Party Time

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In Jungle

At the Jungle the ice on top of Jiyong's face is melting.

Dara gets down from the Car and runs towards the Jungle. She is startled to see lights and people there. “What this light. Who is there?”…..EXCUSE ME!!!!WHAT IS HAPPENING THERE?”

 “Ma’am, A Studio is going to be built here and we are discussing the plans.”One of the Engineer replied.

“But for God's sake this is a Jungle and you cannot do that...”

“Ma’am, If you have any problem you can talk to the owner of Excel Builders because we already have got permissions to build studio. In 2 days this entire place would be cleared...”

“No, You can't do this Okay?”

“Madam, Go from here and let us do our work. We have already got the permissions.”

“I will stop you...” The Engineer goes back to his colleagues. “Just stop!” Dara looks at the Board which says 'Property owned by Excel Builders'.

Dara thinks, “I know that you are underneath the Ice. I know that the answers to all my Questions are with you. And I will get you out of there. But how?”


In Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk walking in the Hall. “Where are these people? We would be late.” He then sees Eunju coming down the stairs to the Hall looking pretty and is awestruck. Hyunsuk smiles and compliments Eunju when she comes near him, “Wow Eunju! You are looking awesome!”

Eunju is not impressed and gives him a cold look.”You normally give compliments when you need something. What do you need?”

“What Honey? You spoiled my mood.” He sits on the sofa. “What time has come...a Husband cannot even compliment his wife? By the way, Mr Dong's phone came. His friend Mrs Lee is looking for a girl for his son. He was asking about Bom.”

“What?”Eunju is super excited and comes and sits next to Hyunsuk. “Really?”

“Eunju...Calm down... calm down...let me tell you the full matter...”

“No, You told this much...that's enough! I thought you are taking me to a boring dinner Party. But this big a surprise...”


“I can't believe daughter's wedding...Bom's marriage? You know, right? How tensed up I am regarding Bom...”

“Calm down...calm down! Eunju, slow down! No conversation of that sort happened. The matter is that they wish to see Bom...Let the girl and boy see each other first and then we can talk.”

“Oh great! That's wonderful!”

“Who will make this Excitement Goddess understand that if our daughters hear it they would refuse to go for the Party.”

“Hello! They are my daughters also. I know how to handle them and make them go...” Eunju gets up and walks towards the stairs. Hyunsuk whistles looking at her back side.


“Shut up...You only told that the children are at home...”

“What children would do...” He takes the cell phone from pocket. “Let me see where Dara is... she should have come by now.”


In Jungle

Dara comes near her Car. She thinks, “I cannot leave you there. Something is have helped me so many times. I cannot let any construction happen above you. I have to stop this! Who are this Excel Builders? I will go to them and appeal to them...maybe they would help...But how will I reach to them?” Dara's mobile phone rings and she picks up the phone from Hyunsuk Yang.

“Hello!” She gets into her Car. “Yeah Appa...”

“Dara dear, where are you? We have to go to the's getting late...It is Excel Builder's Party. It would be a big Party...we can't miss it. I have to be there with my family. Moreover, you have to change also...Come fast!”

“Yes Appa, I am coming. I had some work and now I am on my way.”

“Okay! We are waiting...Come fast!”

“Bye Appa.” Dara puts the Phone down.

Dara thinks, “Excel Builder's Party? I have to go to this Party. Maybe there I would be able to meet and talk to the Owner about this. Oh God! I was feeling that how will I do will I get through them... And now this Party and contacts would open a way for me. I will get you out of there.Whoever you are...I would find your story. I will not let you lose forever.”Dara drives the Car from there.

A Guy with the birthmark on wrist stealthily watches Dara as she drives off.


In Bom’s Room

Chaerin comes and sits on the Bed. Bom looks at her and comments, “Thank God! My dressing sense is not like yours. Otherwise what would have happened to my family?” Bom laughs.

“Yeah fatty you are very concerned about your family? I mean look at you skinny Jeans and Top. What sort of Ball gown have you worn?”

“Excuse me! Don't you see any difference between my formal jeans and your clothes?” Eunju comes to the Room.

“Bom, Are you going to wear this and go?”

