Werewolve’s Attack

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In Cooking Class

Yujin Kim comes to the Cooking Class.

“Yujin Kim, what are you doing here?”

“Ma’am, I have come to join your class. Ma’am, You remember right? In the First year your literature class used to be my favorite. SO I thought in this subject also you could inspire me. And nowadays, cooking is so glamorous. Master Chef Uee... sounds good, ehh?”

“First attend the Class. You can become Master later! Go to table number 3.”

“Thank You Ma’am.” Uee goes to her Table. Her friend is also in the Class.

Chaerin comes there hurriedly.

“Sorry...sorry... Am I late?”

“Chaerin... what are you doing here?”

“Attending the class.”

“Are you joining the cooking class?” Uee looks suspiciously. “There can be only one reason to it. Come on tell me the truth!”

“No Ma’am!........... Ma’am am getting failed. And to attend the class there is five grace marks. I really need it...please!”

“See how well I know you...”

“Ma’am, You are a genius!”

“Apply the butter on the dish and not me. And if the food is not prepared well the marks would be minus.” Uee is trying to figure out what to do with the Apron.

“Don't worry about it Ma’am. You know how much a foodie I am so cooking will be easy for me...”

“We will see...Table number 1...” Uee's friend helps her to tie the Apron.”Come on girls...quick.”

Uee claps her fingers and 3 chefs come for her assistance. Uee tells the teacher that she would concentrate on learning while the Chef's do the practical stuff. The teacher asks Uee to leave the class room.

Uee thinks, “I need to make Kimchi rice for Bae. I hope the love scope not become true...It is a matter of one class. Make Kimchi rice and then straight to the Salon for Manicure!.” Uee sends her chefs off and tells the Teacher that she will do everything. The Teacher asks all of them to start the Cooking.


At Yang’s Mansion

Donghae comes to Yang House. Hyunsuk is sitting on the sofa and working on the Laptop. Donghae knocks at the door.

“Hello Appa!”

“Hello Donghae! What a surprise... Come come come...” Donghae walks in and sits on the chair next to Hyunsuk.

“Actually, Mom gave this for Bom.” Donghae shows a Jewerly box. “So I thought I will give this and also use it as an excuse to have coffee with you.”

“Any time! Actually I don't understand this ritual of the Lee family. You are making us ashamed with all this gifts.”

“Not at all... It is the tradition of the family we are following...that's all”

“Bom... “ Bom comes down the stairs with a glass of juice in hand.

“Appa, How many times I told you that I don't want to drink this Orange Juice...” She sees Donghae.

“From your in-laws a gift has come. One more gift...”

“That's for my beautiful Bride...”

“Come, You two sit and talk... I will make Coffee for you two... Mrs Wu!” Hyunsuk walks from there. Bom walks and stands in front of Donghae.

“Why have you come here? Your time pass girls got bored of you?”

“Not even close Baby! It is just that Mom told me to take some time out for my to be Bride...so I took little time out for you that's all...”

“Keep your Gift and your time with you...” Donghae is about to get up. But Hyunsuk comes there and informs that the Coffee is on the way so Donghae leans back to the chair.

“Tell me Donghae...What's up!”

“Nothing Appa! Bom was telling me how much she loves brooch. In fact Sweetheart...why don't you try this brooch along with the Necklace?”

“Will do later!”

“Bom Please...I want to see how it looks on you...Please!”

“Come on Bom... Wear and show...He is asking so lovingly...”

“Yeah Bom... let me see how my family heirlooms look on you... If not we will get it changed...”

“No no no...of course not... Go Bom...Go and wear the necklace and come.”

“I will come.” She goes from there. Donghae follows her telling that “she will need his help to clap the necklace.” He tells her, “That is what husbands are for, right?” Hyunsuk looks at them going with a smile on his face “sweet!”


Bom comes to her room followed by Donghae. Donghae looks around appreciating the room.

“Nice Room...”

“Shut up! Listen Donghae...It's enough...I am fed up with your drama. I know that you wish to take revenge on me but now you are crossing the damn line. Stay away from my family.”

“If your family is not in the game how will this game be thrilling?”

“What the hell! You are playing with my family?”

“Ofcourse! I learned it from you...”

“You know what? I also learned to deal with you. What you want to do ...you do...It won't have any effect on me. I won't let you win!” Donghae smiles and comes closer to Bom telling her name and pulls her to him by putting a hand on her waist. Bom tries to free herself but Donghae holds her closer.

