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In Jungle

Dara lying down on the ground in the Jungle with burned candles around her. Jiyeon, Jaesang and Jiyong are standing near her.

“ Jiyong, don't do this! Dara's condition is very critical. If she  survives or not because of your sacrifice...your survival could be in danger...Don't!” Jiyeon warns him.

“Survival? There is no survival for a Vampire...Dara is my life...without her I am nothing...I only know this much...that I have to save Dara...and this work I will do alone...Please go!”

Jaesang and Jiyeon looks at each other while Jiyong looks at a bleeding Dara on the ground. Jaesang and Jiyeon walks away.

Jiyong kneeles to the ground. Jaesang and Jiyeon stops and turn to look at Jiyong and then vanishes from there.

“Dara, get up! Dara, If you survive tonight this Vampire Blood would go from your body forever and you will be able to live the life of a normal human. Dara, I will save you even if that means I have to end my life.”

Jiyong closes his eyes and recalls Dara words, “I love you Jiyong, I love you...This is the everything is false. I love you!”

“Dara...Dara get up! Dara fight for you life. Dara you have to fight along with me for your life. Dara get up!” Jiyong gets up.


In Kwon’s Mansion

Uee at the Kwon mansion. She has removed the short dress she was wearing and is now wearing a lingerie. She admires herself in the Mirror. “Look at me? Who can resist me? Jiyong Kwon...On this side of the door Heaven is waiting for you.”

 Uee goes and lies down on the Bed. She then hears the sound of the Car arriving and does a touch up of lip gloss looking at the mirror “Showtime!”

 Jiyeon and Jaesang enters the room. Uee sees them and gathers her bag and dress and runs from there unnoticed. Jiyeon and Jaesang turns and looks after she gets out of the room. Uee gets out of the Kwon Mansion main door. She thinks, “Oh my God! This is so not happening. I hope they did not see my face. But anyone would recognize this body. Oh no no no no! Oh this stupid Driver also has gone. I thought Jiyong would drop me. Now what? I need to get lift in this jungle...”


In Jungle

“Dara to get up.” Jiyong is having fangs now. He does a ritual of sacrificing his blood in the moon light by biting on his veins on the wrist. He then kneeles down , “YAHHHHHH...”






.After some time Dara regains consciousness. her wound marks have be healed. Dara touches her neck and finds that she is healed.

 She gets up and looks for Jiyong, “Jiyong…..Jiyong.” She then finds him collapsed outside the candled circle and runs to him. She kneeles by him and shakes him.

“Jiyong! Jiyong...Jiyong...what happened to you? Can you hear me? Jiyong...Jiyong...Jiyong...Listen to me...Jiyong, can you hear me? Jiyong what happened to you? Jiyong...” Jiyong opens his eyes. “Jiyong...what have you done? You saved my life Jiyong...what have you done Jiyong?”

“Dara, Promise me! Promise me Dara...that after I go will stay happy...”

“Jiyong... No!”

“You will be happy Dara...”

“ Jiyong!”

“You will forget me...”

“Jiyong!” Dara nods 'No' with tearful eyes.

“You will move ahead in life...Dara...Promise me Dara...Promise me!”

“Jiyong...Don't tell all these... just tell me what can I do...what can I do? How can I help you Jiyong?”

“Dara, I don't have much time...As I go...I want to keep your face in my eyes and go...”


“Dara, I love you Dara...”

“ Jiyong!”

“Dara, I love you Dara...”

“ Jiyong!”

“Always stay happy..”


“Always... “Jiyong's body becomes still. Dara shakes him.

“ anyone here? Jiyong! Is there somebody? Jiyong...Jiyong... Somebody help  us……… Is there somebody…….”

 Dara sees Jaejoong coming. “Jaejoong …..Jaejoong please help Jiyong ……Please Please help Jiyong. Do something save Jiyong. I don’t know what’s wrong with him.”

“Dara …..Dara don’t worry, I will look after him……Please go get some help.”

“Jaejoong Please help him.”

“Dara don’t panic and waste time go get some help.” Dara goes from there.

Jaejoong thinks, “Well...well...well...little Brother, What have you done? To save Dara you put all your powers and life on her...the life ritual ehh? Jiyong, when will you understand that you are an Ordinary vampire...that too a vegetarian vampire...not God. Poor Jiyong sacrificed himself leaving Dara for me...Good! Poetic Justice I say...I will write the last chapter of this Story.”

