Patchup and Breakup

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In Car

Jiyeon is driving the Car. She tries to contact Jaesang but could reach him. “What is this happening Jaesang…Pick up the phone.”

“Jiyong….” Jiyeon dialed Jiyong’s number. “comeon Jiyong pick up the phone.” but could not reach them.

 “I need help. I need to take help from someone. Desperate times leads to desperate measures. Jaejoong!!!” She then calls up Jaejoong.


In  AKS Campus

AKS College Campus walking. His mobile rings and he looks into the Mobile and thinks, “Oh Mother! How come my Mom remembered me? Maybe she is in some problem.” Jaejoong picks up the Call.

“Yes Mom, What can I do for you?”

“Jaesang has gone to Incheon and I heard that there was a very big landslide there. I got a call from superiors and I think Jaesang is not Okay. I am not able to reach him on phone...nor Jiyong...Before any Doctor reaches Jaesang, we have to get to him...Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Mom...Don't worry! I will look for Jiyong at the College.”


“Come on Mom... Anger can wait...he is my Dad...This time I need to think about him...Nothing else...”

“Bye!” Jaejoong cuts the Phone. He sees Jiyong walking through the Campus.

 Jaejoong thinks, “If you are trusting me what can I do Mom?”


In Yang’s Mansion

Eunju Yang is watching the news regarding the Incheon landslide. The reporter says that because of the problems in telephone lines people are not able to contact their loved ones. Eunju feels bad for the people and wonders who those people who are trapped in Incheon and not even able to contact the family. She feels happy that she knows where her family members are.


In Cafeteria
Youngbae, Daesung and Minzy are sitting in the Canteen and chatting. Daesung switches on the TV and the students hear the news about the Incheon landslide. Jiyong and Dara also comes there and hears the news.

Jiyong thinks, “Incheon…Hyunsuk Uncle was suppose to go there. It’s good that he canceled his plan…Otherwise…”

“It is so sad…Is it not Jiyong…Those people need help. I don’t know how they would be. I think we people should go there Jiyong.”

“I wish I could help them but you know well Dara that there will be a lot of people and lot of blood…I won’t be able to control myself.”

“You know Jiyong I was calling you and you were unreachable…why was it?” Jiyong takes the mobile from his pocket and looks at it.

“There is no network…Maybe there is some problem…”

“Okay, I will just check what the problem is with this phone.”

“Okay!” Dara takes the phone from Jiyong and goes from there.

“Youngbae, you take your Jeep…I will look for another vehicle…” Daesung suggest Youngbae.

“Do one thing…ask Jiyong…”Youngbae told Daesung.

“Dara, will you come?”Minzy asked her.

“Yeah… just one minute, okay…”Dara inserts Jiyong’s sim on the phone.


In Yang’s Mansion

 Eunju is in the kitchen cutting vegetables.

“Mom, What are you doing here?”

“Making food…”

“Who gave you the permission?”

“What? Bom…what nonsense are you speaking?”

“Omma, What is the day today?”

Eunju thinks, “Omma, you forgot? Omma today is mother’s day…” Bom hugs Eunju. “Happy Mother’s Day! I love you so much…Okay, leave all this.” Bom holds Eunju’s hands and takes her out of the Kitchen…”You will take full rest today. You will not do any work…”Bom makes her sit on the Dining Table. “It is my Order!”

“Okay! And who will take care of the House?”

“Of course me! Today the servants are on red alert…” Bom sits on a chair. “No one would disturb you…all will report to me…” Eunju smiles.

“I am such a lucky mother. How lucky I am to have such lovely daughters. Just…one daughter is angry with me… Remember the last Mother’s day…She gave handmade card.”

“Actually she forgot the Mother’s Day. In the last minute she made a stupid drawing and gave you as card.”

“And see today…She is so angry that she does not want to talk to me… My Chaerin use to forget her anger in one day…but now her anger is not going down at all…I am missing her Bom.”

