Old memories.

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In Palace

Dara sees a hooded man coming down the stairs, she gets scared so she hide herself.

“Who is it?”

 “Who is there?”

“Who is it?”


TOP who has covered his face with mask and wearing a hood comes down.



“No Dara no! I’m not going to let you get away that easily. You have done so much to me. For that, you will have to pay the price.” TOP says as he walk around the corridor of the palace.

TOP recalls

I will find proof against you. And I will prove that you are wrong.

Bom slapping him

One more word from you TOP, and I swear I will finish you off with my own hands!

You killed us! You have killed your parents.

You cannot be my son TOP!

Dara runs around the rooms and is still calling for help.“God, what kind of fort is this! Every route leads to the hall!”

“Oh God! Help me!”

“Is anyone there.”

“Somebody help me!”


In Jungle

 Jiyong is near Yoojin’s grave.


“Is anybody there? Help me! Is anyone there, I am stuck here please!!!” Jiyong hears Dars’s voice

Jiyong closes his eyes and then open to reveal his blue eyes.


In Car

Youngbae in the car remembering what he said to Dara

Yesterday night, when you two were in the tent, I saw it!

You know what Youngbae, this is what your problem is. You see anything you want, then you makeup stories about it! And now today, you are judging me again?

Youngbae is this how you like someone? Is this how you show your love?

“Youngbae you are such an idiot! You wanted to show her your charm you stupid idiot. What was the need to fight with her? Now she hates you!”Youngbae says to himself.



In Palace

Dara is standing in the hall of the Palace. She gets scared when she see the shadow of a man who is standing upstairs she runs away from where she was standing and hide herself.


In Car

Youngbae in the car looking into his mobile.


In Palace

Top takes one of the deer horn in his hand


“Come out Dara.”

“Dara come Out.”

You won’t make it out safe today! Because you know yourself and I know too that you are here, all alone. All alone! Now you have no one to save you, Dara. No one.”Dara is sitting scared at her hiding place.“Come out Dara! Can you hear this? Because I can hear you heartbeat! And because you are so scared, I can hear your breathing.” Dara cover with her hand.” I can feel you Dara! You are somewhere near here. Somewhere close. Somewhere very close to me. All of the doors that lead outside are all locked. You have gotten yourself fully trapped in here, Dara!DARA COME OUT!!!! DARA!!!”


In Car

Youngbae in the car looking into his mobile.


In  Palace

Dara is terrified and hiding from the guy who is calling out her name when suddenly her mobile Rings♫♫♫♫♫ alerting him.

“.Oh God! How do I switch off this phone!”

“Dara!” TOP comes and stand infront of her.

Dara runs from there. “Help me!”

TOP confronts her with the deer horn. “I did not do anything!”

“Good bye Dara. She turns and run away again and lands in front of the TOP again. He goes towards her and Dara moves back.

“Help me!” TOP lifts the horn to stab her when suddenly Jiyong opened the balcony door and jumps from there standing between TOP and Dara.

“Leave!” Jiyong says to TOP and he goes off.

Dara comes and hugs Jiyong. “Jiyong .”

“Thank God that Jiyong you arrived! Jiyong who was that? He wanted to kill me!”

“Shhhh.” Jiyong keep his finger on her lips.

 “Nothing will happen to you. Control of yourself. I am here right? Nothing will happen to you. I will go find out who it was.”

“No Jiyong! He was wearing a mask! And he has….You won’t go!”

“Shhh…. Dara! Nothing will happen to me. You stay here, I will go check. Jiyong goes off. Dara then notices the painting of Yoojin.

She goes near and think “This picture….This is that one…I have seen it!.”

Dara recalls the picture in Jiyong wallet.

Slapping Jiyong


Yoojin’s grave

Dara feels her face and then remembers seeing Yoojin’s grave.

Dara reads the name written on the painting “Her Royal Highness Princess Yoojin of Gyeyang!”

Jiyong walks in “Her Royal Highness Princess Yoojin of Gyeyang!”

“Yoojin” Dara turns to look at him.

 “Is this Yoojin?Why do you go around carrying her picture in our wallet? Why Jiyong?”

“This is a secret Dara. That I hidden from you!”

“What are you hiding from me Jiyong?”

“I don’t think I need to tell you anything.” Dara goes near Jiyong.

“Jiyong, do I have no right to know? My face looks exactly like her and still I have no right to know? You call me by her name and yet, I still have no right to know Jiyong?

“Dara anyone can make a mistake like that. You just look like her. Anyone can make a mistake.”

