Uee's Birthday Party

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Jiyeon is entering an Office Room. Hyori Lee is coming from the other side. They stop when they see each other.

“Mrs Lee.”

“Mrs Kwon… I have to appreciate you Mrs Kwon. You are very committed with regards to your studio. By the way, I heard that College students protested against you… and appealed in the court also… So sad! Your entire work might have stopped, right? I mean till everything does not get settled… And I also heard that your husband is sick. I can’t imagine Mrs Kwon… How you manage to get this much courage? You know… I am also a Business Women… But if anyone is sick in my house… I won’t even get up from their side… How much ever cases are against me.. But priorities differ from person to person… for some family is important… for some work…Right Mrs Kwon?” Hyori turns to go. But stops when Jiyeon speaks.

“True! Some people have their family’s full support…My family is with me in every difficulty. Someone has a minor fever and I leave everything and sit at home…that does not happen in our family. It looks like in your family you don’t get this much freedom.” Jiyeon walks from there. Hyori also goes her way.


In Library

Daesung and some students are sitting in the Library refering books. Minzy comes there wearing high heels and short dress. Minzy sits next to Daesung. Everyone looks at her. Daesung asks her to go as she is distracting others from studying. Minzy tells that she is there to study too. She complains to the librarian that Daesung is disturbing her. Suddenly music plays on her mobile phone and Minzy attends the call. She starts chatting and everyone looks at her. She tells the caller that she is in the library studying with her boyfriend. Daesung is embarrassed. He shouts, “Just shut up, Okay?” Minzy cuts the call telling that she will talk later.  Daesung again requests her to go. Minzy puts her specs and starts looking into some book. Suddenly everyone hears an announcement of sms on Minzy’s mobile, ‘tring tring tring tring sms!’. Minzy reads the message and is excited.  She announces that there is a sale going on. Daesung gets angry and goes from the library. Minzy asks him to wait for her and gathers her books.


In College Campus

Jiyong is walking through the College Corridor. He thinks, “In the 4 digits ID Card…the last digits 83… Such students would be less. I need to get the correct match. Then I will know actually which student is a Werewolf…and one drop of his blood can save my Appa’s life. But who is he?” Jiyong stands there. Minzy bumps into Jiyong and her books fall down.

She kneeles on the ground and gathers her books while Jiyong just stands there. A girl hands over one book which has fallen aside to Minzy.

Jiyong thinks, “Where are you? Who are you? It is someone in this crowd who can save my Appa’s life. Who is it?”

Jiyong looks at the ID Card and recalls finding it on the ground near Jaesang’s body.  

Jiyong thinks, “Whoever he is…He studies at AKS College. And his Id number ends with the digits 83. I have to search for him.”


In Library

Jiyong comes to the Library. He goes near the Librarian.

“Excuse me!”

“Yeah tell me…”

“I got an ID Card. It is that of a student and he would be worried. You know any student who was searching for his Card?”

“You think of me as lost and found department? This is a library. First that high heels dumbo and now you. What happened to you students?”

“I don’t wish to trouble you. You please give me the register…I will search on my own…”

“Okay, Search…” Librarian gives a Register to Jiyong. “I don’t get paid for these nonsense. I have a lot of work.” The Librarian goes from there. Jiyong searches in the Register. The first 2 names Jiyong finds are of girls so he ignores it. The third name he gets is of a guy Kim Bum. Jiyong thinks, “Who? Whoever you are…today you will have to face me. For what you did with my Appa in the jungle you have to pay a big price. I am coming to find you.”


Chaerin and Dara is walking in the College Campus.

“You know Chaerin, What he told me? He told me that I should not take my self so seriously…and that I should move ahead in life.” Dara bumps into Minzy and the books in Minzy’s hands fall down. Dara says sorry and walks ahead. “That he is not interested in me… I am so stupid Chaerin that I was running behind a broken relationship. You were right…Jiyong doesn’t care for me. If he had feelings for me… when he came back to college he would have come back to me. But No! I don’t think that he wishes that we be together.That is why he is roaming around with that girl… You know Chaerin…I should hate him, right? But no…I feel that all of this is false… I don’t want to believe it. I feel as if his anger and rudeness is to chase me away from him you know. It feels as if he has worn a mask and hiding his face underneath. He is trying to hide something and I don’t know what it is…”

Chaerin thinks, “Dara…How long you will make excuses for him? He does not love you… and wants to keep away from him. I need to get some more information from Kiko.”

Dara is keeping on talking but Chaerin is not listening. She thinks, “This time I need to bring such a proof that you would not torture yourself giving excuses for him. This time I will go straight to Jiyong. I will confront him regarding Kiko. And I am sure after hearing that recording you will finally understand that how big a loser Jiyong is.”

“Dara, You are becoming a little Psycho… I told you to keep away from Unnie… See! You got infected…” Dara smiles and looks at the watch.

“Let’s go to class. Heart break is no excuse for no attendance in class. What to do?” Dara walks from there.