“Yes Mom, Why?” Eunju goes to the Wardrope and picks a gown for Bom to wear.

“You will be wearing this, even Chaerin is looking preety then you.”

“Wow!! That’s my Omma. Till now I was thinking that you brought me from garbage.” Eunju glare at her and signal her not to say a word.

“Bom you are going to wear this.” Eunju told  her  strickly.

“But Omma why I am not going for an award function. We are just going for a party. And I am not in mood to dressup Please.”

“No discussion Bom you are wearing this and that’s it.”

“Ha…..” Chaerin open to say something but Eunju scold her.

“You just shut up.” Like a obedient girl Chaerin placed a finger on her lips and sat quietly. Eunju then goes from there. Bom goes and sit on the bed near Chaerin.

“What the hell?”

“Dude what happen to Omma?”

“You know what I think Omma is up to something. But she doesn’t want to tell us.”

“Hmm…Whatever the Queen is hiding we have to get it know from the King. Appa the great.”

“Yeah….Appa lets go and ask him” Bom get up from the bed.

“Hello…listen you go and wear your gown, otherwise the bomb will explode on you and I will also die with you.”


“Oh Gosh….Fine.”

Bom thinks, “What are Omma Appa planning I am sure they are up to something.”


In Hall

Chaerin goes and sits on the arm of the sofa and calls Hyunsuk excitedly, “Appa...”

Hyunsuk hugs her saying “My Baby!...You are ready?”

“Yeah...I want to ask something to you..”


“I am looking good, Is it not?”

“Very nice!” Bom comes to the Hall wearing the gown Eunju chose for her.

 “And me?”


“And this gown?”


“Appa, Can I bring a friend to the Party?”


“Appa, What if I don't come?”

“Of course!” Bom is happy. Hyunsuk realizes his mistake. “No,no...You have to come.”

“Appa, Where is Dara?”

“She is coming!”

“Appa, My coming is essential?” Hyunsuk raises the voice.

“It is essential. A Guy is coming to see you!” Chaerin and Bom are shocked.

“Appa, I knew it! Why Appa?” Bom sits on a Sofa. “Why are you doing this to me? It is not fair!” Hyunsuk goes and sits next to her.

“At least for once do not argue...”

“No Appa! You cannot do that to me...”

“Correction! We can do that...”

“Come on...Appa, You know that I am not interested in relationships...I am happy like this...”

“How long you would stay happy like that? One day or the other you would have to marry...”

“Okay? You are fed up of me that you are giving me away to someone else?”

“When did I say that?”

“That is right Appa. Unnie finishes our entire quota. How long will we feed her?”

“Just shut up brat Chaerin, I will throw you in fire...” Hyunsuk signals Chaerin to keep quiet.

“Bom, This is for your good. How long will you let your past experiences affect your future life?” Dara walks in to the Hall.

“Appa is telling right. He is not asking you to marry now...You know you meet the Guy and then decide!”

“See how sensible she is!”

“Okay Appa, I will get ready and we will go,right?”

“Oh my God! That means that we won't reach for Dinner but for Breakfast...” Hyunsuk laughs.

“Shut up Chaerin, I'll just come...” Dara leaves the room.

“Timing you.”

“Keep quite.”


At Party Venue

Hyunsuk Yang arrives the Party venue with his family. Dara is wearing a ombre green trendy high low party dress.

Eunju notices that Bom is uncomfortable. “What happened.?”

 “I am not feeling good.”

“What is good or bad in it? Meet the Guy. You don't have any pressure on you. If you don't like then it is okay.”

Hyunsuk and Eunju goes in while the 3 girls stay back.

“Unnie don’t woory we are with you, your army. If there is any problem alert us.”Chaerin takes an alcohol bottle out of her pocket. “Anyway after seeing my secret weapon nobody will talk about marriage. “ Bom and aDara are shocked. “Ha..Ha..ha..ha”

“What the hell?”Dara hit Chaerin’s head.

“Dude party is going to be full on boring need aome entertainment.”

Bom thinks, “Chaerin, I wish you can save me with your childish acts. But now Omma-Appa would not listen to anyone. I have made so much mistakes in love that now that I have to follow what Omma-Appa wishes.”

