Donghae’s Accident

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In Drama Club

Donghae enters a room with a Bouquet in hand. He asks a student, “Can you please tell me where I can see Bom Yang?”

The girl replies, “Bom Yang should be in her Drama Classes. She should be coming in some time.”

Donghae says thanks to the girl and keeps the Bouquet on the Table. He then writes a note for her, “Bom, I Love You – Donghae.” He thinks, “That is it Bom. Today everyone would know that how close we are to each other. I Love you! I want to shout and say to the entire world that Bom Yang is mine. I know Minho is wrong about you. I have to prove him wrong...I just have to... Now the second arrow of love will hit the bulls eye.” Donghae folds the paper and keeps it inside the Bouquet.

Students watch him with interest. He goes from there leaving the Bouquet on the table.


In Girl locker room

Donghae enters the Locker Room. He looks around. He sees Dara's Locker and breaks the lock. He puts a note on Dara's Notebook and closes her locker. He then leaves the room.


At the Drama Club

A lot a students are assembled. Bom enters the room.

“Hi Guys! What a pleasant surprise...Today everyone is waiting for me? Not bad! Sit everybody...Please sit...” Bom pulls a chair to sit. “ why is everyone quiet? You all are up to some prank or are you people hiding something? What is going on? “

“” Minzy goes from there and comes back running with Donghae's Bouquet in hands. Dara is happy seeing the flowers for Bom. Minzy keeps the flowers on the table. “This is for you!” Minzy takes the note out of the Bouquet.


“Oh! Your BF has send this...” Dara is excited to hear it.


“Your Boyfriend... Donghae...” She shows the note to everyone. Bom is embarrassed.

“Oh my God! What is going to happen to this College? Teachers bring their personal affairs here. cheap! What effect this will have on students? This matter should go to the Parent's Council.” Uee remark.

“Excuse me?”


“Bom-Donghae! Wow! But Ma’am...Will you leave us in the middle of the Play to get married?”One girl asked her.

“Oh! One thing please...Please give me 6 months notice. I want to wear beautiful gown on your wedding...”

“Enough! Enough...seriously! Class is dismissed...please leave! Leave Guys...”

All the Students leave the Room. Bom takes Donghae's loves note and throws it away after crumbling it. She then dials Donghae's number on her Mobile Phone.


In Parking lot

Donghae gets into the Driver seat of his Car. His Mobile rings and he picks up the call from Bom.

“Hi Sweetheart!”

“Donghae, What the hell! How dare you? You came up to my College? What did you think? Do you have any sense of responsibility? What did you think? If I don't want to bring the relationship in would do anything?”

“But Bom..”

“Today you have crossed all the limits Donghae! Just don't even come close to me...It is a strict warning and don't argue...”

“But Bom...I felt that if you get the flowers in the morning a smile will come on your face.”

“Donghae, I am a Teacher. And you embarrassed me in front of everyone.”

“I am sorry! I am really sorry Bom..”

“Donghae, I am warning you...Just get lost! Bom Yang have thrown out many better Guys from her life than you for much smaller crimes than this. And if you don't understand simple lauange, I shall translate it for you...We are Over!” Bom cuts the Call. Donghae is sad and tears flow from his eyes. He drives the Car from there.


Dara comes and gets into the Driver Seat of her Car. She throws a note book to the front passenger seat.

“I think Chaerin was telling right. Everyone does not get a chance to live life twice. After that accident I got a new life. I think I should just live it up.” She smiles.

She then notices a pink slip peeping out of her notebook, “Can we meet for a Coffee at Cocoa Beans? Your Number 1 Fan.”  Dara smiles again.

“So there is someone who wants to meet me over Coffee. Maybe I should take Chaerin's advice and meet this boy.” Dara looks into her watch and sees that the time is 5:45.


In Cocoa Beans

Minho is walking to and fro in the Coffee Shop frustrated and impatient. “Blind date and on top of it fashionably late...Girls don't make me wait, I make them wait.” He looks into his watch. “Miss Blind date, Whoever you are... 5 more minutes then I am gone! Bye Bye!” He sits on the chair. Suddenly a Car comes fast and stops in front of the Cafe.

Minho thinks, “At least she knows that she is late...Good! I can make her feel guilty.” Minho smiles.

The Car door opens and Dara gets out of the Car talking to Chaerin on Phone with her back on Minho.