“Bom, Don't even think that you know anything about my game. Because this game has just started Bom. And what all I have kept planned for you... you have no idea!”

“Leave me!”

“Gladly!” He leaves her. “Bom, Anyhow I am not interested in you. You are so boring and cold...For me you are that Bird who flutters the wings in the cage...I love to see you suffer.” Bom's mobile rings and she picks up the phone. Donghae's face suddenly becomes serious.

Bom talks to someone and tells him, “Hi….How are you …..I am fine….Not a problem! Now only my engagement has happened. And everyone knows that Donghae Lee is a big loser. And this engagement is just a business deal...well not a problem, I will see you tonight! I will see you today...Bye...muuaahh...” She cuts the Phone.

“Who was that?”

“None of your Business!”

“Bom, You really think that I cannot find out?”

“Why? Just now I was boring...cold... Now you are suddenly interested?  You know what Donghae? You started this game...and I will end it! Get it? So...You may leave...”


At the Cooking Class

The Teacher tells the students, “Today we will make Fajitas. This is a Mexican Dish, Okay?”

Uee interrupts, “Why are we making exotic dishes. We are all beginners so we could make something simple... Korean dish...like Kimchi rice?”

 The Teacher agrees and asks them to start the Cooking. Chaerin puts water into the Cooker and then adds all the Vegetables uncut inside the pressure cooker to cook while Uee wonders what to do, by looking into the Vegetable Basket. Chaerin tries to light the gas stove and then realizes that she did not on the gas. She lights the stove and keeps the Cooker on the flame.

The Teacher notices Chaerin's Open Cooker and asks her what she is doing. Chaerin replies that she is cooking the Vegetables. The teacher takes the Vegetables out of the Cooker one by one. She shows the unpeeled onion to Chaerin , “Without cutting...without peeling... you put it just like that?”

“Ma’am, It is in water so it would get washed automatically. And as far as the peels are concerned I have read that peels are very good for health.”

The Teacher corrects her, “Fruit Peels Chaerin... not onion peels.”

The Teacher then demonstrates to her how to cut Onions.


The teacher notices Uee standing near her counter and texting on her Mobile and smiling. The Teacher asks Uee what she is doing. Uee replies that she was waiting for help. The Teacher takes Uee's mobile from her. Uee shows a lady's finger and asks the Teacher if she should cleanse it with face wash or cleanser with cotton or directly.. The Teacher tells Uee that the vegetables are cleaned with water. Uee is surprised. Really no soap. No soap Teacher assured her. Uee and Chaerin cuts the vegetables and put them to the Cooker with the other ingredients. Both of them closes the lid of their Pressure Cookers. After some time the whistles of both the cookers start blowing. They keep continuously blowing but both the girls do not off the stove. After sometime both the Cooker's burst leaving both the girls black on their faces.


A Doctor is apply some cream on Chaerin's face and Uee is attended by a Nurse. The Teacher is talking to a Doctor. She tells him, “Thank God! No body is dead! If I would have been dead it would have been nice, I would have got freedom from these two girls. Thank you Doctor, now you can go.”

“No no no... Don't send the Doctors away. If  someone ate Uee's Kimchi rice by mistake they will get food poisoning.”

“Shut up Chaerin...Your Kimchi rice is on the ceiling.” Youngbae comes there. Chaerin waves at him.

“Youngbae Hi!”

“Who are you?”

“Me Chaerin...”

“Chaerin? Can someone tell me what is wrong here?”

“Baby,it was a small accident.”

“This is a small accident Uee? This much a big emergency and you were texting and calling me? You could have called me, right?”

“Bae, It was an urgent work. I was making Kimchi rice for you... see!”

“This was your urgent work Uee? This disaster! There everybody is getting ready for protest and you are making Kimchi rice for me here?”

“Bae, This is for you...”

“Uee...baby, won't I love it if you make Kimchi rice for me? But in the middle of this important day... Uee, I need you for the Protest...not Kimchi rice...”

“Okay Bae, I will come with you and bring along Kimchi rice too...” Uee asks her friend. “Where is Kimchi rice?” Chaerin points to the ceiling and says, “Kimchi rice.” Uee is sad.

Youngbae looks at the ceiling “Wow.”


At Jungle Site

The students are sitting in the Jungle in front of the Fire. The students shout, “SAVE OUR LAND.” There is a save our land Banner tied in between trees. Youngbae, Chaerin, Daesung and Dara are all there. All of them are wearing T shirts in which Save our land is written.

