Friendship Day

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At Orphanage

TOP is sitting and talking to the Orphanage Clerk.

“There is lot of information. But it depends on you what you want and how urgently you want it.” The Clerk signals TOP for Money using his fingers. TOP takes 2000 won from his shirt pocket and keeps in front of the Guy who looks unhappy with the amount.

 “Sir... Are you making fun of me?”

TOP takes a bunch of notes from his Jeans pocket and keeps it in front of the Guy. The Clerk looks around and then takes the money. He then gets up and fetches a file. He gives the file to TOP and sits down on his chair again.

“Sir... All the information is here... which child was adopted by whom... when the adoption happened...etc etc... You look into it...”

TOP turns the pages of the file one by one and comes across an application form of Minho. TOP looks at it and thinks, “So my doubt was right!” TOP thanks the Clerk and goes from there.


At Kwon’s Mansion

Jiyong is about to climb the stairs down. Jaesang calls him from behind and they walk down together.

“Jiyong, What happened? You did not go to college?”


“Why? Don't worry! I have spoken to the Principal... Everything will be alright!”

“That is not it... Appa, I am doing a research.  Is it possible for a werewolf to get an injury on the head?”

“Why you are asking?”

“It is just a research. I have read it. I just want to clear the doubt.” Jaesang faces Jiyong.

“Vampires... Werewolves... are ancient creatures. They are ancient creatures. In today's world this is only in books and stories. You have read right. Werewolves cannot be injured above neck. This is the truth!” Jaesang goes from there.

Jiyong remembers Donghae's injuries above the neck. Jiyong then realizes and says in mind, “So Donghae is not that werewolf... That means that werewolf is Minho. I was right! I have to keep Dara away from Minho at any condition.”


In Shop

Minzy buying Friendship day bands at a Shop. The Shop Owner asks the Shop assistant to show her friendship bands She select the bands with glitter. Minzy thinks, “Superb! My friendship band is shiny, different and cool. Everyone would like to be my friend. One... two... three... four... Who do you want to be friends with? Minzy... Minzy... Minzy...” She asks for the entire bunch. The shop owner says that he cannot give all as it is reserved and kept. Minzy offers him double the price and the shopkeeper agrees to give it to her. Minzy tells the Shop Owner, “You don't know Sir... How popular I will become because of these bands...” The Shop Owner Wishes her best of luck.  Minzy goes from there. He looks at the Currency handed over by Minzy and says to the assistant, “This is called Business!”


At the AKS College Campus

Students are tying friendship bands for friends. Minzy comes running to the College Campus.

One girl approaches Yujin and asks her if she would make friends with her and include her in Uee gang. Uee tells her that she does not make friendship with people like her. Uee tells that this year she has only 5 friendship bands which are exclusive people and asks the girl to wait for next life.

As Uee walks through the College corridor her friends approach her with friendship bands and asks her which on to tie on her wrist. Uee tells them that they are her assistants and not friends. Yujin tells them that she does not touch her assistants and asks them to go away. Uee goes away from there. Uee's friends are angry.


At Boys Locker Room

Daesung is at the Locker Room. He is sad that nobody tied friendship band on him. Suddenly another student comes to the locker room talking on his Mobile phone telling how some hot girls were chasing him today and tied friendship bands on him. He tells that he is not interested and removes the bands and throws it in the dust bin. After he goes Daesung picks them up and wear it on his wrist. He gets out of the Locker Room saying happily, “Happy friendship day.”

Minzy is chasing some Guys through the College Campus saying,  “Where are you going? Stop Guys...” Minzy tells that she  got new friendship bands. She catch hold of one Guy and he tells her, “Hey Minzy I don't want to be your friend and runs away from there. Minzy is angry.

“You loser! You don't know anything!” Some girls are watching Minzy and laughing at her. “You don't even know the 'F' of fashion. Small town idiot guys...” She then remembers Daesung and runs to find him.

Daesung is coming through the College Corridor counting the friendship's on his hand. Minzy approaches him and he hugs her happily. Minzy shows him the band and tells him that she got it for him. Daesung is happy and tells her that after she ties it he will have 11 friends and lets her tie the band on his hand. He thanks her and tells her that she is so nice.


Minho Lee is walking through the College Corridor. Dara stops him.

“Minho... Listen! Show me your hand.”


“Do what I am saying...” Minho extends his hand and Dara tries to tie a friendship band saying, “Happy friendship day.” but Minho withdraws his hand before she could do it.

“Aha... Not so easy!”


“Meaning... My friendship is not so easy.”