“Hello……Yah……Chaerin, I can’t talk to you now . No, I mean I am getting late...” She turns towards the Café. “I am on a blind date.”

Minho sees her and his smile fades. He is angry.

Dara walks into the Restaurent talking to Chaerin on phone. “I don't know...he is some new Guy. He says he is my number one fan. Bye!” Minho gets up. Dara sees him too.

“You? God! You have to be kidding me!” Both walk to each other in anger.

“You! Listen you must be joking!”

“No, You have to be joking. Yang, you go to any extent, don't you? You send me a note without a name... I am your number one fan, Please come and meet me. Seriously? If you had this much interest in me you could have told me earlier. Oh no no no...Then how would you play your dirty games, right? Yang, I think all the 3 sisters are this desperate. Do your Parents know that you throw yourself at Guys like this?”

“Just Shut up! Okay? What do you think? I am interested in a loser like you? And you know what?...You are pathetic. Have you seen your face and my face? I am Dara and I would not roam around with a downy loser like you. Dara Yang...I am your number one fan...let's go on a date... Bloody this is your reality. This is why you keep following me, right? You loser! Get a life Okay?” Minho walks out of the Cafe in anger. “You know what? You made me sick! This is where you are going. I am talking to you. Come Back!”

Minho refuses and tries calling someone.

Dara also come out of the Cafe cursing and gets into the Car. No one picks up the Phone.

Minho says in mind, “Dara Yang, This time you will have to pay for it.”


Near Kwon’s Mansion

Dara is driving the Car and stops in front of the Kwon Mansion. She thinks, “Which is this place? What am I doing here? How did I come here?” Dara gets out of the Car and looks at Kwon Mansion.

She closes her eyes and thinks. She remembers visiting the house and a lady whose face is not visible inviting her in by calling her name.

Dara thinks, “I have come here before. I know the people here. But who are they?” She asks the watchman standing in front of the house, “Who is staying here?”

The Watchman replies, “It is vacant for the past one year. And new owners would be coming to stay here soon.”

Dara asks him who use to stay there before and the watchman replies that he does not know. Dara thinks, “I need to find out. I have come to this place before. I am sure a big part of my life is here.” Dara gets into her Car and leaves from there.


In Car

Dara is driving the Car and she gets a call from Chaerin. Dara lifts the Call.


“So Madam, How was your Blind date? Who was he?”

“There was no Blind date Chaerin. It was a trick by that stupid Minho.”

“Oh! Minho!!!He likes you? Wow!”

“No, He doesn't like me okay. He called me there to insult me again. Anyways I also bashed him a lot. I am coming home. By the way, How is Bom? Is she okay?”

“Bom? She is a different chapter. That loser Donghae called her 47 times and she became so angry that she switched off her phone. Full on stress man...”

“Poor Donghae!”

“Poor loser! Anyway, you come home. Catch you there!”

“Okay Bye!”


Dara puts down the phone and thinks, “Poor Donghae...I really feel bad. He really might be in love with Bom. And what had he done? He only gave flowers. I don't know why Bom is doing like that. I think I need to go home and talk to her.”

Dara is driving the Car and sees a Man walking through the middle of the road. She presses the horn but the guy resumes walking through the middle of the road. Before she could do anything she hits him with his Car. Dara hears the screams of the Guy and stops the Car after going some distance. She gets out of the Car and go running to him. She sees the Guy bleeding and unconscious. She shakes him and shouts for help. She sees the Guys mobile and dials the last call number.


Minho who is driving the Car picks up the Phone. Dara informs Minho that she ran over somebody with her Car and he is seriously injured. She tells him that she needs to take him to the Hospital and she does not have any one to help.

“What? Donghae had an accident?”

“I don't know who he is. He was walking through the middle of the road and I ran over him with my Car. Please help me!”

“What do you two sisters think of yourself? One breaks his heart and the other one tries to kill him. I mean...what is wrong with you Guys?”

“Stop it Okay? This is not the time to fight. I don't know he might lose his life. I need to take him to the Hospital...”

“Okay, Where are you?”

“Ridge Road.”

“Ridge Road...? I am in the other part of the city. You do one thing..You take him from there to the Hospital.I will meet you there. Listen to me... Get into the Car and follow my instructions...From where you are go straight...take the first right then second left and then right. See you at the Life Care Hospital. Just go now...”


