Who are you Jiyong?

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At the Police Station

Jiyong Kwon is sitting on a chair opposite the Inspector.

“Why did you attack Bum Kim?”

“I was playing at the Boxing Ring and not drinking at any Party.”

“Oh! But the other students say that you were not playing with him... you were injuring him badly...It was personal?”

“I don't have an answer to this question.”

“Is it your old enmity with Bum? What do you think? If you don't answer the questions...you will escape? Mr Kwon... We have a lot of proof against you. Look! “ Inspector keeps the laptop in front of Jiyong. Jiyong looks at the video recording of the match between him and Bum. He sees Donghae interfering and been thrown by him to the ground. Jiyong sees the wound mark on Donghae's chest and the realization hits him that Donghae is the werewolf who attacked him and Jaesang.

The inspector takes back the laptop which he had kept in front of Jiyong. Jiyong asks the Inspector to show the recording again. When the Inspector talks sarcastically Jiyong orders to show the video. Inspector keeps the laptop in front of Jiyong and he watches the scenes again. He looks at the injury on Donghaes chest and recalls injuring the wolf who fought him at the jungle. He recognizes the injury marks on Donghae as the once which he gave the werewolf during the fight. He thinks, “That means Donghae is that werewolf? It is Donghae.”


Jaesang Kwon and Jiyeon coming to the Police Station. The Inspector gets up from his seat when he sees them.

“Come on Mr Kwon, Have a seat!” Jaesang does not sit.

“Why have you arrested Jiyong? What proof do you have?” Inspector shows the video clipping by keeping the laptop in the Kwon's direction.

“Here Sir...” Jaesang and Jiyeon looks at the video for some time.

“Is this the only proof?”

“No Sir! There is a witness too... Ms Dara Yang...” Jaesang and Jiyeon look at each other.

“May I meet Jiyong?”

“Yes Sir!” The Inspector instructs the Constable to bring Jiyong. Jiyong comes to the Room. Jaesang comes near Jiyong and slaps him hard on his face. The Inspector and Jiyeon are startled.

“What had happened? Bum only hit your Car. But then he apologized. What was the need to do this much drama? Why?” Inspector looks at them confused.

Jiyeon smiles. Jiyong says in mind, “Okay, I understand what you want to do.”

“I am sorry Appa! He started everything. And I thought I will insult him in front of everybody. I requested Principal Sir and arranged for the Boxing match. But he involved all the Lee's. He went and told Minho Lee that he won't play in the Boxing match. And then he fell at one punch itself in the Boxing match. And then I became out of control. I got angry...” Jaesang turns and walks towards the Inspector followed by Jiyong. Jaesang speaks to the Inspector.

“Clearly, the boxing match was happening between two young guys. How can you call it man slaughter? Attempt top murder? I agree Jiyong made a mistake... he got angry...I think we should speak to the Commissioner. What law is that on the basis of which you have made this accusation?”

“I myself will call the Commissioner and find out that when the law of this country changed?”

“Look Ma’am... We have just started the inquiries.”

“It looks like you have not read the Law Book properly Inspector. That was just a Boxing match which the Lee's sons turned in to a war. First the younger son and then the elder one... he was the judge...Why did he get into the ring... we saw that.” Inspector has no answer. Jaesang faces the Inspector. “So will you arrest him also? I would like to know from you Inspector...”

“Look Sir...You don't make the phone call to the Commissioner please. These college kids do fight...I will give them warning and make them understand. You don't worry! You can take Jiyong along with you.” The Kwon Family leaves from there.


Jaesang, Jiyeon and Jiyong comes out of the Police Station. Suddenly Jaesang stops in front of a Police Vehicle parked outside.

“What shall I say to you?”


At Bum Kim’s House

The door bell rings at Bum Kim's House and Bum's mother opens the door. Dara who is standing at the door step introduces herself.

“Hello Aunty!”


“Aunty, I am Dara. I study at Bum's College. I just came to see... How is Bum now?”

“Don't know dear... Bum's condition is very bad. No medicine is working on him. he is in shock. The Doctor's have written some medicines and given... I was just going out to get that...”

“Aunty, So you go... I will take care of Bum. I will be here with him...”

“Thank you! I will come fast...” Bum's Mother leaves. Dara walks into the room.


Outside Police Station

Jaesang, Jiyeon and Jiyong are standing outside the Police Station.

