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At AKS Collage Campus

Uee and Youngbae are walking through the AKS College Campus. Youngbae tells her that he has some important work to do. Uee complains that earlier he used to give her a lot of time and now has changed.

Uee's Bimbo's are also talking and walking through the college corridor.

Daesung is sitting on the wall and throwing small stones trying to get Minzy's attention.

Minzy and Dara are sitting at the Canteen chatting. Dara tells Minzy that the Party was nice and she missed it. Minzy tells Dara about her fight with Daesung. She tells that in her anger she told Daesung to go away and he went away. Suddenly Minzy sees something and says, “Oh my God.”  Minzy stands up.

Dara also looks in the direction Minzy is looking. Chaerin also comes near Minzy and Dara. Chaerin also looks at the direction the girls are looking and is stunned.

 Jiyong is walking through the AKS College Campus with a pretty girl clinging to his arm. Chaerin curses and says, “Jiyong came back to college...” Chaerin looks at Dara who is sitting and looking at Jiyong without blinking an eye. Jiyong walks straight to Dara. Seeing that Dara gets up from the chair. 

Uee and Youngbae are talking. Uee sees him, “JIYONG KWON . …HE HAS NOT CHANGED AT ALL.” Jiyong goes near Dara along with the girl. Youngbae looks at Jiyong. All eyes are on Jiyong while Jiyong looks at Dara.

“Hi Dara...”

“Hi...” She extends her hand but Jiyong does not take it.

“Great to see you. I have come back to College. Oh!” Jiyong looks at the girl with him and introduces her. “Meet my Girlfriend...Kiko...”Dara looks shocked. The girl smiles at her and then looks at Jiyong with a smile. Both of them go from there.

Youngbae rushes from there. Dara runs behind Jiyong while Chaerin and Minzy follows.


The Guy with Birthmark on the wrist is speaking to somebody on phone. “Jiyong has returned and he has joined the College also. And this time he would be here till I don't end his story forever. And for that I need to stay very closer to him...very close!”


Jiyong is walking alone through the College Campus. He is walking like a soldier with long strides with a lot of confidence on his face. He sees Chaerin with a ball in hand and stops to greet her.

“Hi Chaerin!”

“Sorry dude...No time...” Jiyong resumes walking again.

Youngbae comes along with Uee with an arm around her shoulder and stops when they see Jiyong.

“Hi Youngbae...Hi Uee...” Uee almost smiles and is about to say something. Youngbae takes her away from there saying, “Let's go Uee.”

 Jiyong then sees Daesung and Minzy coming his way fighting over something. He greets them.

“Hi Minzy!”

“Hi!” She gives a big smile.

“Hi Daesung!”

“We are getting late for the class. let's go...” He pulls Minzy who tries to resist and say something to Jiyong. Daesung raises his voice. “I said we are getting late...Why don't you understand?” Daesung takes Minzy away from there. Jiyong smiles.


At Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk is sitting near the fire place looking into something on his laptop. His mobile rings and he picks up the call from Youngbae.


“Uncle, Uncle...I need to talk an urgent matter with you.”

“Yeah Youngbae...tell me!”

“Uncle...Jiyong Kwon has returned...”



At College Campus

Jiyong is walking fast. Dara is following him.

“Jiyong... just stop!” Jiyong stops but does not turn and look at her. Dara comes closer to him and stops a few steps behind him.

“Jiyong, You cannot just go like that without talking to me... You have to give me answers to many of my questions. Here everyone knows my story...except me. I don't remember anything. I need you to tell me. And you are behaving as if there was nothing. Two days back you came to save me... why? Why did you do that?”

Jiyong recalls seeing her under the ice grave and walking after carrying her from the Car.

Jiyong says in mind, “No Dara, Not now! I cannot answer you now... Don't make this more difficult for me.” He turns to face her after composing himself.

“Not Possible,” Kiko comes and holds his arm.

“Hey Baby, You are here... How long I was looking for you...” Jiyong and Kiko looks at each other.

“Two days back I was with Kiko at Club Nine and after that with her at her farm house... Today what we will do we have to decide...right Kiko?”

“Right!” Dara is literally in tears.