“You know what Youngbae...This is such a nice thing to do...All this happened because of you...”

“Not at all! There is the efforts of all students.”

“But you took the initiative... You started all this!” Uee comes there and greets Youngbae. She sits next to him and puts her hands around him.

“Hi Darling! I came to support you.”

“Thank you!”

“You know what? I am so proud of you Bae. You did a very good thing and after this thing you and me.”

“You and me?”

“Yeah, You and me you know...”

“You and me?”

“You and me will go to eat Kimchi rice...”

“Come on Uee...Kimchi rice? What’s wrong with you?” Suddenly the students notice a Car on the Road and Hyori Lee getting out of it.

Dara walks to Hyori Lee. “Aunty, you here?”

“Dara, I knew that you would be definitely involved in this protest. The idea of saving the Jungle is yours, right? You are so sensitive Dara and I am so proud of you” The other students also come near Dara.

“No Aunty! This is not my idea... I have just participate in this movement. Actually the idea is of my friend Youngbae. Meet the brain behind all this...Youngbae that's Aunty...”

“Hi Ma’am!”

“Hi Youngbae! Hyori….I am here to support you all! We bought the Eastern side of the Jungle from the Government who was allotting plots one by one. Because of our buildings the greenery of the Jungle or the environment would not have any harm...no compromise need to be done...But College has auctioned the land... and that too without much thinking...without doing research on how they can affect the nature. And for what? Money... disgusting! Anyways students...whatever help you need from Lee's we will give. We are there with you!”

“Thank you so much Auntie! We are here for one hour and no one has come. The Owners have not come...they are just not bothered about it...”

“Then bother them Dara... And don't worry! I will make sure that all news channels cover this protest. Anyways it is the talk of the town... and don't give up! We are there to support you! You will definitely get justice. I came here to tell you this. All the Best! Keep it up!”

“Thank you so much!” Hyori goes from there. The students go back to where they were sitting by shouting, “SAVE OUR LAND.” Dara looks at her watch


Jaesang is standing near a tree. He says in mind, “Lee's are taking advantage of the innocence of students. I know you Hyori Lee... For your Profits you are making these students aim at me. You don't know that the Kwons does not accept defeat so fast.”

Jaesang hears the howling of wolves and turns and look behind. He sees the wolves eyes shinning in the dark there. Jaesang thinks, “They came up to here? I did not see them coming. They are here...”

 Jaesang comes to his Vampire form and make faces at the Wolves. He thinks, “Oh No! I won't be able to handle them alone...” He tries to communicate telepathically with Jiyong, “Jiyong! Can you hear me Jiyong? I am in the Jungle!” Jaesang realizes that he could not reach Jiyong and thinks that he should now handle the wolves alone. The wolves come running towards Jaesang. Jaesang runs fast through the Jungle with the wolves chasing behind closely.

After some time Jaesang stumbles and falls back and the wolves jump on him one after the other.


The students are sitting on the Ground around the Fire. Uee is sleeping by leaning on to Youngbae. Chaerin is also dozing off. All students are looking tired.

Dara thinks, “Oh my God I forgot...today is Unnie's dinner...But how will we go? We will have to go for Unnie. We will have to do something.” Dara She taps Chaerin and wakes her up.

“Listen Chaerin, today is Unnie's dinner... What will we do now? We are stuck! How will we tell them all that we are going from the midst of the protest. They are protesting and we go for the Party...how will they feel? What will we do?”

“I will handle it!”  Chaerin tells Youngbae that no body bothers about the protest. Youngbae tells her that they cannot accept defeat so fast. They here the howling of the wolves.

Daesung tells Youngbae that it is better to go and have dinner than be the dinner of the wolves. Chaerin also supports Daesung and gets up to go along with Dara. Uee is happy that she would be able to spend time alone with Youngbae. Youngbae is angry at the students and calls them selfish. Dara also tells Youngbae that the protest at night does not make any sense and they would come next day morning with a new strategy. Youngbae tells that everyone can go and that he would be there alone. Youngbae decide to tour around the jungle. Uee tells Youngbae to pick her up in 2 hours for the Party. Chaerin and Dara gets into the Bike to go home.


At Yang’s Mansion

The arrangements for the Party are going on at Yang Mansion. The Mansion is decorated. Hyunsuk comes there and is surprised to see the Mansion. Bom gives instructions to the House staff regarding food, drinks etc...



