at the mirror. The make-up was completely ruined. What was going to happen? There in the mirror there was no Taemin and you knew it. There was a girl, looking at you. Frustrated you let out a scream and pressed your head into your hands, frantically trying to pull everything together.

A knock on the door pulled you back into reality. Yunho must have arrived. You got up and headed to the door, pulling it open. What would you even say to Taemin when you saw him? This wasn’t a drama, you couldn’t yell at him. Even if you could you wouldn’t even want to.

"Oh.. It’s really you this time, right? You two aren’t messing with me?" Yunho asked as soon as he saw your rather cranky expression, "this morning you looked just like this." Well that was good news. At least Taemin and you were still that similar.

"Of course it’s me. You called me, remember? Any idea why he was angry this morning?" You replied as you left the house, locking it safely behind you. Yunho shrugged as he turned and headed back to his car.

"Why would he tell me that? He didn’t seem like he cared about letting people know." Yunho shrugged as he opened the car door for you. You wished he wouldn’t but got in anyway. Recording, the manager had said. That’s why Taemin was there. As long as he wasn’t working too hard he would be okay. You tried to think of what you could say to him for a while until you noticed the car wasn’t headed towards the company.


"So where are we going?" You asked after a while. Yunho didn’t look at you as he drove. That was good, that’s a safe way to drive. Being in cars was still upsetting some days.

"Somewhere people won’t see us. The place I’m thinking of is a nice spot, I promise. I know the owner.." How mysterious of him to say things like that. Maybe Yunho was a very cryptic person and you hadn’t picked up on it before.

For a while you just drove. Yunho opened his mouth once to explain he couldn’t have let you go to the company. What would people say if there were suddenly two Taemin’s walking around? It wouldn’t have been safe. You agreed but didn’t say anything. Somewhere you felt grateful that he was taking you somewhere to keep your mind of things.

"We’re here! Come on!" Yunho exclaimed cheerfully as he got out of the car, beckoning you to follow him. You closed the door and ran after the leader of your temporary neighbours. He seemed to be very happy about this place. As you got to the front door the sign had become big enough to read. It was a sports center.

"Yunho hyung, what kind of place is this?" You asked. He made a face when you said hyung and pulled you into the building. Once you entered you felt a gust of cold wind. There was a door open behind which you could see an indoor ice skating ring.

"Maybe we should get you something more girly to wear?" Yunho asked with a gleeful smile as he headed to the entrance. That was ridiculous. You looked over him. Where would you even get something like that?

"Hello Yunho. I see you brought a friend?" The owner greeted Yunho as you walked past the entrance. "Who are you?" Was he serious? Did you not look like Taemin at all suddenly or was this man not aware of Taemin’s existence?

"You’re quite observant today aren’t you father?" Yunho laughed, clearly adding the word as a joke. "This is the sister of a dongsaeng. Would you happen to have any of the skating uniforms lying around? She hasn’t been able to buy proper skating clothes. You usually have spares, right?" It sounded so weird to ask for clothes like that. You glanced down, pressing your fingertips together nervously.

"Are you a skater then?" The man asked you. He had very strong eyes that seemed to look through you. It was like he was a scanner. You nodded quietly. Then the man started to laugh. "Aigoo, you don’t look like one but I will lend you the clothes. Show me how much you’ve learned about skating."

After changing into one of the spare outfits for figure skaters you and Yunho were allowed on the ice. It had been years since you last skated, but it felt good to be back on the ice. After taking a few careful strides you stopped to warm up, watching Yunho play around on the ice. He was quite good at this. You wondered if he did this very often. Then you started skating again as well, going through the routines in your head. It’d been so long but most of the routine still stuck in your head.

"Yah.. Did you plan this somehow?" Yunho asked as you spun around in circles around him. You chuckled and stopped, skating towards him.

"You planned this remember? I used to be on a youth team." You replied. It wasn’t just a youth team. In fact you had been trying to go professional, but before you could even reach the level to compete nationally you’d dropped out. "Why are you so good though?" You asked, skating backwards around him. Yunho shrugged.

