Dance Partners

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In Auditorium

Uee and her friends are practicing the dance steps. Daesung, Minzy, Youngbae and Jiyong are also there.

“ Come on girls...There is so much properly...We have to bring the Trophy. There is so much pressure that we cannot keep expectation on any one else.” Uee tells her friends. Chaerin comes in followed by Dara.

“Hey People! Listen up! I am the in charge of the Audition. So let some body not think that she is the Queen here. There would be fair auditions and I will decide which guy will have which girl as partner. So no chit fights. As you all know my patience levels are very low.”


“Okay then...We have to make winning couples for this competition so that we win the Trophy.” Chaerin announces “Daesung-Minzy as a Couple and you guys find your own Parthers. I will only announce one pair.”

Chaerin comes to Dara. She whispers to Dara, “My first contribution to I hate Men Club.”

“Youngbae and Dara...the winning couple...” Youngbae is happy. Dara turns and looks at Jiyong. Jiyong was out. Dara is looking around and wondering where Jiyong has gone.

Dara thinks, “Why did he become this upset? He only told that we should hide our relationship. So why is he so upset?” Dara sits on a chair.


Jiyong who is walking in the college corridor takes his mobile phone out of his pocket and sends an message to Dara, ‘You had only Youngbae to dance with? You know that he likes you and you are cozying upto him. You did not think about me?’


Dara’s mobile beeps and she reads Jiyong’s message. She sends him a message, ‘Are you jealous?’


Jiyong replies, ‘Yes, What do you think? I wouldn’t be?’


Dara reads Jiyong’s message and smiles. She types another message, ‘awwwww so cute he he’


Jiyong replies, ‘Fine, Be that way I don’t want to talk’


Dara types another message, ‘My love, Please don’t be angry. I cannot see you angry. Tell me what can I do? I will make it up to you’


Jiyong reads Dara’s message and replies back, ‘Alright! So then you have to kiss me in front of other student without telling anyone that we have any relationship’ Jiyong walks off.


Dara’s mobile beeps and she reads his message and smiles.


In College Campus.

Jaejoong Kim is walking briskly through the college corridor. He comes in front of the Principal Kim who greets him.”Mr Kim…You...?”

“Just…I was coming to meet you. Actually the matter is that I take an interest in the activities in the College. I thought I should be hands on Trustee. You know…It is not all about the money…that anyone can give. I was thinking that I will do some small contribution in the activities of the college. You know…give some time of mine.”

“Of course! It is a matter of great happiness. Looking at you…you are less of a Trustee and more of an Educator. Anyway, your involvement is always welcome.”

“Oh great! So you don’t have any problem if I spend some time in college …You know just to get a feel of things.”

“No…no…no…Of course…This is your college. Anything else?”

“That’s about it.

“Okay Mr Kim…See you.” The Principal shakes hands with Jaejoong and leaves from there.

Jaejoong says to himself, “Ahh…Watch out little Jiyong! Wherever you go…you will find me there. One wrong step and you are done! It even rhymes…wow!”


Dara walking through the College Corridor. She recalls Jiyong’s message, ‘You have to kiss me in front of the whole college without anyone knowing that we are a couple’.

Dara thinks, "Oh Jiyong! Such a big challenge…how will I do?"  Dara nods her head. “But I need to reduce your jealousy at least a little Jiyong. Seeing you jealous today I am sure you love me. And I also have to show in this test of love that I love you too.” Dara smiles. “Well…well…well Jiyong…I know what I need to do. Mr Jiyong Kwon, It is such a cool idea that when I kiss you, you have to accept that you have met your match.”


In Classroom

Dara enters the Class room. There are many students there. Jiyong is sitting in a bench alone with Uee’s friends behind him. Dara slowly walks towards Jiyong with a smile. Jiyong smiles and looks at her.

 Jiyong thinks, “Let’s see Dara…how you will fulfill your promise.”

Dara slowly walks towards Jiyong and when she reaches near Jiyong she falls on Jiyong resting her hands on his shoulders. Jiyong holds on her arms. Dara turns her head and kisses Jiyong.Uee’s friends and other student watch it open mouthed and with wide eyes. Dara and Jiyong  look into each other’s eyes smiling.

 Jiyong suddenly becomes alert and Jaejoong straightens up Dara from her position.



“You are alright?” Jiyong gets up from the bench. “You are not hurt?”