Jaejoong goes near Jiyong and sits beside him. He mocks at Jiyong, “No...No...Jiyong...What have you done? You cannot leave me and go. I cannot leave without you...Wait a minute...I am not alive! Funny isn't it? Now only a Vampire can save you. And guess what? I am a Vampire. But there is a small problem. I don't wish to save you. So today you will end and our relationship too. Good riddance!” Jaejoong turns to his Vampire form. He suddenly sees Uee coming that way. Jaejoong looks at her annoyed and angry. Jaejoong changes back to human form.

Uee sees him standing. She also sees Jiyong lying on the ground and rushes to him. “Jaejoong what happened to Jiyong.”

 Jaejoong thinks,”Oh stupid girl...she also had to come here. Well, along with Jiyong I also have to end her story here.”

“Is he dying? You are taking him to Hospital? Jiyong...don't die please...” Jaejoong almost charges at Uee  then he sees Dara coming with the Kwons. Uee runs off from there.

Jaejoong thinks, “I have to act. I have to make the Kwon's believe that I was only trying to save the life of my Brother.”

“It is good that you people have come. We can still save Jiyong's life.” Jaejoong kneeles beside Jiyong.

Jiyeon thinks, “There is still love for Jiyong in Jaejoong's heart...You saw Jaesang...He is trying to save Jiyong”

Jaesang responds to Jiyeon's mind talk, “I cannot trust Jaejoong even for a minute. I know his hatred and him.”

“Thank you Jaejoong! We will take Jiyong with us. Why don't you do something for us?” Jaejoong nods. “Drop Dara...”

“But Jiyong's life is still in danger! I can help...”

“No! Thank you...We will take care. You drop Dara...”

“No...I will not go anywhere. Till Jiyong does not become fine I will stay here...with him.”

Jiyeon mind talk with Jaesang, “Dara is not fully alright...she is very weak...And we can’t risk her being tested by the Doctors.”

“Alright Dara...You go with us. Okay Jaejoong...I shall take over from now on...Thank you!”


In Chaerin’s Room

Chaerin is throwing her clothes in a suitcase. Bom comes running in the room.

“Chaerin, what are you doing?”

“I am going...”

“What? That is rubbish...”

“Really Unnie I will tell you what was Rubbish...The story Omma told us was rubbish.I don't care about it...years ago whose love for whom was how pure. I don't care about it. Appa cheated on us...he lied to us...and maybe Omma can forgive him but not me...I know. Everyone thinks that I am very bad...and I should understand Appa...but no! I am sorry...I cannot forgive heart is not so big...”

“Chaerin...Keep patience...try to understand...”

“Unnie, You are very good, right? You be patient. It is not possible with me.”

“Chaerin...have you thought? Where will you go at this time of the night?”

“I don't know. I just can't live here,okay. Today will go tonight to Minzy's House and then I will think about it.” Chaerin goes out of the room and Bom whispers, “Oh God!”She then opens the table drawer and takes a CD from there which she hides underneath Chaerin's clothes. She then sits on the cot crying. Chaerin comes and closes her suitcase. She then walks off from there.


In Kwon’s Mansion

Dara wakes up. She sits up and wonders, “Where am I?” Dara scans the room.

She then whispers, “Jiyong...Where is Jiyong?” She gets out of the bed and rushes out.


Jaesang and Jiyeon are in the Hall. Jiyeon is sitting in a Sofa while Jaesang is walking to and fro with a drink in hand.

“When will you understand that we cannot trust him? He is not worth it...He is evil! He is trying to get an entry into this house by helping Jiyong...I don't know whether you don't see it or you don't want to see it Jiyeon.”

“Jaesang, This many years have passed...still I did not say anything. But I trust Jaejoong. He will mend his ways for me. He will!”

“I cannot trust him. I don't trust him. If he wants to come back to this house...He will have to prove that he has changed...And be grateful Jiyeon that we reached near Jiyong at the right time. Otherwise don't know what would have happened.”

“Oh Come on Jaesang...Jaejoong was just trying to help!” Jiyeon sees Dara opening the door and coming down the stairs. “I spoke to the Doctor. Dara was sleeping. She is just going to be fine!” Dara comes near them. “Right Dara?”

“How are you Dara?”

“I am fine...How is Jiyong? Where is he...?”

“He is sleeping...He is alright!” Dara is happy.

“God...Thank God...Thank God.” She sits on the floor with tears of happiness flowing from her eyes.


In AKS College Campus.

Many students have gathered near Uee and her Bimbo friends.

“I should get this year's Bravery Awards...because yesterday night I saved Jiyong's life...” Uee told everyone.


“You know what? He was unconscious...looks like almost he is dead...and I got scared. I went and got his Parents and got him to consciousness. His Omma and Appa thought they have lost him. But I got him back...That was a scary moment and I was brave enough that I saved Jiyong Kwon's life...”

