Helping Sulli.

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In Hospital

“Madam this is your discharge papers please sign here.” Nurse gives the paper to Sulli.

“Take care of yourself because you still need to take rest.” Doctor told her.

“Yes Doctor, I m going to my Uncle’s house.” Sulli replied

“Sister, this medicine…” Doctor was giving instruction to the Nurse. Sulli who was moving out from the room suddenly feels giddy and was falls down, but Doctor and Nurse help her.”Sister! Careful, Careful!!”  They lay her on the bed.

“Does she have an emergence contact?” Doctor asked the Nurse.

“Yes she does. Dara Park.” Sulli replied.

“Okay call her immediately.” Doctor suggested.

The nurse tries to call Dara but finds her mobile switched off.

“Doctor her phone’s switch off.”

“What? Is there any other contact?”


In Yang’s Mansion.

“And nicely put those on the decorated table over there.”Hyunsuk told the guy who came with the gifts.

Bom comes and sit near Hyunsuk.”What is all this Appa?”

“These are the auspicious gifts from the boy and his family.”The Guy replied.

“Oh my God! See Appa this is TOP’s problem. He shouldn’t have sent all this.” Bom excitedly said.

“Bom you’ve just gotten engaged so people will send you auspicious gifts. It’s no big deal. Just look at your presents and enjoy.” Hyunsuk told her.

“But these are for Chaerin.” The guy told them.

“Chaerin? No they must be for Bom Yang?” Bom corrected.

“No its says Chaerin Yang on this. It came from the Lee’s house. And it’s a gift from Seungri to Chaerin.” The guy gave them the details.

“What? Who’s Seungri?” Bom asked in shock.

“You know what? I’m going to kill this girl!” Hyunsuk said Bom as he got up from his chair.“Chaerin!” Hyunsuk shouted in anger.

“Appa?” Bom followed him.


In Hospital

Sulli regains consciousness. She sees TOP in her room, who looks at her and smile.




“Excuse me, I want to meet Sulli.” Dara ask the Nurseat the reception.

“But she’s been discharged.”

“Did her Uncle come to pick her up?” Dara ask her.

“No madam there was a problem. Are you Dara?”


“We tried to call you but your phone….”

“Actually my phone broke.”

“Since we couldn’t reach you we called the second emergency number and  he came and took her.”

“Who?”Dara asked guardedly.

“Mr. Seunghyun Choi.”

“God! May I use your phone?”

“Yeah sure.”


Dara makes a call from Hospital to Jiyong. Jiyong who is driving pick up the call.


“Jiyong there’s a problem.TOP came and took Sulli somewhere from the hospital.”Dara told him worriedly.

“What? Okay Dara just relax and listen to me carefully.” Dara nodded as if he was in front of her.”Go to the Yang’s Mansion and wake Chaerin up. Then ask her to tell everyone the truth. And I’ll look for TOP. Okay? Now go.”



In Choi’s House.

Jiyong goes to Choi’s house.

“Yes” Mrs. Choi asked Jiyong when she open the door.

“Is TOP home?”

“No he went somewhere in the morning.”


“I don’t know because he did’nt tell me.”

“I needed to get an important file from him.”

“Why don’t you go up to his room and see if it’s there. He keeps everything in his room.”


Jiyong goes in TOP’s room and search everywhere, Jiyong find the photos of Sulli and TOP together. Jiyong keeps all the photos in the empty file.


In Yang’s Mansion

“Oh hey Dara good morning. Where are you coming from?” Bom ask her.

“Oh nothing I just went to the hospital to meet with Sulli.”

“Oh Sulli. She’s upstairs resting.”

“What?” Dara asked in surprised.

“The hospital tried to call you but your phone is …well anyways they called me. I also gave my number to the hospital, so Tabi and I picked her up from the hospital yesterday and brought her here. Actually Dara she is very week, so I did’nt think that she should be travelling. That’s why I brought her here to rest for a few days.”

“Bom where is Chaerin?”

“Do you mean Mrs Lee and Seungri’s wife?” Bom sarcastically said.

“What?’ Dara asked in confusion.

