Dance Competition

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Dressing Room

Chaerin comes to the Dressing Room and ask the girl incharged “Is this the final costume list.” “Yes.” The girl sreplied.

“Which one is Dara's and Uee's Costumes.” The girl shows the costumes to Chaerin and goes from there.

Chaerin picks up the Costume meant for Uee. Chaerin takes the costume to a Table and puts itching powder on it. Chaerin thinks, “Only you can think of something stupid like that Uee. My fight with Dara is just mine and in that there is no place for Bimbos like you to take advantage. Your tacky iness is welcome to you!'”

Jiyong is standing at the door watching Chaerin with a smile. He thinks, “Let me see Chaerin till when your anger won't get cold because I feel that somewhere in your heart you have given Dara a sister's place.” Chaerin puts back Uee's Costume on the rack. Jiyong goes to her.

“What are you doing?”

“Mind your own Business.” Chaerin walks away.

“I asked you what you are doing.” Chaerin turns back.

“I said mind your own business. How much will you interfere?...Everyone takes that Dara's side...poor Dara...orphan Dara...oh not so orphan Dara...I am fed up seeing her helpless face...Everybody behaves as if the world's weight is on her shoulders. I mean... whatever Dude..” She turns to go away but stops as if she remembered something. “By the way, who are you to ask me all this?” Jiyong turns to face Chaerin. He has a slight smile on his face.

“Chaerin, You put itching powder on Uee's dress, why?”

“Jiyong, get your eyes checked. I did not do any such thing. Just leave me alone!” Chaerin walks away.

 Jiyong thinks, “You could not do anything bad with Dara...You know why Chaerin? because Dara is very important to you. You are angry and shocked. But your anger will cool down fast and you would also realize soon that you are not angry with Dara but with the situation. Chaerin, You love Dara too much to hurt her!”


In Auditorium

Jaesang and Jiyeon Kwon enters the Auditorium One Guy welcomes them at the door then shows them their seats. They sit on their seats.

“Along with Dara, Jiyong is also taking part in the Dance Competition...Interesting!”

“You only wished that Jiyong stays in the city like a normal college boy. That is exactly what he is doing.”

“Normal? Sure...Jiyong and Dara...They are like a ticking time bomb. It is a matter of time Dara would open and tell our secrets to everyone. After all she is only human...weak...and once she says the secret to everyone we will end...”

“I don't think so. Dara would not do that. She is not that weak.”

“I like your confidence but it's only a matter of time...Let's see what will happen next.”

“ I will go and talk to her.”


In Dressing Room

Minzy is busy supervising the arrangements for the Competition. Jiyeon comes to the dressing room. Dara is happy to see her.

“How are you?”

“I am fine...How are you doing? Please Come...” Dara leads Jiyeon to a corner where Uee's friends are sitting and chatting. Dara asks them to excuse them for a minute and the girls leave from there. Dara and Jiyeon sits.

“Jaesang is very worried about you. You know too much about us that...”

“You need not worry. I know that you people put a lot of trust on me. Your secrets are Jiyong's secrets and this life is given to me by Jiyong. I can never do that to him. Keeping his secrets is very important to me...more than my life! It is a very small price for what he is done for me.”

“I trust you.”

“Thank you so much!”

Minzy comes near Dara “There is only 5 minutes Dara….hurry up”

“ You don't worry! Please excuse me!” Dara gets up from her seat and goes. Jiyeon nods.

Jiyeon thinks, “Dara, You don't know how big the truth is. You are the biggest secret because you are having our own blood...a Vampires Blood.”


In Auditorium

Minzy peeps trough the curtain. She then runs from there on bumps on Chaerin.

“Chaerin my Parents have come and so I am excited. Your Parents did’nt come yet.”

“They will definitely come to see their lovely daughter’s dance.”

“Dumbo you are not dancing you are an organizer.” Minzy goes from there. Chaerin has a dull look on her face, “You won't understand Minzy.”


Hyunsuk, Eunju and Bom coming to the Venue. They are shown their seats. Hyunsuk and Eunju sits on the front seat while Bom sits behind them one row behind.

“I hope Chaerin's anger has become cool. I really wanted her to talk to us.” Bom turns to the back and sees Chaerin talking with some girls.

“Chaerin…… Chaerin.”Bom calls out her name but Chaerin ignores her. “Chaerin… Chaerin…. I am calling you  Come here.”

“That’s your Sister?” The girl who is talking with Chaerin ask her. “Uncle Aunty is also there, you go we will talk later.”

“Okay.” Chaerin walks towards them.

“ Welcome ...welcome...the entire Yang Family has come to see their illegitimate child on the stage...”

“Chaerin...What the hell are you saying?” Hyunsuk keeps his hand on Bom's shoulder stopping her.

“How are you Chaerin? When are you coming home?”

“I am sorry Sir...I don't have any home. I stay alone and I am fine...But you don't worry. It is a very happy day for it not? Your daughter would dance and her new Omma and sister would clap for her. Happy Family!”


