Dara’s Angel

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In Yang’s Mansion

Eunju is setting up the table for Dinner. Hyunsuk comes and praises her about the arranges of dinner. Hyunsuk tells her that he has stocked the Bar well also and that they would make an impression on the Lees. A House Staff informs that the Guests have arrived and the Yang’s rush to welcome them.


The Guests and Hosts are seated in the room. Dara and Chaerin are standing.

Hyori tells Eunju, “You did not leave anything to make this night special for us.”

Hyunsuk tells that it had to be special as it is their first family dinner together. Two people come carrying a huge packet.

 “Last week I had been to Turkey...so a small gift..”

Bom comes and sits next to Mrs Lee after greeting her. Mrs Lee compliments Bom on her beauty. Hyori tells Donghae that his choice is fabulous. Donghae and Bom looks at each other. Minho looks at Donghae. Hyunsuk goes to get drinks for all. The house staff comes and serves the drinks to all. Before going back to the room Hyunsuk gives two small glasses of drinks for Chaerin and Dara. Chaerin and Dara says cheers to each other. Chaerin is unhappy with the drink and eyes at the Bottle in the Bar. Chaerin goes to the Bar while Dara goes away from there. Chaerin pours alcohol into a glass. Minho gets up from there and walks to the next room. Chaerin says, “Cheers Chaerin” and consumes the alcohol.


Minho enters the room and sees Dara who is standing and doing something by the dining table with her back on him. Her back is exposed as she is wearing a backless type of top.

Minho looks at her and walks slowly towards her. He says in mind, “Calm down Minho, calm down... You cannot think of Dara like that. You hate her. Just remember this... forget everything... Stop looking at her...”

Dara turns and sees Minho. They look at each other. Dara again continues what she was doing at the table. Minho is now almost near her. He tells in mind, “Minho, stop being a fool.” He closes his eyes. “Don't fall in love with Dara even by mistake...you will be the biggest fool alive...Don't!”

Chaerin comes there and gives alcohol to Minho.

“So tell me Minho. This family gatherings feel very boring to me...what about you?”

“Yeah... for me too.”

“Ahh...Something in common. Cheers to that!” They touch there glasses and drink the alcohol in one gulp.

Dara looks at Minho and he too looks at her. Chaerin notices this. Dara walks from there. Minho feels embarrassed the way he looked at her and closes his eyes. Chaerin takes the glass from him.


Dara goes and sits near Hyori. She then questions her on why she is building the Studio in the midst of the Jungle.

“No, Harming the Jungle is not my intention. In that area of the jungle there are many animals and poisonous plants which are dangerous for the humans. So we thought why not set up a good studio there. And left is the jungle preservation thing, let's leave it to others.”

“This is good. First we throw the Jungle animals from their own home and then we declare them dangerous for humans. But we do not realize that we only got them out of their homes.”

“Dara...What are you talking dear?”

“Not at all Eunju. Let us also know what the youth thinks...and whatever we are doing we are doing for them... And talking of ecobalance...These all things look good in books only. In the real world it is different you know...it is the survival of the fittest... If we do not enter the animal's homes they would enter our homes...It is said because of that humans are the most dangerous animals.”

Dara opens to say something but Eunju stops her by telling, “Dara, please look if the Dinner is served or not.” Dara gets up and goes from there.


Chaerin and Minho are talking.

“So Mr Minho, What sort of girl you want? I mean in college the gossip mills say that girls line up waiting for you and that you have no time from breaking hearts. So tell me dude...what are you waiting for?”

“Well...You know what? So far I have not met any girl who have impressed me that much. Someones eyes is good...someones hair is good.” Dara hears the conversation and stops. “Someones lips is good...you know what I mean?” Minho and Chaerin smiles.


“That's it, So...” Dara comes in front of them.

“Guys like you cannot stay with one girl.”

“Excuse me!”

“You Guys roam around trying to be Heroes. Actually you Guys are scared that some girl will break your heart. So you break their heart...It's really sad that you Guys don't give a chance for true love.”

