Trying to save Jiyong

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In Jungle

Minho is in the Jungle. The werewolves come and stands on either side of him in a line.

“What are you people doing here? And why are they all bowing their heads? What is the matter?”

“Minho...You killed our biggest enemy... Now you are our leader...”

“What nonsense are you talking? You people know very well that our leader can only be a woman.”

“Yes Minho... But after Hyori we wanted such a leader who could show us the correct way... And Jieun... There are no qualities in Jieun that she can become our leader... And for what she has done... we can never accept her as leader also. So you... and only you... who gave us victory in this age old battle... You only can become our leader.”


In WashRoom

Hyunsuk is hugging Dara consoling her.

“Appa... Jiyong has left us and gone... Appa, How can I live without him Appa?”

“Control yourself Dara...” Hyunsuk's mobile rings and he lifts the call after leaving Dara to Jieun. “Hello.... What? I am coming immediately...”

Hyunsuk looks at Dara and decides not to break the news to Dara. He tells Dara that he has to go for some important work and asks Jieun to take Dara home carefully. Hyunsuk rushes from there.

“Dara... Jiyong has not left you and gone... Now also he can come back. Jiyong has that potion and I am the key to the potion. We only have to reach to that potion. Try to remember... Jiyong told you anything about the portion?” Dara keeps silent. “He should have said something... Dara, Try to remember...” Dara cries and remembers Jiyong's last words, 'forget me not'. “Try to remember Dara... He should have said something...”

“No... No Jieun.” Dara cries. “Jiyong did not tell me anything about the potion. He only told as he went... forget me not...”

“Dara, I do not know anything about the potion. Dara... If we go to the cemetery can we get any clue?”

“What will happen with that Jieun?”

“If we can get that potion to Jiyong in 8 hours we can save him... maybe we can save him...”

“Jieun... Don't give me any such false hope...”

“Dara... This is not a lie...Jiyong was not that weak that he left you alone just like that. We have to save Jiyong. We have very little time.”

“Okay Jieun... Let's go... Let's save Jiyong...” Dara and Jieun gets out from there.


In the Jungle

Jiyong's body is been carried by the Vampires. Jaesang and Jiyeon are walking behind them.

Yoojin is watching them going from a distance. She has a look of disgust on her face. She says in mind, “GD I never wished this. Once death had separated you from me. But you became a dead human so that we become one. Today your that life also was taken away... Only because of that Dara... You loved Dara more than me?”

 Yoojin recalls Jiyong telling her that if she talks even one more word about Dara he would kill her. She recalls him telling her that their love story had ended the day when she left him and went to his brother. Yoojin recalls Jiyong telling Dara that he loves him before he dies.

Yoojin thinks, “When you were leaving the world also you were with her. I cannot tolerate that. I will have to finish Dara forever. I cannot see her alive.”


A bunch of werewolves doing some ritual in front of the fire. Minho is standing on one side while the werewolves are sitting. They extend their hand towards the fire palms down and then withdraw again and again. Minho keeps his hand on his chest and his facial expressions change because of the effect of the rituals. Minho groans as if in pain like he did when he transformed into his werewolf form the first time. One of the Guys get up and catches Minho's hand. He puts a ring on Minho's finger.

“From today... You are our leader.” Minho withdraws his hand and looks at the black stoned ring on his finger and then upwards.


At the Hospital

Chaerin is in the Hospital. The Doctor instructs the attendants to take the patients to the ICU fast.


“Look! Their condition is very bad and we do not have time at all.” Chaerin stands in front of the Jesus Idol in the Hospital.

“God... I know that you are punishing me because I remember you very less.” She folds her hand and continues, “But Jesus please... Please only punish me. Please save Unnie and Youngbae... Please Jesus... I beg you... Please save them.” She looks around helplessly.


In Jungle

Yoojin is still standing in the Jungle.

She recalls her love story with GD and their meetings. She recalls her dying in the fire despite of Jiyong's efforts to save her.

“It's ages since we parted but I kept wandering... to meet you... To make you my own... And then what did I do? What did I do?” Yoojin cries.

She recalls Jiyong telling her that he would finish her if she even said another word about Dara. Blood tears flow from Yoojin's eyes. She recalls Jiyong telling her that their love had ended the day she left him and went off with his Brother.

Yoojin is angry and wipes her tears. “But I will not let you go that easily GD... Even when you were dying you were in that Dara's arms. I will bring you back... by getting that potion... I will make you alive again GD. I will again make you my own and will finish that Dara forever. You are mine GD.. only mine!”


At Cemetry

Dara and Jieun comes to the cemetry.

“Oh God... Dara, Try to remember... Jiyong would have said something to you... something...”

“No Jieun... Jiyong just told me 'forget me not'. He did not say anything else...”

