Magic potion

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 At Cemetery

Minho is at the Jungle. He looks at the potion and thinks, “Now the potion is with me... I will have to call Jieun here some way or the other. This time I will not let her to run away.”


Jieun is lying on the ground.

Yoojin thinks, “Now Jieun is with me. It would not take me long to reach to the potion.” Yoojin communicates with Minho telepathically, “Jieun is with me.”

Minho replies, “And the potion is with me.”

 Yoojin tells him, “So now we will need each other.”


Minho is standing along with his bunch of werewolves.

“Yoojin should be coming anytime... You all go from here.” The Guys go from there. Yoojin forcefully brings Jieun there by holding her hand and then throws her on the ground.

“Here... Here is your key...”

“Oppa... Oppa save me! Oppa, What are you doing?” Yoojin looks angrily. “You are taking her side? She is a Vampire...”

“Do I have to learn from you whom to make a friend and whom to make an enemy? At least she does not cheat like you Jieun... And whatever is between her and me is just an understanding..”

“Stop your nonsense! I need the potion.” Minho goes near her and shows the potion.

“Here is the potion...” Yoojin's eyes brightens up.

“Here is the potion... I am longing to touch that potion. My thirst would quench after drinking the potion. I will get immense powers with this potion.”

“I will not let you get that potion Yoojin. It is the right of Dara and she wants it for Jiyong.” Yoojin goes to Jieun and pushes her.

“Shut up! Do not take the name of that human in front of me.”

“Yoojin! Leave her...”

“Minho... You did not have any human emotions. So now where did this love come from?”

“Yoojin... This is not about Dara or Jieun... Our understanding was only regarding the potion. I have not given you the right to touch my sister or anyone from my family. Here is the potion.” Yoojin extends her hand to take the potion from Minho.

“I will not let you have the potion.”

“You are my sister and that is why you are still alive. Otherwise she would have killed you long back. And from today you will do what I say. Understood?”

“I will not let you win! never!”

“Jieun...” Minho moves towards Jieun to slap her. Yoojin stops him.

“Minho... I have other ways to handle her.”


At Kwon’s Mansion

Jaesang and Jiyeon comes out of their house.

“ Jaesang... Why have these people send us out of the house? They are trying to revive our son. Then what such thing they are doing that we cannot see?”

“Don't Question... Without their powers we are nothing. They are just trying to help us.”

“I know Jaesang. But I do not want to keep Jiyong away from my eyes.”

“Jiyeon... They are trying to revive Jiyong... They have promised... They have come here on the instructions of our leader and in our world a promise is valuable.”

“That people have come. But Jiyong is having a very deep sleep inside. And to revive him we just have few hours. I cannot hand him over to anyone nor can I trust anyone with him. Jaesang please... For my sake... for me...please look inside what is happening. Please!” Jaesang peeps inside and then comes out. “What is happening inside?”

“Jiyeon...I have not seen this much energy together at one place. They have made a symbol on the ground and are reciting the mantras to revive him.”

“There is something wrong. To revive Jiyong we need the potion... Jaesang... There is something really wrong going inside...”

“There is nothing wrong Jiyeon... They are trying to revive him.”

“I am not convinced... Something wrong is happening otherwise this mantras...” Jiyeon thinks. “That symbol...”


At  Cemetery

“What are you trying to say?”

“I have immense powers Minho. There is no need for Jieun to say yes to me. I will get control of her and then she will not say no for anything I say...” Jieun nods no.

“Yoojin... whatever you want to do... Do fast...”

“Don't do anything to me... Oppa, stop her!” Yoojin walks to Jieun. “Yoojin... don't do anything to me... No...” Yoojin kneeles on the ground.

“Ssshhh!” Yoojin stares at Jieun with her blue eyes to hypnotize her.

