Werewolf's Power

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At Lee's Mansion

Minho picks up the call and happily starts talking to Dara. Dara then tells him that she is in the Jungle and that Jiyong has killed his Mom. Minho is shocked and asks her where she is. Dara tells the location. Minho tells Dara that the place is not safe for her and instructs her to go from there immediately. Dara tries to argue but Minho firmly tells her to leave from there and that he will handle everything. Dara runs from there.


In Jungle

Hyori is lying still on the ground. Minho comes there running shouting, “Mom.” He sits near her and shakes her. He screams and writhes seeing her still body with a wooden stake piercing her heart. He then runs away from there.

Minho is standing in the Jungle and shouting. He then starts transforming into a werewolf. He screams throughout the process of transformation. And finally he completely gets transformed as a werewolf and howls.


After some time he comes back to his human form.

Minho comes back to where Hyori is lying on the Jungle. He kneeles beside her calling Mom. He then looks at the stake which has pierced her heart and moves forward to touch it.

Suddenly Minho remembers that the only way to save Hyori is by getting the wooden stake removed by her own female child and that he cannot do it.

Minho suddenly hears the sound of an Ambulance approaching through the road. Minho again calls Hyori and looks around. He then bends to pick her up.


At the Kwon Mansion

Jaesang Kwon comes down the stairs to the hall. Jiyeon is sitting in the hall with a drink in hand. Jaesang goes and sits on a chair near her.

“I can't understand this Jiyeon... How can you do like that? You came there without cover... Hyori knew that you were weak. If Jiyong was not there today...”

“I know Jaesang. I made a big mistake.”

“There is no reason to celebrate. We have attacked on their head... They will all be coming for us... Now they won't stop.” Jiyong comes there.

“Now they won't stop. I have declared war by killing Hyori.” Jaesang and Jiyeon looks at him. “I have killed their head. Now they will not stop and be behind us. They will attack us. We have to make full preparations for fighting with them otherwise...”

“What work we came to do will not be completed... and the werewolves will win over us...”

“No! I will not let them win... We have challenged them... and they will have to leave this city and go...”

“I am glad that you warned them that we are not weak...”


In Jungle

Dara brings 3 Hospital assistants carrying stretcher to the Jungle. Dara reaches the spot where Hyori was lying at the Jungle but does not see anyone there. The Hospital assistants go from there after rebuking Dara for making them run for nothing. Dara thinks that Minho must have reached before her and taken Hyori from there. Dara decides to talk to him after reaching home and hurries from the Jungle.


At Lee's Mansion

Minho Lee comes to Lee House carrying Hyori in his arms and calling Donghae. Donghae comes running and both the brothers hurry upstairs to the room. Minho puts Hyori on the bed.

“Minho, How it happened? What happened to her?”

“Donghae calm down... Now we do not have time for all these things. We have only 6 hours to save her life. Only her heir can save her life. I just don't know what to do... I am so confused!” Donghae holds on to Hyori's hand.

“If there is no heir then... I wish I was her heir... I would have tried doing that.”

“Just calm down... Donghae there is a way... And just one way... Donghae you know what I am telling... You know what I mean... You know right?”

“Are you sure Minho?”

“Just Go...”

“Very sure?”

“Donghae... Just go!” Donghae runs from the room. Minho says, “Mom, Nothing will happen to you... Mom, I will get you back...Mom I will get you back...Your enemies will have to pay a price for this Mom... Mom that Jiyong Kwon will have to pay for this!” Minho cries. “I will get you back Mom...”


At Kwon's Mansion

“We should not go out without protection... because they can attack on us any time. And we...”

Jiyong's mobile rings. Jiyong takes the mobile out of his jacket pocket and looks at the caller identity. He sees that it is Bom's call and disconnects the call.


At Bom's Room

Bom is in her room and is trying to talk to Jiyong on phone. She dials his number again “Come on Jiyong... Don't do this to me... I love you so much... Why are you doing this to me? Pick up the phone...” Jiyong looks at the caller id when his mobile rings again. He sees that it is Bom's calling and disconnects the phone again.

