Chapter 100 [final chapter]

Are you drunk?



“Calm down oppa, I’ll be home in a bit.” You answered while looking at Jaejoong. He seemed to be thinking something over deeply and stared at you with a wondering look in his eyes.


“You’d better be! One moment you’re by my side and then you’re gone! Again!! Come home quickly so I can lock you inside so you’ll never leave like that again!”You smiled softly.


“Oppa! You’re overreacting.. Nothing’s wrong. I’m perfectly safe.” You heard a sigh on the other side of the phone and knew that Taemin had accepted that you were right.


“I know.. I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you.”You nodded even though he couldn’t see it.


“Nothing bad will happen oppa. It’s okay. I’ll talk to you when we get home.”


“Wait you’re with that guy aren’t you?!”You laughed softly and ended the phonecall.


“We had better go home Jaejoong.” Jaejoong made a face and pulled you into a hug.


“But I don’t want to go home yet.. I want to spend more time with you.. Just the two of us. Without the annoyance of your beloved brother or my dongsaengs.” You smiled and hugged him softly.


“You’ll still be alone with me during the ride home. And you’ll still see me after that. Isn’t that okay?” He nodded softly and rested his head on yours.


“Still. I missed you so much..” His voice was shaking as if he was crying, “I only want to hold you close to me. It was all my fault, I could only pray to the heavens you would be okay.. And now you are okay.. I’m so happy, I don’t want anyone to take you away from me ever again.” You smiled softly.


“Jaejoong, kamsahamnida.. I promise I won’t let something like this happen again.” He smiled softly at you and you saw the tears on his face. You wiped them away and took his face in your hands.


“Let’s go home now Jaejoong..” He nodded and kissed your forehead.


“Just remember that I’m not leaving your side anymore. That oppa of yours will just have to get used to it.” You smiled and touched his cheek softly.


“You’re my oppa too.” He laughed. It sounded as if all the sadness in the world was wiped away and happiness seemed to burst throughout your heart. You wanted to hear him laugh forever. You wanted to see him happy.


“I’m happy.. Then call me oppa.” You smiled.


“Jaejoong oppa..” He took your hand and got up. You followed after him.


“Let’s go home.” He handed you the helmet you had borrowed earlier on and sat you on the motorcycle behind him. You tightly held on to him and rested your head against his back. He felt warm and comfortable. You knew more than ever that you were in love with this man. The motorcycle moved with great speed and the city that appeared around you seemed magical. The lights in many different colours looked truly beautiful and you were happy. You could see the earliest Christmas decorations on the streets. ‘Ah.. Christmas.. How lovely.’ You smiled and closed your eyes. You wished, more than anything, that you could spend Christmas with Jaejoong and give him a present that would make him happy. ‘Ah! I could.. Knit him a pair of gloves..’ You smiled at that idea and started thinking of colours he would like. You had learned how to knit when your leg was broken and you had very little to do. Your mother had taught you with love, and you knew that if you tried hard you could make gloves for Jaejoong. You wanted to do that and show him that you loved him. The motorcycle stopped and you got off with a smile on your face.


“Ae!” You smiled at your oppa’s voice and let him hug you lightly. Jaejoong looked at you and smiled softly before parking his motorcycle in the garage.


“I’m okay oppa.” You told Taemin when he wouldn’t let go after a full minute. He nodded but still refused to let you go. He had been worrying more than he told you.


“I know.. I just want to keep you here with me.” You smiled and rested your chin on his shoulder, Jaejoong had taken your helmet along with him.


“Stop hogging her would you? You’re not the only one who missed her.” Changmin complained and nudged Taemin. He was ignored completely by Taemin and you gave him a sorry look.


“I guess I should have send him a message to tell him I’m fine.” Taemin nodded in agreement and finally let you go.


“She’s mine. Go kidnap Yui.” Taemin warned seriously when Changmin took a step closer.


“Can’t you two visit us?” Changmin whined. Taemin laughed. It made you happy to hear him laugh.