“What are you waiting for? Come on Let's go Party!” The girl's start walking.

Hyunsuk comes there and stops them. Hyunsuk comes there and takes Chaerin's alcohol bottle from her and goes from there. Chaerin grumbles about Hyunsuk and takes one more bottle she had hidden from her back pocket. Bom and Dara are shocked to see it. Chaerin runs towards the Party Hall. Dara and Bom follows her.


Mrs Lee is coming down the stairs talking on the Phone.


“Good evening Ma’am. We have got permission from Jungle Officer and Local authorities and now no one can stop them from doing the job.”

 “Fabulous! Then what are you waiting for? Get started...In fact keep me posted, alright?”

“Okay Ma’am.”Mrs Lee ends the call.

Mrs Lee thinks, “Finally, now no one can stop me from taking the Excel Empire forward. In the place of the Jungle my studio will be built...the biggest in the country. My dream Project!”

She then looks at a plan and says in mid, “Everything is set and now a last story...”


Youngbae and Uee makes an entry to the Party with Uee holding on to Youngbae's arm. Youngbae notices that Uee is silent and looking lost.

“Uee, What's wrong?”

“Bae, I want to talk to you.”

“Tell me!”

“Bae... I have decided that I don't want to waste my life quarreling with Yang Sisters. In fact I want to end this years long war. I want to be friends with Dara. I want to start my life in a new slate. Look at Dara...” Youngbae and Uee looks at Dara who is chatting with Chaerin at some distance. “She is also starting her life now. And from the time she has returned from Paris she has changed so much. I think I will get along with her very well.” Youngbae is happy and keeps his hands on Uee's shoulder.

“Really Uee? I am very happy today. I could not understand the hatred that existed between you and Dara. But now... Dara is really a very nice girl.” They look at Dara and Chaerin standing at a distance. “And moreover there is no use of such fights.”

“So true baby...” Youngbae smiles. “Bae...Will you help me? Will you talk to Dara? Can you tell her that I only need peace. And I do not wish to fight anymore.”

“Of course Uee... I will talk to Dara...I will tell her that you realized your mistake and you have changed...” Uee laughs.

“Bae...You are the World's best Boyfriend..” Uee leans forward and kisses Youngbae on his cheek. Youngbae cups her face with his hands and then keeps it on her shoulders saying, “I will just come, Okay?” Youngbae goes from there.

Uee thinks, “Bae...You will never learn! None of Uee's moves are without a plan. Being Dara's friend is just a stepping stone. The plan is much big!”


Chaerin pulls Dara along with her.

“Just come along with me... I need a refill.” Chaerin shows her liquor bottle.

“Chaerin...You need to go to the rehab...what are you doing?”

“Just chill man! This is medicine. This is worlds best liquor...”

“Really...Which one?”

“Everything dear...Any liquor which is free is the tastiest...” Chaerin notices Minho at the Bar Counter and points him to Dara. “Dara...That is Minho, right?”


“What a loser Man...” Minho serves liquor to Guests who comes to the Bar counter. “He acts cool in College and is serving drinks here... Just wait and watch! This is going to be fun! Come with me...”

“Okay!” The girls go to the Bar Counter.

“Hey You... One scotch on the rocks...” Minho ignores them. “Are you deaf? Can't you hear? Minho... whatever your name is...One scotch on the rocks...” Minho goes on ignoring them. “God! How much attitude he has... Bloody Bartender, Your attitude stinks!” Minho keeps silent and still ignores them.

“You know what Chaerin? I think he is having this much attitude because he does not get much tips in his Job.”The girls laugh.

 “You know what Bartender..., serve the drinks with a smile...maybe you will get more money...” Chaerin nods. Minho pours water from a Jug and keeps a glass of water on the Counter.

“Here... Water... For that dialogues water. If you need Orange Juice that too... Come on Girls, Grow up!”

“Listen! You... Minho whatever... What is said serve that drinks otherwise I will go and complain to your Boss that you will end up losing your job loser... So serve!” Minho raises his eyes and looks at Dara but says nothing. “Look at him...”

“Who are you staring at?”


Mrs Lee greets Hyunsuk and Eunju at the Party.

