Preparation for Prom Night

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In Yang’s Mansion

Chaerin comes down the stairs wearing her usual clothes and bag on shoulder. Hyunsuk is sitting on the sofa in the hall with newspaper and drinking tea.

He thinks, “Let me see now Chaerin what you are up to.”

Chaerin goes near Hyunsuk and hugs him. “Appa I am going to college bye.”

“Wait..wait,  why are you going alone. I am also going the same route I will drop you.”

“Appa I am not going alone. Actually Dara is coming here and then we both will go together.”

 “Dara? Whose Hostel is so close to the college and she is coming here to go back to college with you?”

“Right! Actually she has some work here so… Appa, It is complicated…you won’t understand! Don’t worry about it. Bye!” Chaerin hugs Hyunsuk and leaves.

Hyunsuk thinks, “I understand everything. You are telling me lies? Now I am going to find what you are doing and where you are going?”


In College Restroom

 “Imagine all this happen in my life that’s so cool I am loving it. And you know then I denied Jaejoong’s proposal.” Uee lied to her friends. “I said No and then he kidnapped me.”

“No way.”

“Yes way. Can you guess where he took me?”

“No babe...”

“So he took me for a moonlight walk all the way in the jungle.”

“What a fun babe. Wow…”

“Wait listen to me still I haven’t  told you the interesting topic.”

“Tell us babe….tell us.”

“So  Jiyong turned up there telling that he would do anything for Uee’s love and fought with Jaejoong. And then  Jiyong won the fight.”

“So what happen babe.”

“He is so strong. You remember we used to hide behide the locker to see his muscles. So hottt”

“Yeah Babe. Very hot.”

“And so I have decided to go back to Jiyong. And so I am here to get back Jiyong.”

“Superb babe.”


In Kwon’s Mansion

“Jaesang tell me what happened there yesterday night.”


“Oh come on Jaesang I need to know.”

“Nothing and don’t worry Jiyong is safe…… And yeah he is also safe. ….. But he has seen this ring Jiyeon and he also told us the reason of his coming back to Gyeyang. So from now on…we are at War and you have to decide whose side you are on.”


In Kim’s Enterprises

Bom is at her desk and lost in the thoughts of Jaejoong. Bom thinks, “Bom and Jaejoong… Bom weds Jaejoong… Mrs Bom Jaejoong Kim… So cute!” Jaejoong opens the door and enters to the room. He goes to Bom and leans to her chair.

“Hello beautiful!”

“Good morning Sir!”

“Good morning Bom! I hope you were thinking about me…otherwise it is a great waste of imagination. My God Bom, is it you.  Jaejoong removes his coat. “Or the AC here is not working?”  He removes his neckband and Bom sees a mark on his neck.  “God! So bloody hot …call maintenance please…” Jaejoong goes to his cabin.

Bom thinks, “God…on Jae’s neck…stop it Bom…don’t think like that…it may be anything else…it could be anything…Oh God! I hope Jae is not involved with any girl. Please God!”

Uee walks into the room calling for Jaejoong.

“ Where is Jae?” Bom does not respond. “Ahh… never mind!” Uee walks into Jae’s Cabin. Bom follows her. Jaejoong is sitting on his chair fanning himself with his hands.

“Jae…Yesterday night where did you vanish?” Jaejoong looks at her. Bom is out hearing the conversation. “Whatever Jae…You left me on the middle of the jungle and vanished. You just left? It is understood that you could fight for me…but you lost and ran away…What kind of a man are you? And you did not even think that in the jungle if that killer would have found me…”  Jaejoong smiles “And…I helpless in the jungle alone…what would I have done…You never thought of all of this?”

“Look! Calm down Uee…Nothing happened to you, right?”Uee leaves from there.

Bom thinks, “You saw Bom…you are such an idiot…how did you even think a flirt and Casanova like Jaejoong would change for you in one day? He is just a charmer and wants to put you also in his Sunday-Monday girlfriend’s list. He doesn’t give a damn about you. How can I be such a fool?” Bom turns and walks away.


Chaerin driving a Car and Hyunsuk Yang following her in his Car. Chaerin stops the car in front of Hotel Park Inn and goes inside. Hyunsuk stops his Car a little away from Chaerin’s Car and wonders where she is going. After some time Hyunsuk is confused seeing Chaerin coming out wearing a dress.