“You never invited me before you know? Is it because of my sister than everyone suddenly wants to befriend me?” You shook your head.


“Andwae! Oppa is amazing! Why wouldn’t people want to befriend you? I’m a very dull person.” Two arms wrapped around you and pulled you into a tight hug.


“Whoever said that to you was a horrible liar.” Yoochun. Taemin smiled in a wicked way which you knew to be a threat in disguise and tapped Yoochun’s arms slightly.


“Oppa’s going to chase you.” You whispered. You felt Yoochun nod before he ran off. Taemin gave him a ten seconds head start before chasing after him. Taemin was in good shape and younger than Yoochun so it didn’t surprise you too much, though it was a bit scary, when you suddenly heard a loud highpitched scream that sounded like it came from Yoochun.


“Let’s go inside. They’ll come when they’re done playing around.” Changmin said. Just then the door to the house opened and you noticed Jaejoong on the doorsteps, smiling sweetly at you. You smiled and nodded at Changmin.


“Ha! My secret weapon worked!” Changmin shouted before pumping a fist into the air. You blinked.


“Secret weapon?” You asked at the same time as Jaejoong.


“You hyung! She’ll come inside as long as you’re there too.” Changmin explained. Jaejoong smiled and you blushed. Changmin took your sleeve and dragged you towards the house before Taemin could stop him and Jaejoong led you inside. As embarrassing as it was, Changmin was right. You wanted to be with Jaejoong, so you would go to any place if it was where he was.


“Will you all be celebrating Christmas with your family?” You asked while following Jaejoong to the kitchen. Yunho who heard you shook his head.


“Nope.. We get a short break after Christmas though and then we’ll get to spend time with our family. We have a show at Christmas night. Your oppa is performing too, didn’t you know about it?” You blinked. Must have happened while you were in the hospital. Jaejoong calmly walked up to Yunho and whacked him against the back of his head.


“Of course she doesn’t know! You wouldn’t tell her because she needed her rest.” Yunho smiled, clearly embarrassed and nodded.


“Right.. So yeah. Are you coming to our show? Yui is coming too!” You smiled.


“Can I?” Jaejoong nodded and smiled at you.


“Of course you can. I really hope you’ll go.” You nodded quickly.


“I really want to go! I never saw you perform..” Jaejoong smiled and pulled you into a hug.


“We’ll dedicate a song to you. I will at least.. I’ll work really hard since you’ll be there.” You hugged him softly and rested your head against his broad and safe chest. Everything felt so peaceful. You wished it would stay like this forever. Of course it couldn’t.


“Let me in please!! He’ll kill me!” With an amused smile Yunho walked towards the door.


“Welcome Taemin. Please come in.” Taemin smirked while dragging a rather tired looking Yoochun behind him from his collar. Yoochun grabbed onto whatever object within his reach to stop Taemin from dragging him and gave you a begging look.


“Help me guys!” He whispered. You could tell all the members felt sorry for him, but..-


“I wouldn’t if I were you. Unless you wish to replace him of course.” Taemin said with a devious smile. All swallowed, except for you and Jaejoong behind you.


“Taemin. Stop that.” A calm voice spoke and you noticed Yui with wet hair and a towel on her shoulders to prevent the water from soaking her clothes.


“Yui!” She smiled and skipped towards you.


“Ae! How have you been? Did you know they are performing for Christmas?” You nodded slowly.


“Yunho told me.” Yui turned to Yunho and made a face.


“You spoiled it! I wanted to tell her.” Yunho smiled while pulling her into a tight hug.


“Mianhae.. I’ll make it up to you.” Yui smiled softly and pinched his cheek.


“You always do.” She smiled at you and held out her hand, “Come with me Ae.. I need to talk to you about something. Calm down you two I’m not taking her away forever. We just need girl time. Alone!” She glared at Changmin before dragging you off to a room you supposed was Yunho’s. She sat down on the bed and sighed while you closed the door.


