TOP & Bom's Accident

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In Dara’s Room

Dara is getting ready in front of the mirror. Chaerin comes there.

“Hi Paris... Where are you going? Paris?”

“Very funny! Can't I get ready and go to college?” Dara asks Chaerin's opinion as to if she would tie her hair or leave it open.

“Oh my God! All this you are doing for Minho, right? You are in love...”

Dara says in mind, “Love... I have! But not for Minho but for Jiyong.” Dara decides to keep her hair lose.

“Wow Dara... I have never seen you with this much enthusiasm.” Dara and Chaerin taunts each other about their way of dressing. Dara takes her mobile asking Jiyong if he is picking her up. She gets a message back from Jiyong. Dara reads it and smiles.


Dara and Chaerin comes out of Yang Mansion. Minho gets out of his Car.

“Your hero has come..” Minho walks toward the girls. Chaerin waves at Minho and he waves back.

Dara thinks, “Now what will I tell him? I will have to go with Minho.” Chaerin gets on her bike.

“Hi Minho...”

“And where are you going?”


“Then why are you going on bike? Come with us...”

“No no dude... the bone in the meat is not good. I am fine in the bike.”

“Chaerin, You are so tacky...”

“And you are yucky Dara... See you Guys...”


“Love birds!” Chaerin drives the bike from there. Dara and Minho walks towards the Car.

“Do not listen to Chaerin's talk...”

Minho thinks how he ended up loving Dara.

“Dara, You know what? You look great...”


“Come!” Minho opens the Car door for Dara and she gets in.

Dara says in mind, “Jiyong, I am sorry. I am helpless...I have to play this drama.”


In Car

“Let's go!” Dara fastens the seat belt and Minho drives the Car from there. Minho looks at Dara. “You know what Dara? If this time something is good in my life... that's you! Thanks for being there.”

“Minho... apply less butter otherwise the vehicle might skid...” Dara laughs. Minho smiles too. Dara and Minho sees Jiyong Kwon's Car coming from the opposite side. Jiyong sees Dara too. Minho and Jiyong look at each other as their Cars crosses each other. Jiyong's Car goes off. Minho looks at Dara who is lost in thoughts.

“Dara, Where have you gone?”

“No where...” Dara looks away as if by guilt. Minho picks up Dara's hand and kisses on it. They look at each other and smiles.

“You know what Dara? Dara, I love you very much. I really love you Dara.” Dara smiles. “And I am very happy with you. You are happy with me Dara?” Dara smiles and nods. She then looks down. “What happened? You won't give me an answer?”

“No Minho... Nothing like that...I am also very happy.”

Dara thinks, “What am I doing? How can I tell him that my happiness is not given by him... nor is for him...God! I am being so unfair!”

“By the way... You know what is going to happen in College today?”

“What is going to happen?”

“Dara, We have been preparing for it for the past one week... Come on!”

“What is going to happen? I don't know...Tell me Minho... What are we suppose to do? What is happening?”

“Not so easy!”

“Minho tell me... Come on Minho, Don't play games!”

“Okay! Let there be a little surprise Madam...that is where the fun is...”

“Okay!” Dara smiles.


In College Campus

Chaerin halts the bike. She takes the helmet from her head and turns her head from side to side. Youngbae reaches there and looks at Chaerin. He imagines red rose petals falling on Chaerin. Chaerin shuffles her hair by looking into the mirror. Youngbae watches her open mouthed. Chaerin sees Youngbae and smiles at him. Youngbae still keeps looking at her direction open mouthed. Chaerin gets down from her bike and looks around to see whom Youngbae is looking but finds none.

“Hey Youngbae... Are you sleeping?”

“Ahhh No... I am flying...I am going to College...what else Chaerin?” Chaerin walks to him smiling.

“You are unbelievable man...Oh God... Dude... You have serious issues man... Anyway... Come with me on the bike.”

“Chaerin, Leave the bike here... let's go in my Car, come...”

“Don't be a sissy man... Come on let's go!” Chaerin puts her hand around Youngbae's shoulders and leads him to her bike. “I mean seriously Youngbae... Don't insult my bike. You know how fast my bike can go your car cannot...”

“Yeah... Okay!”

“Youngbae.. I wanted to ask you something for many days...”

“Ask me Chaerin...”

“Since when have you become so boring?”

“Yeah? I have become boring?”


“Where are you catching me and going this early in the morning?” Chaerin laughs.

“That's a sad joke man... Anyway... We have to go to Jieun's House and pick her up.”


“Hey Man come on... Her Brother is dead...She is in a sad atmosphere and we are her friends... Come on sit on the Bike.”  Chaerin sits on the Bike. Youngbae sits behind and hugs her from the back putting his head on her shoulder.

Youngbae thinks, “How much she cares about her friends!” Chaerin pushes him away.