Hyunsuk thinks, “Oh God! What has happened to Chaerin? Wearing Dress?”

Chaerin gets into the Car. She is going home wearing Dress? Chaerin starts driving again and Hyunsuk follows her Car. Chaerin stops the Car in front of Seunghyun and Dongwook’s House. She gets out of the Car and walks into the Building.

Hyunsuk looks at the building and thinks,“Something is wrong. Something is definitely wrong. I have to find out.”

 Hyunsuk gets out of the Car and walks into the building.

The Land lady is at the entrance of the building receiving a courier. She sees Hyunsuk looking inside the house.

“Who are you?”

“ Sorry! I am Hyunsuk Yang.”

“ Tell me, how can I help you?”

“I wanted to ask you something. Just now a girl went inside…”

“ Who…Chaerin? She is a very nice girl. She has done magic on all of us here. The 2 of them only got married recently…”Hyunsuk’s smile vanishes and he is shocked. He hiccups. “Both are very lovely children… What happened? You want water?”

“No, I am okay!”

“And I am telling you these days where we get such children. She is so reglious… I tell you… God give such a good daughter in law to everyone!”


“ I am telling that the couple is young but cultured. And God also has blessed this lovely couple.” Hyunsuk wipes his forehead. “In the house more happiness is about to come… Chaerin is expecting…”

“ What is she expecting?”

“ That..which is going to come…”

Hyunsuk points outside. “Someone is going to come?”

“Oh… don’t you understand? Chaerin is Pregnant.” Hyunsuk hiccups again. “You want water? Hey, someone get water for him …”Hyunsuk turns and walks away.


In Jaejoong’s Office.

Jaejoong who is sitting in on his chair and looking at Bom from there who looks annoyed.

Jaejoong thinks, “Careful Jae, Careful! How much ever thirsty you are…in order to reach to that ring you should plan carefully. Temporary forget Uee, I need to get to Dara though Bom and through Dara …to that ring. So be careful! You have been searching for that ring for a century and now that ring is so closer… Don’t make Dara your weakness like Yoojin, Jae…She has to be your strength. Dara only could help me get near that ring…So for that I need to put a full stop on Uee and my other activities”

Jaejoong press the intercom “Uee come in my office please.”

“Yes Jae.” Uee smirk at Bom, Bom is more annoyed. Uee goes in Jaejoong office and occupies a chair.

“ Yah..Why don’t you sit……Water?” Jaejoong ask Uee.

“ I am good!” Jaejoong presses a button on Phone intercom line.

“Uee, What happened yesterday was a mistake!” Bom hears the conversation. “I took you for a drive so that I could tell you that you and I… it is not going to work.” Uee  is annoyed, Bom is happy. “Look Uee, you are great! It is not you…it’s me! The earlier Jaejoong might have been interested in you. But I have changed…love changed me…” Bom smiles. “Uee, Bom is very important to me.”  Uee gets up. “Relax! Alright? I want to change for her. I want to be capable of getting her and maybe one day she would also see something good in me…” Bom is happy.

“No… how Gay are you? really!”Uee walks out of the Cabin.

Jaejoong says, “Oh Bom…I am in love with you” He relieves the phone button.


In Dara’s Room

Dara browsing on the Internet by sitting in her Hostel room. Dara irritatedly said to herself.“Oh God this internet is so slow. I needs to find all information about Jaejoong…. Okay lets try.” Suddenly she senses Jiyong’s presence and turns to look. She finds Jiyong standing in her room. She gets up and go near him.

“ Jiyong you…”

“ What is this you are doing? By going near Jaejoong you are putting yourself in danger. Can’t you understand?”

“What do I understand Jiyong? Or do you ever make me understand anything? Why should I not talk to Jaejoong? Because you are telling me?  I told you Bom and Jaejoong likes each other. I am only helping them. But you know what Jiyong? You won’t understand…because you don’t know the meaning of friendship. You only know to give orders!”

“Yeah! Right…What do you think? Jaejoong likes Bom… No Dara! I know him very well. He is up to something! It is his plan…He is trying to get you through Bom…He is trying to get closer to you…”

“Really? You know him? What do you know about him?”

“A lot…everything!”

“You know what Jiyong? I don’t understand this half baked stuff. I cannot be like you and hate someone like that. And I will do anything for my friend’s happiness. And Bom… she is my sister! And if she is happy with Jaejoong, I will do everything to bring them together. And if you have a problem with him…I don’t care!”

