Mr. Mysterious.

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 Dara enter the hostel with her luggage she ask one of the assistance working in the hostel for the direction of her room.

“3013C it’s the last door to the left of the corridor.” The assistance point out..

“Thank you”

“Wow ! finally my own room!” Dara placed her luggage and lied on the bed.”My own bed.”

“Wrong ! You’re absolutely wrong fresher.” One girl said to Dara as she entered the room.

“Hi I’m Dara.” Dara got up an introduced herself.

“Not interested. Don’t be under the wrong impression.This is our room.”  Other girl firmly told Dara.

“You have been imposed on us. We’ll have to deal with you. By the way this room belong to 11 girls. But we have already thrown out those poor girls. So don’t even try to get comfortable here. Because soon enough we’ll kick you out to. Because this room belong to Hayi amd me.” One of them said Dara  stood silently listening to them. “So you will have to follow all our rules. Got that?”

“We stay up late at night, and if you have any problems you can buy earmuffs. And offcourse we don’t want you’re germs so you can’t use our washroom. You’ll have to use the common washroom so please stay alone in your room..” Hayi said to Dara

Chaerin was standing outside the room listening to the girls.

“Oh my God! Did you just watch some horrible movie? I‘ve never heard such crappy dialogues.” Chaerin enter the room.

“Chaerin Yang.” Hayi confirmed.

“Please don’t say my name, and she does not belong into you’re gang, because she has brains. Which is something that the animals in you’re gang don’t have. So she is automatically disqualified. And about the washroom, sweethearts  lets just say that there may be a day where you two are found locked in the common washroom and there’s no one to rescue you. Listen to me carefully. I know all you’re secrets. If my mouth accidentally opens infront of the maitron then you’ll have to use the washroom in jail.” Chaerin warn them.

“Yuri come, lets go.” Hayi dragged Yuri out of the room.

“Losers! Why are we spoiling our mood? Come on lets go.” Chaerin tried to cheer up Dara.

“But my stuff?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Chaerin pulled Dara out of the room.

“But Chaerin”

“Dara stay away from those girls. They have serious issues I mean they are really dangerous, so you better watch out.” Chaerin advised Dara.

“Hahahaha I laugh at the name of danger.” Dara told Chaerin

“Really?” Chaerin asked.


“Come’on lets go.” Chaerin pleaded.

“No I need to change.”

“What? But we’re getting late.” Chaerin tried to protest.

“I’ll only take 2 minutes.” Dara assured.

“2 minutes?”


“By the clock”

“By the clock” Dara rushed into the room.

“I am waiting.” Chaerin inform Dara


 “Dara?” Chaerin stopped Dara


“Do you really like to look into the eyes of danger?” Chaerin asked Dara with mischievous smile.

“Of course.” Dara replied honestly.

“Lets see about that.” Chaerin smiled mischievously as she planned something.


Chaerin was waiting for Dara outside of the hostel.


“Finally come fast! We’re getting late.”

“Oh God!”

“By the way Dara, do you have this scarf to wipe you’re nose?” Chaerin pulled the scarf around Dara’s neck trying to wipe her nose.

“Eww Chaerin! You’re so gross.”


“Hello Ma’am.”Dara and Chaerin greeted the warden

“Hello so you’re the new student Sandara Park.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“And you’ve already made a friend on you’re first day. That to Chaerin Yang?” Warden said in surprised.

“Yes Ma’am”

“God bless you.”


 Chaerin took Dara on the top of the mountain

“Chaerin where are we.?”

“Rapling point” Chaerin told Dara.

“Gyeyang coolest place. The only people that come here are people who like to look in the eyes of danger!” Chaerin gave bit information to Dara.

“What ? I have no idea what you want to do? What’s wrong with you? “ Dara asked Chaerin.

“Hey scary cat its only this big look at it!” Chaerin took Dara to the edge of the mountain.

“No ! no not here!”

“ Comeon! Lets go and buy the tickets from there.” Chaerin pointed the ticket window

“Chaerin no!”


“Chaerin listen to me.”

“Yippeeee! Lets throw you down the mountain!” Chaerin happily jumped up and down.


“Could’nt you have thought of something else?”Dara said in disbelief.

“Just come buddy.”

“Hi one ticket please.” YoungBae asked for the ticket at the counter.


“Thank you.” YoungBae collected his ticket.

“You’re welcome.”