“And the war begins! Round number one...tring!”

“Nice theory! It is not that I am scared. It is just that no girl is worth...simple!”

“Actually your eyes are closed...Open your eyes!”

“Trust me Yang...There is nothing to see.” Chaerin opens in amazement seeing Dara indicating herself and Minho's response. “The girls who date me is their choice and I dump them...it is my choice...”

“Poor Girls! They don't know how bad their choice is...what sort of Guy they are dating...Or it should be that their standards are low.” Dara walks from there.

“What is wrong with this girl? Seriously... Is she mad?”

“Time for another drink, Come!” Minho follows Chaerin.


At the Kwons Residence

Jiyeon and Jaesang are talking.

“There is no use getting angry at me. I am just giving the message, That's it!”

“Jiyeon, Jiyong is no one to take a decision about us. We have to go away from here. He is with us because of Dara... and once again we cannot put us in trouble because of Dara. There is no discussion, we have to leave!”

“I won't tell this to him. Why don't you tell him yourself?”

“Look Jiyeon, I am not scared of Jiyong. Whether he wishes or not, we must leave. Is that clear?”

Jaesang gets a call on his mobile and he attends it. After the call finishes Jiyeon asks Jaesang if everything is okay.

“The news of Jiyong's return has spread everywhere. The Wolves are camped at Gyeyang to take revenge on him. We are at war...”

“No... We will go from here. I will make arrangements to go from here in an hour.”

“No Jiyeon! We will not go anywhere. We have got instructions to stay here and fight with the Wolves.We have to fight!” They hear the howling of wolves on the background. “This is the cost we have to pay for love.”


In Yang’s Mansion

 Bom notice the cut on Donghae's neck. Bom goes near Donghae who is sitting alone and drinking.

“Is this injury from the accident?”

“Ahh Come on Bom...Now why are you acting? To show your parents, right? By your fake loving act...”

“You know what? In this game I was never serious with you. A Guy like you is not worth loving. So I used you deliberately... till I get some good Guy...”

“Honestly? That's good. Now I will use you deliberately.” Bom sits on the chair next to Donghae.

“What do you mean?”

“Have patience Honey...you will understand everything... As time passes on you will understand everything.”

“Stop it Donghae!”

“Now is just the beginning. It's just started! I was your time pass, right? Now I promise that you will not have time for anyone else other than me.”

“I will not give you the opportunity. I will end this engagement this moment, get it?”Bom gets up and turns to go away but stops when Donghae talks to her.

“Go ahead Honey! What you want to do, you do. But after that I will do what I want to do.”

“What the hell do you mean?”

“Why not try and then see what I am capable of doing... Do it!”

“Damn!” Bom turns and walks off. Donghae then gets a phone call. He attends the call and tells the caller that he is in a boring party and could meet in 20 minutes. Bom who overhears the call stops. Donghae looks at Bom and smiles.


At Kwon’s Residence

Jiyong comes to the hall where Jaesang and Jiyeon are standing.

“What happened?”

“We got news that the werewolves are coming with their entire clan... for us!”

“Let them come! We are much more stronger than them.”

“How much? Will you be able to handle them alone?”

“I have fought with them earlier also. I also have killed one of them...”

“They know this matter that is why they are coming with the whole family.They are coming for us and this is not an ordinary fight Jiyong! This is a planned operation. One thing you have to understand...we are stronger than them if we are together and if we are alone we would lose... So keep your personal agenda away and listen to what I say.”

“Werewolves….Jiyong tries to say something but Jiyeon stops him.

“Jiyong, listen the full matter...”

“We will fight with them. We will go back to Gyeyang. The Kwon Family shall return...better...stronger...! We will stay together. We shall be together.” They hear the sound of the wolves howling on the background. Jaesang lifts his hand and Jiyeon and Jiyong places their hands on top of his and join them together in a strong Unity link


In Yang’s Mansion

Donghae comes near Hyori who is sitting with the Yangs and tells her, “Mom, I got some urgent work, I think I have to go.” Hyori tries to stop him but Hyunsuk tells her to let him go as work comes first.