“Oh! So what should I do to earn your friendship?”

“Nothing much! Meet me at the sunset point...around six...”

“Why?” Minho signals her to keep shut.

“No more questions...6'o'clock...”

“Okay...” Minho goes from there smiling and tapping guys on their shoulder.

Dara walks slowly through the corridor. She thinks, “I know Jiyong has asked me to stay away from Minho. But I really think that Jiyong does not know Minho very well. He is such a sweet boy. I don't think Jiyong is right about Minho. I trust Jiyong but I trust Minho also. Well... This decision is mine and I am totally fine with it.” Dara smiles.


Jiyong's mobile phone rings. He picks up the call from TOP. TOP is driving the Car while talking on the mobile phone.

“Yeah TOP!”

“Jiyong, I have come to know that who is Hyori's adopted son...”

“I know! Donghae...”

“No no no... that's a mistake..”

“What are you trying to tell?”

“Hyori's adopted son is not Donghae but some Minho...” Jiyong is shocked by the information.


At the Orphanage

 Hyori Lee throws bundle of notes in front of the Clerk Kim and thank him for changing the information.

“I will do anything for you. But the Guy who came gave more money than this... I expected more from you. Hyori throws another bundle of notes in front of Mr Kim who takes it happily.

Hyori thinks, “I did a good thing by warning Kim earlier itself. By changing the name on form I will be in benefit because the enemy now has this information that Minho is my adopted son.” Hyori goes from there.”


At College Campus

Chaerin is selling Friendship bands at the College Campus. A lot of students are gathered in front of her shop.

“Is she your friend? Tell her the way it is. Guys, Friendship Day comes every year. So I thought of doing something different this year. Color coded bands... For every color there is a different meaning...”


“It is very simple...” She touches each color band and explains meaning. “Yellow means friendship... White means Peace... Maroon is for those people whom you hate but they do not get the hint... Red? Red is for secret love... Pink is for those people whom you like but still have not started loving...Light pink... for those whom you find interesting ...gone for 1-2 dates but do not know where the relationship is going... Ahh.. lightest Pink... Well lightest pink is for those people with whom you have gone on date once and there is no further scope for anything happening... basically Uee type band.” Uee's friends are shocked. “It is that Uee does not go for a second date... she shows the full picture on the first date itself...There is no need of second show.”

The students laugh. Uee's friends are angry at Chaerin. “Oops... Did I say it aloud? Okay Guys Come on Wrist bands...” The student shouts that they all want. Chaerin asks them to keep peace and maintain a line.

One girl asks that what is the significance of the band Chaerin gave her. Chaerin replies that it is a “I love you but I hate you band” which is especially for ex boyfriends. Another girl buys the entire bunch telling that all her ex boyfriends hate her. All the students buy from the stall.

Chaerin looks at the white bands “No body wants white?  I think this friendship day every one wants love or hate. No one wants white.” A girl comes and asks for blue. Chaerin tells that there is no blue and asks why she needs that.

The girl says, “Blue means... one night.” Guys standing in the line also says that they need blue. Chaerin asks her assistant to color all the white bands blue as there is a big demand. Chaerin sells all her painted blue bands in no time. She says looking at the money she made, “This friendship day rocks... bleeding blue”


At Lee’s Mansion

Somebody rings the door bell at Lee's House. Hyori Lee opens the door and sees Bom standing outside the door.

“Bom... Come in dear..”

“How are you Aunty?” Bom walks in and hugs Hyori.

“I am fine dear... How are you?”

“I am good.” Hyori ushers Bom to the Sofa and they both sit.

“How is Mr & Mrs Yang.”

“They are fine...”

“Actually I will show you something... Ji-Hoon...”  The Guy comes with some interior decoration stuff and Hyori takes it and shows it to Bom.

“Wow! What is this Aunty? You are re-decorating the house?”

“Bom dear... not me but you! After marriage the room in which you will stay...the colors of that all you have to decide and choose. I have got all the options for you...these are interior design options and these are furniture catalogs. So you have to decide and choose...”

Bom thinks, “Oh God! Aunty is making full plans. I am trying to break the marriage. And these people are trying to set up my house.”

“But Aunty...Why so early?”

“Early? Bom... In order for the decor of your room to complete it will take at least 3 months. And then the wedding would be near. How the time will go you will not even know.”

“Okay! Aunty... I really appreciate everything but I have a suggestion. I have a friend who is an interior decorator. And she knows my taste... But there is a problem... She is gone out of city for a week. So if you don't mind...”


“Thank you!”

