Party Preparation

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In Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk is sitting in a chair near the fire place and looking into a File the door bell rings.

He wonders “Who it could be that time of the night. Chaerin and Bom have their own keys to the house.”

He opens the door and sees TOP at the door. Hyunsuk tries to close the door but TOP stops him.

“Mr Yang...One minute! I have to speak something very important with you.”

“How dare you come here? I don't want to hear anything from you, Please get out .” Hyunsuk tries to close the door again. TOP stops him.

“Not even about Jaejoong?”


TOP and Eunju are sitting on the chairs near the fire place and Hyunsuk is standing behind Eunju.

“I have done mistake. but I still love your daughter. And I am not telling all this because I want to get Bom back to my life...but I am telling because I cannot see her with any wrong person.”

“ Wrong Person?”Eunju asked him.

“Yes, Jaejoong! I have been noticing him for several days. He does not look like a right person to me. There is something wrong about him. Whenever I look at him I get the feeling that something is wrong. I don't know what but...”

“Something is wrong? Hmm...TOP, you have any Proof? You know...need to salute your courage...You have come up to here to create doubts in our mind against Jaejoong. And you don't see what you have done with us. You want us to believe in you...And you feel that we don't believe in you because we hate you. And you are right! We do hate you.” TOP gets up from the chair. Eunju also gets up. “We hate you...Please get out of here.”

“Uncle...Please listen to me...”

“Oh...shut up! I don't want to hear anything you say. TOP, after today if I see you around the house I don't know what I will do. Get out! Now!” TOP turns and walks from there.

Hyunsuk is angry

“Hyunsuk, I feel that we should have listened to what he had to say once.”

“What nonsense! Of course not...”

“Whatever it is...TOP used to love Bom. He was concerned for Bom. And I don't think that he will ever wish bad for Bom.”

“What are you talking Eunju? TOP is the same Guy who cheated on her behind her back and had an affair with someone else. You tell me if a person loves someone with whole heart...would he be able to hurt her?”

“Love and Hurt are two different things.You know very well that it is human to make mistakes. Hyunsuk, You can love someone and still hurt them. Look Hyunsuk...I am not telling that whatever TOP did we should forget it. I am also not telling that TOP was right for our girl. No! Whatever he did was not worthy of forgiveness. But today he came with a genuine concern. And I think...we should have listened to him. Anyways, Tomorrow is Party and Jaejoong is suppose to be coming with his Parents. We will meet his Parents and get acquainted with them. I just hope it works! Hyunsuk, I only wish that our daughter does not get into any wrong relationship again.” Hyunsuk nods his head.

“You are right!”


In Dara’s Room

Dara is sleeping on her bed she is wearing a nighty and her shoulders are exposed. Sun light is falling on her throught the window. Dara wakes up feeling hot and irritated. She notices sun rashes on her back. “Oh God! So hot. The Sun is so harsh.” Dara covers her face with hand to avoid sunlight...”What is happening?” Dara goes to the mirror and inspects the sun rashes on her back. “'Oh God! This sun rash...Ouch! It is so painful...What is happening? It is so hot.”

Dara new roommate comes near her. “Dara what happened?”

“I am feeling hot and irritating due to the sun.”

“Strange. You like Sun, don't you? You tell that in Gyeyang's cold weather the Sun comes like a Blessing after a long Depression. In fact you choose the bed near the window so that you get sunlight in the morning. What happened now?”

“It is just too hot and sun is burning me.”

“Drink some water You mat not be feeling well.”The girls offer her a glass of water.

“Thanks.” Dara drinks a sip and sits on her bed.

“What happen Dara?” The girl asked in concerned.

“These days I don’t like to drink water and even if I drinks it never quenches my thirst. I feels like drinking something else and I don’t know what? I don’t know what is happening to me”

 “I think you are dehydrated you should  get a check up done. They will give you some medicine.”

“I am not getting proper sleep for many days. I don’t know.”
“You definitely needs to get a check up done.  You cannot afford to get health problems as the exams are coming near.” Dara nods to her. “Yeah you should go.”

“Thanks.”The girl goes from there.

Dara wonders, “Oh God what is happening? Why am having so much problem with sun? I like sun so much and now sun rash. Like this it only happened with Jiyong. I? I need to talk to Jiyong.” Dara takes her mobile and types a message for Jiyong, 'Jiyong need to talk. Pick me up'. She sends the message.


At Dong’s Mansion

Youngbae is sitting with TOP. A servant comes and places a Tray with 2 cups of Coffee on the Table. Youngbae takes a cup and gives to TOP and takes the other himself.

“ Tell me. What have you come to say?”

“Youngbae, These days whom you are spending your time with are not good people. You know with them you will only get sorrow. Especially with Dara...”

“Oh! Really TOP? Now you will tell me whom I need to trust and who will give me sorrow? I think you have lost that right. TOP you left no stones unturned to distance me from my friends and life. Even after being your Brother, Chaerin and Bom accepted me and never complained. In fact after all that happened they did not cut off their relations with me. And Dara...TOP you bloody well know that how much I love much I want her. And today fate has given one more opportunity to get her back in my life. And you want to spoil!”