“The Business families understanding is different, they understand everything.” Hyori gives permission for Donghae to go from there. Bom then comes there and asks Donghae if he came by Bike. When Donghae says “yes” she asks him to take her for a ride also.

Donghae thinks, “No problem Bom! You want to come and see me with another girl...so be my Guest.” Chaerin and Minho comes there.

“I like bikes too! Minho, you have bike, right?”

“Yeah, it's outside...”

“Cool man! Then we will all go... To leave Donghae to Office all of us will go on drive...” Donghae gets irritated and thinks, “This girls are alright but if Minho sees me with Sara then it will be a problem.”

Dara then passes by and Chaerin stops her. “Yeh Dara hold on! Listen...We all are going out...Join us! Bikes...Cool air...and Ice cream...”

“Okay...” Hyunsuk asks why suddenly all the youngsters are leaving the Dinner Party and going out. Hyori says that the children  seem to be bored in their company. Hyunsuk gives permission to go and the youngsters rushes out.


Donghae comes out first and gets into the Bike and wears the helmet. He thinks, “I need to lose Minho. But why are are these girls coming for the ride? I must get out of here as fast as possible...leaving all of them.” Donghae then calls out to Bom and says, “Bom, Do you mind coming fast? Sara may be waiting for me. She does not like it when I get late.” Bom comes near the bike.

“I am here! I have come, fine?” She gets behind Donghae on his bike.

“By the way I am very happy that you are coming with me. You need to know who is your competition.” Donghae starts the bike and drives off.

Minho comes out and calls Donghae but finds him gone. Minho gets on his bike. Chaerin comes and touches him on shoulder to get his attention.

“Hello! What are you doing?”

“We are going...”

“Ahh no no no! Do you think I will sit behind you and enjoy the bike? No dude...get off...”

“Ahh Chaerin, You realize that this bike is very heavy?”

“What do you think? I can't handle a bike? Come on man...get off! Come on!”

“Yeah, Okay! Be my Guest.” Minho gets off the bike. Chaerin gets on the bike and wears the helmet humming a tune. “But you have to be careful... “ Minho tries to tell about the gears breaks etc but Chaerin cuts him telling that she knows everything. “It's very expensive...”

Dara comes there.

“Minho, you are going with her, She is very rough.”

“What do you think? I am alone going with her? No no no... we three are going together...”

“What? Three people in one bike?”

“Yes! Because your sister is insane and she is drunk. And this is a very expensive bike. If something happens I need a witness. You are the witness. Come on...hop on... Hey Chaerin, You are ready?” Minho gets behind Chaerin.

“Yeah, sure!”

“Now let's go!” Dara reluctantly sits behind Minho.

“Everybody safe?”

“Yes we are safe...”

“Let's go people...” Chaerin drives from there.


In Jungle

Donghae is driving the bike. Bom asks him to drive slowly. Donghae asks if she is feeling scared. Bom thinks, “I know what game you are playing Donghae Lee. Do whatever you want, I won't accept defeat. I am not coming to meet your girl friend. I will expose your ego and evil plans. I will show my parents and yours what you are. I will tape you with Sara and then see if this engagement will break or not.”


Chaerin is driving the bike with Minho sandwiched between her and Dara. Chaerin is not driving very steadily.

“Dara, Can you sit properly? The bike is losing balance..”

“I have sat like this because I don't want to fall off...”

“If you are so scared of falling then you can hold me. Oh come on Dara...By touching me you won't get any disease...I am not contagious... Anyways, since your sister is a little mad it is good for you. So go ahead!” Dara keeps her hand on Minho's shoulder.

“This much delicate touch? Are you trying to seduce me? It's working by the way..”Dara takes her hand off.

“I have no interest in touching you...”

“Seriously? Are you scared that you

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)