“Omma, I promise you…I will take you to Chaerin…We will go out, okay!”

“Okay…I will change and come…”Eunju told Bom.

“Yeah it’s your day….Love you.”


At Incheon where there is a landslide

Hospital Attendants carrying Jaesang Kwon in a stretcher and getting him into the ambulance. A police Inspector comes inside and checks Jaesang's poctets. The Inspector comes out with Jaesang's Mobile Phone. His Senior Officer asks him to look if there is an emergency contact number or try the last dialed number.


In College Campus.

Daesung comes to Jiyong “Jiyong there are many students ready to volunteer can we use your car….Lets go.”

Dara is checking his mobile, “The problem was in Jiyong's Phone.” Suddenly the phone rings and Dara picks it up “Ahhh….Uncle I will give the Phone to…...”

“Ma’am I am Cop from Incheon Mr Wu….Do you recognizes the person from whose mobile phone I am calling you.”

 Dara replies, “Yeah...Jaesang Kwon.”

“Oooo Ma’am actually his condition is very critical can you inform any of him family members.”

“Okay.” Dara cuts the Phone.

Dara thinks, “My God How will I break the news to Jiyong.”


At Incheon Hospital

The Hospital Attendants are pulling Jaesang Kwon in a Stretcher. Doctors, Nurses and Jaejoong Kim is accompanying.

“This is my Dad...Is he Okay?”

“Can't say now...Do you know his Blood Group?”

“Sorry, I don't know . Please get it tested.”

“Okay.” They get into the ICU. “ Nurse...get his blood sample fast...hurry up!” Jaejoong is outside the room. “By the way there is no outside injuries... I don't think the patient is serious. Jaejoong looks into the Room and says in mind, “Wonderful! Once they see your blood that will be the end of it. No power in this World would not be able to save you from this situation. Dad, These humans will get scared seeing your blood and you will be exposed! Ladies and Gentlemen...Presenting the Kwon Vampires.” He laughs.


In College Campus

Dara comes near Jiyong and Daesung.

“Excuse me! Jiyong, I wanted to talk to you...” She holds his hand and takes him aside.

“Jiyong, You have to go with us all to Incheon...Jiyong, You do not have to deal with any patient there...nor see blood. But Jiyong, There are so many people who are underneath the rocks...and they need someone. Jiyong I know that you cannot see anyone in trouble.” Jiyong turns his head and looks at Dara “...and trust me Jiyong...I will be with you, okay?...I will not let you be weak...Jiyong...please just trust me...your being there is very important...” Jiyong nods.


In Caffeine Coffee Shop

In Bom and Eunju enters Shop. They see Chaerin taking Order from a Customer. Chaerin sees then but gives a cold look and goes to the Computer to type the order details. Bom leads Eunju to a table and goes and stands in front of Chaerin.

“Yes Ma’am, What will you have?”

“One Chocolate Cake...”

“Do you want anything written on it?”

“Yeah...Happy Mother's day from Chaerin and Bom.” Chaerin has a look of guilt on her face “Chaerin, It is too late for a hand made card...but you could at least wish Omma, right? Your anger is with Appa...not with Omma...”Chaerin gets from behind the Counter and walks to Eunju along with Bom.

“Happy Mother's Day Omma...”Eunju hugs her “Thank you dear” She then hugs both her daughters close “Both my daughters are with me...I am very happy.Thank you once again!”


At Incheon Hospital

Jiyong rushing through the Hospital.

“Excuse me where is Mr Kwon….Mr Kwon he was brought to the hospital a while ago.” Jiyong ask the nurse

“He is at the Emergency Room.”

Jiyong thinks, “Dara, you saved my family. If these Doctors test Appa everything would end. I have to reach him before anyone else does.”


At the Emergency Room

“Hurry up Doctor...Please take the Blood test fast...”

“We are ready Doctor...” The Nurse gets ready to take the Blood Sample and Jaejoong watches in amusement. The Nurse is about to take the Blood.

