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In Dara’s Room

Chaerin opens the door of Dara's room and jumps into the bed hugging her. Dara gets up and sits on the bed. Chaerin thanks her for saving her from Parents.

“We all know that you did not do anything intentionally. And the good part is that you are sorry, okay? I am alright and it's over!”

“Thank God it is over. And from today your new chapter starts...Volleyball match... You remember, right?”

“Chaerin, I don't think I will be able to play.”

“What? What are you talking about? You are the Captain...”

“I know but... looks at this.” Dara shows the injury on her ankle. “I have a sprain on my ankle and moreover I got hurt on the back also. And look at me I am out of shape...”

“If you go to Gym you will vanish.”

“Come on Chaerin I am not in shape.” Chaerin tells her about some shoes she can wear which is comfortable to wear. Dara and Chaerin decides to go for shopping of shoes. Chaerin suddenly stops and says, “Otherwise we can go to the Lee's.”

“Why Lee's?”

“Because Minho can give you a special massage. I mean yesterday night was full on romance and bike was on fire...”

“Shut up!”

“Okay dear...Yesterday night you both were lost in each other...”Chaerin hugs Dara. Dara pushes her away. “hugging and all”

“I don't have any interest in that stupid Minho Lee, Okay? Look! I need good shoes and a y dress because today I will kick in Volleyball court...Minho Lee...”

“I see! So let's go kick ...” The girls laugh.


At Kwon Residence

 Jiyong is standing by the fire place. He talks to himself, “Minho Lee, I hope you deserve Dara. Don't play with Dara's heart. She is precious.” Jiyeon comes there.

“Jiyong, That Guy who was with Dara... who is he?”

“His name is Minho, Minho Lee. I found out...He is the son of the owner of Lee Industries. Yesterday even if I would not have been there he would have saved Dara. He was looking for Dara here and there. He was very worried. There was love and fear for Dara on his face. Dara needs such a Guy Omma who would love her very much and be willing to do anything for her. I love Dara so much and I am willing to stay away from her for that.” Jiyeon comes to Jiyong and keeps her hand on his arms.

“I am so proud of you. Jiyong, I know that these human emotions are not for us Vampires. But in you that human pain and love is still alive. You are not a Monster... nor are you blood creature. You only know to love. You only know to take others sufferings. Jiyong I know...This decision to stay away from Dara is giving you a lot of pain. But I just hope that you be able to forget Dara...and concentrate in your life.” Jiyeon goes from there.

Jiyong recalls seeing Dara face to face in the water under the Ice grave and her touching his heart. He also recalls looking at her face while carrying her and thinking how he would stay away from Dara. Jiyong then comes to the present and rebukes himself, “Stop it Jiyong! It's enough...You have to keep yourself away from her. You have to let her live a normal human life.”

 Jiyong recalls watching Minho driving off the bike with Dara in the front.

Jiyong says in mind, “Forget her! Allow her to go to Minho. She needs a normal relationship. But I need to know well if Minho is right for her or not.”


Jaesang Kwon is sitting in a Chair looking at the Blue Print of Jiyeon Kwon Studios.

“Perfect! I like it...” He looks at the Guy standing with some files near him, “Get the Work started!” The Guy agrees and goes from there.

“Jiyeon Kwon Studios...This is that Project which will take us back to Gyeyang. The State of the Art Technology and the Kwon's more powerful...More influential!” Jiyeon comes there and stands next to Jaesang.

“Jiyeon, In Gyeyang's society our first step would be Kwon Studio's in your name...Jiyeon Kwon Studio's... In the Past one year  some new rich people has come to the City, Lee's. In their competition we will build our studio in this side of the jungle. We will call the press. The Headlines would be, ‘Jiyeon Kwon takes on Hyori Lee.’ Good publicity. Good press ... Let the Gyeyang's society know how powerful the Kwon's family is.” Jaesang gets up from the chair and faces Jiyeon. “And forgetting them is not easy. What do you say?”

“It sounds great Jaesang.”

“I want you to involve Jiyong in this. He should work with you. I don't wish that he gets distracted.” Jiyeon nods.


In Girls Locker Room

The girls including Dara, Chaerin and Minzy getting ready for the Volleyball Match at the Locker Room. Dara and Chaerin ties their shoe laces.

“So girls, In today's match we have to remember that the boy's can be defeated not by strength but by brains. Don't think that this boys can do anything in front of us. We will give the reply to their strength and muscles with fastness and flexibility. So come on girls, let's do this...!”  The girls raise their hands motivating each other. Uee comes to the Locker Room and notices Dara's shoes.

“Hey Nice Shoes! How good your choice is Dara...”

Chaerin whispers in Dara's ears, “Dude! Looks like the new Uee ate the old one. Because if the old Uee would have seen the shoes she would have been jealous and would have started hatching plans to murder you or make you fall. This new Uee is scary man.” Uee tries to overhear the conversation. “You said anything?”