“What do I say to you? Who ever may look at that video may feel that it is an attempt to murder and I felt that a son was attempting to save the life of his father. We are dead ages ago Jiyong... We don't have the human feelings in us. But maybe some part of the human soul is still in us. Thank you for saving my life!”

“No Appa! You do not need to say thanks to me. My life has been given by you. And if I have to end it for you I will not hesitate.” Jaesang and Jiyeon looks proud.


At Bum Kim’s House

Dara comes to Bum's Bedroom. Bum is sleeping on the bed. Dara looks at Bum and think, “How badly he has beaten him. He will get punishment for all this. I will make sure that Jiyong pays a price for this.” Dara looks at the bed side table and finds the Water Jug empty. She takes it and goes outside. After she leaves the room.

 Jiyong enters the room and rushes to Bum's bed side. Jiyong sits on the bed and looks at Bum. “Bum, I made a big mistake. If possible please forgive me.” Jiyong runs his hand over Bum's face healing him. Bum opens his eyes and tries to get up seeing Jiyong. Jiyong stops him.

“Relax! I just came to say sorry to you...” Dara comes at the door with the water jug and sees Jiyong.

“Jiyong!” Dara walks into the room and places the water jug on the table. “What the hell are you doing here? How dare you come here?” Dara points fingers to the door. “Please leave! Jiyong I said leave!” Jiyong gets up and goes from there. Dara sits on the bed beside Bum. “Bum, Are you okay?”

“Yeah Dara...I am better. I fact I feel much better suddenly...”

“Thank God! That idiot Jiyong... how dare he come here...”

“No Dara... He apologized to me. He really said sorry to me and he meant it.”

Dara thinks, “Jiyong said sorry? Why? Is this your scheme Jiyong? What do you wish to do?”


In Jungle

Chaerin is driving her Bike through the Jungle road with Minzy sitting behind her. Minzy is talking non stop about Jiyong and how he beaten up Bum. The Bike stops suddenly because of no petrol. The girls hear the howling of wolves in the background. Minzy gets scared and clings to Chaerin. Chaerin orders Minzy to get down. Minzy sees wolves and throw her slippers at them to chase them away. Chaerin tries to start the bike but it does not start. Chaerin asks Minzy to push the bike. The girls walk from there pushing the bike.


At the Yang Mansion

Dara is coming down the stairs. She thinks, “Why is he behaving like that? He beat Bum so much and then he really went to apologize? What is Jiyong hiding? Who is Jiyong...the real Jiyong... This is about Chaerin. I cannot let her be with a Guy who is this temperamental. No... I am going to ask you. I will find out about him. I will go to his house and confront him.” Dara walks from there.


At Kwon’s Mansion

A Car stops in front of the Kwon's Home and 3 hooded figures come out of it. Dara gets out of the Car and looks at them walking from there. She remembers seeing 2 hooded figures in front of her at the Jungle. She looks at them going by hiding behind a Car. She thinks,  “What was it? Whose picture is in my memory?  No! It is not possible. Who is it and what is it?”

Dara gets inside the gate and walks towards the house. She tries to spy by opening a window and moving the curtain aside to look inside. She does not find anyone in the room and turns back to look if anyone is watching her. When she turns back to the direction of the room she sees Jaesang Kwon standing there wearing a hooded gown and gets scared. She screams and runs away from there.

Jaesang thinks, “What was this girl doing here? Dara... why does she not leave us alone? What was she spying over here? We have to deal with her... but not now! This time there are more important things to do...” Jaesang turns from there.

Jiyong is standing in the hall. Jaesang comes there.

“So when I was unconscious what happened here? Tell me... I want to know it all!” Jiyeon comes and stands in between them.

“Hyori Lee... She is hiding her real identity. Who is she...where she has come from? Why she came here...nobody knows. Like us she too has made this city her home. Just like us...she does not have any past...or identity. Her wealth and power belongs to some one else...The real Hyori Lee is dead!”

“And I felt that Bum is that werewolf who attacked you...but I was wrong.”

“So...what are you trying to say?”

“The person who attacked you is Donghae.” Jiyeon goes from there... “Donghae Lee, the elder son of Lee Family.”  Jiyeon gives a file to Jaesang's hand. Jaesang looks at it. “When I fought with Bum to get blood for you... Donghae interfered in between. And when I looked at the video tape proof then I saw the same marks I gave the werewolf who fought with me at the jungle in the night on Donghae's chest.” Jaesang sits on the sofa looking into the file. Jiyeon sits next to him. “Lee family also like us is hiding a big secret like us. They are ancient creatures just like us! They are our biggest enemies...from ages! They are the Werewolves!”