“What is it Yui?” You asked, you knew she was bothered by something since she was sighing and took her hands. She looked up at you with a soft smile.


“Ae.. Do you know what I should give Yunho for Christmas?” You blinked and put a finger on your lip while thinking.


“I was planning to knit gloves for Jaejoong.. You could do that.” Yui shook her head.


“I’m really bad at knitting. I’ll never manage in time.” You sat down next to her and smiled.


“You can always try.. I don’t really know what Yunho likes, I know he really likes you Yui. So why don’t you give him something you like?” Yui laughed softly and hugged her knees.


“But won’t that be too girly?” You shook your head and smiled at her.


“Definitely not! I know that he’ll like it if you want to give it from the bottom of your heart.” She smiled.


“I guess you’re right unnie.. You’re so smart.” You shook your head.


“Not really.. Yui.. I think I’m in love with Jaejoong..” Her eyes widened and she blushed before smiling widely.


“Jinja?! That’s so great.. You should tell him.” You blushed.


“That’s my problem. I don’t know how or when I should do that.” Yui took your hands tighter and smiled at you with the confident look she usually had on her face.


“You can do it Ae. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect way to tell him.” You smiled softly and nodded.


“Ne.. I’ll tell him on Christmas eve.. Is that okay?” Yui smiled wider and hugged you.


“That’s so romantic unnie! I wish I was that romantic..” You smiled softly at her.


“Did you tell Yunho appa yet?” She giggled at your ‘appa’ and shook her head nervously.


“I will. I will tell him on Christmas eve too unnie.” You nodded and hugged her again. You were happy you had a great friend like Yui. The days passed by calmly as you designed a pattern and started working on Jaejoong’s gloves. They were a warm brown reddish colour and had a yellow-orange oak leaf on the back of the hand. You spend some time with Beast and went into training after agreeing not to sign any kind of contract yet, after agreeing you wouldn’t sign at a different company. You also became friends with SHINee again. After the accident the buzz around you and Key started to disappear and people accepted that you were only friends. The fans were sad for you but didn’t hate you and they were happy that Key was single ‘again’. Key apologized properly and after some time Taemin found it in his heart to forgive him which upset Yoochun slightly because he had never been forgiven so easily. You looked forward to the concert on Christmas where many artists of multiple companies would be performing. SNSD was performing too and you spend some time watching their rehearsals. You even practised with them, for fun, and applauded for them. They were really good.


“Hyunnie!” You ducked and Hyunseung tumbled over your head. You stuck out your tongue.


“Ha!” Hyunseung smirked at you and got up.


“I just let you get away with that. Now come here and give me a hug.” You smiled and hugged him. He hugged you tightly and lifted you off the ground.


“Sorry girls. She’s needed at rehearsals with us. Manager’s orders.” Sunny pouted and ruffled your hair.


“Aww, really? Come back soon okay Ae?” Immediately the girls crowded around you and patted your head and pinched your cheeks softly.


“You’re such a cutie.. We’ll miss you Ae!” You smiled at them.


“I’ll come back soon!” Hyunseung shrugged and carried you off. Once you were outside the room you nudged him to let you go, which he did. You walked along with him towards the exit.


“What was that actually? I’m not needed at rehearsals, am I?” You asked. Hyunseung shrugged.


“That’s up to you. We need our most supporting fan!” You laughed softly and smiled at him.


“Arasso. Is it okay if I work while you practice?” Hyunseung blinked.


“You don’t have a job anymore..” You shrugged.


“There’s something I’m working on. And I need to finish it.” Hyunseung shrugged.


“As long as you look up every now and then and applaud for us.” You stuck out your tongue and ran ahead of him. He followed after you, losing to you on purpose. You got in the car that would drive you to YG entertainment and took the gloves out of your pocket. You were almost finished.


“Eh? You’re making gloves? Waah, they’re so pretty.. Are they for Taemin?” You blinked and shook your head nervously. ‘What if they’re too girly?’ Hyunseung smirked.