“Let's go...let's go...let's go win the Match.”

“Listen! If we win we will have a super-duper Party. We will invite the Boys too...to be our Waiters...” The girls laugh and high five.


At the AKS College Volleyball Court

The students get ready to watch the Volley Ball match of Girls Vs Boys. Both the Teams come to the court and occupy their positions. On the girls side is Chaerin, Dara, Minzy and another girl. On the Boy's side is Minho, Youngbae and 2 other Guys. Youngbae throws the ball playfully at Chaerin and tells her when she catches it with difficulty.

 “That is why I told you that girls should not play Volleyball.”

Chaerin throws the ball at Youngbae hitting him below the belt.Youngbae is in pain.

“You see that? That's why boys shouldn't play Volley Ball.” The girls laugh.

“What happened?”

“She hit me below the belt. How can I be alright? Chae..” Youngbae shows an I will see you sign to Chaerin. “Guys, next time play with a protection okay...? Thanks!” The girls laugh and high five again.

“AKS College Guys, today we announce war again. This Delicate Girls have challenged us boys again. So let's see if their smile wins or.” Youngbae looks at his Bicep and then holds Minho's Biceps. “our Biceps...their grace or our muscles...” Chaerin shows a thumbs down sign. “We will show them boys...what say everybody.”

Uee shouts, “Go girls go.”

“Hello, What go? Me baby...cheer me!”

“Youngbae my baby my darling...This time oops! I am not for the Boys. I am going to cheer the girlies...muah...” She sends flying kisses and jumps. “Girls go...”

“Girlies... someone is going to be murdered. She is gone nuts man.” The girls laugh.

“Hey forget all this let's concentrate.”

“One Sec...Here you go...” Minho throws the ball to someone and catches a packet thrown at him.

Minho taps Youngbae and tells him, “One thing is pending then I am done.”

Minho comes near the net and calls Dara. “Hey Dara, Come here...”

Dara goes near Minho. Minho throws the tissues packet at Dara. “This...for you. It's just that after losing the match you may need it. You may want to cry, right? Best of luck!”

Both Minho and Dara walk back to their positions on the Volleyball Court.

The match begins. The girls and boys play an intense game scoring points against each other. The score is finally Girls 8 Boys 8.

Dara takes the next hit and Minho says in mind, “Dara, this is for you!.” Minho deliberately hits at the net giving the girls a point and victory. Minho has a silly smirk on his face while the girls jump and cheer.

Youngbae keeps his hand on Minhos shoulder and then playfully catches his chin and tells him, “I saw you dude...Well played ehh?”

 Dara comes near the net with the tissues box and talks to Minho.

“You know what?” She throws the box at Minho who catches it. “Keep this box with you. May be it will come to your use.” Dara turns and walks away.

Youngbae comes near Minho and teases him, “So bro, finally you are in love...”

“What are you talking about?”

“These Volleyball matches...I have played from childhood. I have played so many matches. The last shot which you deliberately missed... it happens when someone is in love.”

“No no no... let me correct.You are thinking wrong. There is nothing like that...”

“Minho, for a girls smile you cheated on your friends... which means you have fallen in love...” Minho keeps looking at the tissues box. “And this the earlier you tell yourself the better. Anyways, it's always nice playing with you dude.” Youngbae playfully punches on Minho's chest and goes from there. Minho too walks from there.

 Jiyong is standing behind a pillar. He looks towards Dara's direction and thinks, “See Jiyong, Dara is happy. Minho Lee really loves Dara. For her happiness... her smile he would do anything. You came to see that. Now go away from Dara...Go away from her life. Now she does not need you. Dara is not yours Jiyong, remove her from your heart...and go away. Leave her alone! She belongs to some one else.”

Jiyong turns to walk from there but is stopped by Sulli.

“ Jiyong! Oh my God finally! Where did you vanish? How are you Jiyong and where are you?”

“I am here only. I am alright. How are you?”

“I am really good. Thanks to you Jiyong. I am good now...and happy. Okay, tell me something? Did you rejoin the College?” Jiyong keeps his eyes down and remains silent. “My God that's so great. Everything will be like earlier...Okay, did you see Dara? She was so great in the match, right? Awesome! She just beat all of them man...” Sulli looks at Dara's direction and then at Jiyong's gloomy face. “ Jiyong, What is happening between you two? I heard that everything is over? But it is strange Jiyong... How can this happen? How perfect you were for each other...”

“Come on Sulli...What love can be their between 18 and 19 year olds? We have grown up. Along with age love also moves on. And to tell you the truth I was sort of trapped in the relationship and now I have moved on. Anyways, I will see you later...take care!” Jiyong walks from there.

Sulli thinks, “Such a big lie...Jiyong, you forgot that I know you and her too. If you are not together there is some other reason behind it because your love cannot fade out that easily Jiyong. So what is it? What has changed?”