“Wow Uee! By the way you know save someone and they will owe you big time...”

“Now he will not forget your favor life long...Rather, now his life is given by you...”

“Yeah...Uee has right over Jiyong Kwon...sounds good!”


In Kwon’s Mansion

The door bells rings. Jiyeon opens the door and sees Uee, her Bimbo friends and 2 other girls on the doorstep with flowers and gifts.  Uee has covered her face with scarf and glasses.

“What you wanted.?”

We have come to meet Jiyong, we heard he is sick and not in a good condition. And we have special healing powers  . Where is he?”

Uee think,“ I hope she doesn’t recognize me.”

Jiyeon lets them in. Uee and gang rushes to Jiyong's room.


Jiyong is lying on the bed looking weak. The 2 girls sit on the bed. One girl says, “Jiyong, you become alright fast and come to College, we would love to see you there.”

The other girl looks at Jiyong and says, “Don't you think in college they should allow black pajamas. We should request the Principal.”

Uee pulls the girl from where she was sitting and sits there.“Relax Women”

Uee sits on the bed. “Only my name is written on these Black Pajamas! Jiyong, you scared me...I felt that you were dead!”

“Really? I don't remember anything...”

“You only need to remember one thing...that you owe your life to Uee, right?” Jiyong looks at her.

The girls kiss Jiyong one by one saying “Get well Soon” and leaves from there.

Dara looks at them and then turns her back with no sign of jealousy or anger on her face. After the girls go off Dara comes to the room and stands at the feet of the bed.

“Enjoyed your attention? Your ego got satisfied? By the way...from when you started enjoying attention?”

“You felt bad?”

“Yeah...felt bad...I don't like when this Bimbos come closer to you.” Dara turns her face away.

“Really?” Jiyong tries to get up but as he is really weak he almost  falls back. Dara rushes to him “Jiyong” She gently puts him back to bed. She then lays next him by putting her head on his chest and holding hands on his arm. Jiyong caresses her head with his left hand.

“You make me complete...!” Jiyong tells Dara.

“Jiyong, wish if we could go in front of the whole world hand in hand.Jiyong don't know why we have to hide our relationship from everyone...”

“I don't know anything Dara...I only know this much that I am with you...and I will not let it change...Never! I will be with you forever!”


In Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk is standing near the window looking outside. Eunju comes there and sees his Tea.

“Your Tea has become cold...I will go and make another...”

“No Eunju! leave it!”

“Okay, Eat something please...Hyunsuk, You don't take this much tension please...”

“No, Eunju...all this is because of me...You are getting punished for my mistakes...Everyone is angry with me...I need to go somewhere far...very far...from where I won't spoil your life...” Eunju holds on to Hyunsuk's arm and leans on him.

“Hyunsuk, Enough! You are not going anywhere...This family needs you...our daughters are angry with us, right...we will make them understand...When they calm down they will come back on their own...First, let's start with Dara...Her anger is very old...first let us make everything right with her...then Chaerin...after that we will talk to Chaerin...She is at Minzy's place and is perfectly alright. Hyunsuk, don't you know her? How stubborn she is...Everything would be alright.”

“No Eunju, This time she is very angry...What all she told me...”

“And we also listened, right? Enough...Now she will listen to us. Come on Hyunsuk, let's start with Dara... Let's go...let's bring our daughter  home..”

“I don't  deserve you Eunju...”

“No Hyunsuk, Together in everything...Remember?” Hyunsuk hugs Eunju.

“ Yes!”

“Come on...Let's go!”


In Kwon’s Mansion

The Door bell rings. Jiyeon opens the door Jaesang is behind her. The Kwon's see the Yang's at the door.

“Where is Dara? We have come to take her.”

“Wherever she is...she is fine!”

“Well...That's not your call. I am her Guardian...I am her father...Who are you to keep her here?”

“Dara will stay where she wishes to stay.”

“And her wish in not to stay at our house...but to stay in yours? Look Mr Kwon! My family is going through a rough time...I suggest that you don't complicate matters more...Dara is my daughter and no law in this world would permit you to separate her from me...”

“Law?” Jaesang laughs. “What law? I am afraid Mr Yang, she is an orphan girl. To take her away from here you have to go through a long fight.”

“And that wish to fight with me?”

“Not me! Court would not permit to take her from here against her will. They won't let you!”

“ We shall see... “Jaesang signals Jiyeon with eyes and she closes the door on the face of the Yangs.


Jiyeon and Jaesang walks in the Hall.

“They came to take Dara...No way! After her wounds yesterday if any Doctor in the World tests her they will know how we saved Dara...”  Jiyeon sits on the Sofa. “No Jaesang! We can

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)