Chapter 86

Are you drunk?


“Ae! Come see this!” You blinked and looked at the manager’s urgent gestures. What was wrong? You got up and walked up behind him so you could see the shocking news on the screen he was staring at.
‘Key and Taemin’s twin DATING?’ Was the title. Below it were two pictures of you and Key. The first one contained Key brushing your hair and the second one contained Key pulling you close. ‘That was when my head hurted.’ You thought. Below the pictures followed a small article. You red the first few sentences.
‘Omo! They look so close! 
They were asked if they were dating but both denied. But there is something definitely! It’s so clear, you can see how he looks at her! 
Key + Hyun Ae looks so cute!’ You gulped.
“Probably those girls,” you whispered, “did Key see this yet? What do we do?” You added, thinking about Jaejoong. ‘It’s really only him for me.. I don’t want him hurted by this..’
“Yah! Key you made a mess of things!” Minho yelled over his shoulder. He was standing next to you and had read the article aswell.
“Bwoh?” Key hurried over and scimmed the article. His jaw dropped and it took him several seconds to speak.
“What the.. Dating? Aniyoh! This is wrong! We should deny this immediately! Get is off the internet! Can you track those girls? Hyung wil kill me!”
“Jaejoong or Taemin?” Minho asked with a slightly amused smirk. Key’s face became pale.
“There’s comments already! Look at this!” You scimmed the comments only to find out that many shawols actually liked this news.
“It’s a misunderstanding! We should clear this up! Can we hold a press conference anytime soon?” You asked as your ‘business brain’ switched on, trying to solve the problem that had appeared.
“We don’t know how bad it is.. Maybe we’ll only get more attention on it.” The manager spoke slowly. Suddenly a loud bang was heard. You exchanged glances with Minho who nodded.
“Someone’s at the door.” You said. Key’s face had lost all colour and he hid behind the couch.
“Yah! Key come out!” The door burst open and Taemin barged in with a face that declared war.
“I’ll strangle him, you throw punches.” A familiar voice behind him said. Jaejoong. You called out his name and he turned to look at you. He seemed as if he wanted to say something but didn’t. He nodded slightly to greet you and stood silently behind Taemin who seemed more terrifying than he had ever been since you had gotten hurt many years ago. The skating accident..
“Where is he?! I won’t have mercy on anyone hiding him!” He yelled loudly. Four fingers pointed towards the couch behind which Key was hiding.
“Oppa! Aniyoh!” You yelled, jumping inbetween the couch and Taemin.
“Who are you talking to? We’re both your oppa’s you know?” Jaejoong remarked in a rather monotone voice.
“Both.” You said, “Taemin, it’ll only make things more suspicious if you harm him. So don’t.” Taemin rolled his eyes in annoyance. You gulped, he only did that when he was too mad to listen to you. Which had only happened once or twice before.
“I won’t hit his face, now please let me work out my anger on him.” You shook your head firmly.
“Jaejoong.. I only like you. Don’t you believe me?” You asked while walking closer to him. He pulled you into a tight hug and rested his chin on your head.
“Dangyunhaji.. I trust you.” You nodded.
“Kamsahamnida.. So don’t hurt him.” Jaejoong smiled warmly and you felt your knees become weak, but a happy kind of weak. ‘This feeling.. Is it.. Can it be..-?’
“Alright.. If it’s your wish.” He pushed your chun up gently with one finger and leaned in.
“Hyung is that really necessary?” Minho asked.
“It is.” Jaejoong said without averting his eyes from you. You blushed and tried to look away. Jaejoong chuckled and kissed you softly.
“I changed my mind. I want to hit him instead.” Taemin hissed. Jaejoong broke the kiss and glared at him.
“Bring it.. Ae is mine and I will fight for her.”
“No you won’t! Both of you!” You hissed.
“Please? Can I just throw two punches? Maybe one? Or a kick?” Taemin pleaded.
“Aniyoh! Taemin how can you wish to hurt my boyfriend?” It made you a little sad. Taemin sighed.
“But then who do I channel my anger to? Oh I know! Come on Tae, we’re going to bully my manager!” 
“Great!” Little Taemin got up and skipped behind him. He was a lot more evil than you could tell by just looking at him. 
“Kids these days..” You muttered. The others chuckled, even Key who had sneaked around the couch so it still was inbetween him and Jaejoong.
“Noona you’re not that old.” Minho said. Jaejoong shot him a glare that said ‘not you too’ and pulled you into a protective hug.
“As I was saying before, we’d better not announce anything for now.” The manager said, “I think it would be for the best if you just disappeared for a while.” You nodded, you knew what that meant.
“I udnerstand. Do I, should I disappear completely or can I still work as Hyun Jong?” The manager thought for a while.