“Hey little buddy!Are you going down to?” YoungBae asked Chaerin.

“Yeah wanna race?” Chaerin challenged YoungBae.

“Race? You want to race me? Remember what happened last week? You came down like a monkey.”  YoungBae reminded Chaerin

“Take her down because she is new I’m going on my own.” Chaerin pushed Dara towards  YoungBae.

“Wow! Bravo!” YoungBae cheered for Chaerin.

“Do charities give mountain climbing tickets? Oh wait she probably practiced it on the roof of the  orphanage.” Uee started commenting.

“Losers!” Uee friends said in unison.

“Listen, Bae’s next ticket is mine not that sympathetic drama queen’s because only Uee can be with Bae.” Uee told the girl at the ticket counter.

“Excuse me the lipstick shop is behind us 2 ticket please.” Chaerin push Uee back.

“20 wons.”

“Yeah. Here you go.” Chaerin payed for the ticket.

“Chaerin don’t pay for me. I ‘ll do it later, for now I’ll watch you.” Dara requested.

“Shut up! Okay, this time its on me. If you’re still alive after this, you’re paying for next time.” Chaerin told Dara.

“Chaerin you’re really great!”

“Yuck ! please don’t say that you’re going to ruin my reputation. The thing is that most people here are afraid of me. I won’t eat them, but sometimes I feel shooting those dumb bimbo type girls.”Chaerin whispered t oDara pointing at Uee and her friends.

“And you want to throw me off that hill?” Dara added.

“Chill man! I’m jumping with you. We’ll be harnessed together and wooooo!”

“Where’s my ticket?” Uee asked the ticket seller.


“And what’s Bae number? “


“And those 2 losers number?”

“45, 46”

“Good girl!”

Chaerin saw 44 number ticket in Uee hand so she checked their ticket number it was 45 and 46 “Come! Come on! Oops” Chaerin bumped  into Uee making her drop her ticket.

“Whats you’re problem? Are you blind or something?” Uee yelled at Chaerin.


“You better watch it next time.” Uee warned Chaerin.

“Sorry babe. Here you go.” Chaerin gave Uee 46 number ticket.


“Comeon lets go!.” Chaerin pulled Dara towards the rapling point. Mizny was also standing there with her friends.

“She’s also trying to compete with Uee .”Chaerin told Dara as she pointed towards Minzy

“Your bimbo highness.” Chaerin playfull bowed to Minzy.

“Chaerin.” Minzy call out

“Minzy.” Chaerin replied.

“43, 44” the instructor call

“Hey thats me.” Uee came near the instructor.

“Bae baby hold me tight because you can only enjoy rappling when you’re with someone else.” Uee cling around YoungBae’s neck

“Wow.” YoungBae smiled

“The romance! Its already giving me jitters!” Uee mumbled.

“Your heel’s broken. That’s why your shaking now move and wait for your turn.” Chaerin interrupt inbetween.

“YoungBae I think Dara is supposed to be with you, number 44 right?” Chaerin told YoungBae. “Dara come on!” Chaerin called Dara.

“What?” Uee shouted as she check her number its 46

“Its you’re turn. All the best.” Chaerin tapped Dara shoulder.

“Thank you.” Dara nervously said to Chaerin

“Better luck next time sweety” YoungBae said to Uee who was fuming with anger as she figure out that Chaerin had changed the number.

“I think you’re with me. Comeon baby lets go!” Chaerin pulled Uee along with her.

After getting fully secured with the hareness and rope Dara and YoungBae climbed down the mountain followed by Uee and Chaerin.

“Wow this is fun man!” YoungBae cheerfully said.

“Spiderman, spiderman!” Chaerin shouted playfully.

Dara was scared as she look at the depth of the mountain

“Oh God, God, God.” Dara was repeatedly chatting like a mantra.

“Don’t look down Dara.” YoungBae suggested Dara.

“Just look at me okay, I’ve done this many time.” YoungBae liften Dara’s chin up so she was looking at him,  Dara nervously nodded.But she kept on praying as she was scared.

“Hey Dara don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you. Just trust me. Okay.” YoungBae assured Dara,

“God, God, God.” Dara chatted as she moved little

“Was you dad thief?” YoungBae asked Dara in serious tone.

“What? YoungBae?” Dara asked in confusion

“May be that’s why he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in you’re eyes.” YoungBae sincerely said.