Bom thinks, “You escaped Bom... the matter is postponed for a week.” Donghae comes to the hall.

“Hey Mom!”

“Donghae! How are you feeling?”

“Good Mom!” Donghae sits next to Hyori.

“It is good Doctor Song did your treatment. You have become alright fast. You are looking so much better. By the way I had called Bom home... so that she could choose the decor of her room.” Bom smiles. “But she has some friend who is an interior decorator  and she wants to take her help.”

“Thank you so much Aunty for all the arrangements. Any ways I got to go now...” Bom gets up. Donghae and Hyori also gets up. “I need to go to the friendship party...”


“Bom... I will pick you up. I and Minho are going that side.”

“But Donghae your health is not good. You need to take rest.” Donghae comes to Bom's side and holds both her hands.

“I don't need rest... I need support. My support is you Bom...” Hyori smiles. Bom turns and gives a fake smile. “If my health goes bad I will take your support, right?” Bom nods. Donghae leaves her hand.

“Yeah! Anyways, I am going to make a move... Bye!” Bom and Hyori goes from there.

Donghae says in mind, “See you Bom! To get rid of me is not that easy.”


At College Campus

Uee comes near Chaerin's friendship band store and some Guys go to her to tie friendship bands

“Okay...wait wait wait... These many boys... Waiting for me? I knew that I am the College's most popular girl...Okay Boys... One by one... Yeah?” She takes the bands from the Guys. She shows the bundle of blue bands in Chaerin's direction and exclaims, “Oh my God... So many bands... And Chaerin you don't have even one band?”

“Don't worry about it Uee... Superb man! I am really happy for you...”

“It's okay Chaerin... Your sister would take pity on you and tie a band...”

“Don't think too much for me. You know I don't want your type of bands...It is color coded friendship day. And the blue color is for those who are worth for one one night...” Yujin looks at her bands in shock. “Uee you are worth nothing but a one night strand...” Chaerin goes near Uee. “Every one knows your story. The Guys know that you cannot even maintain friendship and how you would be able to handle relationship.”

“What? what did you say?” Yujin charges at Chaerin and they have a cat fight. Youngbae interferes and takes Uee away from there. Chaerin and her stall assistant also goes from there.


At Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk is waiting downstairs for the girls.

Chaerin, Dara and Bom comes wearing short dresses. Hyunsuk looks at them and orders them to change and come fast. The girls are angry and comes back to the room. Chaerin picks up 3 warparound skirts from the cupboard and tells her sisters that she has an idea to save their dresses. The three of them wear the skirt on top of their dresses.

The Yang sister come downstairs near  Hyunsuk wearing the long warparound skirts.

“Well we are ready?”

Hyunsuk tells in mind, “You are trying to make a fool of me? You people think that I don't know about you? Well... Too bad!”

 “Well... Nice! Now we will show the whole city how lovely the Yang family girls look. Come on...” Hyunsuk gets out of the house followed by the Yang sisters.

“What dude... This is so like plain jane...” Hyunsuk looks at them.

“Shut up sweety... You know what to do, right?”

“Did I hear something?”

“No Appa….” Dara and Bom reply him. Dara and Bom pulls Chaerin who is struggling with her Skirt and gets out of the house.


At Parking lot

A Car is coming through the lane. Suddenly another Car tries to over take it. Donghae shouts from the car, “Oye.” Jiyong Kwon lowers the window glasses. Minho is also sitting in the car along with Donghae.

“So it is you... Jiyong Kwon... Don't you have eyes?  Can't you see? Couldn't you see such a big Car?” Jiyong just stares back. “What are you staring at man?” Minho tries to stop Donghae and Donghae continues shouting at Jiyong. “You want a fight...That is what you want eh? Moron!” Jiyong keeps staring. Donghae gets out of the Car and asks Jiyong to come outside. Jiyong gets out of the Car.

“Donghae... Stop it! Donghae...” Jiyong faces Donghae who catch holds of Jiyong's collar with both hands.

“What will you do? Tell...”

“Donghae...” Jiyong suddenly turns and pins Donghae against the Car and hold his neck with one hand. “Donghae...”

“I can kill a second…you know that?”

“Hey Jiyong leave... leave him.” Minho gets out of the Car and comes and pulls Jiyong and pins him to their Car by holding on Jiyong's neck with his hand. “I said leave him... so leave him, understand?” Jiyong turns and holds on both Donghae's and Minho's neck with one hand each. Minho's hold on Jiyong's neck falls off and Donghae struggles to escape. The Lee Brothers are pinned to the Cars on either side with Jiyong in between them holding them by their necks. Daesung and Youngbae then comes there and pulls Donghae and Minho apart.