“Ah, for your boyfriend then.. How mean. I want gloves too. Will you knit me gloves next year?” He asked and made a pouty face. You laughed and nodded.


“Sure.. But it’s hard to do, so don’t expect something really great.” Hyunseung glanced at the yet to be finished gloves.


“But those are pretty. I want gloves like that too. So don’t say you can’t make anything good because I will blackmail you.” You blinked at him.


“Will guys like this kind of gloves?” Hyunseung nodded.


“Of course they will. Jaejoong will be happy you made these specially for him. They’re nice.. Ah they’re soft too.” You smiled as he slid his hands across the gloves you were knitting.


“Well they wouldn’t be useful if they were harsh.” Hyunseung shrugged.


“No man has the right to complain if a girl works hard to make him something.”


“Remind me to remind you of that next year.” Hyunseung stuck out his tongue.


“Mehrong! Whatever you make me, I’ll treasure it!” He acted out dramatically. You laughed and made a cute face. He laughed and the car stopped.


“Ah, we’re here already.” You carefully put the gloves away and followed Hyunseung into the building.


“You’re late!! Hey Ae, watching practice again?” You nodded and followed Doojoon inside.


“What are you going to practice first?” You asked while sitting down in front of them against the wall. Dongwoon smiled and kneeled in front of you.


“Got any favourites?” You smiled and nodded.


“You know the ones..” He nodded and stood up.


“You have to promise to watch very carefully, okay?” You nodded again and placed the gloves in the making in your lap. Dongwoon sighed as he noticed them.


“Please? We work hard, you know?” You smiled and nodded.


“I know. Just a little more. I promise I’ll watch carefully once I finish them.” Doojoon nodded.


“We’ll start practice guys, Ae will watch later.” You felt happy he understood and started knitting. Almost finished. Just a little bit more. The fingers of the gloves became full and the gloves were finished. Finally. You smiled at your work. This was something you’d made specially for him, it would tell him that you loved him.


“Ae, you weren’t even watching. And that was your favourite song!” Hyunseung complained. You smiled at him and put the finished gloves in your bag.


“I’ll watch now. You said it was okay if I just looked up occasionally and applauded.” He pouted.


“You haven’t applauded yet.” You giggled and applauded shortly.


 “There, better?” ‘He’s like a baby sometimes.. And a bit like my brother but I’m not telling him that.’ They continued practicing a bit longer and you enjoyed watching them practice. It felt good that the gloves were finished. Now you could only hope that Jaejoong would like them.


“I should go home.” You glanced at the clock. It was past eight and it was already dark outside.


“Need a ride home?” You shook your head at the kind offer made by Kikwang.


“Oppa will come get me. He’ll probably chase you down if you try to drive me home.” Kikwang smirked and nodded.


“Sure. I almost forgot about your crazy, overly protective, obsessed..-”


“Yes?” You turned and smiled at Taemin who had appeared in the door. He was smirking semi evilly but you knew he was actually quite fond of the Beast members and wouldn’t hurt them for something like this. However, Kikwang did not know this. You skipped towards Taemin and hugged him.


“Kamsahamnida oppa! I finished my present for Jaejoong..” Taemin pouted, which made him look rather childish and very unlike the boys behind you had ever experienced him.


“Yah.. What about my present? You know that I chase people a lot easier when I’m upset.” He said with one eye on the members who took a couple of steps back. You smiled and patted his head.


“Your present will be there, now let’s go home.” Taemin smiled, which only you could see and patted your head.


“I would take you home.. But there’s someone who wants to see you. Outside.. I’ll amuse myself with these people for now. I’ll see you at home dongsaeng..” He put a hand on your shoulder and brushed past you. You smiled at the sight of the now terrified Beast members but since you knew they would be unharmed you skipped outside the room. Right into a tight hug.


“I missed you.” You smiled and felt warm inside though it was colder in the hall. You looked up at the most perfect face you had ever seen in the world.