“And was your dad a flirt?” YoungBae did’nt replied but starred at Dara “Because you seem to use the same pick uplines on every girl.” Dara told him

“Okay fine, laugh at me. If I said that line to any other girl, she would have surely fallen in love with me.”YoungBae confidently told Dara.

“YoungBae I’m not like other girls.”

“I can see that.”

“What are they talking about?”Uee asked Chaerin, as Chaerin was next to YoungBae.

“You! Obviously they are talking about you.” Chaerin replied.


“Yes we always talk about you. We are trying to figure out how a girl can be so stupid the whole worlds stupidity lies in you. I’m so happy that we have so many things to talk about!” Chaerin told Uee.

“And from now on we can also talk about you’re horrible body odour.”Chaerin added.

“What rubbish I don’t have body odour okay I use gucci” Uee replied

“Babe you need a new nose or a new perfume.” Chaerin suggested Uee.

“Whatever.” Uee tried to ignore Chaerin.

“Now just pay attention and follow me okay come down with me” YoungBae guided Dara how she should climb down, and Dara started doing as per his instruction.

“That’s right! Slowly, slowly Dara.” YoungBae told her

“Oh God! God!” Dara startedto panic.

“Alright Dara here we go!” YoungBae assured Dara.  But Dara roped broke off and she fell down “Aahhhh!” Dara screamed

“Dara.” Chaerin shouted

“Dara.” YoungBae shouted .

“Dara.” Chaerin Shouted

“YoungBae.” Dara manage to hold YoungBae’s hand

“Dara.” YoungBae call her

“YoungBae.” Dara replied

“Dara just look at me okay just hold my hand tight Dara don’t let go!” YoungBae assured Dara as he tried to hold her hand firmly.

“Chaerin YoungBae.” Dara kept on screaming

“Nothing’s going to happen hold on tightly. Dara just look at me.” YoungBae  tired to assured her but he was also in panic mode.

“Dara hold my hand tightly.”


“Dara trust me Dara.”


“Hold my hand Dara.”


“Hold on tight Dara.”


But the grip of YoungBae hold got losen up due to the glove and Dara hand slipped from his just leaving her gloves in his hand

“YoungBae Aahhhhh.”

“Dara NOOOOOO.” Chaerin screamed

“Chaerin YoungBae.”

“Dara.” Chaerin and Youngbae screamed

“Dara come on Damn it hurry up!.”

But before Dara hits the ground a stranger caught her. Dara closes her eyes as she falls into the his’s arm when she felt she was secure she slowly her eyes and stares at his eyes she blinked her eyes for few  times but the guy was also staring at her without blinking Dara was  mesmerized with those eyes and she stared back in those eyes. After sometime the guy put her down. And walk away from there.

“Excuse me. Can you listen to me. Excuse me.” Dara call out the stranger.

But the guy with the tattoo on his hand walks away and disappears into the forest.

“Dara! Dara! Oh my God “ Chaerin reach the foot of the mountain

“Dara.” YoungBae followed her

“Dara Dara Oh God where is she.”Chaerin kept on calling searching her everywhere around the place


Dara was standing looking at the direction were the guy had disappeared.

“Dara?  YoungBae Dara.” Chaerin noticed Dara and pointed YoungBae.

“You ‘re alive your alive Dara you’re alive. Oh my God Dara you’re alive.” Chaerin was surprised to see her alive so she tightly hugged her

“Ewww I got carried away. I got a little to emotional but she’s not dead. She is alive.” Chaerin started  happily jumping up and down.

“Dara what are you looking for?” Chaerin asked Dara when she noticed she was starring at a certain place.

“Chaerin where is the guy who saved my life.”

“Who?” Chaerin asked in confusion

“I think she hit her head that’s why she’s like this.” Chaerin whispered to YoungBae

“I think she’s scared lets go up.” YoungBae said

“Com’on Dara lets’go” Chaerin told Dara but Dara was still starring at the place., So Chaerin signal YoungBae to carry her.

“I’ll carry you okay. Lets go “ YoungBae carried Dara.

“Bae Bae wait for me.” Uee came running behind them.


In Cafeteria

“Are you feeling better?” Chaerin asked

“Ummm yeah.” Dara replied with a smile

“There you go guys.” YoungBae  placed the coffee in front of Dara and Chaerin.

“I’m sorry Dara.” Youngbae apologize

“But you know what, it was all you

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)