“Really Jiyong?”

“Let’s go Dara.” He turns to walk. Dara hold his hand.

“No Jiyong. I want to know the truth. You‘ve kept a lot of secrets from me, and you owe this to me. I will not leave without knowing the truth.”

“Fine. Listen.” Jiyong turns towards her.

 “I’m listening.”

“For few years I’ve been writing a novel, about the princess of Gyeyang. My research and studies about her have become a sort of obsession.”

“Jiyong, you’re writing a book? And because of that you have a picture of her in your wallet?”

“Yes. Didn’t you ever work on a project in which you became so attached to it, that you couldn’t think of anything else except it. I think about my work and my subject all the time. I did’nt tell anyone about this because since I’m a college kid no one takes me seriously. Yoojin is the main protagonist of my novel. She is the main character in my story.and I confess that I am obsessed with her.” They walk together. “ Dara, Yoojin used to live in this palace 150 yearsago. Or maybe even earlier than that. How can I be connected to her? She is the most important part of my story.” Dara turns and looks at Yoojin’s Picture

“I’m sorry Jiyong. I shouldn’t have interfered with your work.”

“That’s okay Dara. Forget it. Shall we leave?” Dara nods and they walk out together.


Outside Jungle

TOP is running out of the Jungle and coming to the road. He is almost hit by a car. Jeasang sees TOP and gets out of the car.


Jaesang get out of his car.“Seunghyun? You? What are you doing here?”

“Sir? It’s you.”

“Everyone back home is looking for you.”

“Sir i…”

“Everyone is looking for you.”

“I needed to finish some unfinished work. I will go back into the city with my head held high. I need to teach Dara a lesson. She ruined my whole life! And I will take it back from her.”

“I understand.”

“Dara should not have done that. She should understand, that she should not interfere in other people s matters. Right?”

“And I will teach her this lesson Sir. That’s why I came here. I even had her alone in the Gyeyang Palace.”


“But then Jiyong came. And I had to leave.”

“Gyeyang Palace. Jiyong was there?”

“Jiyong always follows Dara where ever she goes.”


 “I’m sorry to say this but, Dara’s alone and innocent act melts Jiyong’s heart. And Dara is an expert in knowing how to make boys fall in love with her.”

Jaesang thinks “I don’t believe this. Jiyong went to the Gyeyang Palace? That’s not right. He stepped foot in that place after all these years? The consequences of this will be very bad. It was very hard  for Jiyong to forget her, and now a new story will start because of this Dara. This girl has caused a lot of problems and this is the worst of them all.”

“Seunghyun, you are my employee and so I understand your feelings. I will help you deal with Dara.”

“Really Sir?”

“Don’t worry. We shall deal with her. Come


In Jungle

Dara and Jiyong are walking through the jungle, Jiyong is holding Dara’s hand. He stops facing Dara.

“Dara walk quickly. After today’s incident, I think that this kidnapper is the sme one who kidnapped Minzy. I think that he accidently kidnapped Minzy. I don’t want to see you in danger Dara. Come, lets go.”

“But Jiyong, it’s so strange! Why would someone want to kidnap me? I mean, what have I done? And how did he know that we were camping? And we even changed our plans last minute! Then How?”

“I think he knows someone among us.”

You mean that someone from our bus told him. I mean unintertionally?

“Let’s go.” Jiyong hold her hand again and starts walking together.

Jiyong and Dara are walking from the forest towards the road when Jiyong notice a car coming on the road. He and Dara sit down by the side of a big rock hiding from the view of the vehicle. While sitting down Dara twist her leg accidently. Jiyong notice Jaesang in the car with another man. Jaesang stops the car a few feet away and looks into the Jungle side.

“Appa?”Jiyong mouthed.

“What happen Sir?”TOP asked Jaesang

“ No it’s just an illusion.” Jaesang replied still looking through the mirror.

Jiyong thinks “No, you couldn’t have done this. You attacked Dara? No. I told you to stay away from Dara. And who was the other man in the car? And what is he doing with you at this time of night.


“Jiyong I think…I think we should get a lift from this car.”

“No Dara that car is not safe for us.”

“Why? Do you think the kidnappers is in it?”

“Yes. Maybe he’s more dangerous than I thougt he would be”

“God.”  Jaesang drives off from there. Jiyong and Dara gets up from there and starts walking.

“Ouch!”Dara cried in pain.

“What happened?”

“Its’ nothing  Jiyong. It’s just…I think, I have a small bruise.”

