Jiyong’s surprise birthday party.

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In Kwon's Mansion

Car enters the premises of Kwon’s Mansion. Jiyong open the door and get into the house which is in darkness. Suddenly the lights come.

“SURPRISE!!!!.” The gang shouts as Jiyong walks in.

“Wow!! “Jiyong acts surprised. “Thanks everyone.”  

Jiyeon and Jaesang go to Jiyong and stands on either sidee of him.

“Happy Birthday Jiyong!”

“Many many happy returns of the day Jiyong!” Jaesang pats his back.

“ Thanks Omma…Thanks Appa.”

“So. How did you like your surprise?” Jiyeon asked him.

Jiyong looks around.“ Superb! Thanks Omma!”

“Jiyong, I organized this party for you. Happy birthday baby!” Uee said, Dara’s smile faded listening to her.

“Thanks Uee.”

“ Happy birthday Jiyong!” Dara wished him. But he ignored her.

 “Thanks you everyone for giving me such a big surprise. Thanks! Omma” Jiyong looks at Jiyeon.” I’ll just come.”

“Guys Please go have fun! Jiyong will join us.” Jiyeon told the gang.

“Cake Cake.” Chaerin whispered to Minzy.

“Lets go to eat cake.” Minzy told Chaerin.

Everyone went back to enjoy the party.


Jiyong walks towards his room. While going to his room he feels he saw Yoojin. He looks at the place he saw, first he sees a shadow and then slowly Yoojin walks towards him but remain at a distance. She smiles at him. “Yoojin.” Jiyong whispered. He blink his eyes few times but still she was standing in front of him. Curtains blows due to wind and she disappear. Jiyong run towards the place were she was standing but does not see her. He searches for her around but does not find her. Jiyong goes in his room. Jiyong thinks.”What happened to me? How can this happen? What am I imagining?”

Jiyong walks out of his room. Hoping he will see her again.

“Jiyong.” Jiyeon stops him.

“What are you doing here. Everybody is waiting for you down. Don’t you think you should be downstairs?” Jiyeon asked.

“ Not my problem! You called them so you deal with them. I will not meet anyone.”

“ Jiyong!”

” No you should not have called. Not at all. And that too celebrated this date! No way.”

“I don’t care what date it is. You have to come out of your past. Yoojin is dead! And whatever you do she can’t come back. So forget about her and come down! Now! Do you get that?” Jiyeon goes away.

“ No Omma! She can come back. I saw here she is here. Or what did I see? Oh no! Dara?” Jiyong  runs to look down. He sees Dara in conversation with Bom.

Jiyong thinks. “Dara is down. So Yoojin is back. She is back. She kept her promise. She has come back for me. Yoojin.”


Chaerin has her arm around Dongwook’s neck and Dongwook has his arm around Chaerin’s waist.

You know Chaerin, I have always noticed you.”

Chaerin says in mind “because I love you.”

“Because you have always been a crazy kid.” Doogwook added.

Chaerin says in mind “and you know I love you.

“ You are cute, sweet, fun loving and little bratty.” Dongwook again added.

Chaerin says in her mind “and I totally love you.” 

“And you know what Chaerin? It is so good to be back in touch with you.” Daongwook continued.

Chaerin says in mind because I love you.”

Chaerin realizes that Dongwook bought her near the dancefloor and she takes her hand from his shoulders.

“Chaerin lets do one thing. Lets dance.”

“No, no, no, I don’t want to dance.”

“Shhh…Let’s go.”

“But please…” Dongwook takes Chaerin on the dance floor. After much resistance Chaerin start to dance with Dongwook he place her one hand on his shoulder and other hand he interwined with his hand. He hold her by her waist and starts to dance. While dancing Chaerin stamps on Dongwook’s feet several times.


“Let’s do one thing. I think we should go out of the dance floor.”Dongwook told Chaerin. “ Now I understand why Madam didn’t wanted to dance….. But Madam doesn’t no at all how to dance.”

“Whatever Okay. I mean first of all I have dancing problem and second this rubbish clothes and these suicidal heels. I don’t know how these girls wear it.”

“Why did you wear them? Let me tell you something. I would love to tell you something. One should be real, be yourself Chaerin.” He looks at her “Hold on one minute I think there is something behide all this. Madam are you trying to impress anyone.”

“Whatever Okay its nothing like that.”

“Guilty conscious. To dress up differently than you normal do. You have taken all this efforts, then might be to impress someone.” Chaerin remain quite. “Dude tell me who he is?”

“Whatever okay.”

“Its not whatever. Now I will definitely find out who is that guy for whom you have become a wedding  cake.”

“Listen.” Doogwook so away leaving Chaerin alone.


Jiyong comes down the stairs. He says in mind.” Where are you Yoojin?” and walks looking for Yoojin. “Am I seeing a dream? Now she was here. So near to me. Where are you? Where are you Yoojin? Where are you?”