“I missed you too oppa.” Jaejoong smiled and caressed your cheeks.


“I wanted to take you home today. We don’t have a lot of time to spend together these days.. I really dislike it. These days are so special that I want to spend them with the people that mean the most to me. You.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around him.


“But you’re working very hard oppa. You’ll have some days off soon, I’m sure. I want to spend these days with you too.. But I think every day I spend with you is magical, doesn’t matter what time of the year it is.” Jaejoong smiled widely and leaned closer.


“You make me so happy.. Thanks to you, every day is like Christmas to me.” He kissed you softly and held you close. You could feel his heart beat through his jacket. His heart beat faster and you could feel the warmth from him. ‘I love him. I really do.’


“Ahem? I thought you wanted to talk to her, not eat her face.” Taemin groaned. You turned and smiled at him.


“I thought you were busy amusing yourself?” He shrugged.


“It’s no fun if they’re too fearful. Aish, these guys.. When will they understand I don’t hate them?” You smiled and laughed.


“When you tell them. Why don’t you go tell them?” Taemin smirked.


“Because they’ll get overconfident. We can’t have that.. Oh.” You smiled at a beeping sound.


“Oppa your phone is ringing. I think you should answer it.” Taemin sighed and glanced at the screen. Instantly his frown disappeared and he smiled. You knew who was calling him.


“Answer her now oppa!” You called out. He nodded absently and walked away after accepting the phone call. Two hands turned you around and pulled you into a tight hug.


“Now where were we?” He asked half jokingly.


“You had something to tell me.” You said while looking up at him. He nodded. His eyes seemed to light up.


“I wanted to.. At Christmas eve, we get off earlier… And.. Will you come celebrate Christmas eve with me?” He asked. His warm eyes stared at you and you entwined your fingers with his.


“I do.. I..” You stopped yourself. ‘No. I said I’d tell him on Christmas eve!’ He smiled softly and curled your hair behind your ear.


“What is it?” You bit your tongue, slightly nervous.


“Oppa, can I.. Kiss you?” His eyes widened and he smiled widely.


“Of course you can! You don’t have to ask that..” He drew you closer and leaned close. You closed your eyes and moved forward. Softly your lips made contact with his. It was a magical moment like those you had read about in books. As if a million lights went on at the same time. You felt warm and tingly inside. You knew this feeling had to be the feeling of utter happiness and love.


“Oppa, should we go home now?” You asked after reluctantly pulling out of the kiss. Jaejoong nodded in silence. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close as you walked outside. You looked around in awe.


“It’s so pretty..” You looked up and a snowflake landed on your nose. It was snowing.


“Not as pretty as you are.” Jaejoong muttered, “and I didn’t say that to be cheesy.. You look beautiful, the way you admire the world.. It’s what true beauty looks like.” You smiled at him.


“You’re exaggerating.. And it was a bit cheesy.” He smiled and held your hand. You looked at his hands. No gloves. He must be cold. You took his hands in yours.


“But I like oppa the way he is because he is the way he is.. And that’s with all the cheesiness included.” Jaejoong smiled before wiping some snow out of your hair.


“I’m really grateful for that.. I’m grateful you still want to be with an idiot like me even after all the stupid things I have done.” You smiled and shook your head.


“I should be the grateful one.. And I should stop talking or we’ll never get home.” Jaejoong chuckled and cupped your chin.


“You’re never allowed to stop speaking because the sound of your voice, your laughter, your everything is precious to me. But we should be going home now. Allow me.” He opened the door for you and you got inside the car. He sat down beside you in silence and you buckled up. He glanced at you shortly and smiled.


“I’ll really look forward to spending Christmas eve with you.” You smiled.


“Me too oppa..”


The days past by swiftly as you spend most of your time watching Beast and your brother practice and helped Yui to cook Christmas food. She gladly practiced it together with you because neither of you had done it in a long time but it was going smoothly after a few hours.


“Aish, it’s so cold..” Taemin entered the house and slammed the door shut behind him. You smiled at him.


