And the war began

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At Old Broken Palace

Dara pushes open a door in the Palace. Jaejoong follows her and transforms into his vampire form. Dara turns to look at him. Now Jaejoong is in his human form but he is wide mouthed and have a scared look on his face.

“Jaejoong, What happened? Are you okay? Is everything alright?” Jaejoong has a terrorized expression on his face. Yoojin comes from the darkness to the light behind Dara. Jaejoong points his fingers towards Yoojin and utters, “Yoojin” Dara turns and sees her look alike Yoojin in Princess Dress with a y look on face. Jaejoong tells, “It's Yoojin” Dara is shocked. Yoojin smiles and walks slowly towards them.

Suddenly Jaejoong laughs. He extends hands on either side and says to Yoojin, “Surprise!.” Yoojin smiles. “It's Yoojin! Whoa!!!” He claps his hands.

“Jaejoong, I felt that you would not come. I lost hope. You know I was waiting for you. And you bought her for me...Dara...”

“Yes, Yoojin. This is that infamous flesh and blood herself ... Let me look now similar you two are.”  He looks at the both. “Oh my God! Resemblance is uncanny! Look Dara...It is like looking into a mirror, is it not?”

“Yoojin...How can this happen? Jaejoong you are with Yoojin means...”

Jaejoong is annoyed by Dara's questioning. “What did I tell you Yoojin? You will not get a more foolish human than her. She has troubled me so much you know... sometimes play cupid...sometimes play the role of a detective...Questions and questions...she really made me mad. Now her Questions would come to an end forever! Right Yoojin?” Yoojin keeps smiling.

“But Jaejoong... “Jaejoong is irritated and walks towards Dara and Yoojin.

“Questions again...” Jaejoong comes and stands behind a terrified Dara. “Yeah, I am GD Brother Jaejoong who loved Yoojin...who loved her so much that I made her mine forever...made her a Vampire...”

“Jaejoong, Don't waste your time. Moreover, should talk less with this weak humans. We got her here for a reason...and now she will finish our work.”

“What work? Why have you bought me here?” Jaejoong holds on her arms.

“You will know Dara...You will know everything! In fact as you go you would be of great use to us!” Jaejoong pushes Dara and she stumbles. “Yoojin...” Jaejoong smiles and goes to Yoojin and stands beside her.

“Yoojin, What are you doing Yoojin? I can't believe that you are that Yoojin whom Jiyong loved so much...”

“And he did not come back for me. Yeah, Jiyong used to love me but death ended that love. And Jaejoong... “ Yoojin turns and looks at Jaejoong fondly and keeps her hand on his chest. Jaejoong in turn keeps his hand on Yoojin's waist. “He did not allow death to come in between his love. He came back that night and give me the gift of life. Though not as a human...he gave me the life of a dead human. We are together for ages.” Dara feels disgusted seeing Yoojin and Jaejoong's public display of attention. “And GD...Where is he and where is his love?”

“No Yoojin...GD did not forget his love. He did not forget you...he burned in your love for ages...”

“And what are you doing in this Story Dara? If GD's love was just for me then why are you sharing it? I know that GD used to love only me...till you did not come. And now...he loves you...” Yoojin laughs. “A human...a weak shadow of me..”

“No Yoojin! GD has only loved you... he waited for you for ages... Jaejoong kept you away from him...”

“Oh Shut up Dara...You talk too much! Yoojin, we should not waste more time. I know my younger Brother very well... he has this bad habit of being a Party Popper...”


Jiyong looks around the Palace. He says in mind, “Again the same place...again the same story...but today why am I not able to move forward? Is it just the memories of the past or hidden sorrows which is stopping me from going there... What is it there that is preventing me? But today I have to become strong in front of my past for Dara...Dara needs me...” Jiyong reaches the door through which Jaejoong and Dara got in to the Palace. Jiyong is about to push open the door when Jiyeon pulls him back and throws him on top of the car. Jiyong steadies himself and faces Jiyeon.

“Enough Jiyong, Come back with me...And don't try to argue with me. I have just come here for you knowing that how unlucky this place is. I am here only for you. And I am your Mother. It's an Order Jiyong! You will not go inside...”