 “Are you sure?” Jiyong asked in concerned.


“Alright. But we should stay away from the main road. Let’s go through the jungle.”

“Okay.” As they are about to walk off. “Ouch.” Dara again cries in pain. Jiyong kneels and checks Dara’s feet. “Ouch! Jiyong!”

“A small bruise?”


“Dara you’re hurt very badly. I think, I think you’ve twisted your ankle.” Jiyong gets up.


“Come, I’ll carry you.”

“No.” Jiyong and Dara looks at each other. Dara recalls Jiyong fighting with the stranger who kidnapped Minzy at the jungle, saving her from the 2 hooded people in the jungle and saving her from getting killed in the Palace.



“Is it hurting?” Dara nods. Jiyong lifts Dara up and walks through the jungle carrying her.


In Bus.

Chaerin and Minzy are sitting together.

“Why are you so upset?”Chaerin asked Minzy.

“ If I say something, will you believe me?”

“ What? “

“The reincarnation of that dead princess is “ Minzy points at herself.

“Yeah right? You were her dead maid. Now don’t act oversmart, okay?”

“You’re so rude.”

“I remember I used to comb my hair for hours.”

“You do that in this life too. Dumbo.”

“No! I remember the golden hair brush in my hand.”

“Wow! And a crown too right?” Chaerin added.

“Tiara. The lovely tiara was in my hands,”

“And you slowly used that brush to comb the princess’s hair. And then you gave her the tiara. right Miss maid.” Chaerin .

Daesung who was sitting in front of them turn behind“What’s with you Chaerin? Why are you always so mean? Just leave her alone.”

“What? You don’t want to make jokes out of Minzy’s loserness with me?” Chaerin asked Daesung.

“Chaerin joking is a different thing, okay? You just keep on teasing her! Look, if she thinks that she was a princess, then let her be. And, what do you know? Maybe she was.”

“Minzy, don’t let her bully you. You know what kind of girl she is.”Minzy is happy that Daesung supports hers.

“Hey don’t try to creat a fight between us, okay? Minzy knows that I love her.” Chaerin hugged Minzy. “And it seem like there is someone else here too. Who loves you!” Chaerin whispered to Minzy. “So Princess you’ve found you frog…I mean prince charming, right here. So come back to this lifetime.” Daesung smiles.

“Daesung, you know your uncle that lives in paris? Is he a king ? Can I call him Uncle? Can we go to Paris next year?”Minzy started questioning him.

“No? hun?” Daesung get irate and turns his back t oMinzy.

Chaerin silently laugh at Minzy“What? Was that too much?” Minzy asked Chaerin.

“Perfect.” Chaerin replied and continue laughing.

Ring♫♫♫♫ Ring♫♫♫♫

“Hello?” Chaerin answer the call.

“Look champ, before you give me a lecture, give the phone to Dara.”

“Hun?”Chaerin is confused.

“Comeon champ. I’m tired of begging. Give Dara the phone because she isn’t answering my calls.”

“What do you mean by she isn’t answering your calls? Isn’t she with you?”

“Very funny.”

“You know that she isn’t with me. She refused to come with me. We had an argument and she just left. Give her the phone Chaerin.”

“Are you a psyco? She isn’t here.” Chaerin yells at him.


Chaerin disconnects the phone and says loud.”! Did we leave her there?”


“Why did you disconnect the call?” Youngbae says looking at the phone


“Unnie! Unnie stop the bus!”

“What is it?”

“We left Dara behind.”



In Jungle

At the jungle Jiyong and Dara comes near a pond. Jiyong puts Dara down and helps her to sit on a rock. He sits next to her.

“Dara, you’re hurt really badly. I’ll have to treat it. Or else we won’t be able to get back.”

“But what… what will you do Jiyong?” Jiyong lifts her injured foot and Dara looks at him with dreamy eyes. Dara closes her eyes in pain. Jiyong lifts his hand to remove the hair from her face but stops. Dara looks at him.

Jiyong says in his mind“Don’t look at me like that Dara or else I’ll go crazy. I keep trying to keep you away from me, but you’re still coming closer and closer to my heart. I’ve put up so many walls around me, so that no one can come in but Dara, you …you ‘ve broken through all those walls. You’re going to make me insane Dara! You’ll make me go insane Dara.” Dara looks at Jiyong with dreamy eyes.

“Do you trust me?”

“I trust you more than myself Jiyong.”

Jiyong thinks.“Come on Jiyong.control yourself. She is just an ordianary girl. She’s just anot

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)