Trying to find the truth.

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In Hospital

Hyunsuk talking to the hospital Staff

 “I need somehelp from you. Some information from you. After all this was one of your Hospital’s case.”

“It’s time for me to go now. Why could’nt you come earlier?”

“Please, its very important for me.”Hyunsuk pleaded.

“Anyways, tell me the date.”

“21 November it was the accident case of a mother and daughter. “The guys checked in his computer.

“Tell me the year.”

“21 November 1999 I the accident, both of them died…”

“But on this date, 2 people were admitted. Both of them died. And both of them were guys, there was no girls!”

“How is that possible? Can you please chaek again? Her name was Sooyoung, Sooyoung Park.”

Sooyoung Park the guy typed the name in his computer.




“It was not 1999, it was 2002. And she didn’t die of an accident. She died of cancer. Uterine cancer.”

“Did you check properly?”

Hyunsuk thinks that the lawyer was telling the truthand wonders why the truth was kept hippen from him. Hyunsuk tells the guy that he needs full information of the Sooyoung’s case.

“Sir, it’s written here!”

Hyunsuk  thinks.”So that means Moon Hyojoon was right! I was told a lie! But why? My God Sooyoung! Such a big lie! Why Sooyoung, why? And what about our daughter? Where is she?”

“Um, are you alright?”

“I am not okay. I really need all of the information of this case!”

“Who brought Sooyoung to the hospital, who was with her? Her daughter! Her daughter was with her! Where is she? I have to find her. I just have to find her! Please help me out!”


In Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong entering his house. Jaesang claps and comes down the stairs .

“Bravo! Congratulations! I heard you demonstrated your talent again turned a jeep with your bare hand.”

“I was saving someone’s life!”

“Who’s life? Dara’s? When will you understand that all this is going to destroy us. Because of you the wolves have come to know about us. For so many years, we have managed to keep ourselves hidden. We came to this city because, nobody knows us here.”

 “I know Appa, I have to be careful, and I will do that.”

“I hope so. You also need to understand that we don’t haveany enmity with you. Your one of us.”

Jaesang lifts Jiyong’s hand which was cut by the silver chain. He thinks.”Jiyong, you touched silver? Knowing that…”

“That this cut is just the beginning. Even though you’re in the human world, don’t forget who you are. If you burn, you’ll burn us all.” Jaesang told Jiyong. Jaesang moves his hand over Jiyong’s hand and heals the wound. “I am saying this for your benefit. You’re not a 17 years old kid anymore. We have already lived. We have kept ourselves hidden. Just remember. We are not alone.” Jaesang walks off.


In Yang's Mansion

Chaerin is trying her shoe lace sitting on the hall and Bom is sitting on the sofa reading newspaper. Dara comes down the stairs to the hall.

“Goodmorning Chaerin.”


“Hi, Good morning.”

Dara sits on a chair.

Bom reads from the paper. “Your life’s biggest day is going to come soon. The day that you have been waiting for so many years. That day will bring lots of love for you.”

Dara signals Chaerin with eyes to handle Bom. Chaerin grabs the paper from Bom.

“Hey Unnie, why are you reading all of this superstitious non sense? I mean, look at this crap. My horoscope says, you will find you Mr. Right today.” Bom and Dara smiles.“Whatever dude. So this means that all the people with my sunsign will ALL find they’re Mr. Right today. And not just that, that means all of the GUYS will also find their Mr. Right.” Bom and Dara smiles. “What crap man! Don’t waste your time, Unnie. Look, 2 pages ahead are classifieds. Thousands of jobs are available. And that loser boy whose name we don’t mention anymore, there are a lot of ways to forget him. Unnie, fill your empty mind with some work. I mean use your amazing degrees and marks, dude. You’re not going to work with Appa anyway. And your NGO work is only on weekends. You need a real challenge.” Dara nods her head.

 “Wow! Our Chaerin has become very understanding.”

“And fot this understanding I want 500 wons.”

“Really now?” Bom gives Chaerin her purse. “All your sweetheart.”

“Thank you.”

“Enjoy your day.”

“Hey! Wanna go to class or not?” Chaerin ask Dara. “If we are late in Ms. Im’s class, she will leave you in the jungle alone again!”

“Ha, so funny, Chaerin ha, ha.”

“I know I’m funny.”

“Bye Unnie.”

“Bye.” Chaerin and Dara leaves to college.


In College Parking lot.

Car parking lot. Guys are trying to lift a car.

“You guys take it from my side. Start making efforts guys!”