“Yes. I don’t want to talk about that psyco. Because she’ll wake up and cause more drama. Hangover idiot! She’s in her room, you can go see her.”



In Chaerin’s Room

Chaerin room is filled with Gifts. Chaerin is shock “What is all this rubbish?”

“Chaerin what’s going on?” Dara entered the room.

“I don’t know dude. I can’t even remember my name and what’s up with all these gift. What are they doing in my room?” Chaerin rubs her temples. “My head’s hurting Dara.”

“Chaerin I needed to talk to you about something.”

“About what Dara?”

“Chaerin remember last night you over heard….”

“Oh my God! Dara please tell me that I didn’t say something stupid infront of my mother!” Chaerin asked in alarm.

“Chaerin this is important! Don’t you remember you were there and drunk with me and TOP and then Jiyong came and….”

“Yeah I was sitting at the bar and Daesung came and and and …Oh !” Chaerin hold her headtrying to remember “I don’t remember anything. Dara I drank so much alcohol that I think I broke the world record! Dara are you trying to say that I fainted?”

“Of course Chaerin you fainted and….”

“Oh my God! Effing hell! Appa is going to kill me! I fainted at the party?”

“Chaerin last night TOP was here and then Jiyong came. Don’t you remember anything?”

“No! I don’t remember anything. I don’t know what you are talking about. I was having rum at the bar and then Daesung came and…. What are you trying to tell me? I don’t remember anything.”

“You don’t ?” Dara asked weakly.


Because firstly the proof that you have is that she was pregnant. No one is going to suspect me based on that. And for the record I am the father of Sulli’s child. Can you tell Bom? And how can I marry someone like Sulli?

“Oh my God! Chaerin doesn’t remember anything. Now where are I supposed to get proof against TOP from?” Dara thought.


In Choi’s House.

“And you guys let him in….” TOP was shouting at his Omma, when Jiyong comes down the stairs with a file in his hand.

“I found the file.”Jiyong told them, showing the file.

TOP remember how Jiyong lifted him from the ground with just one hand. Jiyong walks out from there.


In Car

“Jiyong we don’t have any proof. I’ve lost everything. I don’t know what fate has in store, but how can TOP be so lucky, first the phone, then the pendant and now even Chaerin doesn’t remember anything. We can’t prove anything. We don’t have any proof.” Dara sadly told him.

“We have proof.” Jiyong gives Dara the photo

“Oh my God! Jiyong! This is solid evidence! This shows that they knew eachother and that they had an affair. We can prove it.” Dara brighten up.


In Yang’s Mansion

“Sulli look at this. We can prove that TOP is a big liar with this.” Dara shows her the photo.

Sulli takes the photo from Dara’s hand and ripped it.


“Dara listen to me! This is not your problem, it’s mine! I loved TOP, I got pregnant and I lost the baby! I am responsible for all of this Dara. So please stop this all this god damn spying and  stay out if it!”

“But Sulli…”

“Just listen to me! I didn’t ask you for help. I just asked you to be a friend. So just be a friend and stop being a god damn detective! Look I’m going to my Uncle house in a few days and before I leave I just want to forget all of this! Okay?”

“Sulli why are you doing this?”

“Dara please just leave me alone and go!”

Sulli remembered TOP’s threat “Stop following me Sulli. If you tell anyone the truth about me then I tell everyone and your sweet parents about what happened to you. I’ll tell them what a loose character their sweet little daughter is. Think about how bad parents will feel when I tell them about you. Tell Dara to stay out of this or else I’ll have lots of fun ruining your life. Understand?”

“Sulli what’s wrong with you? Why do you want to hide the truth?” Dara tries to reason, she get the pieces of the photo.” We have proof and everything now! We can tell Bom.”

 “Dara I just told you to leave me alone. Just go!”

Dara sees TOP entering the room with a tray and hides the photo. Dara stares at TOP with anger.

“Don’t you think you’re getting a bit too involved now? I think you should stop.”

“Whether Sulli wants it or not I will show everyone who you really are! I don’t know what you told Sulli to quieten her but I’m not going to leave you okay.?”

“Look Dara, you are an orphan. If you suddenly go missing no one will come to find you. Everyone will assume that you just went somewhere. You are alone so you should take care of yourself. You have to be careful.” TOP warned her.