Bom goes and sits on her bed. “Okay... You do not want to talk to me, right? But after this message whatever happens you will be responsible for that.” Bom types a message and sends it to Jiyong.


At Kwon's Mansion

Jiyong's mobile beeps and he reads the message send by Bom in which she has threatened to take her life. He thinks, “I will kill myself? What happened to this Bom? I will have to handle her... before things get worse. For this I will have to take Dara's help.”

“Omma…..Appa... I will have to go...” Jiyong goes from there.


Outside Yang's Mansion

Jiyong makes a call to Dara. Dara is getting down from her Car in front of Yang House gate and walking towards her house. She picks up the call.

“Dara... I have to meet you... I need to talk to you... I will come outside your house and meet you..”

“Jiyong please... Stay away from me... I don't want to talk to you...”

“Dara try to understand... This is regarding your sister's life...”

“Okay fine... I am outside my House... Come and meet me...” She cuts the call.

Dara thinks, “If you think that you will escape easily then you are wrong. I have seen your real face Jiyong. You are a murderer. If you feel that you will involve Bom in your games I will not leave you.”


Jiyong comes in front of the Yang House gate in his Car. He gets out of his Car and comes near Dara.

“Dara... I am very worried about Bom... Bom is talking strange things...He is calling me continuously and sending threatening messages...I feel that she may try to harm herself...”

“Really? She will do so much for a fake relationship?”

“Dara...Bom is out of control... and I...”

“You what Jiyong? What will you do? Will you kill her?”

“Are you out of your mind? What nonsense are you talking?”

“Of course Jiyong... like you killed Mrs Lee... You murdered Hyori Lee... I saw you... You are a bloody murderer. You will not get away with this, okay? I will not leave you... Wait and watch!” Dara calls someone and tells him that Jiyong is there.

“Whom did you call?”

“I told you... you will not get away with this...”


A Police Inspector and 2 constables walk towards Jiyong and Dara . Jiyong looks at Dara and then turns to face the Police

“Jiyong Kwon... We are taking you into custody...”

“On what basis?”

“Dara Madam saw you killing a woman...” Jiyong looks at Dara.

“You have some misunderstanding...”

“Are you thretening me?”

“I am saying... Come...” Jiyong walks in front and the police follows him.


At Police Station

Jiyong and Dara are at the Police Station.

“I have not murdered anyone Inspector...”

“Inspector... He is telling lies. I saw him... He only murdered...”

“Madam Please... Control yourself... please let us do the inquiry..”

“Mr Jiyong Kwon... What she is telling... Is it true?”

“No Inspector... Nothing like that happened there. My Omma and Hyori are business rivals. They had an argument over something. Matters got a little out of hand and I went to stop them. That was it... and after that Hyori became unconscious...”



“Inspector... He is lying... I saw him killing her...”

“Look Madam... I told you to keep quiet...”

“Wait a minute! You don't believe me, right? I made a call to Minho Lee... He knows the full matter... Call him!”

Jiyong thinks, “I feel that he will also not acknowledge this matter in front of the Police... at least this time we both are on one side... Sorry Dara... But this time your Minho will not take your side.”


At the Lee House

Minho Lee is calling out for Donghae. Suddenly his mobile phone rings and Minho picks up the call.


“Minho Lee... You have to come to the Police Station right now. We have to take your statement...”

“Statement? What for?”

“Dara Yang has said that she saw Jiyong Kwon attacking your mother in a deadly manner.”  Minho keeps his hand on his forehead and says in mind, “God Dara... Why are you doing all this?” Minho composes himself.

“Okay... I am coming... Thanks!” He cuts the call “DARA....” Minho then runs out of the room calling Donghae's name.


At Police Station

Minho enters the Police Station. Dara goes near him saying his name.