“I think we can still do that.” You nodded but before anything else could be said a man you knew worked for the company stormed in waving his arms in the air like he had something important to tell.
“Hyungnim! The news! The reactions on the rumours, they’re amazing! Practically no hateful comments! One in a thousand perhaps! That’s good right?” He stared at you and Jaejoong.
“Good afternoon..-”
“Don’t you say that after spouting nonsense over my girlfriend!” Jaejoong hissed, his eyes narrowed and the man took a few steps back. The manager frowned and turned to you.
“Hyun Ae, I know this is very unfortunate, but can you pretend to be..-”
“No she will not!” Jaejoong snapped, pulling you closer to him, “mention it again and she’ll quit!” He send the four leftover SHINee members hostile glances. You took Jaejoong’s hand and squeezed it slightly.
“Jaejoong, stop it. I told you to trust me. Manager-shi, I’m sorry but I only like Jaejoong and I couldn’t do something that makes him feel bad. Please understand what you’re asking is impossible.. But,” everyone glanced at you and Jaejoong squeezed your hand tightly, “if there’s anything else I can do to help, I will.” You finished.
“You’re too kind for this world.” Jaejoong muttered.
“Arasso. I understand.” The manager said, “the two of you, please make sure you don’t get caught by public camera’s. It’ll cause a horrible ruckus.” You nodded. The SHINee members awkwardly stared at you while the manager turned away to check the new comments on the rumours. You looked up at Jaejoong and he looked into your eyes. Slowly his harsh expression faded and he smiled softly before caressing your face.
“How can I stay mad if you look at me like that? You make it too hard for me Ae..” You shook your head.
“Aniyoh oppa..” He smiled widely at that word, “I don’t want you to be mad.. I don’t want you to feel bad. You should be going back to work though.. You look like you were in the middle of something before dashing here.” Jaejoong blinked.
“Right.. I was.. Can’t I stay with you all day? I don’t want to leave yet..”
“But you’re scaring us! And we have to work too!” Jonghyun said. Jaejoong gave him an annoyed look.
“Oppa. Just go back to work or you’ll have trouble later. Things are arranged like this, just forget about it and don’t believe it. You trust me don’t you?” He nodded and sighed.
“I can’t believe you got to my weak spot like that.. I trust you. If anything happens, tell me first. I don’t want to find out over gossip sites like this.” You nodded and hugged him before he left. You felt slightly empty inside when he walked away. ‘I don’t think anyone else can fill that space..’ You pulled your fingers through your hair.
“Aish! Get back to practice you guys! There’s a show coming up! Quickly!” You told them.
“Taemin is gone, how can we practice?” Onew asked, not even bothering to get up. You tilted your head.
“For now, I’ll replace him. I’ve watched him long enough to know the parts. Now get up! All of you!” You put on a face that resembled Taemin’s cold glares he used to send at people he didn’t want closer to you. They all jumped up and hurried into places.
“At least you’re preforming..” Minho muttered. You shot him a glare but couldn’t help to feel a little happy inside. Singing and dancingw ere great things to do. If only it didn’t have to be done in front of millions of people. The music started and you concentrated on little Taemin’s steps. He had the most complicated out of all the members but you had done tougher routines. As you continued things became less awkward and in the end you felt content about the day.
“I’ll be leaving now.. I’ll see you all tomorrow, right?” You said, wondering if you had to work the next day, you hadn’t recieved a schedule for the next day yet. The manager nodded.
“Yes.. Or more accurately, we’ll see Hyun Jong tomorrow.” You nodded and left after a rather quick goodbye. On the way out you saw little Taemin eating candy with a smile on his face.
“Did you and oppa have a good time playing pranks on the manager?” You asked. He nodded.
“We’re not done yet! You should have seen his face when hyung put vinegar in his coffee.. Oh and the time we tied his shoelaces together.. And the time we unscrewed the hinges of a door so it broke when he opened it.. Or the time we..-” You chuckled.
“I get it.. It sounds like fun. Did oppa lose some of his frustrations?” Little Taemin shrugged.
“Mollayo.. I think so.. Noona are we still going out Sunday?” You coughed at his choice of words.
“I don’t know.. As long as I’m Hyun Jong it should be okay right? There’s nothing strange about cousins shopping together.” You said. He nodded.
“Then promise to buy me ice cream, as my hyung you should take good care of me!”
“You’ve had too much candy already dongsaeng!” You laughed and softly punched his shoulder before walking out. The day had been tiresome and you looked forward to getting some rest at home before starting a masquarade over again. ‘I wish those rumours weren’t ever spread.. I wish oppa wasn’t famous.. Even if it’s selfish.. I wish no one ever met me..’ You thought. Reluctantly your thoughts found their way to Jaejoong. ‘It can’t be.. Jaejoong. If it’s for him, than I don’t have any regrets.. If it’s for him I’ll endure it. No matter what.. Can that be called love?’