“Dara... We have very little time. Whatever we have to do... we have to do it now. Okay... Do one thing... You search that side... and I will search this side...”



In Hospital

Chaerin who is sitting on the chair in the Hospital get up when the Doctor comes near her.

“What happened Doctor?”

“Your friend would be alright... He just had a mild poisoning.” Chaerin is happy. “But...your sister...”

“My sister what? What happened to Bom Doctor? Please...”

“I am sorry to say but her condition is not good... and maybe will never be alright...” Hyunsuk comes there and stands next to Chaerin. “She might have to live all life like a living corpse. It is a paralysis case... completely paralysis case...”

“What are you saying Doctor?”

“Look! The poison has spread so much that her brain is affected. You come with me... I will tell you... Come!”

Chaerin and Hyunsuk follows the Doctor and they come to Bom's room. Bom has an oxygen mask on her face. “The machines have kept her alive. If we remove the life support system... I am sorry...”

“Appa... Save Unnie please... Unnie...” Chaerin cries.

Hyunsuk is angry. He thinks, “This all Yoojin did... I will not leave her!”


At Cemetery

Yoojin is standing behind a tree near a grave. She says in mind, “Someone is here already.”

Dara runs to Jieun and tells that she could not locate the potion. Jieun tells her that they would get it and asks her to be patient.

“Just keep searching...”

“Okay...” They resume search again.

Yoojin thinks, “Dara and Jieun... What are they doing here? Are they also searching for the potion? That is good... Search! GD would have told Dara that secret... some way to reach to that potion. Now I will let Dara find it ...And then I will seize the potion and kill Dara and Jieun.

Jieun is searching for the potion. Suddenly she stops and thinks, “Someone is here... I can smell danger... some danger... How will I let this know to Dara?”

“Dara...” She goes near Dara. “I don't think that the potion would be here... Jiyong also did not tell you anything...There is no point being here...” Come, Let's go!”

“Jieun, What happened to you? Now only you told that the potion is here and anyways we are doing all this for Jiyong... You accepted defeat Jieun? No... I will not go anywhere from here...”

“Dara...” Jieun catches her hand. “Try to understand the matter.” Jieun signals with her eyes... “We do not know if the potion is here.. I mean we don't know if the potion is here or not so...” Jieun lowers her voice. “Try to understand...”

“Okay... If you are saying then let's go from here... And anyways, I do not know where the potion is...”

“Yeah... Let's go!” The girls walk from there.

Yoojin thinks, “How can this happen? Jiyong did not tell the secret of the potion to Dara?”


At the Kwon’s Mansion

 Jaesang is walking slowly through the Hall. Jiyeon is standing on a side touching a coffin.

“All mistake is ours. We should have left this city and gone away. Away from Yoojin... Jiyong is our son... We gave him this life... A different identity from Yoojin... He is a part of our existence. Jaesang, What are we going to do without him?”

“There is one way of bringing him back Jiyeon...” Jaesang goes near Jiyeon. Jiyeon turns to him.

“The potion of course... Jaesang, We have to find the potion... We have to get Jiyong back...”

“Yes Jiyeon... I will go to that Restaurant... where Jiyong was last. Maybe we will get some clue...” Jiyeon nods.


In Hospital

Youngbae is in the Hospital bed with his eyes closed. Chaerin enters the room and goes near him.

“How are you?” Youngbae opens his eyes and looks at Chaerin.

“Now I am alright...” Youngbae tries to sit upright... Chaerin helps him by adjusting the pillow behind him. Chaerin sits near the bed. “By the way Chaerin... You know... when I was getting unconscious... I heard your voice... because of which I had to become alright.” Chaerin smiles. “I heard something like I love you... something... I heard like that... I don't know...”

“Maybe I have told...”

“What exactly did you say?”

“Why? You were deaf that time? You can't hear first time or what?”

“Please Chaerin... Tell me again... Just think that it is a patients last wish... Please!”

“No...” Chaerin turns her face away shyly.

“Hey... Tell...”

“I told that...”

“What did you tell?”

“I told that there is no point in reaching the Hospital like stupids everytime..” Youngbae's face falls. “Youngbae...” He looks at her again. “have a weak heart. From next time do not give me such heart attacks...”

“But Chaerin... Why you have a weak heart? I mean... There has to be some reason, right?”



“Because I...”

“Because you? Yeah... come on...”

“Because I am stupid... I am stupid... And I love a stupid guy who is very stupid...”

“But that stupid boy loves you very much...” Chaerin smiles.

“Good... Otherwise I will...”


“Otherwise I will beat that stupid boy...okay?”

“Okay... But Chaerin... How can you be in love? I mean you are allergic of love...”

“But not with friendship... and sometimes love is hidden behind deep friendship... Youngbae, When I was about to lose you that's when I realized how much I love you. I love you!”