“Oh No…I am fine…”

“You should be careful Dara that you don’t seriously get hurt.”

“Thank you so much Sir!” Dara looks at Jiyong. “But I feel some time we should be careless.” Jiyong smiles at her. “You know sometimes we have to leave ourselves to fate.” Jiyong looks at Dara with a loving expression.

“Oh...ho...That’s deep!”

“Yeah! And you know Sir,” Dara looks at Jiyong. “Gravity should not be always considered responsible for people falling…” Jiyong smiles at her.

“That’s true! Gravity !” Dara laughs and Jiyong smiles looking at her.

“Anyways Sir, What are you doing here?”

“Well, I am a Trustee of this College and like other Trustees I do not want to do work sitting in a boring Office. I want to be here where all the action is.” Jaejoong looks at Jiyong. “That’s why Dara you will see a lot more of me.”

“That’s so nice to have you around Sir.”

“Well I am glad to see that you are happy to see me around. Well then I will be seeing you all…”

“Bye Sir!”

“Bye bye.” Jaejoong signals Jiyong with his eyes. Dara looks at Jiyong and raises her eyebrows. Jiyong lovingly looks at her and smiles.


In Chaerin’s Room

Hyunsuk comes to Chaerin’s room calling out for her. Hyunsuk sees something in the room and is shocked. He turns and calls Eunju.

“Eunju…Come here fast.”

“What happened now? You forgot something?” Eunju comes to the room. “Definitely shoes or tie…should have forgotten shoes. You are searching shoes in Chaerin’s room? Hello…what happened? In house everyone are kids.”

“Now can I say something? See there .” Hyunsuk and Eunju looks at the Pin up on Chaerin’s Cupboard. "I HATE MEN."

“Ahh…When this happened?”

“I am tensed up thinking of Chaerin. Earlier I was happy that she is doing strange things in love but somebody seems to have broken her heart.”

“Don’t know Hyunsuk. If I ask her she won’t tell anything. I need to keep an eye on Chaerin.”

“Hmm. Eunju, we have saved our kids from all bad things but how to protect them from heart break. What can we do?”


In College Campus

“Hello student! Any work?”Jaejoong asked Jiyong.

“I know you too well Jaejoong. What are you doing here?”

“Well, You know for the past few days you have been troubling me so much that I thought why not return the favor. Come on little Brother…smile…just like old times…you, me, one girl…” Jaejoong laughs. “And who knows may be this time we might write our history once again…a new and improved Story of love…I like the sound of that. What do you think?”

Jiyong says in mind, “So you want to play, right? Alright Jaejoong…This time the history will change. This time Jiyong will not trust on his brother even for a second.”

“What? Silent treatment again… Come on Jiyong you need to learn how to…”

“Hey Jiyong you are here the rehearsals have started at the Auditorium.” One of Jiyong’s classmate  inform him and go from there.

Jiyong gives a stern look at Jaejoong and walks from there.

Jaejoong says, “Rehearsals?”


In Auditorium

Uee is admiring herself doing some dance step and telling, “I am so graceful Right. My comparison can be done with the Black Swan. The only difference is that I am the white swan.”

“Hey white swan you don’t have any partner, why don’t you understandnobody wants you.” Minzy sarcastically remarks.

“Okay guys listen up…listen up everybody.” Chaerin see that Uee is alone dancing. “Hey stop the bally you don’t have any partner you can be the Water girl serving water at the practice session.”

“Shutup.” Uee goes from there.

“Hey listen up everybody. All couples will have one signature step so just look at them” Chaerin point out the couple on the stage. “Excuse me please Show the signature step.” The couple demonstrates the step where the couple has to hold on to each other’s hand and stretch and the guy listing the girl up and turning around.

“Okay guys don’t waste more time lets see what you have prepared. Daesung and Minzy show us your step.”

Daesung and Minzy starts to do the step and Daesung drops Minzy while lifting her up. Everyone laughs. Minzy fights with Daesung when he mutters that she should reduce her weight. Chaerin interferes and asks them to fight stopping and tells the pair that they need more practice. Chaerin asks Dara and Youngbae to do the step.

Same time Jiyong comes into the room. Jiyong sees Youngbae lifting Dara up. Jiyong comes near Chaerin. “Chaerin who is my partner?”

“You will also participate?”


“I thought you will not participate.”

Uee comes there and claims Jiyong. She tells Chaerin, “The real couple of the College would show what dance is.”