"You know. Variety shows. It’s always useful to be trained in different skills." He replied, "but I’m glad I guessed something you like. Taemin won’t let me get away with it if I don’t, right?" A smile played on his lips.

"Who are you to know me and Taemin so well? For all you know he doesn’t like me." You playfully replied. Who did he think he was asserting things like that? He was right of course but that didn’t mean he got to in.

"I can just tell. He never talked about you to anyone, he seems like he wants to protect you." Yunho seemed to be more serious. Maybe he thought you didn’t believe him. You shrugged and moved backwards to lean on the edge of the rink.

"You got me there. My oppa is very close to me. When we were still young he would always stick around me any chance he got. He had a lot of friends but he said I was more important. I’m very grateful for that, because I didn’t have a lot of friends." You told him while thinking of Taemin. Yunho smiled and patted your shoulder, stretching out.


After an hour or so both you and Yunho were rather worn out from the skating and decided to head home. You were grateful that he’d taken you out like this. All the worries you’d had seemed far away now. Taemin would be fine. No one had called you, so there probably hadn’t been any suspicion.

"Today was fun, right?" Yunho said, waking you from your thoughts. You nodded and smiled, leaning your head back.

"It was great, thank you Yunho." You said. There should be something you could do to thank him, but right now you couldn’t think of it. Maybe you would remember at night and you could text him then.

"So, see you tomorrow I guess?" He said as you reached Taemin’s house. You nodded and got ready to leave the car until Yunho called you back.

"Wait! I just remembered something."

"What would that be?" You asked in your Taemin voice, getting ready to step back into the role. Yunho made a face at you and reached for the back seat.

"I got you something to help you remember that you’re really a girl. You seem to need help with that." He smirked and handed you a brown paper bag from the back. What was that supposed to be? You raised an eyebrow at him but took the bag and opened it.

"A skirt?" You felt ready to hit him. What would you do with that? What could it even do in Taemin’s house? He raised his hands and waved them at you.

"I just thought you might like it.. I’ll see you tomorrow, right?" Probably. He sounded as sure about that as you felt. Still you nodded at him and got out of the car, heading back to the house. There was light coming through the window in the door, so you assumed Taemin was home. He needed to be told to watch out. After thinking it over for a few moments you pulled open the door and stepped inside. From the living area you could hear some sounds. Was Taemin with someone else or was he watching television? After quickly fixing your hair and make up a little to resemble a girl better it was time to say hello.

“Oppa I’m home!” You announced a little shyly as you walked into the living room. Taemin was sitting on his couch with Changmin. It took everything you had not to yelp in surprise or run away in terror. Taemin jumped up immediately and headed over to you, hugging you so Changmin wouldn’t be able to see your face.

“Don’t look at my sister or I’ll end you!” He shouted almost immediately. Had you been able to portray this kind of personality at all while you were in his place? You bit your tongue and allowed Taemin to put sunglasses on you along with a scarf. Once he was done disguising you he finally allowed Changmin, who was laughing, to look at you.

“Hello Taemin’s dongsaeng, I’m Changmin. It’s nice to meet you.” Changmin greeted you in a more formal fashion than you were used to. You just bowed towards him and mumbled a hello.

“Dongsaeng you should go to sleep alright? I’ll kick him out so we can talk.” Taemin offered with a bright smile. You gasped and shook your head. Taemin was too ill behaved, how could you possibly take his role after something like this? Changmin laughed again at the situation and gave you a polite bow.

“It’s important for siblings to talk to each other. He sees me more than he sees you. You should come to work sometimes, I’ll show you around.” He gave you a gentle smile and waved at Taemin as if he was teasing him. The latter seemed about to explode and quickly stepped in front of you, ushering Changmin to the door whilst commanding very impolitely that he should leave. Once the door shut it suddenly became quiet.


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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P