Dara is walking through the College corridor looking at her mobile. Sulli comes running to her.


“Sulli, Hi! Listen, I was looking for you after lunch. Where were you?”

Sulli thinks,”How happy Dara is looking without Jiyong. If she really has forgotten him why should I interfere in between? Maybe by doing that I would make her sad...No!”

“Hey! Where are you lost? Listen...by the way, did you see the match? How we defeated the boys...really fantabulous...Boys were like... How the boys were acting cool...losers!”

Sulli thinks, “How much Dara has changed... She is no longer that old Dara. She is happier. I saw both of them and both of them has changed this much. How can this happen? I can agree about anyone else but how can Jiyong and Dara forget each other.”

“Hey very did you lost….Lets go.”


Sulli and Dara are walking through the road. A Car goes splashing muddy water on Dara's face and dress. The Car stops a little ahead.

“What the hell! Who the hell is this manner less? Who the hell is this?” Minho climbs out of the Driver's seat. “Minho, Don't you have any sportsman spirit? If you lose you will do this? You will splashed mud on my face bloody hell...”

Minho's phone rings and he picks up the call from his Mom Hyori Lee. He tells her that he would reach soon and cuts the phone.

Minho then walks towards Dara. Dara tells Sulli, “Now see, He will come and say sorry to me...bloody bat!”

“Wow! Great improvement...This mud on your loser shirt looks awesome. Keep it up Dara!” He turns and walks back to his Car. Dara is angry. Minho gets into the Car and drives off.

“What the...Bloody hell...loser! You know what Sulli? I am sorry for all this. I just have to go. I will teach him a lesson. I will see you...” Dara walks from there in anger.


In Chaerin’s Room

Dara walks into Chaerin's room in anger. Chaerin sees her and jokes, “My Captain...my Captain... In the happiness of Victory did you roll in the mud?”

“Shut up Okay? Not one word...Not even one... That bloody idiot? What does he think of himself? If he lose the match he will splash mud on me like this...than mean, idiot, bloody, swine, pig.” Dara opens Chaerin's cupboard and looks at the clothes.

“That means Minho likes you...Because of that he is doing childish acts, for your attention.”

“Chaerin, Have you gone mad? Have you come from Mars? What do you think that bloody slouchy ugly pig will ask for my attention? Before that wouldn't I murder him? Bloody hell...I am so angry. There is no one I hate more than him...”

“Okay okay alright! You are only thinking of him, right? So his plan succeeded.” Dara walks to Chaerin in anger with some clothes in hand.

“Chaerin, You know what? When ever you open your mouth you only talk nonsense.” Dara sits on the Bed and puts the clothes on the bed looking at them. Chaerin also sits on the bed.

“Dara, What are you doing? Why have you taken out my rejected and waste clothes? These are rubbish man!”

“Exactly! I will recycle this stupid waste clothes and use in Minho Lee Murder Case. You know what? I will teach him such a lesson that I need all this.” Dara gets up from the bed with the dresses in hand. Chaerin pulls her back to sit on the Bed.

“Hey hold on! This is perfect you know. From the time Uee has turned good I have lost all fun in life. I have not plotted against anyone... Come on Dara let's teach Minho a lesson.”

“ Hmm! Minho has set me up with 4 guys for a date and he feels that I will be scared and I am not going to go. I ain't crying baby. I will go on the date.”


“With all the 4 of them!” Chaerin is shocked.

“What? I mean is this Minho's punishment or yours?”

“Don't worry Chaerin. I will teach Minho such a lesson... he does not know who Dara Yang is... You know what? I will go in these tacky clothes to that Party. What does Minho feel that I am like that, right?  Just give him the benefit of doubt and in the end I will show him my true colors. So what do you think?” Chaerin picks up a dress.

“This has got my approval.”

“Good! Goes with my Plan. I will go get ready.” Dara goes from the room.

Chaerin thinks, “What time has come. Uee has changed from Villain to good and my goodie sister has become cat woman. In this World everything is not right.”Chaerin taps her chin with fingers. “All is not well!” She smiles


At Lee’s Mansion

Hyori is talking over the phone to someone. She asks Mr Jung on the other side if he has quoted the same figures she has told him. She tells him that she does not want to take any risks and asks him to send her the papers. Donghae comes and sits on the chair opposite Hyori. She cuts the phone.

“Great! You know what? I have given a bid for the land on the other side of the Jungle also and now we will become the biggest land owners of this city. Donghae, I want you to take special interest in this Project.” Donghae nods. “And anyways...your marriage is going to happen and I want you to start taking responsibilities. Yang Family is one of the most known people in this City so I wish that they respect you as much as they respect me. They should know that Donghae Lee can increase Business four fold, right?”

“Whatever it is...Yo

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)