“Dara, If only I could say that I don’t care…if only I could say that if you get hurt not to come to me…but this time I cannot even say that…Because both of us know that whenever you need… I will be near you…with you…” Jiyong goes from there.

Dara thinks, “Jiyong…If only I could tell you that your nearness does not matter to me…but I can’t.”

 Dara sees Jiyong’s wallet on the ground and picks it up.

Jiyong who had reached outside the Hostel suddenly senses something.

Dara opens the wallet and sees Yoojin’s photo.

Jiyong turns and runs towards the Hostel.

Dara thinks, “Yoojin! Jiyong, will one day come when there will only be you and me in this love story and no one else…?”

 Dara notices that there is a Picture underneath Yoojin’s picture and tries to pull it out. Jiyong comes and seizes the wallet from her.

“What were you doing? Why are you touching my personal things? Why…You only now told that you don’t care…Stay away from me and my life, okay? Get that?”Jiyong turns and walk away from there.

 At the Hostel corridor he opens the wallet and takes the photo underneath Yoojin’s photograph which is a picture of him with Jaejoong.


In College Campus

“Attention Everyone... Hello guys I am here to announce the most awaited nite of the year.”All the student gather near Uee. “A Prom Nite the hottest nite. So late year’s Prom Queen is inviting all of you to the Prom nite. And let me tell you, Prom Night is the most important event in College and you all have to look your best. It would be one of the memorable night in your life. So gear by guys to look your best. Okay so the theme for the Prom night is y 70 so get ready for it and prepare your costume. And its needless to say that last year…sorry last two year I have been winning the title of Prom Queen so this year I challenge you. I am going to win it again this year. I know for girls it’s sad news but its Okay. Second position is not bad either. So guys see you in the prom.” Uee announced.

Youngbae thinks “The only girl whom I wants as Partner for Prom Night is Dara, though Dara had already told me that she and Jiyong are not together. But whatever it is I needs to find the truth.” Youngbae sees Jiyong coming his way and stops him.

“ Hey Jiyong! Need to talk to you dude.”

“ What?”

“Are you and Dara together? I mean I just want to know Dara and you are a couple or not.”

“ No.”

“Okay…What happened Jiyong? Is it a break up or is it a break? In Chaerin’s Party you were together that’s why I am asking.”

“I and Dara are not together nor will ever be…”

“Well, if Dara is not with you I would like to take her for Prom Nite.” Jiyong keeps silence. “Jiyong, who are you coming with?”

“Me? Prom night? Not interested… Dara has already cleared that I and she are not together. Whatever she wishes she would do that.”Jiyong goes off.

“Well…great! He clearly told that he does not want to go with Dara…thank you! I hope that Dara does not keep any hopes because of him…”


In Yang’s Mansion

“Listen Chaerin…Listen to me. Prom Night is a very important night and memory for ever so you needs to go with full preparation.”

“Comeon Unnie don’t be so dramatic its just a part of college activity in which I will have  lots of fun enjoy the night as always.”

“No Chae. Its not an ordinary night. Its Prom. So please don’t go  there in your normal attire. I will help you choose a dress for the Night.”

“Okay if you insists.”

 Hyunsuk comes to the Hall.

“Bom, Chaerinyou both are not going anywhere. Doctor is sending an assistant for taking your blood samples for some tests.”

“What? Bllod test?”Bom asked in shocked.

“Yah Dude why the punishment?” Chaerin asked Hyunsuk.

“One minute…one minute. There is no argument on this. Whole family has to do it and it is for some insurance related papers.”

“No Appa. I will not do  it. You know how scared I am of needles.” Bom protested.

“I know…I know  your fear. Doctor Uncle is scared more than you, whose hands you bit in childhood for giving vaccination.”

“Unnie why are you so scared its just a needle. Comeon bring it on.”

 Hyunsuk thinks, “Chaerin, I hope your test does not bring any surprises to me. I hope that woman told wrong about you because if it turns true, I would go mad.”

The Doctor’s assistant comes and takes Bom’s blood sample. “Appa please.AHHHHHH” Bom cries and screams while her blood is taken.

“Bom you are crying after the needle is removed.”

“Yuck Appa. I think I need to throw up.”  Bom runs off from the room after seeing the sight of blood.