“Jiyong, Why are you doing this? You may tell me a lie but at least don't lie to yourself. Why are you playing these games with me? Can't you give me a straight answer Jiyong? I agree that what ever was between us has finished but I need to know...”

“You are irritating! Get a life...”

“Baby, Let's go please...” Jiyong and Kiko walks from there.  Minho is coming from their opposite direction.

Dara recalls Sulli telling her that they were both perfect as a Couple and that everyone in College used to be jealous of them.

Jiyong turns and looks at the direction Dara is standing while walking. Minho who is coming through the College Corridor from the opposite direction sees Jiyong looking at Dara. Minho comes near Dara. Dara turns and sees Minho standing in front of her. Dara looks at him for a moment and then turns her face away to hide her tears.

“Dara...Hey...Come on...the great Dara Yang is wasting her tears for a Guy? No! He does not deserve you Dara...Not at all!” Dara wipes her eyes. “I mean you do not need to give him this much attention Dara. I am sure something happened between you... something was there between you but not any more... He has moved on... You also need to forget him Dara. You have no idea how unlucky he is who does not know your value...he does not know what he lost losing you Dara... Just...Just let him go Dara...”

“You are also like that...” Dara walks from there but she is stopped by Minho who holds her hand.

“No Dara... Dara, may be I am also like you... I play hard to get but I just save my heart from being broken Dara. We both are going through the same feelings Dara... because of which we keep fighting always. Dara I am not telling that there is love between us...but there is something Dara...which both of us are unable to define. And since we are unable to give a definition ... we keep fighting.” Dara turns to face Minho. “We are friends Dara. Now all these fights and arguments are enough...Let's be ourselves...You be yourself... Just smile! Because smile looks very good on you...I swear! And by the way the crying girls don't look good at all. So...shall we go?” Minho points the jungle area. “To save the Jungle...” Dara nods. “Shall we?” They go from there together with Minho's hand on Dara's shoulder.”


Jiyong is walking through the College Corridor. He stops when he hears Chaerin's voice calling him.

“Jiyong Kwon...” Chaerin comes near Jiyong. Jiyong faces her.

“Chaerin...You were talking to me? This will be a big achievement for me...”

“Just shut up and listen okay? I don't have any interest talking to you or your sarcasm.”

“Same here! I also don't have any interest in talking to you. And that means we can ignore each other...happily.”

“What you want to do you do okay...But you will stay away from Dara.If you even come close to her the consequences would not be good Jiyong.”

“Consequences? I take it as a warning.”

“Jiyong, I don't know where you went and now why you are back. I only know this that Dara lost her memory in an accident. That day what happened... why it happened...only Dara knows and she is unable to tell us. She has lost her memory. She has forgotten you. And we also want to keep her away from all painful memories. And now you have come back? And you are just confusing her... Her situation is already so delicate.”

“Look Chaerin, I am not bothered about her situation or her. Yeah, she is a little too much bothered about me. Why don't you tell her to move on?”

“Hey listen, Dara can talk to any one she please. But if you go near her, I will kill you.”

“That is too much of drama Chaerin? Are you for real? Listen Chaerin, Your threats will have no effect on anyone. And I have no interest in Dara. I promise!” Jiyong turns and walks from there. He suddenly stops and turns to talk to her. “And should think of your life. Because if there is something interesting in our life then you will stop interfering in other people's life.” Jiyong walks off. Chaerin is angry.

“ What the bastard... Loser!” She turns and walks from there.


At Lee’s Mansion

Hyori Lee is sitting near the fire place at Lee Mansion looking into a file. Donghae comes there and greets her. Hyori asks him to sit. Donghae sits on the chair opposite her.

“You called me?”

“Donghae, I told you to join our Business so that the Yangs respect you. But after what you did yesterday night you have fallen in their eyes. You did such a childish act... Thank God that Hyunsuk did not think to bad of it...otherwise what you did was terrible! What is this testing of love? Who talks like that? Love is at it place... but making it such a big drama what sort of maturity is that? Donghae, Bom is a very nice girl. She is educated...She is beautiful...she runs an NGO...and is from a perfect family. Don't spoil it! Yesterday night because of your fault you almost lost her. Donghae, I want you to make it up. I want you to apologize to Bom. Take her out on a date... You will say sorry to her genuinely from your heart, got that?”