Dara comes near him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah!!” Jiyong reply without looking at her, still trying to look for Yoojin.

“What is wrong with you Jiyong? This party is for you. We all are here to celebrate with you. And look at you. What are you doing? It seem like your mind is not here. What are you doing? Why are you doing this?”

 “Because I don’t care!” he turns to go away but Dara stops him.

“You don’t care Jiyong? Wow! Your parents threw such a nice party. Your friends are here. They made an effort. Look around you Jiyong! All of this is for you Jiyong. But you are not mentally here. Are you looking for something?”

“What do you think Dara? Am I some book that you would read through the pages and find answer for your question? Whom I am looking at, who I am searching for or why I am not happy is none of your business.”

“Fine Jiyong! Since it is your birthday I thought I should do something for you. Something special anyway I got you this book. “She holds out a brown paper wrapped packet to Jiyong. “Which I got from the library. It is a very nice book. It is very interesting and I am sure you would like it. It is on your research topic. Yoojin!” Jiyong who was not looking at her during the entire conversation, looks at Dara. “ It is a very interesting book. “ Dara smiles and Jiyong takes the packet and open the wrapper. He sees the book Title History of Gyeyang Palace. “There are so many interesting pictures.” Jiyong feels the book and then opens the pages and feel them. He touches the script as if reading it. He turns the pages and then he sees Yoojin’s picture. He remember Yoojin and him meeting and King seeing them which made him run away from there. Dara is observing him while he is looking into the book.

Dara says in mind. “At the mention of Yoojin’s name there is a look of pain on your face. What is in this name that reaches your heart? I can feel Jiyong, you feel hurt and maybe that is because of me. I am sorry Jiyong! But I want to know who is behind this hurt and for the sake of past why are you breaking all the relations of the present. Why is this Yoojin…who is in between  you and me today?” Jiyong keeps looking at Yoojin’s picture and then raise his face with a sad expression while Dara observes him.


Chaerin is frustrated about the heels, she removes her heels and keep it aside.

“Unnie I have decided that God is a man, because man is only one who can make a something torturable like heels.” Bom laugh at her.

“Why are you blaming God? Just look at you. What’s happen to you? For so many years when I and Omma told you to dress like a normal girl you didn’t listen to us and now what happen suddenly. What’s up Chae? What’s on your mind?”

“I have lost my brains. Okay.” Bom laugh at her.

Chaerin sees someone “What the hell are you doing here?” Chaerin Yells at the person. TOP walks to Chaerin and Bom who are sitting near the bar.

“ How are you Bom?”

“What are you doing here?” Bom asked him.

“ I just came to ask about you. That is the least I can do.”

“Get  lost okay?” Chaerin shouted at him.

“ Chae Please calm down!”TOP told her.

“ Unnie lets go from here.”

“Yeah.” Bom agrees and get up from there. Chaerin holds Bom’s hands and then walk away from there. TOP blocks the way.

“ Bom I want to talk to you.”

“ I don’t want to listen anything. There is nothing you can say to me!.” She moves from there along with Chaerin.

“ Bom please  listen to me.” Jiyong comes in between the Yang’s sisters and TOP blocking his way.

Jiyong pushes TOP away. “Let go TOP! You have no work here.”

“You leave me alone you freak!”

“You leave these girls alone.”

“Why?  Have they appointed you their rescuer? Move from my way!”

“You are the one who should move! You are not invited in this party.”

“Oh really! Before insulting your guest know your facts Jiyong!”

“I don’t care! You can just leave.”

“At least ask your Appa because he called me to the party.”

“Oh yeah? Well, this is not his office. This is my party and you are not invited, so get lost!” TOP remembers Jiyong lifting him using one hand on his neck and Jiyong banging the car bonnet. Jaesang comes near them. “Jiyong!”

“I am not required here I am going” TOP walks from there.


“Sorry Sir! I will see you later.”

“What is wrong with you Jiyong? He was my guest.”

“Appa I think you need to think before choosing a guest. Because of your guest my guest was having problem.”

“Ah Interesting! The whole evening you did not have time for them and now they are your guest?”

“This party is not as per my wish but the guests are here because of me.” Jiyong notices Yoojin and walks from there. He looks for her but does not find her. He comes near Jaesang

“Appa she was here! She was right here. I just saw her.”

“Stop it! Don’t make a fool of yourself. People are here and they are seeing you. What is the big deal about this date? It is just a date in the human calendar! Come on!”

“Date? Only a date? This date is written in stone. On this date everything was taken away from me. This is the date when my Yoojin left me and you are saying just a date? Only a date?”

Jiyong turns and walks. Dara asks him” Jiyong are you okay?”Jiyong doesn’t reply he walk away

 Jiyong climbing up the stairs. He says in mind” Where are you Yoojin? Is this just my imagination? Have you come back? Will this date again be written on stone? If you have really back please come in front of me. Please come near me Yoojin.”


