Dinner with Kwon's and Lee's

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At Yang's Mansion

Bom comes to the Hall where Hyunsuk and Hyori are sitting. She goes near Hyori.

“I am sorry Aunty. I reacted in front of you like that. I am really sorry! I know I shouldn't have...” Hyori holds Bom's hand.

“Okay Bom... Arguments happen between Parents and children. Anyways, you say... Why were you angry at Appa?”

“Actually.” Bom signals him not to tell anything. “She has a nickname on hearing which she gets angry. In childhood she use to eat a lot of french fries. And lot meaning... day and night. In fact the fast food joint in front of our house use to run because of us. From then we used to call her Potato.” Bom goes and sits on the arm of Hyunsuk's chair.

“Appa, I don't believe you. You are embaressing me in front of Aunty. I am not going to talk to you.”

“Don't worry Bom... When you get married and come to our house...I will make sure that for breakfast, lunch and dinner fresh fries are made.” Hyunsuk laughs.


“No... not happy... Anyways, I go freshen up and come. Bye!”

“Come fast!” Bom gets up and goes from there.

Hyunsuk thinks, “Bom, I am just trying to protect you. Please try to understand.”

“Come on... I will show you my Den.”


“When alone I sit there.... and read. All my books are there.”

“Interesting... So let's go!” Hyunsuk and Hyori walks to another room with drinks in hand.


“Thank you Hyori... You really do a lot for us...”

“It's okay Hyunsuk. In fact, This is a our house matter. And in my house also these sort of arguments happen daily... It is all a part of life, you know...”

Hyori sips her drink. She thinks, “I feel it would not be sensible to tell about Jieun at this time.”

 “And when I saw you and Bom arguing I felt that I will mediate between the father and daughter, that's it...”

“Children become big and then...” Hyunsuk notices that Hyori's glass is empty. “One more drink?”

“Okay!” Hyunsuk pours the drink into the glass. He thinks,”Thank God! Hyori did not hear us arguing about Jiyong.”

 Hyori goes near the book shelf and looks at the books. “So... this is your library. I have heard a lot about your collection of books. In fact you interest is like.” Hyunsuk goes near Hyori and pours drink on her glass from the bottle. “paranormal, supernatural, ghosts... you are very interestedd in this field...”

“You heard right! But this is not my full library...it is part of it. There are some such books on which I have a special interest and i keep reading... But if you are interested you are most welcome to borrow anything from here...”

“Oh! That's so sweet... Thank you... Sure!”


Jaesang Kwon and Jiyeon are standing in front of the Yang House door. Jaesang rings the calling bell.

“Jaesang, I don't feel right coming here...I can feel it. Something is wrong!”

“Sshhh! Jiyeon... Relax! Our being here is necessary. I want to meet Hyori. Everything shall be fine... don't worry! Jiyong will not be be here...” A house staff comes and opens the door. He ushers the Kwon's in. Jaesang and Jiyeon gets into the house. While Jaesang's reflection is seen on the mirror near the Bar Counter, Jiyeon's reflection is not seen.


Hyunsuk and Hyori are at the Den. Hyori is touching the Books. Hyunsuk points to a book and says, “This is fire into the Ice... the story of a Ghost..” Hyunsuk then takes a book and gives to Hyori's hand telling that it is a very interesting book which he is now reading.

Hyori tells him that she has studied the Book while in College. “It is very interesting... paranormal activities... ghosts... vampires...man eaters... This Book is based on all that, right? It is amazing!”

“If you have read the book... may be you can help me... I have some questions... I experienced something and it is worrying me a lot...”

“You can tell me...”

“If the reflection of a human is not seen in the mirror then what does it mean?”

“A human reflection not seen on mirror... dead human being or Vampire...”

“I thought as much...”

“Hyunsuk, have you seen something like that? Did any such thing happen with you were you did not see someone's reflection?”

Hyori says in mind, “I know whom you are talking about but I want to hear it with my own ears. Tell me about whom you are talking are the Kwons...”


“Jiyeon Kwon...”

“What? My God... But...where did it happen?” Hyunsuk tells Hyori that he had gone to the Kwon's house. He tells her that he saw his reflection on Mirror but not that of Jiyeon Kwon.

“After that I am very troubled...And today they are coming for dinner also. I don't know what to do..”

“Hyunsuk, If they are coming here today then we can clear the doubt today itself. In fact, I have an idea to know if Jiyeon Kwon is a vampire or if it is your misunderstanding.”

“How will we find out this?”