“Omma...don't even try. You hurt me more than Appa by hiding his truth. my Appa lied to me...My Best friend lied to me...And you did not do anything...You made a mockery out of me.”

“Chaerin...Just Shut up!”

“Ohh Unnie...You finally got a well mannered perfect sister, is it not? So where is she staying? In my room?”

“Chaerin...Stop it! You are talking nonsense...Enough now!”

“Yes, You are right...Enough is enough...Good Bye!” Chaerin turns and walks from there. Another girl bump on her and Hyunsuk calls “Dara.”

“My name is Chaerin...”She walks away.

“I said it by mistake Chaerin...” Someone announces over the Mike that the Inter Collegiate Dance Competition is about to start and asks the Guests to sit on their seats. The Dance Competition starts and the audience cheer the students and clap for them.


In Dressing Room

Chaerin comes to the Dressing Room and informs “Okay everyone listen up we just 10 minutes.” Chaerin goes from there. Dara is dressed in a long black gown. She looks in to the mirror and do touch up of her make up. Uee is dressed in a short shining black dress.

Uee thinks, “Finally Dara Park...Today you will learn a lesson. Today in front of everyone you would be insulted ... just like you deserve...and best part is that this prank on you would be played by Chaerin...your BFF...I can see now...the entire college is laughing on would itch so much that you would not be able to dance. Everyone would laugh at you and again would come to Uee because only Uee would be able to save this College. Uee goes to Dara who is checking her make up in the Mirror.

“ Hi Dara! Are you Okay?”

“Hi...Just feeling tensed...Excuse me!”Dara goes from there and go  and talk to some other girls in the room.

Uee stands in front of the mirror observing Dara through the Mirror and says in mind, “Just some more time Dara...and then let it begin!” Uee suddenly gets an itching sensation and starts scratching her back. She then feels itching all over and starts screaming and jumping.

“ What the hell is wrong with you? You are not feeling anything?”

“What should I have felt? “ Uee runs off from there followed by her friends.

“ Uee is like that Dara you get ready.” Minzy told Dara.


Uee comes into the room where Jiyong was practicing his dance steps and bumps on him.

“I am so sorry Jiyong!Oh this itching...” Her friends help in scratching the itch.

“Uee, I am going and telling Chaerin that we are not performing.”


“Look at your condition. You cannot go into the stage like this...”

“What? But I have to go into the stage. I want to dance. I will just manage it some how. I will change my costume...”

“Uee...You are a joke!” Jiyong smiles and leaves from there.

Ueethinks, “How can this happen? Chaerin is so dumb that she put powder in the wrong costume. Oh my God I am dying!”


Jiyong sees Chaerin and stops her. “Chaerin...I and Uee cannot perform. You have to remove us from the competition.”

“What? Okay...whatever!” Chaerin is about to walk.

“SO you could not do bad with Dara...Chaerin, I know everything! Uee wanted to do bad to Dara...but you double crossed her...and could not do bad with your sister...”

“There is no need for anyone to interfere with my Sister and my problems...Okay?” Chaerin walks off, Jiyong smiles.


Youngbae comes running to the Mirror saying, “All is well...all is well...all is well...”

“Youngbae, You are going to win the Trophy for the College...Is that clear?” Daesung comes near him.

“All is well? All is not well...”

“Why are you taking tension dude...Everything is fit Boss...”

“I came for the same thing...there is a big tension.” Youngbae walks from there and Daesung follows. They both sit. “Youngbae you don't know... Do you know that someone put itching powder in Uee's clothes. Now if she does not dance...what would happen to our College? What I am saying is that Brother that now the entire competition depends on you and Dara. Look Youngbae...Now I just saw our Competitors well they dance...Youngbae, I think you should do some magic...some magic to win the Trophy for our College?”

“What are you trying to tell? To to magic...there should be a magical couple on stage.” Minzy is listening to them.

“Ahh...You understood?”

“And according to you more than me...Jiyong and Dara stand a chance to win, right? You know Daesung, just off ! I am not going to sacrifice again and again to make their love story move ahead...Understand?” Youngbae gets up and walks from there. He sits on top of the dressing table.

“Oh Come on Youngbae...You and Dara were never together! I mean to say that Jiyong and Dara...they are made for each other. I mean the whole College knows that. Please...Keep your personal matters aside. I am talking about the College...Let the College win...So let's try to makeit together...Come on Youngbae, Please understand!”

“No Minzy...I don't want to understand.” Minzy and Daesung look at each other. “I am fed up of becoming Mr Nice Guy. And today I am not Mr Nice Guy, okay? Again and again why should I sacrifice myself for both of them? This time I would not give my sacrifice...No way! And that Jiyong Kwon...he can just go to hell. Dara is my partner and this time I would dance with that understood? Is that understood Daesung?” Youngbae gets up and goes.

“Let the hope for the

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)