Working with Jaejoong

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In Yang’s Mansion

In the television the reporter announces “The police have so far not got any clue regarding the girl’s murder that took place in the jungle.”

Bom comes home tired “Omma, Omma Please get me Cold Coffee. Please I am tired.”

“Hey super girl please give me 1000 wons.”

“1000 won? For what?”

“Please give me. I want to do something.”

“Why you want 1000 won. Why should I give you.”

“Job tax. You go to work and earn money. You know my life depend on this tax. Please ….please.”

“Okay fine. I am giving you,” Bom gives her the money. “Here you go.”

“Thank you. Unnie.”

Hyunsuk comes in.

“What’s going on?”

“Hi Appa.”


“How are you.”


“How was your day.”

“Very good Appa. But now your daughter is robbing me. Brat.”

“1000 won pocket money from Unnie.”

“Today was Dara’s first day on her job.”

“Yeah Appa.”

“How was it?”

“Very nice. Appa she is so hard working she is well deserving and everything will surely be good for her.”

Hyunsuk thinks “I am so proud of you Dara. Today she is settled in her job. Now I am bit relax.”

“Okay I am going to my room and freshen up. I have a lots of work to do.” Bom told Hyunsuk.

“Take some rest, not overload yourself with work.” Hyunsuk told her.

“Yeah Appa. I love you so much.”

“Bye brat.”

“And Chaerin now you also try to do some work. Sometime.” Hyunsuk told her.

“As if. Just now I did robbed 1000 won.” Chaerin and Hyunsuk laugh and highfive eachother.


In Class Room

Ms Jinah is taking attendance and notices that Dara is absent.

“Dara.” Ms. Jinah scan the room searching for Dara. “Dara is continuously absent for 3 days. What happen to her?”

“Ma’am actually Dara is doing an internship so she completed one week’s assignments in advance and has taken leave for a week.” Chaerin informs he.

“And who gave her the permission. It is important to attend the college. She can do the job later.”

“But Ma’am she has already submitted all the assignment.”

“Chaerin Yang.  Dara is your best friend.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Tell her that I don’t want her to bunk the classes.”

“Yes Ma’am.”


In Dongwook’s Residence.

“Appa for God sake stop managing my life. I am already 25 years old. And I have done lots of things in these years. Stop treating me as a kid. And I have to say. You are my Appa but you have to grow up.” Dongwook told his father angrily.

“Till you are staying in my house you have to listen to me. You are not bigger than your Appa.” Mr Choi told Dongwook.

“Appa so now its time that I should leave this house.”

“Dongwook don’t take any decision in hurry. Try to understand what I want to say. Just calm down.”

“Calm down. Appa I can’t take it anymore. Don’t try to stop me now.” Dongwook leaves the room.

“Dongwook listen to me.”

Dongwook comes out of the house and dials a number.

“Hello Seunghyun……. Are you in college…….Okay I am coming…. Need to talk……Something important…….Okay Bye.”


AKS College Campus

Dong wook goes and pat on Seunghyun shoulder who is busy talking with the student.

“Oh Dongwook” Seunghyun acknowledge his presence. “Execuse me.” Seunghyun told the student.

 “What is the matter? Is everything alright?”Seunghyun asked Dongwook.

 “No friend! I have a problem. I had a fight with Appa and I have decided that I will not stay in the house. So I need a place to stay till the time I don’t get a house.”

“ No problem dude! My Parents also stay outside. I am also looking for a proper house. So we can look for one together. We can be roommates! What do you say?”

“ You know what? You are a great Guy!” Seunghyun smiles.

“Come on friend! You are a friend of mine… ehh…I have some work. In about an hour after I become free I will give you a call. Then we will look for a house together, roommate? I will see you then…”

“Okay” Dongwook thinks, “This is what I wished Seunghyun! If we stay together our friendship would become stronger. If friendship increases love will increase. And if love increases I would be able to tell you…Yes, I like you! This is perfection….”


In Kim’s Enterprises

Dara sitting at the office doing some work.  Bom picks up a blue file from the table and walks when she sees Uee entering the office.

 “Excuse me Madam! You are 2 hours late! If you don’t realize this is not your parlor that you can walk in when you want.”Bom told Uee.

“Jaejoong is my Boss and I am answerable to him! And I think…once in a while you should go to the Parlor too…you need it!”

Bom is angry. “You are such a b…..”

 Bom calls the Peon “ Mr. Shin ….. Mr. Shin come here.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Quickly take photocopies of this file and keep on Jaejoong’s table. Okay.”Bom instruct the peon as she hand over the file to him.


“I have to finish it before he comes.”

Dara goes near Bom. “You know what Bom? When you get angry…You become like the photocopy of Chaerin…” Bom smile at Dara.

“I know! I hope Jaejoong understands and send that bimbo back home… I just hate her!”

“What was it…? Is it some important project?”

“Yeah! It is a very special project. It is next year’s PR strategy. Hope he likes it!”

“Of course he will.” Uee overhears. “You are so hard working and bright…I am sure it is really nice!”Dara assured her

“Oh…Thank you! Let’s get back!” Both of them go off.