“You have to arrange for a mirror. First let us find if her reflection is seen in the mirror or not... then we will see!”

“You are right! I can arrange for the mirror.” The house staff comes to the room and informs that the Kwon's have arrived. Hyunsuk and Hyori looks at each other.

“Excuse me!”

 Hyori thinks, “Is this true? has Jiyeon broken the biggest rule of her people? This is interesting! very interesting...”


Hyunsuk takes the House staff to one side and tells him, “Listen what I say carefully... You will take the mirror in the hall to Bom's room. But before that you should place it on the table near the Sofa and wipe it...”


Jiyong stops the Car in front of the Yang Mansion Gate. Dara gets out of the Car. Jiyong also gets out of the Car.

“Thanks Jiyong! But there is no need for you to leave me inside. I am fine... I will go on my own...” Dara turns. Jiyong also is about to follow her. Dara stops. “Jiyong, I told you... I will go on my own...Why don't you listen to me anytime?”

“And you understand more than what is necessary. I did not come to leave you here. I am going inside your house.”

“To meet Bom? I am sorry but today Bom's in laws have come. So you can't go in, okay?”

“I know! And my Omma- Appa are also in. I am also been invited for this dinner. So now, shall we?”

 Dara thinks, “This Bom... What was the need of calling him here today... Stupid Girl!”

“Did you say anything?” Dara is irritated.

“No, I did not say anything...” Dara turns and walks from there.

 Jiyong thinks, “I know Dara that I have hurt your heart a lot... But i am helpless...It is all for you. I am doing all this for you. For your safety...” Jiyong also follows Dara.


Hyori is talking to the mysterious werewolf.

“There is a news for you... a very good news!”

“Really? What is it?”

“About the Kwon's. Jiyeon Kwon did a very big mistake today. She broke the rule of her own kind.”

“Which rule?”

“She has crossed her door step with out any protection... meaning as a Vampire before getting out of the House she did not make a protection circle on 4 sides... No aura... That means without the protection we werewolves can bring them under our control. “ The mysterious werewolf laughs.

“Poor Mrs Kwon...She made a big mistake... So what are you waiting for? Go and get her under control! Don't leave this opportunity from your hands.”

“Today will be remembered by all. We will win because of a vampire's foolishness. One monster out of these blood creatures will be reduced.” The mysterious werewolf laughs


Hyunsuk walks from the bar counter with 2 drinks and keeps it in front of the Kwons who are sitting on the sofa. Hyori also comes there.

“Mr Kwon...” Jaesang gets up. “How are you?”

“Alright! How are you?”

“In fact I was just going to introduce... You people know each other?”

“Of course! I have heard of you. But we are meeting for the first time, isn't it?”

“ Absolutely!” Hyori sits. Jaesang and Hyunsuk also sits. “But I have met Jiyeon before... How are you?”


“Before I forget... Mr Lee! She will need the mirror to get ready. The mirror in her room got cracks... Mr Lee!”

“Yes Sir!”

“Listen! The mirror in Bom Baby's room got cracked... She is getting ready. You do one thing...Take the mirror.” Hyori points to the mirror near the Bar counter. “and keep it in her room.” Hyori smiles. “And before keeping it in the room... clean it properly...”

“How is your construction going?”

“It is all going well, Thank you!” The house staff takes the mirror and keeps it on the table facing the Sofa.

“There was some worker's problems... I heard something like that... It was sorted?”


“That's nice!” The servant starts cleaning the mirror by keeping it on the table. Hyunsuk and Hyori looks into the mirror. Hyunsuk sees Jaesang sitting on the Sofa... Hyori eyes Hyunsuk to look and points with her fingers.

Jaesang realizes that Jiyeon's reflection is not seen in the mirror. He thinks, “Jiyeon's reflection is not visible in the mirror. That means today she has come out without protection. Damn! Jiyeon...why? Hyori has understood and now will take advantage of this situation.”

 Dara comes to the House. She smiles and goes inside. Jiyong comes near the door. Jiyeon feels uneasy. Jiyong's sixth sense gets alerted and he looks at his Parents and Hyunsuk Yang. Hyunsuk is trying to get a view of where Jiyeon is sitting. Hyori is smiling.

Suddenly Jiyong bumps on the house staff and the mirror falls on the ground and breaks.

“Oh I am sorry!” Dara also comes near.

“Appa...” Hyunsuk is disappointed while Jaesang is relieved. Hyori is annoyed that her plan to expose the Kwons in front of Hyunsuk failed.

“I don't know why ... how it happened... I just didn't see...”

