Jiyong finds out Dara’s secret

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Jiyong arrives outside Dara’s Hostel in his car.

Jiyong says in his mind, “Dara, I could not find what is the truth of this CD and I do not want to know. It is your treasure and I am going to return it to you. What is in the CD and what you are hiding, I don’t want to know”.


In Dara’s Room

Dara trying out a new dress in front of the mirror. She tries to remove the tag of the dress with her hands. But it does not come out so she takes a scissor and proceeds to cut the tag when suddenly Jiyong comes near her door and calls her.”Dara”

The scissor cuts into her skin and blood oozes out. “Ouch.”

 Jiyong slowly approaches her and stands in front of her, he see the blood on Dara’s neck and  his expression slowly starts changing. He closes his hands into tight fists. Trying to resist his thirst. He keeps on staring at the blood, then he suddenly keeps his hands on both her arms hurting her while Dara looks at him dumbstruck and utterly confused. He moves his head to one side of her shoulders. His fangs sprung out and pupils turned blue. Dara gets scared and close her eyes. He almost went so close to her neck as if to bite her but suddenly controlled himself by leaving her shoulders and turning his back on her with his eyes still blue though the fangs had disappeared.

“This is why Dara… I and you cannot be together. You have to stay away from me. You and me cannot be one….”

“What are you saying Jiyong? What had happened to you?”

“What I feared happened. No. I must…..No” Jiyong closes his eyes and tried to control the Vampire in him. His eyes turns back to normal and he turns to face Dara with the CD in hand.

“I came to give this CD.”

“But I broke and threw it away.”

“I know. From that broken CD I retrieved the data and had it copied to this CD.”

“Did you see it?”

“No, It is yours. And the truth hidden in the CD is yours. As long  as you want to hide the secret, you may. I would respect that. Here keep it with you. It is yours.”


Hyunsuk is carrying a paper bag towards his car while talking over phone “Eunju it my love for our daughter that I became a servant….. I could have told Mr. Lee but if any mistake happens both of them would get beatings. So I decided to get everything.”

Hyunsuk put the packets in the car. “Yes I bought everything cold drinks, chips and everything which is required for the party…. Okay. I will reach home soon…. Okay.” Hyunsuk disconnect the call and gets in the driver seat.

 As Hyunsuk drives off .

Hongjun Park is seen sitting on another car saying to himself, “This time where would you run off to Hyunsuk? There is a lot of questions you have to give answers to.”


In Chaerin’s Room

Chaerin getting ready for the Party wearing a pretty blue dress when her phone rings ♫♫♫♫ Ring♫♫♫♫.

She picks up the phone with a smile seeing that it is Dongwook’s phone. “Hey what’s up?”

“What? What do you mean you can’t come?” Chaerin get upset. “But Dongwook you were the judge of the fashion show. I mean if you weren’t their I wouldn’t win the show…..but how could you not celebrate….. Dongwook but……listen….fine Dongwook everyone know you are very busy person….and ….what do you mean you are not a college kid who can’t change his plan on last minute….. do you think we are idle….Yeah Yeah I know everything….. Listen what do I do if Appa decided to thrown a party at last moment….. listen you better don’t come and if you come I will throw you out. Just go to hell.” Chaerin gets very angry and disconnect the call and thrown her phone on the bed.

“Damn it!!! I don’t care about this damn party anyway.” frustrated Chaerin changes from the dress she was wearing to her signature outfit and throws away things from the dressing table.

“Chae” Bom enter Chaerin’s room. And is shock to see the mess. “ What happen? Hello. What are you doing and Why? Are you going to wear shorts for the party? What’s wrong with you?”

“Just shut up and mind your own business will you?”

“Hello!!! You mind your business. Appa is throwing this party just for you. Because you did an impossible task. You won a fashion show and if they see you like this they would take the prize back.I am telling you” Bom teases her.

“I dont care okay, to take the prize back he has to see me but he is not coming to the party. HE IS NOT COMING TO THE PARTY AT ALL. SO I CAN WEAR WHAT EVERY I WANT.” Chaerin shouts at Bom

“What’s wrong with you?” Bom worriedly asked her

“Just shut up Unnie. What’s your logic just leave me alone.” Chaerin walk inside the washroom.

“You shut up Chaerin. What’s your problem. What do you think fo yourself. Damn it.”


In Washroom

Chaerin who is frustrated and removing her makeup while talkingto herself, “Chaerin Yang, You are an idiot... Who told you to fall in love?Oh God!!! Why it has to be so complicated? Why can’t it so happen that the girl likes the boy and the boy likes the girl and they live happily ever  after? I hate love… I hate love…”


Jiyong and Dara silently walking together, but with lots of space between them. Dara was about to be hit by a speeding car but Jiyong  pulls her from the way and into his arms. After a minute of eye lock

Dara moves away from him and move to the other side of the road.

Both look at each other wanting to be together in mind but standing there gazing at each other before resuming walking again. As they are walking

Dara tells in mind “There are a lot of questions in my mind the answers to which you only can give.”

Jiyong answers her question in mind “Dara I know what you are thinking. But I do not have an answer to your questions at this time.”


Minzy is waiting on the road.  Daesung stops the bike seeing Minzy asking for the lift.

“Minzy you …. At this time…… Come sit on the bike.”

“Daesung you are telling me to come on the bike even after I rudely behaved with you.”

“Please Minzy. You know I cannot be angry with you for long. And you apologize for you mistake. So now come and sit on the bike.”