“Come on Chaerin now it’s your turn.” Chaerin sit motionless in her chair. “Oey scary cat now its your turn.”

“Appa, this is not a needle it’s a drill. Just look at the size.”

“Its just a small needle don’t create a scene. Come on. I am going to nominate you for bravery awards.”

The Assiastant then takes Chaerin’s blood sample. After the blood is taken Chaerin also escapes from the room.

“Mr. Yang I have taken the blood samples, aside from the routine tests would you like to run any extra test.”

“ For Chaerin do a Pregnancy test.” Chaerin overhears the conversation.




In College Campus.

Minzy and Dara are walking. “What should I wear for Prom Night. I want to break Uee’s confidence. Please Dara help me. What should I wear.”

“Minzy I think you should watch some 70’s movie you will get idea from that and it will help you to select your dress.”

 “It’s a very nice idea Dara Thank you.”. Minzy hugs Dara.

Uee and her two bimbo friends hear it.

“Whoever has whatever ideas it does not affect me. It is a loser’s thing to do to go for a Prom night without a date.”Uee loudly tells her friends as idf she was taunting Dara. “I know some people who do anything to get attention. When she did not get anything she tried to attract the Boss.” Dara and Minzy listens. “Super despo babe!”

“On the Boss? That’s bad!”Uee friends said in unison.

“Yeah Babes!” Uee turns and looks at Dara. “Someone thinks that if she goes out for Dinner with the Boss she can trap him. Don’t know what all she does…actually they should know that Jae and Jiyong are interested in me because both of them were fighting for me yesterday night. And they were fighting over for me for a while now!”

“Wow Babes! Who will you choose? Tell us...”

“I don’t know Babes. Those 2 boys by showing interest on that charity case have proved their bad taste. So I don’t know who I will choose. But what to do…Boys would be boys only, is it not? If the girl is throwing herself on them, they need to oblige her.”

“ It is okay Babes, forgive them now. Anyways, both have come back to you fighting over you and all that…”

“By the way friends…Today library is open? Dara…Library is open. If you want you can go and take a book from the Library because you may need something to pass your time at night.” Uee’s friend’s laugh.

“Uee… Thanks…but I am fine…”

“Are you sure you are Okay? I mean alone…no man interested in you…”Uee’s friends laugh. Youngbae then comes there with a red rose’s bouquet in hand.

“Hey Dara, Ignore her! Don’t give importance to her crap.”Youngbae turns to Dara. “Ms Dara Queen…” Youngbae goes on his knees and offers the Rose Bouquet to Dara. Uee and her friends are shocked seeing it while Minzy is impressed by the romantic gesture. “ Will you go with me for Prom? Please…”

“ Youngbae…”

“Do me this favor Dara… Last year’s Prom King wants to go with his true Queen this year for the Prom…Will you go with me?”

“Yeah, I will!” Minzy jumps in joy and Dara accepts the Bouquet from Youngbae. Youngbae gets up and places his hand around Dara.

“Oops! Now it feels like someone else is going to become charity case!” Minzy remarks. Uee and her friends are angry and walk away from there.


In Yang’s Mansion

“Appa, your brain got damaged? You think I am…Oh God! Yuck…”

“ Listen Chaerin…”

“No…no…no…no…Don’t even speak, okay? If you wanted to know something about me you should have directly asked me. What was the need of doing all this drama? So…I was right! You were punishing us! And Unnie…what was her fault in all this? And Appa…what happened to you? Don’t you know your daughters?  Don’t you trust us?” Hyunsuk looks at Chaerin.



“ How am I supposed to trust you? For the past few days you have been acting strange. I was trying to understand and you were getting weirder and weirder. You are roaming around wearing girly dresses and makeup. From Hotel without telling you vanish…and you come home wearing a Guy’s cloth, At some  Guys house… The people there tell me such a nice daughter in law… Daughter in law? You are pregnant?” Chaerin keeps her hand on forehead and go and sits on the arm of the chair with her hair fully covering her face. “Am I not supposed to find out? Chae….Chae…looks like I talked too much.” Hyunsuk goes and sits on the chair next to Chaerin and puts his arm on her shoulders. “Don’t cry Chaerin… Listen…It’s okay…sometimes mistakes happen…not a problem…I…” Chaerin lifts her head and laughs. She gets up from there and lies down on the sofa.


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)