“Youngbae... Why are you sitting and holding me like a girl. Are you feeling scared that you would fall down? You are long like a camel... nothing will happen to you.” Chaerin wears her helmet.

“It's just that Chaerin that I do not trust your driving skills at all...” Chaerin lifts her helmet glasses and looks at him.

“You do not have trust in my driving skills? Fine!” She puts the helmet glasses down. “Hold me and sit... full on tight...” Youngbae happily holds her and puts his head on her shoulder. “because I will drive... I will drive in such a manner that you would fly... Chaerin starts the bike.


In College Campus

Minho's Car stops at the AKS College Car Parking lot. He gets out of the car and opens the car door for Dara to get down. Dara gets out of the Car and walks along with Minho. Jiyong's car comes fast and stops next to Minho's Car. Jiyong gets out of the Car and walks towards the College campus.

“We are going to have fun today... It's Teachers day...” Minho turns and notices Jiyong behind. He and Dara stops walking. “Hey Jiyong!” Jiyong stops and turns to face Minho. Minho puts his hand around Dara. “How are you? There is a question I have always wanted to ask you.” Minho removes his sunglasses from his eyes and puts them above the button hole of his shirt. “Why do you always wear black clothes? Is that some family uniform? Actually my Mom says that the heart of those people who wear black clothes mostly are also black, is it true?” Jiyong keeps silence. Minho walks towards Jiyong. Dara walks along with him. What happened Jiyong? Why do you always have a grumpy face? I don't understand. I only asked because if you do not have clothes... I have...I can send it to add a little bit color in your life...” Jiyong still does not respond. “He does not have any answer. He doesn't open his mouth. Anyways, He is a loser...”

“He is a waste of time...”Dara adds.

“Come!” Minho and Dara turns and walk away from there. Dara turns and winks at Jiyong. Jiyong smiles.


At Lee’s Mansion

Chaerin stops the bike at Lee's Mansion. Youngbae's hands are around Chaerin's waist holding on to her. Youngbae and Chaerin gets down from the bike. Chaerin looks up and shouts for Jieun. Jieun looks down from upstairs.

“Jieun... You go with us to College...” Jieun nods no.

“No Chaerin... I am not in a mood to go to College. I don't want to go.”

“Okay...okay... You relax...” Youngbae says to Chaerin. “Look... she does not want to come... let's go!”

“Shut up Youngbae! Jieun, Listen! Enough of this sad face... You are going with us to College... that's it! Now come on... Hurry up... We got no time... we are waiting...” Chaerin sits on the Bike.

Youngbae thinks, “What are you doing Chaerin? Why are you putting bone in the meat?”

Youngbae tries to get behind Chaerin. Chaerin tells him to wait as Jieun would sit behind her. Jieun comes there.

“Jieun, actually today is a very special day at college...that's why we are insisting that you come along..”

“What is it?”

“You will know when you reach college...” Chaerin asks Jieun to sit behind her on bike. Jieun sits behind. “Youngbae, Darling... Hold on to Jieun tightly. You know I drive fast... so just to keep her secure...” Youngbae climbs on the bike behind Jieun.

Chaerin thinks, “Wow! Some body should make me write the book of romance.”

“Ready?” Chaerin drives the bike from there.


In College

Ms Jinah comes to the Classroom and straight away goes to the Black Board and writes, 'Theory of Evolution'. She turns to the Class and is shocked to see that no students are there. She is angry seeing the students do a mass bunking. Ms. Shin comes there and tells that it is the same plight for her class too. Ms Jinah tells that they should complain to the Principal and they both gets of the class.


A group of Teachers including Ms Jinah are walking through the College Corridor. They are shocked to see the empty corridor. The Principal passes that way and the Teachers stop him. They tell him that the students have done a mass bunking of class.


Dara comes to the College Car Parking lot. She says in mind, “What the hell? What was Minho doing? What is he trying to prove by rudely talking to Jiyong? I have to do something. I have to teach him a lesson.”


In Clothes Store.

Dara comes to a Cloth shop and asks the Lady Assistant for colorful Men's shirts. The Sales Staff brings a bunch of shirts and shows to Dara. Dara looks at the shirts and then picks up a red shirt. Dara imagines Jiyong with the red shirt. Dara tells the Assistant that she would take the red shirt. The girl packs it and give it to Dara. She asks Dara to pay the bill at the counter.


In Auditorium

Daesung is standing in a stage which is decorated and has a 'Happy Teachers Day' written on the background. He tests the mike and finds that the wire is cut. He asks a Guy to fix it up. Jiyong goes up and wakes up Youngbae from his thoughts by breaking the baloon Youngbae was blowing with his mouth.

“Youngbae... What are you doing? There is a machine lying there. Blow the balloon with the machine.”

“Why...Why should I do?”