“Minho... I have told this people not to let go of Jiyong...” Jiyong and Minho look at each other.

“Calm down Dara...” Minho comes in front of the Inspector. Jiyong and Minho look at each other intensely.

“She is telling that Jiyong has killed your mother...” Minho answers by still looking at Jiyong.

“Not at all Inspector...Nothing like that happened...” Dara is shocked hearing it. Minho then faces the Inspector. “My Mom is a Blood Pressure patient... There was some argument between these people and Mom could not handle the stress. And because of that her Blood Pressure went up. She is at home. Doctor has given her injections... She is going to be fine!”

“Minho... Why are you lying? I saw him killing your mother with some sharp object... I told you...right?”

“Dara... I don't know what you saw... and whom you saw...”

“But Minho...”

“She is my Mom... And I would know how she is, right?”

“Madam, What is all these confusion?”

“But Inspector...”

“It is okay Sir... I think Dara is very stressed... So I will take her home. It is going to be fine... Very sorry... Come Dara...” Minho goes near Dara and takes Dara from there but the Inspector stops them.

“One Minute... Stop! Listen! We cannot leave such a big matter without an inquiry...” The Inspector gets up. Minho and Dara faces the Inspector. “Can we meet your mother?”

“Sir, She is resting at home right now... Are you sure you want to disturb her?”

“Just 2 minutes. We will see her and come back...” Minho is lost for words and unsure what to do. Jiyong has a mysterious smile on his face. Inspector orders the Constables to follow him and gets out of the room. Jiyong signals Minho and Dara to walk from there. He then follows them.


At the Lee House

Hyori is on the Bed with the wooden stake which has pierced her heart. Donghae comes running to the room calling Minho's name. Donghae's mobile phone rings and he attends the call which Minho makes stealthily from the Police Station.

“Hello! Yes Minho...”

“Donghae... There is a problem here. They want to see Mom in that condition and I don't know what to do.”

“What? But why Minho?”

“Donghae... Don't have time to tell all that. You have to make Mom alright in some way. We have just 15 minutes. You have to do something. Just go and do it Donghae please...”

“But you know Minho I cannot do it ... Mom has given strict orders... You know I can't do it...”

“Shut up! Bring her back Donghae... You know if they see us like that... if they see Mom like that... we all will be exposed... You understand what I am telling. Donghae... this time you don't worry about Mom's anger... Worry about it when Mom is alive...Okay? Now just do as I say... Donghae just go ahead and do it... We have very little time. I am reaching there in 15 minutes. Please... Do something...”

“Okay!” Donghae cuts the call. He looks at Hyori “Mom... Please forgive me Mom...I am sorry Mom. I am breaking your strict orders... But I have to do this Mom... for you! Please forgive me!” Donghae runs out of the room.


Donghae comes in front of the room where Jieun is kept locked and opens the door. Jieun thanks him. Donghae tells her, “Don't thank me! You will have to do something.” Jieun and Donghae comes out of the room.


“Jieun... Mom is dying...You have to save her Jieun..”

“That's good... Very good!”

“What? Jieun... How can you say that? Stop being stupid Jieun...”

“Now you come on Donghae... You are asking me how I can say that? That woman kept me locked for 3 years in that dark room. And when I escaped from there and came to stay with my family here she locked me up here also and she...” Jieun is angry and tries to compose herself. “If she dies today I will become free forever...Do you get it? I will be free for ever...”

“Jieun, Listen! Jieun... This time you are angry...Think once with a calm mind... Please...”

“Anger? Anger and Fear are now old for me... After staying 3 years in the dark room that anger has now turned to hatred Donghae... Hatred!” Jieun turns and walks. Donghae runs behind her and holds her hand.

“Jieun...Jieun... Listen Jieun, if Mom has done it there is was a reason behind it... Jieun, you know it... She has not done it without any reason Jieun...”

“Donghae... 3 years?”

“Please Jieun... Please forget all that old matters. If not for Mom please do it for us... For

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)