“What do I do then Omma? Leave Dara to fate? What is Dara's fault that she has to suffer the punishment for the enmity of 2 Brothers?”

“Oh Come on Jiyong!”

“No Omma! I will not leave Dara with Jaejoong.”

“When you will realize that Dara is not Yoojin. Only her face resembles that of Yoojin... But she is not Yoojin. Don't confuse your present for your Past Jiyong. Yoojin is dead. And for some shadow of her's I will not let you ruin your life!”

“And allow Jaejoong to win? If I go from here today Jaejoong will get all that he wanted. No Omma! I will not let Jaejoong win. I will not let him win!”

“This is not some game's your life.”

“That life which without Dara is nothing... Yeah Omma, Dara is that girl who has given life to this dead human. And you tell me to leave her and go? No, Omma! My life is nothing without Dara...I cannot leave her...”

“Enough Jiyong! Till now I never made you feel that your life is given by me. And that means that you cannot ignore anything I say. This life has some rules...some law which has existed much before us. So today you have to choose between Dara and me. Tell me Jiyong, Who are you with?”

“Dara...” Jiyeon touches Jiyong's neck with her two fingers and Jiyong falls on top of the Car unconscious.

“I am sorry Jiyong...But I have given you this life and I am responsible for it too...Let's go!” Jiyeon lifts Jiyong from on top of the Car.


In Car

Jiyeon closes the front passenger seat with Jiyong sitting unconscious on the seat. Jiyeon gets into the Car and drives from there. Uee comes there in her Car and sees Jiyeon and Jiyong in the Car. Uee says, “Jiyong here? And his Omma came to take him from here? Minzy was telling right. Dara and Jaejoong secretly...far from everyone's eyes ...alone here...Wow!”


Inside the Palace

Dara is sitting on the ground. There is plaster on and her hands are tied up on her back.

“You were telling right Jaejoong. This girl fully resembles me. You know Dara...In thousand's of years once it happens that a dead human's part is born on this earth. And do you know what it means? That means Princess Yoojin who was a princess in human form will also be a Princess in Vampire form also. It is not easy for a vampire to die. But there are some among us who are more powerful than the others...and they use these powers to rule on us. They decide the rule of our clan and keep us together... And today.” Yoojin extend her hand to Jaejoong and Jaejoong holds her closer. “That great powers is going to be ours. By drinking your blood Yoojin would become deathless. Today that is going to happen which happens once in thousands of years. That's why Jaejoong bought you here...”

“When I saw you I knew that making Yoojin immortal was in my hand. Yoojin will drink your blood and then rule over Vampires. And I will rule along with her... Queen Yoojin and King Jaejoong...”


Outside the Palace

Uee looks around the Palace. She thinks that Jaejoong and Dara has come to the broken palace spend a dirty weekend together. She decides to make an MMS and expose them on the Internet and News Channels.


Inside the Palace

“When the light of the Moon falls on Earth then Yoojin will drink your Blood.” Jaejoong looks at the Watch. “But now we have to tolerate you for another 5 hours. Yoojin and I are about to do something where we don't need your Company. So, shall we?” Jaejoong holds Yoojin closer.

“Before that Jaejoong, take good care of our Special Guest.”

“Sure, Your highness!” Jaejoong comes to Dara and picks her up in his arms. Jaejoong sings, “Whoa Good bye Dara into a Coffin...when the moon comes up she will be bitten.” Jaejoong puts Dara into the Coffin.


In Yang’s Mansion

Bom is cursing herself and crying for falling in love with a Vampire and being a reason for him to reach Dara. Chaerin tries to comfort her and dials Dara's number.


In the Palace

Jaejoong hears Dara's mobile ringing. He opens the Coffin and takes Dara's phone from her. He then puts the Mobile down and stamps it under his feet breaking it. He tells Dara, “How clumsy of you.” He then closes the Coffin lid.


In Yang’s Mansion

Chaerin is worried as Dara's phone was cut. She wonders what is happening and where Dara is. She then gets a call from Uee. But she reject the call. Uee again call her, Chaerin on Bom's insistence Picks up the call. Uee insults Bom and Dara with her talking and then reveals that Dara is with Jaejoong for a dirty weekend at the Old Broken Palace. Chaerin cuts the phone and informs Bom that Jaejoong has taken Dara to the old broken palace. Both the sisters rush from there.