 Mr and Mrs Kwon are standing near the cake surrounded by the gang.

“Thanks you everyone for coming, after coming here Jiyong made so many friends. And you all have come here and given us so much love. Thank you so much! And now lets wish the birthday boy a very happy birthday.” Jiyeon goes to Jiyong who is standing from a distance from the group.

“Enough Jiyong! Now play your part. Smile! Go and cut the cake! Come on.” Jiyong goes and stands in front of the cake and in between his parents. He bends and blows the candles on the cake while the happy birthday music plays and groups claps. He lifts his head up and see Yoojin at a distance looking and smiling at him. She goes from there. Jiyong turns to follow her but Jaesang and Jiyeon stops him from going.

“Just stay Jiyong.” Jiyeon warn him. He tries to move but Jeasang keep his hand on the shoulder. Jiyong turns back and cuts the cake while everyone sings Happy birthday.

“Thanks everyone.”

Uee goes and kisses on Jiyong’s cheek “Happy birthday Jiyong.”

“Thank you!”

Chaerin sakes hands with Jiyong” Happy birthday dude!”

“Thanks Chaerin!” Bom and Minzy also wish him. Daesung and Youngbae goes to Jiyong and extends his hand for Jiyong to shake and Jiyong thanks everyone. As Jiyong turns to go Dara comes to him “Happy birthday Jiyong! It is not that bad to smile and meet people, is it not?”

Jiyong does not reply but looks around and then go from there.


Jiyong climbs the stairs up to go to his room. He thinks. “May be Omma is right. I have gone mad! But how can I help it? For me this date did not bring new life but Yoojin’s death.” He remembers Yoojin on fire in the closed cottage. Maybe because of that I am seeing Yoojin everywhere. I have been living without her for years now. But why today she has come several times in front of me? Jiyong closes is eyes and then open it. He then climbs the stairs and suddenly notices something on the ground. He pick it up it’s a earring.

“This is my gift to you, I know you will not like it, its not expensive as your other jewelery but this is only what I can afford to give you with lots of love.”

“Jiyong  I really love it. Its more precious to me, I will always keep it safe and close to my heart.”

Jiyong  is very happy to know that Yoojin’s spirit is back for him.” Yoojin you have kept your promise you came back to me. You came back Yoojin, you came back. You kept your promise.”

 Jiyong thinks.“Yoojin is death, but today after so many years her spirit is back to meet you. But if it was her spirit then how can this earring fall from her ear. Oh Dara! This is your trick. You are playing big game with me. You know how important Yoojin is to me. You know that Yoojin is the only one, in front of whom I can’t keep control on myself. You have take a big advantage of it. Dara I will not leave you.You will get the punishment for this dirty game. I will not leave you.” he gets very angry.


Jiyong comes down he see Dara talking with Minzy.

“You are kidding me from 2 minutes she corrected herself to 20 minutes.” Dara asked Minzy.

“I swear, Yes Dara.”

“You saw her with your own eyes, I can’t believe that from 2 minutes to 20 minutes.” Dara asked Minzy doubtfully.

Jiyong came near them and harshly drag Dara. “We need to talk.”

Uee and friends kept looking on.


Jiyong brings her to one corner and by showing the earring “What the hell is this Dara?”

“What is this Jiyong?”

“Don’t you know? Is this not yours?”

“No! Jiyong this is not mine.”

“Really Dara?”

“Yeah! From where you got it? And whose is it?”

“Yeah! Someone else’s and you know very well who’s.”

“ I don’t know what you are talking Jiyong. If you know whose it is go and give her!.” She turns to go and Jiyong  stops her by catching her hand.

“Don’t act smart Dara! This earring had fallen from you, right?”

“ I am telling you Jiyong! Why will I wear this earring? It is so old fashioned. And moreover, it does not go with my dress. Why will I wear it?” Jiyong checks both her ears and find her wearing white stoned earring which matches her dress.“What are you doing Jiyong?

“Happy Jiyong? Now you might have understood that I am not telling lies. Now go and spoil some other girl’s mood in the party.  You know what? Try your antics on Uee or any other girl may be they will get impressed.” Dara turns and walks away.

Jiyong thinks. “Really was it Yoojin? Must be! I saw Yoojin only. She is here. Yoojin” Jiyong looks around.


Dara who is downstairs thinks.”I was almost caught by Jiyong. Thank God I notice one earring missing and change it to other pair. Otherwise Jiyong could have caught me redhanded.” She remembers noticing one earring missing while changing back from Yoojin’s costume and them wearing another pair of earring.


Jiyong is happy. He thinks.”If Dara is telling the truth if Dara did not play this game it means Yoojin is back? She is somewhere here near me and want to meet me. Yeah, she is here yeah!” He smiles.

Dara watches Jiyong by hididng behind a pillar wearing Yoojin’s dress. She thinks. “Jiyong you

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)