“Okay... So this is friendship type love or love type love?” Chaerin starts thinking.

“How will I know?”

“Shall I tell you?” Chaerin nods. “Come close to me and give me a tight hug... You will know...”

“Whoa whoa whoa... hold on... Okay? Why should I hug you? I am romance intolerant just remember that...”

“Now only Doctor told that if I don't get romantic doses daily I would die...”

“Youngbae...” Chaerin gets up and kisses on his cheek and moves back. Youngbae touches his cheek.

“Okay... My turn now...” Youngbae cups her face and Chaerin runs away from the room.

“Got to go...”

“Chaerin...” Youngbae is happy.


In WashRoom

Jaesang is in the washroom of the Restaurant.

“Jiyong... We lost you... You fought our battle... Jiyeon's and mine... Be rest assured! I will bring you back...” A Hotel staff comes there.

“Sir... Are you searching something?”

“Yes... Something of mine was lost here...”

“While doing the cleaning I got this...” The waiter gives the vampire machine to Jaesang. “Is this the one?”

Jaesang thinks, “This is that slayer machine to find us. That means some slayer is here. I will have to tell Jiyeon. If the werewolves and slayer unite that would be a problem...”

“Thank you!” The Guy goes from there.


In Hospital

Hyunsuk follows the Doctor to his room.

“Come... Mr Hyunsuk...” Doctor sits on the chair.

“What is the matter Doctor? How serious is it?”

“First you sit... Sit please...” Hyunsuk sits on the chair opposite the Doctor. “Hyunsuk Sir... You are a courageous person... Not just for yourself but for the full family... for the full community... You have taken a very strong decision. Today you will have to take such a decision... Bom may never get up now. Her brain is dead... You can keep her alive but she will stay like a dead corpse... In this circumstances Hyunsuk Sir... you please tell me... how long would you like to keep her in these life support system?”

“What are you asking me Doctor? Bom is fighting with death and you want me to lose hope? No Doctor... I will not do like that.”

“Sometimes such decisions also have to be taken. Mr Hyunsuk?”

“No Doctor... Bom is my daughter... She is my life... I cannot live without her... I cannot leave hope...”

“This is not about hope... Now no one can save Bom...”

“No Doctor... You are not God... You cannot take that decision...”

“I am just advising you...” Hyunsuk gets angry and gets up.

“To hell with your advice. You are asking me to lose... That would not happen... I have that much courage that I would save my daughter from the mouth of death also. You keep her on life support as long as she is breathing... I will not lose hope... Never!” Hyunsuk walks out of the room.


In Jungle

Minho is talking to the werewolves.

“You all have made me your leader. I am definitely your leader... But your decisions would be respected just like my Mom has always done.”

“We all wish that we get back the secret of the potion which was taken from us...”


“Yeah, Potion... That too very fast...”

Minho thinks that Jiyong and Dara was together and if he would have left any clue.

Minho recalls Jiyong's last words to Dara. Minho wonders what the words mean and decides to search for the potion. Suddenly his expression changes as if he got the clue.

“We will definitely get that potion.” Minho extends his hand backwards and then forward. The fire dies. “Let's go!”


At Kwon’s Mansion

Jaesang opens the door and walking into the Kwon House Hall. Jiyeon is standing near Jiyong's coffin.

“Jiyeon...We will have to leave this city and go immediately...”

“Why? What happened?”

“Some Slayers have come to the city... I am sure that they would find us. I feel that it is some game of Minho and the other werewolves. If they find us... you know what could happen.” Jiyeon goes near Jaesang.

“So what Jaesang?” Jiyeon looks at the coffin. “I am not leaving Jiyong and going anywhere...”

“Stop it Jiyeon... Jiyong has gone... You know... If we get caught... we will get destroyed...”

“Jiyong has not gone anywhere Jaesang... He can be saved... and I will save him... I am not going anywhere without him...” Jaesang is angry. “Jaesang...He has never turned his back like this... How can you do this to him?”

“Why do I see the human emotions in you? The same weaknesses of humans...Damn it.”

“Yeah Jaesang, I am emotional. Because I have not forgotten that Jiyong died only to save us... He took the enmity of everyone only to save us... He even got the portion from the werewolves for me but that werewolves... I told you Jaesang... Where you want to go you go... I am not going anywhere...” She touches the coffin fondly. “Jiyong has always done his responsibility as a son...” Jaesang also keeps his hand on the Coffin. “May be you forgot Jaesang... But not me... And now it's my turn...”

“Alright Jiyeon... We will do what you say... We will fight... We will not fear the werewolves and run away...” Jiyeon nods.

“Thank you!”

“I hope you realize that we may finish because of this...”

“Jaesang, I can do anything for Jiyong...”

“Alright Jiyeon... We will do that for Jiyong...” Jiyeon nods.

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)