“Mr Yang... Mrs Yang...Lovely to meet you. I have heard a lot of praises about you...”

“Oh! Thank you very much Mrs Lee... And... You are welcome to our beautiful city... Thank you very much for inviting us to the Party.”

“Not at all...In fact you are the only people in this city who are of our level. In fact you are on the top of my list.” Eunju laughs.

“Oh! How sweet. That is so nice of you...” Dara and Chaerin comes there and watches Mrs Lee talking to their Parents. “By the way, Your son is not seen?” Hyunsuk is embarrassed. “I mean..”

“Of course! My eldest son...” she looks around. “I am not seeing him anywhere... I can introduce you to my younger son.” she looks around and spots him. “There he is... Come!” Hyunsuk and Eunju follows Mrs Lee.

“Come on... let's go meet Brother in law...” A waiter passes by. Chaerin picks one glass and sips the drink. Mrs Lee reaches the Bar Counter along with the Yangs.

“Meet my son Minho...” Dara and Chaerin is shocked seeing Minho being introduced as Mrs Lee's son. Chaerin almost throws up her drink. Dara keeps her hand on . “He is very enterprising. He is making cocktails for our Business Associates with his own hands. It is his specialty. Minho, Meet my friends. He shakes hands with Hyunsuk and Eunju and then looks at Chaerin and Dara. Minho then looks at his mother.”

“His Proposal has come for Bom?” Dara nods.

“He is one of the popular Business Men in this City. Am I right?”

“Hyori, Meet my daughter Dara.”Chaerin and Dara goes near them. “Dara dear, This is Mrs Lee.”

“Hi!” Mrs Lee acknowledges her greeting.

“And my big daughter Bom should be somewhere here.” Chaerin is stunned that Eunju is not introducing her. “I saw Mr Dong somewhere I think she went to meet him.”

“Hello Dara, How are you?”

“Good Auntie...”

“Dara, meet my son Minho...Minho, Dara...”


“Whatever!” Chaerin signals Eunju to introduce her. When she sees no response from Eunju she goes to her and takes her to one side.

“You Guys know each other?”

“Of course Mom, I do! Same College...”


Chaerin talks to Eunju.“Am I neighbors daughter?”

“You feel good wearing such clothes to Party? Making us embarrassed... What did you think? We won't do anything?” Hyunsuk notices the mother daughter interaction and smiles. “Manner less! You have no respect for us...”

“What do I do? My Omma did not teach me manners in childhood.” Chaerin goes in anger from there. Eunju joins Hyunsuk.

“This Children! My elder son also should be somewhere here. In Parties youngsters cannot stick on to one place. But my Minho... He is a rock solid son. He just loves to help out. Come on... I will introduce you to my eldest son...”

“Of course!” Mrs Lee, Hyunsuk and Eunju leaves from there.


Dara and Minho comes closer to each other.

“Listen you... You rock solid whatever...Why did you tell your Mom that you know me? I don't know you...alright?”

“You know what? I don't want to know you...”

“Of course you don't want to know me. Because I have no time for losers like you, alright? As a matter of fact there are many hot boys behind me...”

“Seriously? Hot? At least I am not among them...”

“Of course you are not among them because I am talking about hot boys... not you...”

“I think your weight should be like that of a KG kid...small...If you want to say some dialogue... use some high level one... What can be your level? nothing! Anyways, you models are not known for sense. You only need to know how to walk on the ramp, right? Miss Yang.”Minho touches her head with his finger. “Your top floor is empty.”

“Listen... Don't touch me alright?”

“Oh sorry! Did I hurt you…..I am sorry….Let me hug you...”

“Listen... Don't even try that!”

“Think about it! If Minho Lee hugs you...Your reputation will increase in front of all in the party. My reputation would go down a little...but that is okay. I can do that much for you...sacrifice...”

“Ewwww….Your type of Guys...I….”

“My type of Guys? Tell me what you want...”

“Damn you! Stupid...” Dara walks from there.


Mrs Lee receives a phone call. She is happy to hear the news from the other end. She cuts the phone and addresses the Party.

