Jiyong brings Dara to his bedroom.

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In Hostel

TOP goes inside the hostel. He is talking with the warden as they both are walking around the corridor.

“Sulli is going to stay with Yang family for few days. As soon as she gets better her Uncle will come to take her.” TOP told the warden.

“I hope she gets better because this year has been really bad for her.” Warden said hopefully..

“Don’t worry. Everything will be alright.” TOP assured her.

“Her room is over there. Please carry on.” Warden showed TOP Sulli and Dara’s room.



In Dara’s Room.

Dara switches off the lights and then gets into her bed.


TOP is walking through the corridor towards Dara’s room

Dara is sleeping, suddenly someone enters through the window. He goes  near Dara and keeps his hand on so that she won’t many any sound. Dara opens her eyes and see Jiyong in front of her.


TOP enters Dara’s room and lock the door. He goes towards Dara’s bed and removes the blanket from the bed.he is shocked to see that Dara is not there and pillows arranged in the shape of human body.

Jiyong and Dara watch TOP from behind the curtain.

“How did you….” Dara ask Jiyong.

“Shhh…..” Jiyong signal her to be quiet.

Jiyong then turns her towards the window. The snow is falling outside and house looks  like small boxes from where they stood. Jiyong covers Dara’s eyes with one hand and holding her  waist by other hand, he jumps from there. They safetly land on the ground below and Dara looks at him in surprise.

“Jiyong how did you do that?”

“Shh…. We’ll talk later. Lets go.”Jiyong hold her wrist and took her to his car.


In Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong brings Dara to Kwon Mansion.

“Jiyong you’ve brought me to your house? What‘ll your parents think?”

Jiyong opens the door and pulls Dara inside he then slowly closes the door from inside.he then walks towards the stairs hoilding her hand.”We’ll deal with that later. For now lets just go upstairs to my room.”

As they climb up Dara accidentally hit a flower wase and Jiyong moves fast and catches the vase before it hit he floor. He then without making any noise puts the vase back to its position. “Shhh…don’t make any noise.”Dara looks at him in wonder.

“Come.”Jiyong brings Dara to his room and closes the door behind them.

“You sleep on that bed. I’ll be outside. Go.”

“But Jiyong…” Jiyong opens the cupboard and takes a blanket out if it and then closes it.

“We’ll talk later. Go to sleep. I’m sleeping in the guest room. Turn of the lights.” Dara nods in reply. Jiyong goes from there.

The cupboard door open, a photo of Yoojin is on one of the shelf.

Due to wind the cupboard door is swinging and making noise. Dara walks towards it and is aboutto close the door when the photograph falls down imageside is on the floor and blank side is facing up. Dara picks the photo with her fingers covering the face part. She looks at the photo and sees that it is a photo of a lady wearing old era cloths. She slowly moves her finger from the face of the photo to look at the picture. Before she could look at it Jiyong comes andseizes the photo from her. Jiyong is wearing a black vest and black track pant.

“Ummm. Umm who is she?”

“No one.”

“She must be someone important or else you wouldn’t have snatched the photo away from me.”

“Don’t touch my personal belongings.”

“I’m sorry, it just fell and I picked it up. Is she your girlfriend?”

“Yeah  you can think so.” Jiyong opens the cupboard and takes a pillow and blanket and closes it.

“Go to sleep!”

Jiyong put the pillow on the mattress and lies down facing his back to Dara, covering himself with the blanket.

Dara says in her mind“Dara you are so stupid. You kept telling yourself that there was something between you and Jiyong. I think you’ve lost it. You’ve gone crazy!” Jiyong who is lying down facing his back to Dara and eyes open. Read her thought.

“Jiyong if she is your girlfriend. Then what are you doing with me?”

“I am saving your life. I am protecting you from TOP. Do you really think that this is something more than that? We both are in a situation. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a relationship.”

“I’m sorry my tongue slipped. I meant that if she is your girlfriend then what are you doing with Uee? This girl is obviously very important to you.”

“Yes. I gave up my life for her.”


I gave my life up for her.

Jiyong realize what he said so he reframe the sentence.“I mean I CAN give up my life for her.”

“Go to sleep. We have lots of things to solve in the morning.”

“Jiyong I’ll sleep in the guest room. You can sleep here.”

“No you sleep here.”

Dara remember Jiyong seizing the photo from her hand.