“Tell now Jaesang...what should we do now?”

“Careful... We have to be very careful. I have to talk to our Clan head.”


“Yes Jiyeon... This is not so simple...”

“Appa...just tell me...What can I do?”

“Go back to the College.” Jiyong goes from there.

“Jaesang, What is wrong with you? The enemy is standing outside our door and you want to talk to the clan head? Why?” Jaesang gets up.

“Jiyeon...” Jiyeon gets up too. “This time it is important for us that we finish Donghae. We have to kill him. I do not wish to involve Jiyong in this...because I know to kill Donghae you and me are enough...” Jiyeon smiles.

“I was afraid that you have become weak...But No! You are right...For Donghae we both are enough. We will kill him!”



In College Campus

Minzy is walking through the College Campus. She sees Daesung buying a Bouquet from the Florist Shop. Minzy is happy thinking that Daesung is buying flowers for her. She thinks, “This costly flowers...Wow! He is buying flowers to say sorry for his attitude.Wow...how nice it would be that I will get flowers...In that there will be a sorry card also. I will phone Daesung and tell him...Don't say sorry to me...Go away!” Minzy smiles. “He will tell...No Baby, I love you...and he will hug me tightly...and I will forgive him! Oh my God it is going to be so exciting.” Minzy runs and hides behind a pillar near the shop. She sees Daesung looking at his wallet and telling something to the Florist. Daesung then goes from there. Minzy comes out of her hiding place and goes to the Florist Shop.

“Excuse me! Hello...I am that girl for whom that Guy was buying the Orchid Flowers for...It's for me... You give it to me here... It will save you from going and delivering at the House. I will give you tip also...”

“Oh Thank you! You saved my time and money. Petrol is too costly these days.” The Florist takes the Bouquet in hand to hand over to Minzy. “Here it is Hyuna Madam...”

“ What?”

“You have a very beautiful name... Hyuna...”

“Who is Hyuna?” Realization stuck her. “Listen! Don't tell him that I came here, okay?”

“Okay!” Minzy goes and hides behind the pillar again. Daesung comes back to the Florist shop.

“I am really sorry! Actually the ATM here was not working so I went to another ATM to get the money. It's 500 right?” Daesung gives the money and extends his hand for the Bouquet.

“It is okay Sir...I will deliver this in time...”

“Don't worry! I am here... I will deliver it. Give it to me...” Daesung takes the Bouquet from the Florist and goes away from there. Minzy is angry thinking that Daesung cheated on her and says in mind that she would never forgive him.


In College Campus

Dara is walking through the College Corridor. Jiyong comes from the opposite direction. Dara stops when she is near Jiyong.

“Jiyong, I want to talk to you...”

“Not interested!”

“Just stop okay...you have no choice!” Jiyong faces her.

“Tell me...what do you wish?”

“Answer...I tried to find out about you. I don't know...what is it that whatever you do you come out of it? Something is there Jiyong which is not right. Because the same thing what you did if some other Guy would have done he would have been punished for that. But look at you... you are scot free..”

“Are you done? What do you think? You are above law?  Above the whole world? It's true... if you would have thought it would be like that...Listen Dara...mind your work...stop behaving like a spy.”

“You are dating my sister. I don't know what she is doing with you but I know this much that I don't want her hurt.”

“Whom I date and whom I stay with is none of your Business.”

“When you were badly beating up Bum then I saw shock on my brave sister's face. I could see her hurt. Maybe in your family hitting people might be very normal. In our family we are taught to respect people.” Jiyong points finger at Dara.

“Listen Dara...”

“What?” She catches his hand.

Minho who comes near sees them and think that they are fighting.

“Hey Jiyong!” Dara and Jiyong turns their head and look at Minho. Minho pulls Jiyong from there and pins him to a pillar.


“Leave her alone!” Jiyong turns and pins Minho to the side of the pillar.


“I got scared...You know that...”

“Just stop Guys...”

“Just stay away from all this...” Minho and Jiyong stares at each other. Chaerin who comes through the corridor and runs towards the Guys. Jiyong has one han

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)