Uee think. “Bright. This is the only word no one has said to me. I only have to bring these two ugly ducking back to the world. Enjoy your Office gossips, because Uee will not allow  you two to stay much longer in this office.” Uee picks up Bom’s project file. “Poor Bom now your hard work is going to help me.” Uee gets into Jaejoong’s Office.


In Jaejoong’s Office

Jaejoong is working on his laptop.

“Hi Jae!”

 “Oh hi Uee!

Uee shows the file. “Dara made this file. She has put all her new ideas in it. I think you should check it out.” Uee gives the file to Jae.

“Thank you.” He looks at the file and smiles. “ Really nice Thank you Uee.” He then takes the file and goes out of his Office.


Police Station.

“Sir we have given the wrong report to the media. That we did not get anything from the murder spot. Once we get information about the bracelet the culprit would be behind bars.” The Inspector Kang tells his Sr.Officer.

“Fine but did you find any lead about the bracelet.”The Officer asks him.

“No Sir not yet. But I have guessed that its made by MF jewelers. Because no other jeweler  can do such a beautiful workmanship. It also belong to some rich family. Anyway our city is too small he will get caught.”

“Very Good. But remember one thing nobody should know about this. Is thayt clear.”

“Yes Sir.”


In Kim’s Enterprises

Bom is looking for something at her desk when Jaejoong comes out of his office


“Yes Sir.”

“Dara, I must say I am very impressed! The ideas you have kept for Company’s PR…they are very impressive! Good job! You know what? Congratulations! You are employee of the day!And your reward will be dinner with Boss!” Bom is shocked.

“ But Sir, I did not make this file! This file was made by Bom. And the entire idea was conceived by Bom. Sir, I don’t even know work. Now I am only learning!”

“Oh…That’s great work Bom!”

“ Thank you so much!”

“Well done!” Jaejoong turns to Dara. “But Dara… for learning and telling the truth you are still employee of the day. You know I am very impressed with your progress. You know what? Dinner still stands!”

“ I am good Sir!”

“ No! You are very good. So Bom…Book a table for two at the nearby Chinese Restaurant. The number is in my Diary.”


In Jaejoong’s Office

Bom gets the Diary from Jae’s table.

Uee enters the office. “This charity case is very smart. Isn’t she? In a blink of an eye she steal our limelight.”

“OOO just stup up Uee leave me alone. Let me do my work.”

“Think on, orphan like this charity case are over ambitious they always work to get head of everyone.. they don’t bother about these things like family and friends so I thought I must warn you. Think it over.” Uee leaves the office and Bom keeps on thinking.


Police Station

Inspector Kang enters a Jewelry Shop “Who is the Manager of this Shop.”

“Sir it’s me.”


The Inspector shows the Bracelet “Look at this bracelet and tell me if it belong to your shop.”

The Manager looks at the bracelet smiles“Sir this type of workmanship is only available in this particular shop. Yes it belong to our shop.”

“Can you tell us who is the buyer of this bracelet?”

“I will check the details and tell you.”

The Manager checked the invoice copy details.

“Sir I found it. Sir this bracelet belong to some Mr. Kwon Jiyong.”

“Kwon Jiyong?”


AKS College campus.

Jiyong is looking for Dara.

“Excuse me have you seen Dara.”The guy nods his head in NO.

As he is walking he overhears Miss Taeyoung talking over the phone to someone about him and Dara.

Taeyoung tells over the phone, “I know that Dara and Jiyong are together….Yeah Sure! I will keep an eye on Jiyong…Of course…Not a problem!” Taeyoung cuts the phone and goes away from there.

Jiyong thinks, “So you are with Jaejoong. You are the one who told him about my relationship with Dara. That is why you were trying to get close with me! Well Ms. Taeyoung, I need to make sure what your goal is.”


Police Station

“Is your information correct.” Sr. Officer asked Inspector Kang.

“Yes Sir.”

“Sir this is the original copy of the bill. Look at it.” Inspector Kang give the bill copy to his Sr. “Sir its clearly written that this bracelet belong to Kwon Jiyong.”

“Yeah I also know that this bracelet belong to some rich person. But Jiyong Kwon? He  belongs to a respectful family and why he would do such a thing.”

 “Sir, he is like a spoil brat. Previously there was a case against Jiyong in the Police Station and he had created a lot of problems.”

“ Jiyong was proved not guilty in that case. Before taking any action everything has to be verified properly and then only we should go forward otherwise Jiyong is very influential and could put us in problem instead.You do one thing appoint some people to keep an eye on Jiyong. Let us know what he does.”


In Girls Locker Room.

Taeyoung is in the locker room. Jiyong enters the room. “Ms. Taeyoung.”

“What can I do for you. Mr. Kwon”

“Actually I wanted to tell you something. You know since the day you have come to the College I was unable to concentrate but I tried to keep myself away from you because I had a girlfriend you know Dara. But Dara is not his types I needs someone like you” Jiyong keeps his hand on her shoulder.


“Really. Actually Dara reminded me of my ex. So I dated her. No…noway she is so boring. She is not like my ex. She doesn’t have what you have. This beautiful face and y body. I really like you. ”Taeyoung is flattered.

Jiyong thinks, “Let’s see Taeyoung where you would pass this information.”


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)