Dara drives the Car with Donghae lying down on back seat. She thinks, “What did Minho say? From where should I go? I have forgotten the way.” She then hears a voice which tells her, “Dara...Go straight and then first right...then second left...and then right.”

Dara looks at Donghae who is unconscious and thinks, “Who is that? Who said this?” Dara stops the Car and looks outside. She thinks, “Who was it? Whose voice was that? And why was that voice familiar? The Car also had to stop right now?” She gets out of the Car.

Dara thinks, “I need help! What if something happens to Donghae?” She opens the back door and looks at Donghae. “Oh my God! Donghae.” She shakes him... “He is not even breathing. Have I killed him? Donghae...I need help...Donghae...” She then hears the same voice again and is startled. The voice calls her, “Dara...” She runs a little distant from the car and looking around asks, “Who is that?”  She hears the voice again...

“Don't lose your courage like that Dara. A man's life is in your hands. Don't lose Courage... Go, help him!” Dara turns around and asks again, “Who is that? Who is that?”

The voice talks to her again, “Dara...Go get water from somewhere. Sprinkle water on his face. Bring him to senses... Come on! Move... Bring him to conscious Dara...Bring him to conscious Dara...Go!”  

Dara comes back to her Car and searches for water but does not find any. She thinks, “There is no water anywhere in the Car. What do I do?”

The voice guides her again, “In the Jungle near there is water. Go Dara!” Dara runs into the Jungle. As she runs the voice encourages her, “Dara go ahead!”


After a distance when she stops the voice tells her, “Don't Stop Dara. You can do it! Go...Run Dara run!” Dara resumes running.


After running some time Dara stumbles and falls over Jiyong's resting Place. As always the connection to that place makes her remove the leaves on top of the place with her hands. She sees Ice and underneath a human face. She runs her hands over the ice block unconsciously. She thinks, “Oh my God! Someone is there. Underneath the Ice there is a man...” She touches the ice gently losing herself in the moment. Suddenly she hears the sound of water from the water stream near by. She thinks touching the ice above the face of the Man, “Who is he?”

She then gets up and runs towards the water steam. When she reaches there she stops as if wondering what to do.

She then hears the guiding voice again, “Move Dara...You can save him, Go Dara!”

She finds a half coconut shell, she fill it with water and runs to Donghae.

She opens the back seat of the car and makes Donghae drinks some water. She is happy to see him alive and breathing. She assures him that he would be okay and that she is taking him to the hospital.

Dara drives the Car from there. Dara thinks, “Whose voice was that? Who was helping me? Under the ice...was he?”

The Ice Block on top of Jiyong's resting place is melting.

Jiyong remembers Yoojin's words when he freezes him in ice, “Now...I am leaving you here and going between this ice. My love does not permit you to kill you...but I can enslave you! You will stay frozen in the ice till someone who truly loves you comes and keeps her hand on your heart. True love...Only true love can free you from this GD. And I am your true love. Till you realize that I will not free you. You are a dead human and will stay like a dead one in all respects. You won't be able to stay as a vampire as long as some one who truly loves you caresses your dead heart with her hands. Till then you will stay in the ice sleeping GD...till true love does not melt this ice.” The Ice on Jiyong's face starts melting.


In Bom’s Room

Bom is lying on the Bed browsing on her laptop and eating chips. Chaerin enters the room.

“Hey Unnie... Where is your Cell Phone?” Chaerin sits on the bed and takes Bom's Mobile and looks at it. “What the hell? I was calling you for a long time and your phone was switched off.”

“Why were you calling me on phone? I am here at the house.”

“So to talk to you I have to come from the Hall to the room or what? I am tired. By the way, Why is your phone switched off?”

“Full day I have to keep chatting or what?” Chaerin picks the bowl of Chips in front of Bom and starts eating. Bom seizes it back. “Give me this and get your own from the Kitchen.” Chaerin takes the bowl of Chips again.

“Are you mad? I will go back to the Kitchen or what?”

“I forgot how Chaerin Baby has to work hard. Okay, let's do one thing! let us give all our staff phones. When you need something call and order.”

“That is a superb Idea fatty! I will appeal to Omma...” Chaerin takes Bom's phone.

“God save me!!!” Bom notices her phone in Chaerin's hands and takes it back. “Chaerin, what are you doing? What the hell are you doing?”

“What is your problem? Oh...You are avoiding someone... Who?”

“No One!”

“Liar! You don't know to tell lies...You are fully transparent... Tell me...What is the matter?”