Jieun thinks, “Yoojin, you are forgetting in your pride that along with this secret immense powers have also been given to me. Maybe I do not have the strength to attack like you but I have the strength to defend myself from any attack. Do whatever... But I am not going to get into your control. Now I will get you into my control.”

“ Jieun...”

“Yes Leader...”Yoojin smiles. She then goes and stands near Minho.


At Kwon’s Mansion

“Jaesang... You were talking of some symbol. How is it? I want to see it.” Jaesang turns to face Jiyeon.

“Jiyeon... Imagine!” Jiyeon closes her eyes and Jaesang keeps his hands on either side of her head. Jiyeon sees the hooded vampires vanish. She sees a symbol made around the coffin with candles. Jiyeon opens her eyes.

“Jaesang... This symbol is wrong. This is black magic. This is born from the dark.”

“No Jiyeon... If it would have been something like that we would have known about it.”

“No Jaesang... You do not know about everything. Jaesang... We have to go to someone who knows about this... We have to consult that person... Jaesang...”

“Alright! I know where I can get the answer.”


At Cemetery

“Come on... Let's start!”

“Yoojin... This potion would not work till Jieun gives it to us with her own hands...” Jieun gets up and is about to take the potion from Minho's hands.

“Just stop it!” Minho rushes to Dara and stops her. Stop using Jieun...”

“What are you doing here?”

“Give me that potion...”

“Not that easy...”

“Tell that girl... Otherwise I will forget my promise...”

“Jieun... Run away from here... Go!”

“Shut up! This girl is under my control...”

“Just leave her, okay?”

“You know... How much I hate you... How much angry I get just seeing you... I will just kill you like that... and you... You could not wait? You walked and came to your death?” Yoojin lifts her hand and sends some powers. Dara falls on the ground holding her stomach.

“Dara...” Minho kneeles beside Dara and asks her to save herself. Dara nods no.

“Minho... Make it fast... Otherwise this girl will come in between us. We need the potion... fast!”

“No!” Minho goes near Yoojin and gives the potion to Jieun. Jieun opens the bottle and puts some liquid on Yoojin's hands. She then chants some mantras by closing her eyes and running a hand above Yoojin's hand. Yoojin is happy and thinks that she would be immortal now and stronger than all. Jieun does the same ritual with Minho also.

“Jieun... Don't do like that. Jieun...” Dara keeps on crying. Minho and Yoojin looks at their hands.

“I am not feeling anything Minho..”

“Jieun, Why is it not working? Jieun... I do not feel anything... What is this?” Dara is happy that the potion is not working for them.


At Yang’s Mansion

Jaesang and Jiyeon rings the door bell of Yang House. A House staff opens the door and Jaesang asks for Hyunsuk Yang. The staff tells him that Hyunsuk will not meet anyone at this time. Jaesang and Jiyeon ignores the staff and walks inside straight to Hyunsuk.

“Mr Kwon?”

“Mr. Yang...” Hyunsuk asks the staff to go from there.

“Tell me!”

“We have to talk to you about something very important... and we do not have time... This is about Jiyong... We have put him in a situation... We want to know if what we are doing is wrong...”

“I can do anything to save my daughter... Tell me!”

Jiyeon gives a paper to Hyunsuk in which the symbol is drawn. “This symbol... Have is seen this anywhere?” Hyunsuk looks at the symbol and then invites them to his study. Hyunsuk takes a book and shows the symbol to them.

“Look at this... Is this the sign?”


“I had told Jiyeon that this symbol is very ancient. With the help of this they can bring Jiyong back to us. She wanted to confirm.” Hyunsuk looks at the book and then back at Jaesang.

“No Mr Kwon... In that case I am sorry... You are wrong... This symbol is not made to bring back a Vampire or dead human to existence...”

“Then what is this?”

“This is a devil's symbol... to bring a soul under control... They want to get Jiyong's soul to increase their powers... They have no interest in reviving Jiyong... They just want his soul...” Jaesang and Jiyeon are shocked.