Outside the Palace

Uee gets angry to see that her call has been cut. Uee says, “Uee will show you that she knows to give an answer to Yang Sisters. This MMS is about to get dirty.” Uee peeps into the Palace throw an opening in the wall with the Mobile in front of her for recording. Jaejoong appears in front of her.

Jaejoong puts his hand through the opening and catch hold of Uee's head and bangs it on the wall rendering her unconscious and bleeding from her forehead.


Inside the Palace

Jaejoong is walking. He thinks, “What was this foolish Uee doing here? If she knew that I and Dara are here she would have told others too. Oh I hate this bloody teenagers! As of now I have to concentrate on my plans. And then Uee can always make for a great little tight snack...”

 He thinks, “Where are they? Why have they not come so far? I won't be able to do without him. I need his powers. His powers can stop all my enemies... If he is there Jiyong, Jaesang or Her Highness would not be able to touch me. I need him here.”


Suddenly the howling of a wolf is heard and a shadow of the wolf is seen. Jaejoong turns to address the visitor.

“I knew that you would come. 5 Hours...Keep other Vampires away from me so that Yoojin's and my plan works. It would be easy for you after all you are an old enemy of our clan. When Yoojin and I rule over the other Vampires we will not forget you. We will start a new treaty between your people and our people. Welcome friend!” Once again there is a howling sound. Jaejoong turns and walks. He then turns again and says, “Do not attack until I give the Order to.”


“Jaejoong, Why are you feeling so restless? It's only a matter of 5 Hours. After that we both would rule.”

“Tonight all the powers would collide. I am afraid that before this 5 hours that person would come here. While I was coming I got a call too asking where I was and I told that I am at home alone...but I don't think she believed me. Yoojin you know how powerful she is...she can see everything...hear everything and understands everything. If she doubts us...if she comes in order to face her I have called another power. Don't know how long he also can stop her.”

“Jaejoong, Are we taking the help of those wolves? Jaejoong we are cold blooded and they are hot blooded...We are dead humans and they are living animals. Our enmity is not just from today but have been from the beginning of nature. If the dead humans have any enemy they are these wolves...these animals... We cannot make friendship with our enemies! What happens if something go wrong?”

“What do you think? Is there someone else who can save us? No! I have made a deal with him. I made him believe that when you rule over the Vampires you will bring in new rules...make new laws. And that would be for the betterment of them.”

“What do you think Jaejoong? Snake and Mongoose can be friends?”

“Not friendship...Understanding...Today they would help us tomorrow we will...And when all this ends we can be enemies again...But for now we need them! They only can save us...”

“No Jaejoong! This path is not without risks...This enmity is not between two people but two creatures. And this enmity won't end in one night. You tell him to go!”

“Yoojin, Listen...”

“I told you...Tell him to go from here...” Jaejoong turns to go but suddenly keeps his hands on head screaming in pain. He sits on the floor. Yoojin also cries in pain keeping her hand on head and sits on the ground. Suddenly they feel relieved of the pain but are now transformed as Vampires. “It is that Slayer. We were safe in how come he is here...”

“The shield the Vampires have used to hide themselves in Gyeyang is no longer there. This human has broken the shield. The matter reached higher ups and they called me... Yoojin we don't have any other Option...We have to make friendship with our least for now.”


Chaerin, Bom and the Vampire Catcher reaches Palace. Chaerin asks Yonghwa Jung what they can do by just standing there. Mr Jung says that they have to get the Vampires out of the Palace. He shows the Yang Sisters the Yantra to bring Vampires out. He tells them that the instrument produces ultra sonic sounds which would be unbearable for the Vampires to tolerate and they would come and surrender. Bom is scared that Jaejoong would do something to Dara before coming out and she rushes from there shouting for Dara.


Yoojin and Jaejoong hears Chaerin and Bom calling Dara.

“Bom...What is she doing here?”

“By following you humans also reached here...Bring that girl to me...Bring Dara to me...”


“Take that girl out...I told you to take that girl out...” Jaejoong rushes from there. “Dara... “


Chaerin and Bom tries to break into the Palace. Yonghwa Jung tells them to keep faith in him and tells them that if the Vampires come out they all will die. Chaerin and Bom does not listen and tries to break the door using a log.