“Oppa, we made hot chocolate.. Are the DBSK oppa’s home?” Taemin made a face at you.


“I disapprove of you calling them oppa’s. I might allow Jaejoong to be your oppa but that Yoochun..-” You giggled at his cute attempt to sound serious and threatening but it wasn’t working.


“Arasso oppa, just remember you’ll always be my one and only twin.” He smiled.


“Now about that hot chocolate..-” The doorbell rung. Taemin made a face. You sent him to the kitchen to pour himself hot chocolate and went to open the door.


“Ahnyeong dongsaengie..” Yunho smiled at you cheerfully. A red scarf was wrapped around his neck and his nose was nearly as bright red, yet he was glowing with happiness.


“You came to pick up Yui, right?” You smiled at him and turned around.


“Yui! Your handsome prince has come!” Yui made a sound of which you could easily conclude that she didn’t like you calling Yunho her hansome prince but it didn’t matter much. She walked around the corner and smiled brightly as she saw Yunho.


“Just a minute. I need to put on my coat.” She said, trying to keep her posture and elegantly wrapped her coat around her. Yunho nodded at you and stepped past you. He buttoned up her coat and took off his scarf.


“Here.. You’ll get cold.” You smiled at the two of them. They looked so happy and perfectly fit for each other. You leaned against the wall and felt a slight shock as it wasn’t made out of hard matter but instead something warm. You looked up.


“Oppa..” He smiled.


“Ahnyeong Ae..” You smiled at his angelic voice and felt his arms wrap around you.


“They look happy, don’t they?” You asked, meaning Yui and Yunho with ‘they’. Jaejoong nodded and rested his head on yours.


“They do. You won’t forget, right? Tomorrow you have to come.. Because I’ve been looking forward to it.” You smiled and turned around.


“Oppa, I’ve been looking forward to it as well! I won’t forget about it. I promise.” He smiled and kissed your forehead.


“Good.. You make me happy Ae.. Ah, I should drag the two of them out of the house.. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed your cheek softly and grabbed Yunho’s collar.


“We’re leaving! Make out in your own house would you?” He said half jokingly. You smiled at him as they left and closed the door after waving at him. Then you walked into the kitchen and sighed happily.


“I’m a failure as an older brother aren’t I?” Taemin asked suddenly with a smile on his face. You blinked.


“Not at all, why do you think that?” He smiled and touched your nose.


“I couldn’t prevent my precious dongsaeng from falling in love with my rival.. I guess it doesn’t matter anymore since we’re okay now.. I’m happy for you Ae.” You smiled at him.


“And I’m happy for you oppa. I’m sure you and IU will have a great time together, you’re spending Christmas eve with her, am I right?” Taemin chuckled and patted your head.


“Well I did hear that you wouldn’t be home.. We’ll celebrate Christmas together, okay? All of us.” You nodded and took a mug full of hot chocolate.


“I’m going to bed now oppa.” You walked out of the kitchen and turned at the last step, “oppa, saranghae.” He smiled at you.


“Nado saranghae..” You smiled and walked to your room. On the desk was a box wrapped in Christmas paper. It was your gift for Jaejoong. ‘I should give it to him on Christmas eve..’ You thought while changing. You drank the hot chocolate and went to sleep. You couldn’t wait until the next day.


“Ae! It’s time to wake up!” You sat up and yawned.


“Ahnyeong oppa.” Taemin smiled at you and ruffled your hair. He seemed really excited and you knew why. You were excited for a similar reason.


“I’ll dress myself and come make breakfast arasso?” You said. On the nightstand your phone vibrated. A new text message. You opened it and smiled.


From: Jaejoong


‘Ahnyeong Ae. I know I’m seeing you tonight but I can barely stay without you for another moment.. I’m looking forward to spending Christmas eve with you. I’ll pick you up today so wait for me.’


You smiled at the text and skipped into the kitchen after taking a short shower. You took the wrapped box for Jaejoong with you, it made you feel tingly as you thought about Jaejoong.