Is she your girlfriend?

Yeah  you can think so.

I can give up my life for her.

We are in a situation don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is a relationship.

Dara also remember Jiyong saving her several times.

Don’t you dare touch Dara again!

And tears flow from her eyes.

Jiyong too remember their first dance.

I will never let that happen to you. Want to know why? It’s because I don’t hate you. I can never hate you.

Dara wipes her tears and look at Jiyong who is sleeping with his back facing her.

“Who is the girl whom Jiyong loves so much. Why am I so jealous of her?” Dara thinks.

Jiyong closes his eyes.

Is she your girlfriend?

Yeah  you can think so.

I can give  up my life for her.

Dara is curious to see the photo she walks towards Jiyong and kneels down behind him and tries to get the photo which Jiyong has kept under the pillow. Jiyong sense her presence and turn around pulling Dara on top of him.they look at each other. Dara closes her eyes.


Outside Jiyong’s Room

Jiyeon looking up the stairs as she sense human presence in the house. She climbs the stairs. Jiyeon stands in front of Jiyong’s room. Trying to catch the human scent.


Jiyong sense the Presence of Jiyeon, he suddenly gets up lifting Dara along with him. He throws the mattress underneath the bed and carries Dara to his bed. He puts her on his bed and covers her fully with the blanket and gets into the bed next to her with only his upper body visible outside the blanket.

Jiyeon opens the door and enter the room.

“Jiyong, is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Everything is alright.” Jiyeon looks around the room and finds everything in the room in its place.

“I heard some strange noises.”

“Really? I didn’t hear anything.”

“My mistake.”

Jiyeon turns and goes away after closing the door.


Jiyeon thinks“Jiyong brought that girl home. Her smell is all over the house. You’re an idiot Jiyong! Do you really think that Jaesang can’t smell it? You’ve crossed the limit. I can’t save you from Jaesang now.”


In Dara’s Room

TOP thinks“What new evidence do you have Dara? What new proof do you have about Sulli’s relationship with me? Did you hide the evidence here somewhere?” he starts checking the room. He lifts the mattress.

“TOP?” Chaerin calls him.

TOP turns around and remember Chaerin overhearing his conversation with Dara.

I am not going to marry someone like Sulli. And for the record I am the father of Sulli’s child.

“Chaerin….. what are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here? And what are you looking for?”

“Chaerin I needed to talk to you about last night.”

“Oh my God! TOP don’t tell me that I said something stupid to you too. I mean please don’t take anything I said last night seriously. I mean I did a lot of stupid things when I was drunk. And I’m still trying to fix what I did.Dude! I said yes to marry some random guy! Can you imagine? TOP I’m really sorry. Hey wait a minute. I’m not sorry infact you should be sorry. You should have stopped me. But no! You were to busy getting engaged to my stupid sister.”

“I’m sorry. If I knew I would have stopped you.”

“So champion, you were totally wasted?”

“Totally……Anyways I’m here to get Sulli’s stuff. What are you doing in the girls hostel?”

“I also came here to get Sulli’s things.”

“We are so efficient right? By the way this not Sulli’s bed it’s Dara’s.”

“What? ! Sorry.”

“Anyways, where is Dara? I haven’t seen her all day.”


In Yang’s Mansion

“Knock knock!” Chaerin enters Sulli’s room with a tray in her hand.” Here’s some food. Here you go!” Sulli is sitting on the bed bed reading a book.

“Sulli you told me to get your stuff right? Then why did you ask TOP to do the same? Double employment? We both met eachother at the hostel.”

“Oh GOD! TOP went to the hostel? Are you alright Dara?” Sulli worriedly says in her mind.

“And when I saw him I told him that he was looking throug Dara’s bed not yours.”

“Stupid idiot! He doesn’t know anything. He probably went there to impress Bom. He’s awife’s servant.”

Hyunsuk enter the room carring two jeweler box in his hand.“Wow! You seem to be in a good mood, and Sulli you are also looking very nice.”

“Chaerin choose one set out of these two. This one is nice, and this one is very nice.”Hyunsuk showed her both the sets.

“Appa please keep these chritmas ornaments away from me. Bom’s engagement is over, so no one can make me wear this rubbish.”

“No. these aren’t for Bom‘s engagement. They are for your engagement.”

“Ha, ha, ha very funny dude.”