“Hyun Ae unnie!” You gasped as you saw a large number of girls surrounding the building. They were held back by security guards luckily for you but you weren’t sure if they would last long.. It looked as if at least 300 girls had gathered. ‘How am I going to get passed this?’ You wondered.
“Hyunnie let’s go!” Someone grabbed your arm from behind and dragged you away, back into the building. The girls screamed something but you couldn’t make out what it was because they all screamed loudly. Once inside the building you looked at your abductor who might as well be your saviour.
“Of course it’s you..” You half smiled at Hyunseung, “only one person calls me that..” He smirked.
“I’m proud I’m original! You can’t take the main exit any longer when you become famous Hyunnie.. You have to go through the back door!” You blinked.
“There’s a back door?” He shrugged.
“Multiple.. How come you don’t know that while you work here? I don’t work here and I know.” You shrugged.
“You’re famous, you need to know that kind of thing.” 
“You’re famous too now.. And thanks to rumours you’re now also in the center of attention.. Might as well debut Hyunnie.” You shook your head.
“Don’t call me that.. And I’m not debuting! I don’t like being the center of attention! How do I make it go away?!” Hyunseung chuckled and patted your head.
“Aigoo.. You can’t make it go away silly.. You just have to make sure nothing interesting happens around you for a while.. No one stays news for a long time, that’s why we always have to change our looks and bring out new albums. You’re not really dating Key are you?” You shook your head.
“Aniyoh.. He’s just freakishly obsessed with my hair..” Hyunseung smiled.
“That’s good. Anyway, I’ll help you escape for now.. I have means for transportation now.. Plus I owed you.” You nodded. It wasn’t like you to accept help from an almost complete stranger but you could use all the help you could get. You followed Hyunseung who seemed to know the way around the place pretty well and ended up in a parking lot behind the building. You blinked.
“This is new..” Hyunseung shrugged as he opened a car door from a dark coloured car.
“Time to get in! It’s time for a prison break! Sort of.. Anyway let’s go! I’ll drop you off at home.. I always wanted to see where Taemin lives.. Such a scary kid he can be..” You sighed softly while sitting down. He still talked a lot. Not the best person to be around when you have a headache.. 
“Where to Hyunnie?” You blinked.
“To the east part of the city..” As you started to give instructions you saw Hyunseung write things down in a note book. You guessed it was because he needed to remember it correctly. At least that meant he wouldn’t be asking about it anymore.
“If I write it down it gives me the chance to talk about other things with Hyunnie.. So Jaejoong’s your boyfriend now? How’s that coming along?” You coughed.
“How do you even know that?!” You shrieked. He shrugged.
“It’s normal.. Taemin got very pissed off whenever Jaejoong was mentioned and mumbled something about an untrustworthy bastard. So I got that it had something to do with you. Plus I saw Jaejoong dash after him to find Key when they found out about that rumour.” He explained.
“So you were here all day?” You asked. He nodded and pouted.
“I wanted to come and see you but they didn’t allow me to.. People here are so mean! Come and work with us already!” You shook your head.
“Aniyoh! I don’t want to debute!” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Who said anything about debuting? It seems like you do want it Hyunnie..” You groaned and leaned back. This was going to be a long drive home.
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Chapter 102: wow interesting
Chapter 24: kyaah! i love the protectiveness of taemin XD
keyforu #3
TVXQ - daebak!!! ^^
huskyvoicemale #4
im not drunk! :D lol
awwwww <3
soulsistah #6
aww so sweet i like how jae announced it... not giving a chance to anyone else to spoil his programme lol...
koreankendi #7
Awww! This very good story has ended!<br />
Im glad i read one. It's so worth it!!! ^_^
Kahu96 #8
One of the best stories I've ever read ^^<br />
LOVE <3 ( or in korean) LUB <3~!!!<br />
<br />
anway i loved the whole idea of the twin swapping thing.. and i thought it was gonna end when taemin returned BUT IT DIDNT! YAY!<br />
and i really thought jaejoong was having multiple PMS days at the beginning and his PMS target was AE.... but im sooo happpy that they worked out ^^...<br />
<br />
keep writing awesome stories like this ^^<br />
XOXOXO<br />
Kahu ( P.S. i loved your how long your chapters are.. saves me clicking the 'next' button every two seconds!)
lmurillo78 #9
loved your story!!!!<br />
i couldnt stop so happy that Ae and Jaejoong have a happy ending!! :]
TidalWave #10
Good girlie! Hihihi! Muuuuuuuch better ending,! and say for yourself the number 101 is a much better number than 100 :P<br />
All crazyness aside.... I'm a little sad to see thi sgooo... forgot tha last time...:P<br />
sooo sweeeeeeeet:P And Taemin, oh Taemin, he's just your best character:P