“Sulli.”Bom enters the room.

“What are you doing? Oh my god! How sweet! Just look at him. I was just about to send some soup for Sulli. But Tabi got here before me.”Bom is surprised.

“My pleasure Ma’am.Sulli needs lots of soup and lots of rest. And I’m happy to help.”

“Sometimes you become super sweet! I’m so lucky to have you Tabi!” Bom praises TOP

“No Bom I am lucky to have you.”

“Okay, that enough gossip for one day. Lets her rest, lets leave her alone. Sulli have your soup. And take good rest okay? Come Dara letsgo.”


In Kwon’s Mansion

“Jaesang I can’t attend these parties and functions anymore. Being amongst so many people…I can’t control myself. What if something happens?” Jiyeon worriedly said.

“I know that it is difficult. But it was necessary for us to go there because the son-in-law of the Yangs works for us. He’s one of them. If anything happens in the future, they won’t suspect us. And they will never say anything against us.” Jeasang replied.

“You’re right. Lets do something. Lets invite Seunghyun and his parents over for dinner. His fiancé will also come with him. I mean what’s better than that.” Jiyeon suggested.

“Jiyeon I sometimes wonder if you are clever or if it just seems like that. And that why, I love you so much.”

“TOP will never come over to this house. Please fire him now!” Jiyong storm in the room

“Now you are asking us to make decision based on what that girl wants? So if Dara doesn’t like him, we shouldn’t let him come here? Why?” Jaesang asked Jiyong.

“He got a girl pregnant and got engaged to Bom.”

“Jiyong they are human. Since when did you start to feel human emotions?”

“He’s a monster!” Jiyong replied in rage. Jaesang laughed at Jiyong, while Jiyeon smiled.

“And who are we? Who are we? What can we do? What do we want to do? These people are nothing compared to us. They are just human. They have created some rules and morals for themselves. That don’t apply to us. But we will have to wear that mask. If we want to live amongst them, we will have to wear that mask. And you, don’t start to believe that the mask is reality. We are not human! When they come here you will be with us wearing that mask. Behaving like a human. And you will welcome then understood?” Jaesang told Jiyong.

Jiyong stares at Jaesang.


 In Yang’s Mansion

“You know what Dara? When Sulli gets better, we should encourage her to join my NGO. She’ll feel better and she’ll get emotional support there as well. Infact, I also called one of my friends to come and meet her in the evening.” Bom told Dara.

“I think that she’ll be here any moment.” Dara told her.

“How do you know?”

“She called and I answered to the phone. I told her to come here as soon as possible because its good for Sulli.”

“You take really good care of her.”

“She’s my roommate and friend. And she’s has problem, so I have to help.”

“Bom Ma’am. There is someone here to meet you.”

“I think that its Dami. Lets go.”

“Hi Dami”


“Dami that’s Dara, the girl that you talked to on the phone.”


“Come sit.”

“Thank you.”

“Where is Sulli?”

“Sulli is upstairs. I really hope that you can help her.”

“Dara, I was also in an abusive relationship just like Sulli. I went through a lot. He used to hit me and I would never say anything. I even accepted both of my miscarriages’s as an accident. And once he beat me so badly that I had to have 3 surgeries. And I always used to convince myself by saying I’m fine or I fell down or nothing happened to me. I’m here to tell Sulli that her abuser does not love her. I don’t want her to live with false hopes. Bom was the onewho helped me with my problems and today I’m here to shed some light in Sulli’s life.” Dami told Dara.

TOP was standing at the door hearing the conversation, he was very tense.

 “Oh Tabi! When did you come here? Anyways that Dami from the NGO. And Dami that Seunghyun my fiancé.”


“Come baby, join us.”

“She’s here to help Sulli.”

“How?” TOP asked in fear. Dara looks  at TOP and smile

“Dami’s actually a counselor. She ’e here to talk to Sulli about her abusive relationship and help her.”

“Bom you will see how I will bring back her courage. And she will stand up for her herself against him! I won’t leave the room until she tells me his name.”

“I hope so.”


In Cafeteria


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)