“Thank you Daesung. And I am really very Sorry.”

“Again you are saying sorry. Minzy we are getting late for the party. Come and sit on the bike. And remember one thing you are coming to the party as my date.”

An excited Minzy kisses Daesung on his cheek. Daesung is taken by surprise and is happy.

As they go of in the bike Minzy tells Daesung “I not like Uee and feel like killing her for what she did to Dara.”

Daesung stops the bike and tells Minzy “I have an idea to get even with Uee.”

“What do you mean?”

“That means we will take revenge on Uee..”



And excited Minzy hugs Daesung and tells him “Daesung, I am in love with you.” Daesung kisses on her forehead and tells “I am also in love with you.”

“Lets go.”



In Bom’s Room

Bom getting ready for the Party.

Eunju comes in the room “You got ready. And where is Chaerin?”

 “I don’t want to talk about Chaerin.”

“What did she do?”

“Omma you have two daughters no?”


“One is me and the other is the spoil brat.”

“And you again had a quarrel with that spoil brat.”.

“Omma I didn’t do anything , Chaerin has gone mad she was shouting so much that I got so irritated.” Bom keeps her hand on her head.

Eunju notices the ring on her finger.

“Bom!!!! Where did you got this ring from?”

“This. Nothing Omma.”

“Now come on you can tell your Omma.”

“Really Omma it’s nothing. Infact it is a long and silly story and I don’t want you to worry. Really. Trust me.”

“Okay… Get ready, I will also get ready. You go downstair and attain the guest I will handle that spoiled brat.”

“Okay… I don’t care about her.”

When Eunju goes off Bom removes the ring and looks at the ring she remembers Jaejoong’s proposal. Bom says to herself loudly, “Bom… Don’t ever think of that womanizer in that manner. Gosh!”


Jiyong and Dara reaches outside Yang House.

Suddenly Jiyong gets uncomfortable and closes his eyes.


In Jiyong's vision he sees himself running in great speed till he reaches a place where he sees Dara at a distance.



“What are you doing here?” They are happy to see each other. Jiyong walks towards where  she is standing and Dara extents her hand by uttering “Jiyong”. Jiyong extends his hands too and walks towards her when suddenly one hand wearing an Emerald ring holds on to Dara’s hand and she shouts “JIYONG.”

“JIYONG.” as she vanishes.

“DARA.” Jiyong looks around and keep calling her name. “DARA.”



 Jiyong is woken up from his trance by Dara who keeps her hand on his shoulder gently shaking him.

“Jiyong, we have reached the Party. Is there any problem?”

“No, nothing!”

“Okay, So should we go?”

“Let’s go.”

Dara says okay and walks ahead.

Jiyong thinks “What was it actually? Was it an illusion or a warning that something wrong is going to happen with Dara. But what?”


In Yang’s Party.

Jiyong and Dara walking together to the Yang House Party.

Youngbae who was standing by the bar and drinking with a friend notices them together. Youngbae tells the other Guy, “I don’t get this friend. What is in between Dara and Jiyong? I wonder if there is anything  or not.” As Dara stands talking to a girl Jiyong stands silently by her side.  “Whatever it is I would talk to Dara today.” Youngbae tells the other guy.

The other guy tries to stop Youngbae “You are drunk and you may tell something wrong if you goes there . Please.”

“I am not drunk. It just that….i will take with her.” Youngbae moves on towards Dara. He almost falls on to Jiyong who steadies him.

“What is your problem?”

“The problem is not with me… but with you Youngbae. If you cannot handle your drinks then why do you drink so much?”

“Hey, Mind your business. This is my friend’s house and not your father’s that anyone is send away. But if anyone has to go, you can go back to your father’s house.”

“Common Guys, Stop it! What are you guys doing? Just stop this!” Dara tries to stop them.

“Dara.”Jiyong tries to keep away Dara from the fight by signaling her away but

Youngbae interferes and tells him, “Hey Hello! Don’t tell anything to her. You stay out of it. I and Dara are friends to each other. And that too before you. So you don’t interfere in between.” Jiyong signals Youngbae to carry on and moves from between Dara and Youngbae to stand on one side.

“And you Dara you know my feelings for  you, that I loves you. How much I love you you know it. Tell me Dara that you know it.”

“Yes Youngbae I know that.”

Youngbae then moves away from her and tells her, “Then why so much of confusion? Finally… tell straight once for all if there is any relation between you and Jiyong. Dara..Give me an answer. Look at me and give me an answer Dara.”Dara just stands silently unable to answer

“I will give the answer to it Youngbae. Yes, Dara and I are  together. Dara and I are a couple. There is a relationship between Dara and me. We are together. Got the answer… Mr Youngbae?” Jiyong interferes and tells Youngbae.

Jiyong then catch holds of Dara’s hand and walks off from there leaving a stunned Youngbae who had another ego break.


“Chaerin should I tell you something.”

“Yah go on.”

“Chaerin you are good just the way you are. That clothes? That was just not you.”

“I know dude. I was really tired of being the gossip bimbo. Seriously Unnie how do you manage those short dresses and those suicidal heels. I mean if anyone want to die can jump up from thoses heels.”

“Tell me one think . tell me the truth.”


“Why are you doing all the stupid things,  Do you like any guy.”

“No way Okay.”

Dongwook enters the party.

“Hey Dongwook.”

Chaerin immediately turns to see Dongwook.  Bom notices Chaerin smiling an

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)