Chaerin stands there and thinks, “Jiyong Kwon… I am coming to expose the reason of your excuse.”


Jiyong and Minho meets at the College Corridor. Jiyong stops Minho.

“Minho, You saw Kim Bum?"  Minho removes his sunglasses.

“Who Kim Bum? Anyways, Just a suggestion for you. The more you stay away from me the better for you. Business rivalry is only till Business. Coming to college… getting the students beaten up… behaving rudely with Dara… You did not do good. So, the distant you stay the safer you will be…”

“Oh I am scared!” Dara passes from near by. She overhears Jiyong talking to Minho. “I have seen many Guys like you… whom Dara enjoys making jealous.” Minho is angry and moves towards Jiyong. Dara also takes 2 steps towards their direction. Jiyong stops Minho by putting his hand on Minho’s chest. “Wow! So you have become Dara’s prey… You have even come in her waiting list. But let me tell you…This waiting list is very long and she is quite a tease!” Dara feels bad hearing it.

“You know what? I have not seen a loser like you in my life so far. Anyways, It would be good for you that after today you don’t take Dara’s name from your mouth. And if you try to bad mouth her after this or talk anything bad of her Jiyong, you are going to see it… remember…I will kill you!” The 2 men gazes at each other. Dara walks to them.

“Minho, just leave it! No need to waste your time and energy on him. Let’s go!”

“But… He was keeping on telling nonsense about you…” Dara puts her hand on Minho’s arm.

“Just forget it Minho! What difference does that make which idiot thinks what of me. And you also should not bother. Anyways, that is what he want…that we reacts hearing him talk. Just forget about it…Come…”

Dara and Minho goes from there.

Jiyong thinks, “Happy Jiyong? You wanted Dara to get some normal human… who cares for her…See, she got that! You wanted Dara to forget you and be happy with him...So it starts now... Now what will you do? Forget her…Remove Dara from your heart… forget her! And go ahead in your mission…find Kim Bum….” Jiyong goes from there.

Jiyong is walking through the College corridor. He stops in between and inquires to students about Kim Bum. One guy tells him that Bum just went to the locker room.


In Boys locker Room

Jiyong comes to the Locker room. Two guys are there. One guy tells the other, “Bum, I will see you later” and goes from the locker room. Bum is closing his locker.

 “What did you think? You will escape?” Bum looks at Jiyong. Jiyong moves to him fast and pins him on to the locker. The cupboard falls down. Jiyong is having his hand on the Guys neck. “You attacked my Appa…at the Jungle. I am searching you for 4 days…”

Bum tells Jiyong that he rely last night from Boston and does not even know him. He tells Jiyong that he can verify his passport, tickets and college records for proof.

Jiyong throws him to the other side and tells him, “Don’t go anywhere.” He then checks Bum’s Locker. Jiyong checks his passport and tickets and puts them on the ground.

Bum suddenly gets up and takes a glass bottle against the window grill. He attacks Jiyong with the broken bottle.

Minho, Youngbae and Daesung come to the Locker room at the same time. They forcefully move Bum and Jiyong apart. Bum tells that Jiyong started the fight and he only was defending.

Jiyong looks at his hand which is bleeding and says, “Sorry Guys!” He then goes from there. All of the Guys have cuts on their hands. Minho wipes his hand with a cloth from the locker room and all the Guys get out from there.


At Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong comes back Home. He goes and sits near Jaesang. He still has blood in his hand. Jiyong takes Jaesang’s hand in his hand, “Appa…I will make you alright! I will bring you back. I will get you back. I promise!”

Jiyong gets up and is about to go. Suddenly he notices that Jaesang’s hand which he held in his hand is moving. Jiyong comes near and looks underneath Jaesang’s hand. He thinks, “How can this happen? Only a werewolf blood can make Appa alright…That means…”

He remembers the fight at the locker room and Minho pushing him away.

Jiyong thinks, “Kim Bum…you lied to me. And you will have to pay a big price for your lie… Now I know who you are…You are a werewolf. I will save Appa with your blood and after that I will kill you…” Jiyeon comes there.


“Omma I found about the Werewolf. Now no one can stop us from getting his blood. And yeah... as soon as I get his blood, I will kill him. He will have to pay a big price for attacking Appa.  And he will regret.”

“I am so glad Jiyong…… I had such a bad day. I met Hyori Lee. She is so happy that our construction work has stopped because of the protest and she was showing sympathy towards our family...false sympathy...that I am attending meetings there and here my husband is sick.” Jiyong gets suspicious.

“One minute...hold on! How does she know that your Husband is sick? How?”

“I don't know Jiyong... But she was saying something like... you have left your sick husband at home and come to attend the meetings here...”

“But how is that possible. Only we both know that Appa is sick.”

“You are right! Hyori Lee...What are you hiding?”