“Has Eunju come back? What are these preparations of Party?”

“No Appa, Omma is not back but I thought I will throw a Party from my side for Donghae's family. Actually Appa how many gifts they keep sending me so I thought I should do at least this... They should not think that we don't care...”

“Smart thinking! I am impressed. You have really become matured.” Hyunsuk goes and sits on a sofa and Bom goes and sits on the arm of the sofa. “Eunju is not here but your training is good. “ Bom laughs.

“Thank you!”

“Isn't this a little on short notice?”

“Yeah Appa! It is short notice but everyone is coming. Everyone has confirmed. Our engagement guests from the side of Lees...all are coming...”

“Very good then! So may I go and get ready?”

“Yes! Come on... You have to look handsome tonight..” Hyunsuk goes from there. Bom walks to a house help and gives him instructions.

Bom thinks, “You started the game in front of these people Donghae by getting engaged with me. Now I will end this game in front of these people... You will see.”


At Kwon’s Mansion

 Jiyong opens the door and enter inside. He goes and sits on a couch. He notices Jiyeon worried and restless “What happened Omma? You look tensed.”

 Jiyeon sits on a chair.

“It's Jaesang! He is not lifting the Phone. It is 3 Hours since he has started from the Site. I don't know where he is.”

“He had gone to see the protest at the Site. He keeps telling that none of us should go anywhere alone and now he went alone. When I asked if I can go with him he refused. I just don't get this... So stupid!”

“Jiyong, He wanted to keep you away from danger because you have the maximum danger. He made this rule because of you...because he cares for you...”

“I am sorry Omma. I am just... a little worried.”

“Me too! I know that in this circumstances anyone of us being alone is dangerous. I am so worried. I think we should go and look for him.”

“Yeah...I will go and look for him.”  Jiyong gets up to go. Jiyeon too gets up.

“No Jiyong! I will also go with you...We have to stay together.” Both of them rushes out from there.


At Yang’s Mansion

Chaerin and Dara returns home. Dara is impressed seeing the arrangements made by Bom. Chaerin is happy seeing the Bar fully loaded and goes and stand behind the Bar Counter. Hyunsuk comes and asks the girls what they are doing wearing the Jungle Protest clothes and tells them to go and wear some nice clothes. Hyunsuk tells them that since Eunju  is not there they only have to take care of the guests at the Party.

Chaerin tells Hyunsuk that she will take charge of the duty at the Bar. Hyunsuk scolds Chaerin and tells her that she should not be seen anywhere near the Bar. After Hyunsuk goes from there.

 Chaerin tells Dara, “Basically I have to wear clothes which has deep pockets. If I cannot go near the Bar, the Bar should come to me.” She runs away from there.

 “You are hopeless Chaerin!”

“I Know.”


Hyunsuk comes down the Stairs to the Hall dressed up. He tells Mr Lee to finish the decoration work as the Guests are about to come any moment.

Hyunsuk looks around and thinks, “This looks Great! How nicely Bom has arranged everything. The Lees are doing so much for us... It is our responsibility too... I just wish Eunju was here.” He turns and looks to see Minho walking in. Hyunsuk rushes to welcome him.

“Hello Minho.”

“Hello Uncle...” They shake hands.

“How are you? You are very punctual...you came on time. Come come come...”

“Nothing like that Uncle. My work was near by so I thought that I would come home and help you.”

“It's sweet! But there is nothing to be done. Bom has handled everything. She has made all the arrangements.”

“I see!”

“Like them we do not need 2 hours to get ready. So we have time...let's have a drink...”

“Drink? No no Uncle Not before the Guests come. By the time they come if I would drop at a corner it would not look nice...” Hyunsuk laughs. “Uncle not seeing others...”

“They might be getting ready upstairs. In fact, why don't you go up and meet them? You will get bored in my Company.”

“No Uncle...Come on...I love your Company...”

“That's sweet! But still you go and see what they are doing. I am sure Chaerin is getting ready and Dara and Bom are pulling her legs.”

“I think then Dara will need my help!” Hyunsuk laughs. Minho smiles. “I will see you.” Minho climbs the stairs up.

Hyunsuk looks him going “Minho...Dara...Should talk to Hyori.”


The Yang Sisters are assembled in a room.

“What? Donghae... Bom I am not understanding anything. You make me understand the entire story properly.”

“I told

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)