“We have to stop them... This job is not that easy... With the help of Jiyong's soul they will be the most powerful Vampire in this World...”

“Jaesang... I will not let Jiyong's soul get into their hands... We have to save Jiyong... we have to fight!”

“No Jiyeon... We must not fight... We will become smaller in front of them... We must think of another way...” Hyunsuk looks into the book.

“One minute... There is a way... Come with me... Come...” Hyunsuk gets out of the room. Jaesang and Jiyeon follows him.


At Cemetery

 Minho is annoyed that the potion is not working.

“Why is it not working Jieun? I am not feeling anything...”

“Jieun, Are you not following my orders? Why is the potion not working?”

Dara who is sitting underneath the tree thinks, “Why is the potion not working? How can that happen?” Dara looks at Jieun. Jieun communicates with her eyes to Dara not to worry.

Dara thinks, “Jieun is playing the drama in front of them. Yoojin could not hypnotize her. Thank God! I really got scared.” Dara weakly leans against the tree.


At Kwon’s Mansion

Vampire Superior enters the room and open the coffin. “Now its time to capture Jiyong’s soul.”

 “After getting Jiyong's soul I will become very powerful. Tell Jaesang and Jiyeon that we need 7 people for this mantra. They do not need to say anything.”

 One hooded Vampire goes from the room. The Vampires in the room extends and withdraws their hands simultaneously towards Jiyong's coffin doing some ritual. The Vampire comes back and informs that Jaesang and Jiyeon are not at home. The Vampire superior asks him where they have gone.


In Car

Jaesang is driving the Car with Jiyeon seated on the front passenger seat and Hyunsuk seated on the back.

“For the mantra they are going to chant they will need 7 Vampires. How many are they?”


“That means they cannot do anything without you both. And this time they would be looking for you.”

“In that case we should not go back. They would not be able to do anything without us.”

“Don't be a fool Jiyeon. If they wish they can find us...any where... any time... How long can we hide from them?”

“That means we have to do something else...” Hyunsuk looks into his book.


At Cemetery

“Minho... I have to talk to you...”

“Now what is remaining to talk Dara?”

“Minho... Minho please... If you have ever loved me... for the sake of that love... please talk to me Minho...please...” Yoojin looks at Dara angrily. Minho looks at Yoojin. Minho goes near Dara.

“Come on... What do you want to say?”

“Minho... Today seeing you I am feeling pity...”

“What do you mean?”

“Minho you are so strong and powerful... and you are the leader of your clan... Minho, How did you do such a big mistake? You joined hands with Yoojin?”

“Why should that bother you? Come straight to the point!”

“Yoojin is a monster. She is not worthy of your trust Minho...”

“Who is worthy of my trust Dara? Whom should I trust?”

“Minho... Yoojin is very selfish. Her aim was to reach the potion. Now that potion is with her. Now she is with us because her aim is not fulfilled. Minho think... When the potion is with her... how powerful she would become... She will not listen to anyone Minho... She will kill you all one by one...” Minho looks at Yoojin.

“How do you know this all?”

“Minho... I heard Yoojin talking that once she get the potion she would finish you all.”

“I will not let any such thing happen Dara...”


In Car

Jaesang stops the Car. “What can be another way?”

“There is only one way...”

“Whatever it is... We are ready.”

“Then you people go and be in their group. They should not get suspicious that you are not with them. Whatever ritual they do...fulfill it. But whatever mantra they chant... chant the counter mantra. By doing that a red smoke will spread in the room and their plan will fail.”

“Mr Yang... Thank you! Whatever you have done for us we would never forget.”

“Mr Kwon... Whatever I am doing I am doing for my daughter. If Jiyong will get revived... he will save my daughter.”

“Don't worry Mr Yang... I promise... Jiyong will make Bom alright.”

“Well then... We should not waste time... Let's go home...” Jaesang resumes driving.


At Cemetery


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)