“Leave Youngbae!” Youngbae and Daesung takes Minho and Donghae from there.

“I did a mistake by saving him. I should have killed him!”


At Party Venue

Youngbae and Yujin arriving at the Friendship Day party. As soon as they see Uee a bunch of Guys at the Party runs to her with roses in hand. Youngbae is shocked. Uee goes forward and collects the roses from the Guys.

“Hey! Just be careful... She is my girl dude... Leave her! What the hell...” Youngbae tries to interfere but some body pushes his aside. “Hey they are behaving as if I don't exist... I won't leave them... hey!” Youngbae gets in between and takes Uee from there. “What is wrong babe?”

“Boys...Don't lose hope.” Uee holds the flower to her chest... “Uee appreciates everything!” Youngbae is angry and points fingers at the Guys. Uee thinks, “I will take advantage of this popularity Chaerin. Tonight... I will show you!” Youngbae turns and looks to see that Uee has gone from there. Youngbae goes from there to search for Uee.


Minho and Donghae are coming down the stairs. They come to the Hall where the Party is happening. Minho excuses himself from there. Donghae looks around and sees Bom standing and talking to a girl.

Donghae thinks, “Wow Bom... How peaceful I feel seeing her worried.” Donghae walks towards Bom who is now standing alone. He goes and stands next to her.

“What happened? Why are you standing here alone baby?”

“Just like that! I am not answerable to you.”

“Seriously... Today that young hot hot college Guys are not seen near you... Actually the truth is that those young Guys have no interest in a non-hot girl like you. I know I know I know... That sounds bad. But that is the truth.”

“Just shut up! Keep your nonsense with you.” Bom walks from there but stops and turn to look when she hears a girl greeting Donghae.

“Hey Donghae...what a surprise baby!” Donghae has his hand around the girls shoulders. “Who is this Donghae?”

“Somebody. Don't bother baby. She is my distant relative. Don't worry!” Donghae starts some public display of affection as Bom watches on. Bom feels bad and goes from there.

Donghae says in mind, “Poor Bom... I have just started”


Dara and Chaerin are standing together and laughing at something. Minho looks around and spots them. Chaerin also sees him at the same instant.

“There... Your lover boy has come. I am telling you... tie him a red band...”

“Shut up Chaerin...” Before Dara could stop her Chaerin says bye and goes from there. “Chaerin, Listen!” Minho walks towards Dara. He comes near her.

“Hey Dara...”


“You are looking pretty.”

“Thanks! You also are looking handsome.”

“I know!”

“Wow! Over confidence should be learned from you.”

“Actually it's called perfection... Very few people have it... Who has it you should flaunt him...”

“Okay okay I saw your perfection,okay? God...”

“By the way... you were suppose to come... We were supposed to meet... You didn't turn up.”


“6'0'clock... Sunset Point...”

“Oh... I am so sorry...I was so spaced out... was too much of mess!”

“It's okay... it's okay... Well... If you are not doing if you are free ... can we step outside for just 2 minutes?”

“Yeah, okay...”

“Yeah... Come...” Minho walks ahead.


Dara follows him but suddenly stops when she recalls Jiyong telling her at the College Library Room to break up her relationship with Minho and that Minho is not the right guy for her. Minho goes back to her and leads her from there.

Dara and Minho are standing at the balcony upstairs.

“Dara...Do you know why I bought you here?”

“No Minho... Something Important?”

“Well... Yes... something important for sure... Okay...Dara... Do you trust me?”

“Of course Minho...”

“And I am also a good friend to you, correct?”

“You are my very good friend and you have stood by me always. So... yeah...”

“And I promise that I will always be with you if you let me that is.. Dara, But I think I expect more than this friendship. I don't know how to say this but Dara...” Minho catches Dara's hand in both his hand and goes down on one knee in front of her. “I love you Dara...” Dara is shocked to hear the words from Minho. Minho looks at her expecting an answer.

“Minho...I am... I am sorry Minho but...” Dara closes her eyes in distress.

“But what Dara?”

“Minho I never thought that we two would become friends. You know you were so rude to me. You were so strange... and then we became friends. And you are so good that I can depend on you... and in between all this... why Minho...” Minho gets up and faces her.

“Just relax... I am sorry... I am really sorry... I know I said this all of a sudden... And you are not even ready...But I am not able to hide my feelings from you... I can't! When we pretend in front of

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)