Inside the Palace. Yoojin is now dressed like Dara. Chaerin and Bom breaks the door and Yoojin dressed as Dara comes out. Chaerin and Bom tries to go in but Yoojin forcefully stops them. She tells them that Jaejoong closed her in a Coffin and wanted to bite her. Mr Jung tells then that they would go to jungle side. He gives Yoojin an overcoat to wear and tells that it would protect her from other Vampires.

“Other Vampires?”

“What to say? This time there is a dangerous shadow roaming around in the Jungle which is dangerous than all Vampires. But don't worry I am with you...Come, let's go!” Yoojin who is in between Bom and Chaerin smiles.


In Car

Jiyeon is driving the Car with Jiyong seated on the front seat almost looking lifeless.

“Don't worry Jiyong! The moment we reach home I will relieve you from this and you will be just fine.”

Jiyong suddenly hears Dara's voice, “Jiyong! Jiyong! Can you hear me? Jiyong, Listen to me! Feel me! Answer me! Here what is happening you have no idea. The girl who is with my sisters is not me Jiyong...It is Yoojin...You hear me Jiyong? Chaerin and Bom are in danger...It is not me with is Yoojin...And she will kill them...Please help Jiyong...” Jiyong becomes alert suddenly.

“Yoojin…………………….Omma...Go back!”

“What happened Jiyong?”

“I just now heard Dara's voice. She is calling me. She is telling that in the old palace there is Yoojin. Yoojin...How can this happen?”

“Yoojin? How can that happen Jiyong? It is not possible...”

“Omma you know right? I can read Dara's thoughts...I can hear them...I know what she is saying...”

“Jiyong Please! We have to go to Gyeyang and speak to Jaesang about this...He only can say what is all this happening...and what we should do... And don't forget... Dara is with Jaejoong...He may be making her lying to you...”

Jiyong closes his eyes concentrating. He tries to communicate with Dara, “Dara, Talk to me...Dara, Tell me where you are. Are you still in that palace and Yoojin...How come Yoojin is there?” Dara who is in the Coffin hears Jiyong talking to her.

She responds, “Thank God you are hearing me! I am here... Jaejoong has kept be locked up here in a Coffin...”

“Omma, Dara... Let's Go back! Dara's life is in danger... While she was talking to me suddenly her voice stopped...I can't wait anymore. I have to save Dara...”

“Jiyong, we will go bring Jaesang, Okay? ... We need his help!”

“I don't need any help. I need to go there... now...immediately!”

“Just Stop it!”

“I will never forgive you for this!” Jiyong vanishes from the running Car opening the Car door.

“Jiyong!” Jiyeon stops the Car and gets out of it. She whispers “Jiyong' frustrated.”


In Palace

Jaejoong walks to the Coffin where Dara is kept and jumps on top of it and says, “To the number you are trying to reach is out of coverage area.” He then gets down from the Coffin and opens the Coffin. Dara is in the Coffin wearing Yoojin's dress. He signals her 'no'.

“Don't even try to talk to Jiyong...Otherwise...You know what I can do...Want to say something?” Jaejoong removes the plaster from Dara's mouth.

“I have talked to Jiyong. He knows that I am here. I know Jiyong will come here and take me from here.” Jaejoong climbs on top the Coffin.

“Don't do that big mistake. Otherwise it would not be good for him and for you too!” Jaejoong touches his fangs. “These are not fake teeth. One bite and you are dead! But I won't do that because Yoojin needs you. So you will silently  lie down there like an obedient girl... You have no choice...”

“Go to hell!”

“Oh... I am in hell. You have no idea what kind of hell I have been living. What does Jiyong see in you? Your face resembles Yoojin and that's all... How does he tolerate you? Lucky for you...To satisfy my appetite I have arranged for another meal...or should I say a diet meal? Ssshhh!” Jaejoong smiles at her and puts the plaster back on . “Bye bye!” He then closes the Coffin lid. He then walk towards Uee who is lying on the Ground unconscious.


In Jungle

Mr Jung is walking through the Jungle with Chaerin, Bom and Yoojin dressed up as Dara.

“Enough!” The girls stop. “This place would be fine for you all. Be with each other and wait for me. I need to go back there.”