“Oh my god you guys keep fighting! You’re not capable of hard work!”

“Why don’t you work hard!”

“Stop fighting guys!!” Daesung told the boys.

“Do you not understand what I am saying! Just do only what I tell you and pull up the car!”

“Use your strength and pick it up!”

“It’s finished losers.”

“No wonder all of the college girls like Jiyong. We couldn’t even lift a car and he flipped a jeep! Guys let me tell you something. Exercise more and drink protein shakes!” Daesung told the boys. Dara overhears them.

“Even I drink that! I think he might be taking steroids.” Jaehyung said warily.

“No chance man! Have you seen steroid user’s bodies? They are so big! And Jiyong has got a good muscle man. That’s just his body.” Daesung said. “Guys I don’t know he thrashed 3 people at the same time and then flipped over the jeep! Guys we have the strength. We have to do it. Now come on and pick up the car.”

“Yeah come on!”

“1, 2 pull!”

Dara realizes that Jiyong is definitely keeping a secret. Dara sees Jiyong.

Dara thinks.”Something’s up Jiyong. We can’t all be wrong. What are you hiding? Jiyong, you are going to have to give answers.”

“Jiyong just come with me. I need to talk to you.”Jiyong follows her.


In Class room

Dara brings Jiyong on an empty classroom she locks the door.


“What happen Dara?”

“I want to get some answers from you. And you can’t leave here until I get my answers.”

“What kind of questions?”

“Jiyong, Jiyong how did you know the earthquake was coming before anyone else?”

“Because I was concentrating. Like everybody else, I was not paying attention to the class. I could feel the ground move.”

“Really Jiyong? And Minzy?  How did you find Minzy? We were all looking for her, but at the right moment you found her. Wow!”

“Dara you are talking very stupidly. When Minzy got kidnapped, she was making a lot of noise. Everyone was looking for her. You could have found her too. So what I if I found her what a Big deal.”

“Come on Jiyong, you found me too. How did you do that?”

“Coincidence! I was stuck in the jungle myself and then I found you.”

“And those guys? That jeep?”

 “Dara you know this yourself. That those guys were drunk and were just fooling around even if you hit them they would ‘ve fainted. And then I would be asking you this question. Like wow Dara. How did you do that and all of that rubbish.”

“Then how did you dis balance a heavy jeep, Jiyong?”

“Physics! Forces of leverage.With the help of a tress, I dis balanced the jeep.”

“Then how did you make the wolves run away? Is sounded like you were talking to them in their own language.”

“Common sense! When any type of aninmal attacks you, then don’t run away. Look into it’s eyes and scare it that way. Don’t you watch wild life channels? Oh yeah. You only know how to scream, or run away or to faint.” Dara keeps silence.

“Can I leave? Or are there somemore questions? What happened to you Dara. You‘re smart aren’t you? Then why do you keep these silly things in your head all of the time?” Jiyong turns and walks away.

“Well then what happened to you when you touched my chain?” Jiyong stops. Jiyong turns and looks at her. He is stunned by the question and recalls the incident.

What happened? Oh God Jiyong are you okay?

“What do you mean?”

“It looked like the chain was burning you. You got hurt right here, right?” Jiyong keeps silence.  Dara goes near him and inspects his hand. She is surprised to find no sign of wound on his hand “What? How is that possible? Jiyong I saw it myself! It cut you and you were screaming! I was there! How can this be?” Jiyong takes away his hand.

“Dara, I am allergic to silver. And I am taking medication for my allergy. If you want to, you can go and ask my doctors. Some peoples are allergic to metal, and I am one of them.” Jiyong turns and leave from there.


In Library

Dara is doing a search on Internet keeping Jiyong’s characteristics and skills in mind.

 “What kind of people have these characteristics? Allergic to silver, speed that is faster than normal, senses that are above normal, ability to understand wolves.”

“These are a type of beings in the olden days they were know as nosferatu’s.” She is shocked to see that the results are for Nosferatu

“What is a nosferatu?” Dara search on Google.” Nosferatu, another name for vampire?”

Dara wonders.”A vampire? What? Vampire? Can this really be true? I’ve only heard of them in books andstories, but oh god! The living dead can this really be true? Who would ever believe in such a thing nowadays?’

“Man’s ability to change eye colour.”

“Oh God!.” She is stunned.

“Jiyong? Is this true? Is Jiyong a vampire?”

 “I have some answers now Jiyong. I am very close to finding out the truth and I will find it no mat

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)