“Are you working late oppa?” You asked to bring your attention back to the present. Taemin shook his head.


“I’m not. I get off early!” You smiled at his happiness.


“I’ll go with you to work today. Just to watch.” He smiled and nodded.


“I’m happy. Let’s go!” You smiled softly and let him drag you off. You sat down next to him and buckled up while Taemin was already driving. He looked happy.


“Will you confess to her?” You asked suddenly, not sure where you got the courage to ask a question like that. Taemin blinked at you before turning his attention back to the road.


“Confess what?” He asked, clearly nervous. You smiled.


“That you’re in love with her.” Taemin coughed.


“In love? I don’t know.. Should I?” You laughed softly. Silly oppa!


“Of course you should.. I mean, you love her, don’t you?” Taemin bit his lower lip and nodded vaguely. You smiled at the sight. It was really cute how a tough guy like Taemin, or at least a pretend tough guy, could become all nervous and excited because of a girl. He was definitely in love. Taemin remained silent but you knew the answer. Once you got at the company you watched him practice. He seemed especially happy when IU came to visit him during the lunch break and you left to give them some privacy.


“Ahnyeong..” You looked up. Donghae smiled at you and waved from the stairs he was standing on.


“Ahnyeonghaseyo.” You greeted politly. He walked down the stairs.


“How have you been lady? Haven’t seen you in a while. Eunhyuk told us what happened and that you got your memory back. We’re sorry. I mean, happy you got your memories back, but sorry that something like that happened.” You smiled and shook your head.


“It’s fine. It’s in the past.” Donghae nodded.


“So.. You’re definitely Jaejoong’s girlfriend now?” You nodded slowly.


“Ne..” You felt slightly awkward. This was Eunhyuk’s best friend. And you had left Eunhyuk.


“I gues.. Congrats on that. Not because I’m sorry or anything.. We’ll always be there for you if you need us. All of us.” You nodded softly.


“Thanks.. That’s very kind of you.” You smiled and took a step back, “I should be going.” Donghae nodded.


“If he ever treats you badly.. Just tell me. We’re here for you.” You smiled sweetly and shook your head.


“I’ll be fine. But thank you anyway.” He nodded. You greeted his and left to find some coffee. The day passed rather quickly as SNSD took you with them to watch their practice. It was absolutely flawless. You applauded and got up. It was already late.


“I should be going.. Oppa said he was going to pick me up..” Jessica smiled and pulled you into an embrace.


“Of course.. Have a good night sweetie! And remember to call me and tell me everything!” You blinked.


“Eh? We’re just spending Christmas eve together..” She winked at you.


“Not that.. Just.. Call me okay?” You nodded, a tad confused. Then you walked out of their practice room. You heard Sunny and Taeyeon scold Jessica about something but couldn’t tell what it was. It didn’t matter. You looked around you and sat down on a bench. ‘Oppa probably isn’t finished yet.’


“Guess who?” You turned around and smiled.


“Oppa!” Jaejoong smiled and took your hand.


“That isn’t guessing.. Let’s go.” You smiled at him and got up. He pulled you close and kissed your forehead. You smiled softly and held the box behind you. Should you give it to him yet?


“Oppa.. There’s something..” He took a step back but didn’t let go of your hand.


“What is it?” You smiled softly and held out the wrapped box.


“For you..” He stared at it and his eyes sparkled with something that couldn’t be mistaken for anything except joy.


“For me?” You nodded. He took the box and glanced at you.


“I know I should say that you shouldn’t have… But I’m really glad you did. I will treasure this with all my heart Ae..” You smiled nervously.


“You don’t even know what it is.” He blushed slightly.


“Right.. Can I open it now?” You nodded.


“I did give it to you..” He smiled and opened the box slowly. His mouth opened but he didn’t speak.


“These..” He slowly took out the gloves and looked at them. Then he looked at you.


“You made these?” You nodded slowly.