At Dong’s Mansion

Youngbae is sleeping on his bed. His phone rings. He sits upright on the bed and looks into the mobile and then at his watch. He thinks, “How can I forget this? Today is Uee's Birthday. Oh my God...And I am sure that she would be expecting a lot of surprises from me. And if I don't do anything for her then...hey dude you are gone... drink more liquor...I have to do something. Think...think...think...Will phone Dara...”


At Yang’s Mansion

Dara is sitting on a Chair and reading some Book. Her mobile rings and she picks up the call from Youngbae.

“Hi Youngbae! What's up?”

“Hey Dara...I need your help. Today is Uee's Birthday and I need to plan a surprise for her. Please help me dude...”

“Oh that's great...tell me what I have to do.”

“We will do one thing... we will invite some people...no no we will invite whole college... Dara, I am asking your help and you are asking me? Help me dude..” Dara laughs.

“Meaning...there is no plan. Let's do this...let's keep a theme party...”

“That's a nice idea...”

“Okay...So now we will have to think of a theme... What theme to keep?”

“Dara... What about the 'Go green' theme? I mean we will give it some cool name like Green Events Theme... So that we will have a Party also and our Campaign also will continue... What say?”

“Oh wow! Tell me what is the plan?”

“So you do one thing. Send invites to people...because I don't know whom to call...”

“Don't worry! Usual suspects...I will phone everyone and call them.”

“Not like that Baby...You forget that this is Uee's Birthday. And if people does not get fancy invites she herself will not come to the party, Okay? So you do one thing... I will send invites with the Driver...you just need to make sure that the people get the invites. For me...Please...”

“Oh! Someone's girlfriend is demanding...” Dara laughs.

“After all, It's whose girlfriend?”

“Don't worry Youngbae! I will do it, Okay? I am on it...Bye! See you...”

“Okay dude...See you soon!” Youngbae cuts the Call.

Youngbae's Driver comes to Yang house and gives the invites to Dara. Once the Driver goes.

 Dara looks at the invites. She sees an invite with the name of Jiyong Kwon. She thinks, “Jiyong Kwon? Youngbae gave invitation for Jiyong also? He does not know that I don't want to see his face. Let me ask him...” Dara dials the number.

Youngbae is sitting on his Bed tying his shoe lace. His mobile rings and he picks up the call from Dara.

“Yeah Dara...tell me...”

“Hello... Yeah Youngbae... I got the Cards but I did not understand one thing that you gave an invite for Jiyong also...You know that he he against the campaign...”

“That's why we are calling Dara... so that he comes to know how serious we are about our campaign. And as you know, We need to keep friends close and enemies even more closer...Understood?” Dara smiles.

“Right thinking Youngbae! Okay... I will do this, Okay? Bye!”

“Alright! I will see you...Bye!”


At  Uee’s House.

Uee is happy. She stands in front of the mirror and says, “Happy Birthday Princess! Today is your special day...and today is Bae's special day also. Because today I am going to take a love test for Bae. I want to see where he takes me. May be there I should wear a ball gown...or maybe a skirt and my chic Jacket...One second... So many choices...But I have to call Bae.” Uee dials Youngbae's number and goes and lies down on her Bed.

Youngbae is driving his Car. His mobile rings. Youngbae picks up the call from Uee smiling.

“Hey baby!”

“Hey my love...What's up? Baby, I am driving...I am a little busy...Shall I call you later?”

Uee thinks, “Oh busy busy... I am sure he is buying presents for me.”

“Baby, It is just that today is a big day for our campaign and I am protesting along with the full student body. You forgot?”

“What? Oh my God... How can you forget Bae...” Youngbae is smiling. “You forgot? What day is today?”

“Where did I forget Baby? That is what I am telling...today is a big day for our campaign...I am going there.”

“Campaign? And what happens on first?”

“First? Oh Baby... How can I forget it is the first? I am so lost that I don't remember anything. Today is first and I need to pay all my phone bills. Thank you so much for reminding Baby. Okay Baby talk to you later...Cops are near. I will talk to you tomorrow...maybe the day after... Alright? Okay,okay Bye! Bye bye bye.” Youngbae cuts the phone and smiles.

Uee gets up from her Bed. She is angry. “He forgot my Birthday! How can he forget? What does he think of himself? Know what? I don't care...My friends and fans will celebrate my Birthday. And I am going to throw a super Party.”


Dara rings the calling bell at Minzy's house. Minzy opens the door and is surprised to see Dara. Dara gives the invite to Minzy and invites her to Uee's surprise Birthday Party. She warns Minzy not to tell Uee and goes from there.


Next Dara goes to Daesung's House and invites him also.


Dara also goes to Uee's friend's house and invites her.


Uee comes to Minzy house and rings the bell. Uee tells Minzy that it is her Birthday holding an invite and sweet box. Minzy does not take the invite. She tells Uee that she and Daesung are not talking and that she cannot come.


Uee goes sadly from there. Uee goes to Daesung's House and gives him the invitation and sweet box. Daesung takes the invite acting surprised

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)