“What? Uncle, Please don't leave us and go...It's Okay, we will go and inform the Police...”

“No dear! What will the Police do? These are monsters... The Police Bullets of Cuffs won't be able to stop them. In fact no human will be able to attract them.”

“Yeah...I saw him...Her eyes were blue and he had fangs...He was very horrifying...”

“Look dear, You are with us now. And till the time you are with us no body would be able to lay even a hand on you...No need to worry! Don't fear... But I have to do something... He came here just for you... Actually your face has become your enemy. Your doppelganger Yoojin has become a big danger for you.”

“But she is dead!”

“Till now I only had doubts but now I am sure...In fact the Princess did not burn in the fire...but she herself became a dangerous Vampire along with Jaejoong.” Yoojin smiles.


Jiyeon standing in front of her Car after Jiyong has vanished from there. Jaesang comes there.

“Where is Jiyong? You could not control him?  I told you… he won’t listen to anyone. Jiyeon, why did you not use your powers? Why did you not make him unconscious and take him home? Some times I feel… I see signs of human weaknesses in you. And this weakness will cost us dearly Jiyeon.”

“Are you done Jaesang? I had made him unconscious. But he came out of it. He heard Dara’s voice. And Dara told him…Dara told him that Yoojin is there.”

“Yoojin is dead Jiyeon. We both have seen her dead body remember? When Jiyong and Jaejoong lost their lives we only bite them both… we only made the two of them alive. But Yoojin…”

“Yes but Dara told Jiyong that Yoojin is there.”

“How can that be?.............. Unless Jaejoong made Yoojin alive. But why will he do that? And if he had hidden Yoojin till now why has he bought her now? Ahh…Dara…” Jaesang Laughs. “Dara… Jiyeon, How could we miss that? How did we miss that? Full moon night… two creatures with the same face…one dead and one human…if the blood of them unites…”

“Then the dead human would get too much powerful. No! Jaesang, We have to get Jiyong out of there.”

“We need Jiyong, Jiyeon… We need to unite our powers and end the two of them… That’s it!”


Jiyong reaches the broken Palace. He looks around.  He says in mind, “Dara, Where are you? Talk to me Dara... Dara, If Jaejoong even touches you...I will kill him. Dara, talk to me... Let me hear your voice Dara... Talk to me!” He enters the House and shouts Dara's name. He goes around and calls her name several times but does not get any response.

Jiyong recalls Dara telling him, “The girl who is with my sisters is not me Jiyong, It is Yoojin.”




Jiyong then sees the Coffin and lifts the lid. But it’s empty. He then screams in anger.”YAHHHHHHHHHHH”


In Jungle

Jaejoong and Dara who is wearing Yoojin's dress are at some other place. Dara's eyes are tied with a black cloth. Jaejoong releases Dara and unties her eyes.

“Where have you bought me Jaejoong?”

“Hanging Gardens, Of course! I had to keep your Jiyong away from you. So are you hungry? I am really thirsty.” He walks backwards where a sack is kept under the tree. He removes the sack and Uee tries to make noise. Dara is shocked to see Uee there. “Time for a drink...” Uee's eyes, hands and mouth are tied. Jaejoong unties Uee's eyes.


“Oh no no no...Not Uee... “ Jaejoong has fangs now. “It is D... D for Dinner...” Jaejoong sits and looks at Uee smiling.

“Jaejoong! Just stop! Don't force me to stop you.” Jaejoong signals Dara and says to Uee, “Funny Girl!” Uee tries to get her hands released from the rope and tries to make noise. Jaejoong keeps his finger on his lips and signals Uee to be quiet and looks at Dara. He then gets up and faces Dara.

“You will stop me?”

“Trust me Jaejoong! I know how to stop you.”


In Palace

Jaesang and Jiyeon reaches the broken Palace. They come near Jiyong who is standing there.

“Jiyong, Where is Dara?”

“Don't know Appa. Jaejoong has taken Dara somewhere.” Jaesang closes his eyes and concentrates.

“He has hidden himself and Dara somewhere. Shields! I am not able to break into it. I can't see them. We have to think of something else. Now it has only been 4 hours. They would not have gone far from here.”

“Jiyong, You think something! What

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)