“One minute.” Jiyong Interrupts and comes to the room. Jaejoong is annoyed.”

“This is my Father! I am taking him home. Our Family Doctor would do his check up.”

“But Sir..”

“You see for yourself...There is no injury or Bleeding...He is just in shock.  I am sure that he too would want to get the treatment from our family Doctor. So I have to take him and go.”

“It is such a big accident. there could be internal bleeding. Allow us to check him properly. Blood Check is not necessary but MRI CT Scan should be done...We can understand from that what is his condition.”

“That is not important.” Jiyong tries to lift Jaesang from bed.

“No! Doctor, I am also his son. I feel that he should get all the tests done. Doctor, This is a personal family matter and he does not have any worry about my Dad. He is taking the accident so lightly. Doctor, I am the elder one...”

“One minute...We are not interested in your family matters. You people go outside and let us do our work…..Sisyer nurse take them out.” Jiyong gets out. Jaejoong also comes out of the room.

Jiyong thinks, “I have to stop these tests.” Jaejoong goes to Jiyong.

“Nice try...little Brother...You are trying your level best to hide your reality. But you are forgetting that you are against me... And you can never win against me. You are going to get exposed. But don't worry...there is still a lot of time...the tests would be done...the results would come and then on the Doctor's faces there would be this wonderful expression of shock and surprise... a real Kodak Moment!”

“You have to stop the test right now.”

“What if I don't?”

“If not...along with also would get exposed!”

“Ahhh...that is not my problem but yours. Because when I get exposed I would not need to pretend. Then I can make your pretty little Dara a happy meal... You know what? These days your Dara looks yummy.” Jaejoong signals Jiyong with eyes to look at Dara. Jiyong looks at Dara with a helpless expression and turns to look at Jaejoong in anger.


AKS College Students are helping the landslide victims in the Hospital. Youngbae and Dara is trying to helps Doctors in organizing Blood. While they are talking with Doctor, a Nurse comes and informs them that there is no stock of A+ve Blood in the Hospital. Youngbae tells the Doctor that he would try to organize it and goes from there.


At Caffeine Coffee Shop

“Chaerin come sit with us.”.

“I'm fine.”

“Fine, stand there. But my neck is paining.”

“What did we do Chaerin that you can't stand with us?” Chaerin sits reluctantly.

“You abandoned me.”

“We did? We left you. You left home on your own Chaerin.”

“How can you say like that?”

“I just hate Appa, okay? I hate him! He was not fair with us...”

“Chaerin, Enough is enough! What did he do with you that you are branding him culprit? Your  left everything and stayed for your sake with us when Sooyoung was his love. How can you blame him? When as a Wife I don't have a problem...What is your Problem? And what all has is not done for you? I made you understand that day... can't you understand? How much more need I try? When Sooyoung died...Dara became an Orphan. When Dara came to know who her father is she felt that her Appa does not love her. You tell me... You bought Dara home, right? Because she was an Orphan...She was your best friend, is it not?  So now...what is the problem? Because Appa accepted her... Because she is in the House... you left Home? Look! That is enough of your tantrums! I cannot tolerate anymore...come home... enough! I want you home...You understand?”


At Incheon where there is a landslide

“Please let me go inside...”Jiyeon requested the cop.

“The landslide spot is ahead so we have closed this road. The area is still in risk and I cannot permit you to go inside.” Youngbae then comes there in a Bike.

The Cop Questions him and Youngbae replies that he is carrying blood for the Hospital and tells him that he has to reach there immediately. The Cop permits Youngbae to go. Youngbae sees Jiyeon Kwon standing there looking worried.

“Mrs Kwon, You?” Jiyeon goes to Youngbae.

“Youngbae, Jaesang is stuck up in the landslide. Don't know if Jiyong has reached there or not...I need to reach there...”

“Mrs Kwon, Don't worry! Mr Kwon is in Hospital and Jiyong is also there. In fact the whole College crowd is there. Jaejoong is also there... “

Jiyeon thinks, “What is Jaejoong doing there? I have to get there...”