“Mom, it's okay. I talked to her and she is okay about it. I also talked to her on phone...”

“No Donghae! Nothing doing...Nothing happens on Phone...I am going to phone her. You go and get fresh... Go!” Donghae gets up.


At Yang’s Mansion

The mobile rings at Yang House. Bom is coming down the stairs to the Hall. She looks into the Caller ID of her phone and thinks, “Oh God...Hyori Aunty.” Bom picks up the Call.

“Hello Aunty.”

“Bom, I have arranged a date for you and Donghae. I thought after all the drama which happened last night you both need to spend some time together. So please get ready dear...Donghae is coming to pick you up.”

“But Auntie... I was going to College...Chaerin and all students are protesting outside the jungle so I was going to support them.”

“Bom, They will manage without you also. In fact I think you should give him a chance...He wants to say sorry to you. See, you go there also...Donghae will pick you up from there. Let him pamper you a bit...”

“But Auntie...”

“Come on Bom, Get ready...Give him a chance...”

“Okay, Sure!”

“Thanks dear..” Hyori ends the call.

 Bom thinks, “I am tired of this Donghae. Where am I trapped? Now I have to tolerate him for a full evening.”


At the Jungle Site

Students are at near the Jungle Site putting the banners. Chaerin is walking. She is surprised when she sees Sulli coming there.

“Hey Sulli... What are you doing here?”

“I have come to help my ex friends and ex college. Youngbae called me here. He said that the more people it is the better for the Campaign. And anyways, I also have some responsibilities towards the College, right?”

“That is great. I am just going to get extra T Shirt.” Dara sees Sulli and walks towards her. “I will get one for you...”


“It's cool right?”


“See you...”

“Bye!” Dara comes near Sulli.

“Hi Sulli!”

“Hey Dara, How are you?”

“I am good! How are you?”

“It is so nice, right? Every one is protesting together. Who knew that a Jungle could unite us?”

“Yeah, I know! Sulli, I wanted to talk to you...”

“Tell me Dara! Actually Jiyong has come back and he has joined College also. And I spoke to him also but... like what you said he was not at all like that. As a fact when he talked to me he was very cruel. And when I reminded him about my....I mean our relationship he just brushed it nothing had happened.”

“I am so sorry Dara. Dara, Maybe everything has changed. Everything is not very easy after breakup, right? And Dara...One year has passed. You can't expect him to be the same. And Dara if he is not giving you attention I don't think you should care..”

Chaerin shouts, 'Sulli, Come fast...I will give you T Shirt...” Chaerin runs towards the group.

“Dara, If he does not care for also should not. Forget him, Okay? Anyway, I got to go for a while. I will see you around.” Sulli goes from there.

Dara thinks, “This big a change? How did he change so much that he does not care about me at all? Is it true that I made this relationship in my own mind? Why don't I remember anything? If I could remember maybe I could have moved ahead. It would have been better than this unknown confusion. I don't understand this!.”


At Yang’s Mansion

Bom is walking towards the door to go out. Hyunsuk stops her by calling her from behind.

“Bom...” Hyunsuk comes down the stairs to the Hall. “Where are you going?”

“Appa, I was going to College for the protest. I am supporting Dara and Chaerin.”

“Yeah, good... I am sure they will need your help.”

“Sure Appa...” Bom notices that Hyunsuk is looking moody. “Appa, what happened? You are looking a little stressed...Is everything okay?”

“Bom, Jiyong Kwon is back!”

“What? Jiyong Kwon? Oh God...why this time? When Dara is getting better...”

“Bom listen!” Hyunsuk goes close to Bom. “Actually I am worried a lot about Dara. One year back that night what happened nobody knows. Whatever the story was of that night Dara knows. But because of her memory loss she does not remember anything.You know what I mean.” Bom nods. “Where Jiyong and Kwon Family vanished...where there went...nobody knows anything. They did not have any connection with us also. But now suddenly Jiyong has returned...Why? I wish you meet

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)