“Ne.. I hope they will fit..” He smiled and slowly put them on.


“They fit perfectly.. And they’re so soft..” He dropped the box and pulled you into an embrace.


“Thank you.. Thank you so much..” He rocked you gently in his arms and kissed your forehead.


“I’m glad you like them.” He smiled and gazed into your eyes.


“Of course I like them.. Let’s go home now.” You nodded and got into the car. Jaejoong drove calmly but it still felt as if something was going to happen. You felt nervous and felt almost relieved when you arrived at home. Jaejoong got out and opened the door for you.


“Ladies first..” You smiled and walked towards the door. Jaejoong took your hand and smiled at you. ‘He looks happy.. It makes me feel happy.’ Jaejoong unlocked the door. You gazed in awe. Inside were dozens of candles that light up the way to the living room. Jaejoong smiled softly and led you inside. He helped you take off your coat and took your hand. You followed him to the living room. It was decorated beautifully with the most beautiful flowers you could imagine.


“It’s so beautiful..” You smiled and looked around. Your eyes caught something. Roses.


“Roses? How did you get those in the middle of the winter?” Jaejoong took you to the couch and sat you down.


“Roses that bloom in the middle of the winter are rare.. But to me, you are more precious than roses like these. There is only one of you, and you’re kind enough to make me this happy. Ae, I’ve been wanting to tell you something but people keep interrupting me..” He took your hand and held it close.


“My heart only beats this fast for you. Ae, I love you. More than anyone else in the world, I love you.” Your eyes widened and you stared at him.


“Oppa.” He smiled softly.


“I know.. It’s confusing isn’t it?” You shook your head.


“Aniyoh oppa.. Because tonight I was going to tell you that I love you.. I love you too oppa.” Jaejoong’s face brightened and he drew you close.


“I’m so happy.” He whispered and kissed you softly. You kissed him back and entwined your fingers with yours. Butterflies moved throughout your stomach and you couldn’t be happier. Today was perfect.


“Ae.. I have something for you. It’s just small, and I didn’t make it myself, but hope you will still like it.” He sat back and took a small black box from the table that you hadn’t noticed earlier. You opened the box and found a silver ring inside. It was beautiful. It was a simple smooth ring, but it had your names inscribled. You smiled at him.


“I like it oppa..” He took your hand.


“Then let me put it on.” You let him slid the ring onto your finger.


“It’s silver this time.. Because this is a promise ring.. But next time I promise, it’ll be a golden ring.” You blinked.


“The next time?” Jaejoong chuckled softly.


“You’re so cute.. The next time, of course.. When I ask you to marry me.” He caressed your face and a zap of electricity ran through your body.


“Marry you?” He smiled softly.


“Seems like I proposed already, didn’t I?” You nervously looked at the floor.


“Not really..” ‘Marry him. Marry him. Marry him.’ It rung through your mind like a chant. You smiled unconsciously. What would that be like?


“Then let me try again.” Jaejoong cupped your face and lovingly stared into your eyes.


“Hyun Ae, I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?” Your heart skipped a beat.


“I will.” He smiled and kissed you softly.


“Because of you I’m the happiest person on earth.. Thank you for everything. I love you.”


“And I love you.” He hugged you gently and kissed you softly. You smiled at him and returned the kiss. Slowly he sat back.


“I promised a ring, didn’t I?” You blinked.


“But you already gave me a ring..” He put a finger on your lips.


“But I promised you this one..” He opened his hand and in it lay a golden ring just like he had said. You looked up at him and smiled. You leaned closer and kissed him softly. Jaejoong smiled and slid the ring around your finger. You laughed softly at the sight.


“This looks so strange..” Jaejoong shook his head.


“It looks perfect. Just like you.”


Author's note: Well that was it.. Unless I decide to write a sequel. I hope you all enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it very much ^^ And I'm very thankful for all of your comments and support while writing this! Maybe I'll write a bonus chapter later on, but we'll just have to see about that won't we?

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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P