In Caffeine Coffee Shop

Chaerin, Eunju and Bom sitting at the Caffeine Coffee Shop. Bom gets a call on her Cell phone and she attends it. She is shocked to hear the news from the caller. Eunju asks what happened and Bom replies that Appa is taken to the Hospital in the Incheon landslide incident. Bom and Eunju rushes from there. Bom turns to look at Chaerin and finds her sitting at the same place.

“Chaerin...come...Chaerin!” Chaerin does not respond. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you made of stone? You are sitting there even after hearing such a big news? I thought you would run to Appa hearing this. What are you doing? You should be ashamed of yourself'.” Chaerin still does not respond. Bom turns to Eunju “Come on Omma...She is nobody to us. Come fast!” Bom and Eunju rushes from there.


At Hospital

Youngbae rushes through the Hospital corridor with 4 Bottles of Blood. Jaejoong sees this. Youngbae gives the bottles to the Nurse. The Nurse thanks him. The Nurse goes and keeps the blood bottles in the Blood Bank storage unit. Jaejoong walks towards the Blood Bank and gets into the room.  He looks through the shelves “There are different types of Blood to choose but the Blood I wish to have is here. pointing to the A+ve. “He picks up the Blood bottle from the rack “Bon appetite.” and drinks it.


Doctors are busy and rushing attending cases. The AKS College Students group is also roaming in the Hospital trying to help Patients. Dara, Daesung, Minzy and two other girls are walking through the Corridor when they see the Nurse.

“Nurse, what happened?”

“One Emergency Patient has come who has lost a lot of blood.”

“Okay, Can we help?”

“We have informed his family. His daughter and family would be coming any moment. If there is any necessity we will inform you, Thank you!” The Nurse goes from there.

“Let's go to emergency!” The AKS College Group goes from there.


Jaejoong finishes drinking blood and puts the bottles down. He then comes out of the Blood Bank wiping his lips after quenching his thirst. Jaejoong sees Dara and Group coming running through the Corridor. He stops Dara.

“Dara...Dara...relax! Don't Worry! I have just now called Bom and Aunty and they would be coming any moment.”

“What happened?”

“You don't know? Dara, Mr Yang's condition is quite critical.”


“Dara, don't worry! The situation is just because of loss of blood. I am sure as soon as he is given blood he would be fine.” Nurse comes there.

“Excuse me! You people are with the new patient?”


“The new Patient needs A+ve blood which is not with us.”

“But Nurse...We are having the Blood. I just got 4 units.”

“Okay, Hang on!” The AKS College Group hurries from there leaving Jaejoong there. Dara and friends look into the room through the glass. Hyunsuk is lying on the bed with a head injury and the Medical team is examining him. Dara has tears in her eyes seeing Hyunsuk in that condition. Jaejoong comes near the emergency room. Jiyong also reaches there. The Nurse comes there and tells that there is no A+ve blood there.

“Are you sure you got it?”

“I personally got it. I got 4 units.”

“There is not even one bottle there. You can go and check if you want.”

“How can that happen? Come...I will check with you.” Youngbae rushes from there.

Jaejoong says in mind, “Of course it can happen. When there are two Vampires in the same Building anything can happen!” Jiyong looks at Jaejoong suspiciously.

Jaejoong smiles and says in mind, “What to do little Brother? I had to quench my thirst and then A+ve is such a rare tasty blood.”

“My Blood is A+ve. I can give blood.” Jiyong is worried. Jaejoong has a mischievous smile on his face.

“You go to 206.” Dara rushes from there. Jiyong looks her going helplessly and says in mind,
Oh No...Vampire Blood should still be in her blood. After the test they would find out that this cannot happen.”

Jaejoong says in mind, “What will you do now little Brother?”

“Dara...” Dara turns to look. “I am going with the Nurse...just to hurry things up.” Jiyong goes from there.


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)