“Youngbae, I am your Brother and I care for you. I really do. And I know that in the way you are going you will only get loss. So I came to alert you.”

“So you are my Brother? Where was the Brother when I was ashamed in front of my friends. You know what TOP? Today you are unable to see Bom's happiness. So you have started making some new story. Just take my advice dude...Stay out of it,okay?”

“Youngbae, why are you not listening to me? Don't trust that girl too much. Dara is not yours nor will ever be yours. She cannot be trusted.”Youngbae gets angry. He keeps his Coffee cup on the Tray and walks off as TOP looks on. TOP is angry too.


In Hyunsuk & Eunju’s room

Bom steals some photos from her Parents Cupboard from their room. Bom sees Chaerin sitting on the bed and drinking beer from the bottle.

“Hey Chaerin what are you doing? Drinking. We are here to steal the photos.”

“Language Unnie. I am having fruit juice. Its your first time stealing but I have been been stealing beer for years and Appa didn’t found it so far.”

“Oh God how did this drunkard got born in our house. Chaerin if Appa find this out you will get a good scolding.”

Chaerin looks at her Parent's photo and comments “Unnie Appa was so handsome I am sure that in College he would have had lot of girl friends.”

“Yeah...But Appa loves Omma forever!”

“Yeah dumbo! But think about it. You also have a is another thing that it did not work out and you moved on.But think...Today you love Jae but you also had a past. It did not work out so you moved on. I wonder if Appa also had some past without Omma. I mean just think about it. Today if someone comes and tells us that there was someone more important than us for would we have reacted? Imagine if Appa had some other child how would she or he have looked? How do you react to a Past gone by?”

“I do not know Chaerin. I know what you mean. Sometimes I look at the past and think if that could have been my future. And if it could have happened when why fate changed all of a sudden. Is it for the better?”

“Exactly!Look at my Past. If my Past would have been my future...I would have been wife to a Gay...” The girls laugh.

“Oh my God! That would have been horrible! You know I think that sometimes Appa-Omma also may have felt what if life was different.”

“Hmm! But don't think too much. We have a lot of work to do on Photographs. Get to work!” Chaerin and Bom takes the photographs from the bed and leave the room.


In Chaerin’s room

Chaerin and Bom at Chaerin's room lying on the Bed and looking into the laptop.They are happy and laughing. “So much fun. Unnie these photographs are so old we will scan it and modify it in the Computer. I am Sure Appa won’t mind, he steal his old photos, after all paper is out and digital is in….. I will make a good collarge of these photos and videos.”

“I hope Chaerin Appa doesn’t get angry. You know he doesn’t like it if we touch his personal belonging without his permission.”

“Loser, Ofcourse he will be happy its their anniversary and its going to be a great surprise gift dude.”

“I hope so.”

“Don’t worry. You just watch out, I will prepare such a awesum slidshow & collarge Appa Omma will be very happy.”

 “That’s good. It’s a very good idea.”

“After all the idea is mine.”


In Car

Jiyong is driving the Car with Dara by his side.

“Actually Jiyong, I called you to talk to you. Jiyong, something strange is happening to me. You know what? I am feeling so strange in the sunlight.” Jiyong looks at her. “As a fact, it feels like it is burning my skin. It is really bothering me Jiyong.”

“Dara, the weather is too hot and your skin is sensitive. Maybe that is why you are feeling like that.”

“But Jiyong, That never happened to me earlier.” Jiyong hugs her close and makes her keep her head on his shoulder.

“Don't worry Dara! Nothing happened to you. You will be fine...” Jiyong rubs her shoulders.

After some time the car enters into the College Campus .


In Car Parking lot

“Dara we have reached the college.” Jiyong stops the car. Dara releases her seat belt. “Dara... You go to College. I don't want anyone to see that we are together.”

“Jiyong, Till when this will go on? Being near but still away and pretending in front of others...I hate it Jiyong!”

“Don't worry Dara...Everything would be alright. Have faith!” Dara nods and smiles.

“Jiyong, Please meet me at the Locker Room. I need to talk to you.”

“Okay, Go!”


“Bye!” Dara gets out of the Car and walks off.

Jiyong thinks, “What is happening? It's another sign...Dara is unable to bear sunlight.”


Youngbae reaches the Car Parking lot in his Car. He sees Dara walking away. He gets out and goes near Jiyong's Car. Youngbae knocks on Jiyong's Car window and Jiyong slides the window down.

“What were you doing with Dara Jiyong?”

“Dara fainted in the sun. She needed help. I just helped her.”

“Listen Jiyong! We have spoken about this before.You don't have any interest in Dara, right? And you told me that I can date her if I want to. Then why are you getting back into her like again and again? Just stay away Jiyong! And one more thing...After today if Dara has any trouble I am there to take care of her. You don't need to be bothered okay

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)