 Jiyong keeps his hand on Uee’s waist and they walk together.

Chaerin remarks, “A match made in heaven!”


Uee and Jiyong proceed to do the signature step. Dara who is dancing with Youngbae has her eyes on Jiyong. Uee and Jiyong do the step nicely.

“Jiyong, You are the best dance Partner. I am so glad I got you.”

“Me too…Uee! You are the best.” Chaerin looks at the pair and Dara. Dara is angry and jealous seeing Jiyong with Uee.

Jiyong thinks, “You saw Dara…if you can make me jealous I also can return it.”

Jiyong and Dara has eyes on each other while dancing with their respective partners.

Dara thinks, “I don’t believe you. You should not be stooping so low. I was with Youngbae because I did not have a choice. But he deliberately chose Uee…who the hell does he think he is. Chaerin looks at Dara and Jiyong with a strange expression on face.


In Boy's Locker Room

Dara comes to the Locker room and looks around. “Oh God! He is so cheap! What does he think of himself? The way he was using Uee to make me jealous…I hate him…” Jiyong comes from behind and hugs Dara from behind.

“No! I don’t want to talk to you…You did not get anyone else other than that silly Uee. Look, I am seriously telling…if she touches you I will kill her.”

“Dara, all this is a drama. You know other than you I cannot even imagine any other girl.” Dara smiles. “I love you!” Dara turns her face towards Jiyong. Jiyong fondly removes her hair from her face.

A hand opens the door behind. Dara removes Jiyong’s hands from around her and tells him, “Jiyong we need to stop! If someone sees us…”Jiyong is in no mood to leave her and still has his hand on her waist.

“You only told that we need to keep this under wraps.”

“It’s tough…”

“Jiyong…you know what? I am going.” Dara shrugs and runs away from there.

“Dara...” Jiyong follows her.

Jaejoong comes out from behind the door. He says, “How very sad little Brother! What time has come…Lovers are forced to hide their love. Don’t worry little Brother. I cannot allow you to hide your love like this. Your love has to come in the open! Everyone should know the extent of your love with Dara…especially those who needs to know.”


Outside the Hostel

Jiyong thinking, “I need to hide the truth from Dara. She would soon understand why we have to be hiding the relationship. I don't know if I should tell her the truth. Dara I just want to keep you safe from Jaejoong and other vampire Powers. Once the trouble ends I also will leave you alone and go. And will never return back to your life. And then you can lead a normal life.” Jiyong gets up. Dara who was walking comes in front of Jiyong. Jiyong smiles and Dara is happy to see him


“So men are losers?” Dara laughs. “That's a good thing...I am no human!”

“You are my inhuman loser.”

“ So what are you doing with this loser?” Dara and Jiyong walks towards each other. They come close by.

“I like losers! How cute they are...I feel so much pity on them. I want to tell you something Jiyong!” Dara brings her face close to Jiyong's ear and keeps a hand on his shoulder. “I want to tell you that...nothing! it's just nice to whisper...” Jiyong smiles. Jiyong lifts his head and fondly touches the side of her face and hairs. He then places his hand on her shoulder.

“Dara, You have no idea that how close I want to come to you.” Dara moves her face towards Jiyong. She then sees Uee's friend coming that way.

“Oh God Jiyong, someone is coming. Go... Go...” Dara walks and bumps into the girl who screams.

“I am sorry! Did I hurt you?”The girl looks at Dara angrily and shakes her hand.

“Of course you did...Ms Park! You just broke my nail...and look it's bleeding.” The girl shows of her finger which is bleeding. Dara stares at the blood without blinking an eye.

Jiyong who is hiding behind the bushes say in mind, “No Dara No! This is the third stage to becoming a Vampire. Blood is calling for you.” The girl shakes her hand in pain and blows air with on her finger.

“Now why are you looking at me like that? Weird Girl!” Dara stares at the blood.

“Nothing, I am thirsty...” Jiyong stands where he is looking helpless and worried look. Uee friend again shows of her bleeding finger in front of Dara who stares at it.

“What? My finger is bleeding. You just broke my nail and you are feeling thirsty? Loser!”

“I think you are hurt too much.” Dara catches the girls hand and brings near . “I need to help you.” The girl pulls her hand off.