“Jiyong, You should be careful!”

“Oh No Mr Kwon... It is not Jiyong's fault...It is Mr Lee’s fault.”

“Mr Yang... If you want I can get your mirror replaced...”

“Oh no no Mr Kwon... what are you talking? It is only a mirror... No problem...another will come...”

Hyori thinks, “No mistake has happened here...Jiyong Kwon... who is faster than the wind...and who can kill his enemies all alone...that Jiyong Kwon cannot bump on any mirror accidentally. Smart move Jiyong! Very smartly you hid the truth of your mother.” Jiyong looks at Hyori.

Dara asks Hyunsuk where Bom is. Hyunsuk tells her that Bom is getting ready and that she is taking a lot of time. Dara tells him that then she has to drag and bring her and goes upstairs looking for Bom. Hyunsuk is upset. He tells Mr Lee to clean the floor fast and set the Dinner. Jiyong goes and sits on the Sofa where Hyori is sitting. He asks her about Minho and Donghae. Hyori tells him that she spoke to them on phone and that they would be coming any time.


Outside Yang's Mansion

A Car stops in front of the Yang Mansion gate. Donghae gets out of the driving seat.

“Let's go Brother. “Minho gets out of the front passenger seat and stands leaning to the Car. Donghae walks a few steps towards Yang House and then realizes that Minho is not with him. “Minho... what happened? Come on...”

“I don't know why Mom kept this plan. I am getting a weird feeling... I just don't know... I am not able to understand anything.” Donghae comes near Minho.

“What happened? You had a fight with Dara?”

“No... it's Jieun...I am just worried... really worried...”

“Now what happened?”

“Mom locked her in the room...”

“Man... this is not done...Mom should realize that she is not a 2 year old kid. She cannot do that to her...”

“That is not it... You are right but when I went to the room to give her food she was not in the room. Don't know where she goes off... She just doesn't understand...”

“What? You told Mom?”

“Obviously not... You know Mom's anger...I can't take the risk...”

“Exactly! And anyways I am not getting involved in this. As far as I am concerned I don't want to face Mom's anger. So please keep me out of it. I am sorry but...”

“Yeah.. I know!”

“Anyways... Come..., let's go...” Minho and Donghae turns to walk to the Yang House. They stop suddenly. “Minho... Isn't this Kwon's Car?”

“Yeah, yes!”

“What are they doing here?”

“I don't believe Mom did not tell did not tell this also. What is wrong with Mom man?”

“Minho I promise you if something happens today I will break his face...you see...”

“Relax!” Donghae turns and walks to Yang House.

Minho stands there leaning to the Car. He thinks, “I am sure something is surely going to go wrong. I am not bothered about the Kwons. I am sure Mom knows how to handle them. But Jieun...I am really worried... My baby sister... wherever you are please come back. This time if you take any step against Mom stopping her anger would not be in our control. Just come back, please!” Minho also walks towards Yang House.


In Bom's Room

Dara opens the door of Bom's room and walks in. She goes near Bom and calls her name. She sees Bom sitting and day dreaming in front of the mirror.

“Bom... Where are you lost? What are you thinking?”

“Oh Nothing... just generally...” Bom starts combing her hair.

“Bom, Your to be in laws have come...you need to get ready. And Jiyong has also come...” Bom's facial expression changes to happy and she turns to face Dara.

“Jiyong has come?”

“Bom, you really like Jiyong, don't you?”

“Of course... I do...”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah Dara... I love him very much...And today everyone will know... I got a plan...”

“Plan? What plan?”

“Wait and watch Dara... In front of the Lee's I will make my feelings for Jiyong so obvious that they will feel ashamed and break the relationship on their own. And I will get free of that stupid Donghae.” Bom turns and goes to the wash room.

Dara thinks, “What Bom is going to do today... Appa will feel very said.I hope she is doing the right thing.” Bom peeps her head out of the washroom and asks for the top which is on her bed. Dara goes and gives the top to Bom. Bom takes the top from Dara and asks her, “Dara, will you support me?”

“Of course Bom... You are my sister. I am happy with whatever you are happy.” Bom smiles.

“Thank you!”

“Don't worry!”

“I just get ready...” Bom closes the washroom door. Dara is upset.


In Hall

Dara and Bom comes down the stairs.

“There they are... Bom finally has got ready and come...” Jiyong gets up from the seat.

“Hello everyone! Hi Jiyong!” Bom gives a one sided hug to Jiyong.

“Hi Bom...”

“How are you?”

“Very well...”


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)