“Because in your love there is so much air that it would not take much efforts...” Chaerin notices Youngbae and looks at Jieun who is standing along with some girls.

“Jieun, you fill confetti in all these balloons, okay?” Jieun nods. Chaerin goes near Youngbae. “Youngbae, What are you doing? You leave this and go and help fill confetti in the balloons...” Youngbae goes near Jieun who smiles at him.


Minzy is instructing some girls regarding the food placed on the table. She tells the girls that she did not sleep and was sitting and making sandwiches whole night.


Minho and another Guy is standing and working on some banners and posters. Chaerin comes near him and asks him where his girlfriend is.

“Come on Guys... everybody ask him ... where is his girlfriend?” The students repeat after Chaerin. Jiyong and Minho stares at each other.


The Students and Teachers are walking through the empty college corridor.

“In my whole life I have not seen such a behavior. All the students in the College are absent. It is bad... I will see what can be done...”

Suddenly they hear an announcement, “All our dear Teachers and principal Sir... Please come near the Auditorium. Come fast... It is an emergency.” The Principal and Teachers rushes from there.


The students welcome the Teachers and Principal by cheering and throwing confetti on them. They then wishes Happy Teachers Day and lead them inside to the hall. The Principal and Teachers are happy. Minzy gives the food for the teachers and tells that she made with her own hands. The Photographer comes there and is about to take a photo when Uee interferes. Uee and her bimbos stand in front of the Teachers and pose for the photograph. Principal scolds Yujin. Chaerin asks the Teachers to take their seats. The students pushes Yujin from there. Jiyong is about to enter the room. Minho stops him and goes before Jiyong. The teachers sit on the seats arranged by the students. Chaerin and Daesung goes and stands on the stage.

“Teachers and respected Principal...Today is your holiday and it is our duty to entertain you...”

“Good evening and welcome... respected teachers and honorable principal sir...” Chaerin and Daesung takes a bow. “Thanks to you from all of us.” The teachers are happy. “We all know that the place of God is above all. Who comes after God is the Teachers. Today we have put efforts to convey to you that because of you how our lives have changed. What ever we are is because of your hard work and dedication. I hope the efforts we have put in this function... you all will enjoy very much. Thank you!” Chaerin and Daesung bows again. The students and teachers clap for them.


Minzy comes with paper plates full of eatables and offers to the Teachers. The History Teacher tells Minzy that she made such a nice sandwich that she became full with one itself. Minzy offers the sandwich to Ms Jinah who reluctantly takes it. She takes a bite and literally throws off because of the bitterness. The students laugh and Minzy vanishes from there in embarrassment.


Jiyong gets a message from Dara, 'Meet me at back Stage... I am waiting!'


Jiyong reaches backstage to meet Dara.

“Dara, You called me?” Dara turns to face Jiyong.

“This is for you...”

“For me?”

“Yeah... It is just a small gift. Why are you so surprised? Didn't anyone give you a gift in your 200 years of life?”

“No!” Dara laughs.

“That's good then I am in your life otherwise how boring your life would have been.” Jiyong smiles. Dara takes the red shirt out of the box and gives it to Jiyong. “This I got for you.” Jiyong looks at the shirt.

“You felt bad hearing Minho's talk?”

“Of course! Don't know what all he was talking and I could not do anything about it too. I know that this shirt will look very good on you. As a fact you helped me to choose this shirt.”


“Yeah... You! I imagined how you would look in this shirt.” Jiyong smiles. “and you were looking really nice.”

“Dara, You are really my life. I am sorry that we are having to stay away from each other...” Dara's mobile rings and Dara looks into the phone.

“Oh God... It's Chaerin's call. I need to go... I will see you...” Dara goes from there.


Chaerin pokes her head through the curtain gap on the stage.

“People... Hello hello... Listen up! So now AKS College's number one couple will perform for you all. So Teachers and Students please welcome this college's hit, happening and good looking couple.” Daesung and Minzy shows all their teeth as if expecting that Chaerin would take their name... “Have to be a Yang...Put your hands together for Dara Yang and Minho Lee.” Jiyong is unhappy hearing it. Students clap and cheer for Minho and Dara. Minho and Dara dances on the stage. In between their eyes clash with Jiyong whose eyes are fixed on them. As Minho and Dara dances the plug falls out of the junction box stopping the music. Minho and Dara stops dancing. Many students like Uee shows thumbs down sign at them. Minho stares at Jiyong. Daesung runs to the stage after falling on the way.

Daesung reaches the stage and apologize for technical problem and tells the audience that the dance would start again. Daesung closes the curtain saying , “soon soon coming back after a break.”


Minho goes near Jiyong.

“All this was done by you, isn't it?”

“You know what Minho...You should concentrate on your life more...because your observation is becoming an obsession... Get a life!”

“Really? I have a life Jiyong...with

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)