“No dude it’s not funny. It’s very serious. You are the one who agreed to marry Mrs Lee’s son Seungri. It’s such a nice name! right Sulli. They sent  these auspicious gifts for you. There are even more things that they sent you outside your room.They really want you to marry their son soon. And frankly I don’t want to lose such a good boy. Seungri. He is a student from LSC and he’s from a good family, right Sulli?” Sulli just smile and nods her reply.

“Appa are you pulling my leg?”

“No dear. I’m not pulling your leg. Really you said yes to Mrs. Lee so we can’t decline now.”

“But Appa I was  drun…”

“Look Chaerin our family’s reputation is on the line, we cannot say no now. Anyways what the problem with this? Don’t worry plus your mother is so happy about this! She’s even started on the arrangements. And think she arranged Bom’s party in one day. She can probably do yours in half a day.” Chaerin is very tense.

“Don’t worry.”

“But Appa…I swear…I mean….”

“Both of the daughters should get married together right? Here you take this and choose one.” Hyunsuk keep both the boxes in Chaerin hand.

“It’s such a joyous event! Both daughters get married on the same day!”

“You choose a set, okay?”

“A, A, Appa!”

“I’m really happy, okay?”

Hyunsuk comes out of the room laughing“Chaerin Yang! I am your father understand? So that means that I can successfully play a prank on you. You were joking with me hun? You should’ve seen your face!”



“! Chaerin Yang you’ll have to think of something big now or else you’ll become a show piece in the Lee’s house.”

Chaerin dials the phone.“Minzy help!”


In Jiyong’s Room

Dara is sleeping with her head on Jiyong chest and one hand his chest, Jiyong is holding her closer.

Jiyong thinks“Dara you are just like her. You are taking her place in my heart.  How is this possible?”

Jiyong remembers him in bed with Yoojin. Yoojin is in his arms and she is hugging him.

“I want to begin everyday of my life with you. When will all of this be over Jiyong? When we will tell everyone that we love eachother? I don’t want to be separated from you.” Yoojin told Jiyong.

Jiyong kisses on her forehead“No one can keep us apart Yoojin. No one. I am yours and only your forever.”

“And after that?”

“Yes  after that too. I love yo a lot Yoojin. I love you more than my life.”

“More than your life?”

“Yes. I can prove it to you if you want. I can give my life up for you.”

“Sometimes all of this feels like a dream. I’m scared to open my eyes and see this dream shatter.”Yoojin close her eyes and hug Jiyong tightly.

“Open your eyes Yoojin. Open your eyes Yoojin. Your dream is reality.”

“I’ll never leave you, never. I’ll always be with you and only you. I am yours and will always be yours. Forever and ever.”

Jiyong moves his head towards Dara. Dara opens her eyes and sees that she is in Jiyong arms and Jiyong's face is closer to hers.

“Jiyong” Jiyong open his eyes.

Dara get up suddenly.“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?”

“Us…together …like this…”Dara gets out of the bed and Jiyong follows her.

“You don’t need to be sorry. You were just sleeping. Lets go. I’ll drop you to the hostel.”

“But what if your parents see us?”

“No one will see us. Come with me.”

Jiyong gives Dara his coat to wear.

Jaesang and Jiyeon watches Jiyong holding Dara’s hand and walking out from the house.

“You were right. This girl is going to make him crazy. How silly of him to think that we wouldn’t find out. This girl is going to cause a lot of problems.” Jaesang told Jiyeon.

“So what are you going to do Jaesang?”

“I’ll have to stop Dara Park now. Enough is enough.”


In College Campus

“Dara, what the hell is happening?”Chaerin stops Dara.


 “You disappeared last night, wherewere you?”

“I was…ummm…really tired so I slept really early when I got to the hostel.”

“I went to the hostel last night to get Sulli’s things and you were not here. Why are you lying Dara?” Chaerin says in her mind. Dara turns to go into the classroom.

“Dara wait. I also spoke to Youngbae. He also said that you were acting strange. Dude he’s my friend and he also has feelings. Please don’t force me to choose between you two. Dara, you are not interested in Youngbae right? If that’s the case then don’t leave him hanging. Just go tell him that this is not working. Just end it.” Dara walks off.

“Hey Dara! You’re doing all of this because of Jiyong right? I don’t believe you! I mean you know what he’s done he’s a

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)