“I told you...a clingy Guy is behind me...He has already given me 47 miss calls.”

“Is he a loser?”

“Big time loser!”

“But the matter to think here is that why a Guy is calling you...Did you give him money?”

“You know what? You are not funny at all...”

“But seriously you would have given him some hint that is why he is so enthusiastic...Did you not say I love...”

“Shut up! Stop right there...I did not give any such hint... I don't say such nonsense!”

“You should have done something.”


“You are a liar Bom!You have serious issues. these days you are becoming a tease type of girl...And you better watch out... If you keep doing it you will be in big problems. I mean pick up Guys and then break up with them... Just because you are bored...It is not right! Don't behave that way...”

“Chaerin, just shut up! And mind your own Business. I am elder to you... Be in your limits...And what do you know about all these things? Did you ever have a Boyfriend in life? Interfering fool...” Bom gets up from the bed and walks to the dressing table.

“You are guilty conscious. That is why you are scolding me...No Guy will behave in that manner unless he feels the other chance...Just think about it...” Chaerin picks up the Bowl of chips and leaves the room. Bom stands in front of the mirror as if doing a soul searching.


In Hospital

Minho and Dara bring Donghae to the Hospital. The Hospital staff  takes Donghae into the ICU. The Doctor stops Minho from entering the room.

“Please stop there? Is he related to you?”

“Yeah Doctor...He is my Brother......His name is Donghae. he is 23 years old and his blood group is A negative.”

“See this is a road accident. So it is a police case. I think we have to inform the Police.”

“Okay Doctor!” Dara walks to Minho.

“God! I hope he becomes fine...”

“Poor Dara...You are feeling sad, right? It is a Police Case now.”

“No Minho! I just hope he becomes fine and..” Minho signals her to stop.

“Just let it be? From when you started caring about others other than yourself? Just let it be...” Minho keeps his hand on head in frustration. Both Minho and Dara pace around or look through the door while Donghae is been attended by the Doctors.


Cop ask Minho, “See what ever you saw...please tell in detail.”

“According to the Doctors your Brother was drunk heavily. Whose vehicle was it? Who was driving it?”

“Sir, I was driving the Car.” Dara is shocked and get up from where she was sitting. “Donghae had called me to pick him up as he was drunk. I was almost near him when he suddenly came in front of the Car. I tried to put the brakes but it was too late. Donghae was unconscious. And if I was not driving slowly maybe he would have been hurt more.

“Miss Dara...Dara Yang, right?” Dara nods.

“Sir, She is with me..”

“Were you present at the accident spot?”

“Yeah...We both were going to pick up Donghae only when he came in front of our Car. He was drunk...” Cop looks at Minho who was not looking straight into eyes.

Minho turns to Dara. “It's okay Dara. Everything would be alright...Just don't worry!” Dara nods.

“Thank you!”

“Thank you Sir!”

“We will stay in touch with you.”

“Please...Please do!” The Inspector goes from there. Minho closes his eyes and leans to the wall. Dara goes and stands in front of him.

“Minho, Thank you so much...I don't know what to say...”

“You don't need to say anything Dara. I did not do that for you. Get that straight!” Minho walks from there.


Uee and her friends Barbie and Skipper at the Doctors Cabin. Uee's dog is sitting on the Table. “Nothing has happened to your dog.” Doctor inform her.

“No Doctor! He is having full on problem. See how fast his heart beats.”

“It's heart is beating like that of the normal dogs. It's okay!”

“Shut up Doctor! How can you call my Poochi Dog?” The Doctor keeps his hand on head in frustration. “Don't call him Dog.”

“See... I am a Child Specialist...Pediatrician! I am not a Vet. So please take him to a Vet.”

“So, He is also my Child, no?... He is my little baby, no?” Uee lovingly touches the dog. “Cuchucoochu...Doctor, It could be that Poochi could be telling me a lie?”

“Look! The problem here is that we don't have any evidence of your Poochi talking.”

“Don't be silly Doctor...Poochi is a Man and we know what men are...”

 “Foolish!”Uee’s friends says in unison

“No, Men are dogs!” The Doctor keeps his hand on head. Uee touches the dog fondly. “Oh my God Poochi...Are you feeling cold? One second... I will give you my Jacket.” Uee  removes her jacket and covers the dog with the jacket. “Poochi...This is my new fur Jacket. You will not feel cold and won't remember home also... Ahh... Doctor what I w

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)