“What the hell! What are you doing? You broke my is bleeds and now will you drink my blood...Loser!” The girl goes away from there. Dara touches her lower lip which has a drop of blood on it with her finger and put the finger into unable to control the urge for blood. She then comes to her senses and wipes the blood on lips.

She thinks, “What had happened to me?” Dara wipes her lips. “What is happening? What is wrong with me?” Jiyong who is behind her has a worried look on his face.


In College.

Dara is walking through the corridor. She thinks, 'What is happening with me? What have I become this moody? I am not able to sleep and this strange thirst...what is happening?”

She recalls herself pulling the bleeding finger of the girl towards her the previous day. She remembers the girl shouting at her asking if she would drink her blood.

Dara thinks, “Seeing blood I lost control. I was so attracted to that Blood...Don't be stupid Dara. Stop this craziness and control yourself'.”Dara resumes walking.


Jiyong walking on the College Corridor talking on his cell phone with his Appa.

“'I am trying my best to keep an eye on Dara...She is showing symptoms very fast Appa. Yesterday night she became very restless seeing blood. I don't understand when and how this all will end.”

“You have to hide Dara's symptoms from everybody. If someone gets any doubt everything would end. After all, Dara should not become a Vampire. To become a Vampire the 2nd and 3rd Full Moon night's bites are very important Jiyong. Just this Full moon night pass...everything will become alright on its own. You have to protect Dara from yourself and Jaejoong.”

“I know Appa! Jaejoong has started coming to College these days. He is playing the game from his side. But I won't let him succeed.” Jiyong cuts the phone.


Dara is walking in the College Campus.


“What happen?”

“You have to come with me.”Chaerin pulls Dara along with her.”You have to see Minzy She is acting so funny.”

“Okay I am coming.”


In ClassRoom

 They come to the door of a room where the students are sitting on benches and Minzy talking to them. Minzy is dressed like Ms Jinha with her hair tied in a bun and specs in eyes.

She speaks in accent imitating Ms. Jinha and students are all laughing at her.

“Students, Silence I don’t want that any student should have life in college. When I was of your age I used to break my backbone in completing my assignment I was like this I was like that.”

“Too Good.” Chaerin remark. Chaerin laughs while Dara stands there unaffected by what is going around her.

“Minzy is sometime very amazing.”


 “Hello.What happened.?”

“I don't know Chaerin...For the past some days I am feeling very low.” Dara gets into the room. Chaerin thinks, “Dara's is in foul mood definitely because of Jiyong. Clearly she still got feelings for him. I have to do something. I have to get her out of this. God! Whose help to take?” Chaerin starts thinking.


In Yang’s Mansion

Eunju is instructing the servants regarding the food and arrangements. Be quick its already late. Take this.” Eunju hands over plates to the servant. “Arrange the dinning table nicely.” He nods. “Okay.” Eunju goes in the Kitchen. “And what are you doing  all the dishes had be made.” Chef nods  his reply. “Okay.” Eunju walks in the dining room she see a bunch of red roses lying on the table. “Look at this no had see it.”She hand it to one of her servant. “Arrange it in a vase….. No one is listening to me. ….Hyunsuk…Hyunsuk…”Eunju comes in the living room.


“Hyunsuk what are you doing?”

“Playing soccer.”

“What? You go and check the bar.”

“Eunju we have servant and they do their job very well.”

“Hyunsuk you never take me seriously.”

“Eunju, Bom is only bringing Jaejoong to introduce us if you will do all this he will be scare and run away.”

“Is he so weak. That he will run are seeing us? You are too much. He is interested in Bom. We should support her.”

“Like this. If you only want to support Bom meet his normally. Not like this.”

“Very funny. From today you spend less tiem with Chaerin.”


“Because you are behaving like her.”

“So…she is my daughter so I will be like her.”


In Car

 Jaejoong and Bom in the Car.

“Jae lets go to my house.”Jaejoong is annoyed.

“But why?”

“I forgot one file so please. It just 5 minutes.”

“Don’t work on that files today.”

“Why? …Why? Why can’t we go to my house? You are scared. Afraid to meet your Parents-in-law.”

“No its not like that.”

“Comeon Jae it is about time you have to met my parents now.”

Jaejoong thinks, “ are really testing me now...without any reason I am trapped...”

 “What happen? I am not hanging you to death I am just telling you to meet my parents.” Jaejoong gives Bom a made up smile.

Jaejoong thinks, “The relationships of humans are very demanding...meeting rituals of these humans!”

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)