“ Attention everyone...I welcome you all to this Party. I am happy that you all have come to share my happiness. Just now we got another reason to celebrate. Excel Enterprises is going to build a Studio in Gyeyang. Korea's biggest studio! For that we got the northern Gyeyang jungle area.And I would like to raise a toast to Excel Studio and you all...Cheers!” They all raise their glasses.

“Unbelievable! Gyeyang's northern side is Jungle...They got the permission to clear the Jungle? How is it possible?”Hyunsuk said to Eunju.

“Looks like they are very influential..”

“This is not about influence Eunju. But this is an environmental issue. It is a serious matter. But this people got the permissions... I must say that they have some very good connections.”

“Anyways, Bom's marriage is going to be in a powerful family. I just hopes that she likes the boy.”

“I hope she likes the Mother in law...She looks to be very strict.”

“How much ever strict the Mother in law is in front of Bom everyone melts...” Hyunsuk and Eunju smiles. “She is a wonderful girl. Everybody loves her...You know that...”

“Of course!”


Hyori Lee thinks, “The Jungle has to be cleared tonight itself. I don't wish that the news spreads tomorrow and people start save trees mission. No! This work has to complete tonight itself.”

 Mrs Lee makes a call to one Mr Jung and instructs him to go to the building site immediately. Though at first he tries to say an excuse he had to agree to reach the Site.

Hyori thinks, “I will rule this City...But before that I would have to accept the people in the City. Where is this Bom?” Mrs Lee spots Bom talking to 2 Girls. She walks towards Bom.

“Bom! Well well well...When people are praising you they are not telling lies. Whatever I heard about you is less.” Bom smiles. “Your Beauty...your upbringing...your style...I agree. People are telling the truth. You are lovely! And you stand true to your words...”

“Thank you so much Auntie...”

“You know what? You should meet my son. I am sure how much I was impressed meeting you he also would be... “ Hyori notices Bom's smile fading.

“I pressures...Take your time. Get to know him. Then we will see...”

“But Auntie...”

“Come on...You do not know have not met him..., is it not? So... don't delay...Meet now! He is there upstairs. Come on him! Come on dear.” Mrs Lee gently pushes Bom.

“Okay Auntie.” Bom climbs the stairs. She thinks, “What nonsense is this. Escaped from Omma- Appa... Aunty caught...I don't want to do any arranged marriage. Let me see this loser... I will say no to him.”


Bom then sees Donghae there.

“Oh God! Bloody loser!” She confronts Donghae.


“What? You followed me and came here too? Who called you here? What is your problem?”

“Problem? You know the funniest part Bom?  You are my problem and also my Solution. I tried a lot to forget you...But could not...It is not happening Bom!”

“If you get in one more accident you will forget everything…………..Anyway did anyone else came here other than you?” Donghae nods no. “Because I came to meet some Guy regarding some marriage proposal.”

“What? Bom, You did not give me even one chance and now you are going to marry someone else?”

“Will you shut up? I am fed up repeating again and again to you. How many times do I tell that I don't like you...I am not interested you. Why don't you just move on in life?”

“But Bom...Move on...just like that? Go to some Party and make a new relationship? It is not that easy Bom! At least not for me... You cannot do this to me Bom...” Donghae suddenly gets pain on his shoulders and he keeps his hand on shoulder. Bom goes near him.

“Listen...Are you Okay?” Donghae nods. “Donghae, You have to calm down. My Parents fixed this relationship. And I came here to tell that Guy that I am not interested. I wish to stay alone now. I don't want to be in any relationship. Not with that Guy...not with you...with no one...” Bom goes from there.



Chaerin meets Youngbae at the Bar Counter.“Cheers Man!” Youngbae raises his glass.

“Cheers up!” Chaerin notices Youngbae happy.

“What is the matter dear you are looking happy...Looks like finally you left your girlfriend... Good to you man...”

“Stop it! If you want to talk nonsense about Uee...I am not interested okay?”

“Oh my God!”

“Chae...I am serious. Uee is a good girl. She is so lovely.”

“Lovely like a snake...”

“Enough! She really wants to be friends with you. She is sorry that she behaved badly with you. In fact she wants to be friends with Dara also...”

“Yeah...she also wants to go to the Moon. Your Girlfriend is te

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)