I like challenges little brother

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In Jaejoong's Office

Jaejoong is sitting at his Cabin rolling the heart shape crystal between his fingers. There is a knock at the door and Jaejoong gets up and goes to the door. He opens the door “Dara Park, come in!” Dara gets inside the cabin. Dara stands with her back on him wearing the same dress she had worn the previous day.

“Dara, I have been waiting for this moment for years. I knew this day had to come. Today after seeing you I realized this waiting so important. For this wait to come to an end.” He holds her by shoulder and bends his head to bite on her neck.

Jaejoong come out of his trace.

Jaejoong calls on the intercom “Send Dara in.” Dara comes in his office.

“Sir, may I come in?”

“Ahh…Dara, Come in.”He signals her to sit. “Sit…”

“Thank you Sir.”

“Dara, I must say that I am happy.”

“Me too Sir, I am glad I got this job!”

“I like your spirit. If you need to learn more about our Business then you need to become my personal assistant.” Dara nods. “You will go with me for all my meetings. You will also be in charge of all my files and schedules. You will learn a lot!”

“That’s great Sir, Thank you so much!”

“Dara, Hope you will be happy here.”

“I am sure Sir. Thank you very much. I will take your leave now!” Jaejoong nods and Dara goes off from there. He says, “If you are happy or not, I am very happy! This is going to be a lot of fun!”


In AKS College Campus

“Hello have you seen Dara?” Jiyong ask one of his classmate.



In  Girls Locker Room

“Excuse me have you seen Dara.” Jiyong ask one of girl.




In Hostel.

“Excuse me have you seen Dara.”

“I have not see her for a long time.”

Jiyong asks several students if they have seen Dara. He is worried and remembers seeing Dara with Jaejoong in his Car. He thinks, “Dara, where have you gone? Are you away from Jaejoong? I need to find out!” He tries to call Dara but does not get any response. “Come on Dara answer the call.”


In Class Room

Jiyong sees Chaerin sitting in the class and goes to her.

“ Chaerin, Did you see Dara anywhere?”

“No, I don’t know where she is. She ditched me on the Party also yesterday night. Oh…Actually she is upset because she missed the interview twice. And you know how she is when she is upset. She might be in the Hostel.”

“ I checked at the Hostel, she is not there.”

“Okay… If you see her please give me my message. I want to talk to her. I miss her man. Don’t know where she vanished!”

“Okay, Thanks!”

“ Bye!”

Jiyong gets out of the class. He thinks, “Where have you gone Dara…I have got a bad feeling…Where are you Dara?” He walks from there.


In Class Room

 Chaerin calls Dara on the phone and the ring goes on. Chaerin says, “Come on Dara…pick up! God Dara…Please don’t tell me that you got into some trouble again. And Doogwook distracted me so much that I forgot to suspect Seunghyun. I am sure the beastly forest hunter is Seunghyun and he is the one who attacked that girl. Oh…if something happens to Dara…it will all be my fault!” Chaerin dials again “Come on Dara…Please lift the phone! Damn it!”


In Kim Enterprises

Dara is sitting and doing some work when her mobile phone rings. The number of Chaerin flashes on the phone and seeing that Dara says, “If I pick up Chaerin’s phone on my first day of office…no!” Dara cuts the phone and starts working again. The phone rings again and she notices that this time it is from Jiyong.”Jiyong.” Dara cuts the phone. Bom then enters the Office and sees Dara working.

“Dara? My new colleague…! Welcome to the Office. It is going to be so much fun when we work together. I am excited!”

“Even I am excited, Thank you!” Uee comes in and sees Dara sitting opposite Bom.

Uee says in mind, “No bloody way! What this charity case is doing here? Uee does not have time to deal with you. Stay away loser! Uee would not allow you to go ahead of her.”


In Jaejoong’s Office

Uee goes to Jaejoong’s cabin and gets in. Jaejoong is sitting and working on his laptop. She goes and sits on the arm of the chair.“Jaejoong…I need your help! I don’t know about excel sheet”

 “Sure! See …It is very simple…You just have to…”

“Jae.” Uee presses his shoulders with both hands”You are the most well dressed man here…Unlike the others!” Bom enters the cabin and sees Uee flirting with Jaejoong.

“But you have style! And I love your Cologne!”

“And you are too kind.”Jaejoong puts his arm around Uee. “If you like this I can wear this cologne for you every day…as long as the smell turns you on.”


Outside Jaejoong’s Office

Bom walks off from there. She throws the file on her table and sits on her chair. Dara notices Bom.

“What happened to you?”

“Don’t even ask! That Uee… I got rid of her at college and now she is again back in my damn life! She doesn’t know anything. She does’nt know work…she is not qualified…she is even not deserving…she thinks that she can achieve everything with her appeal.” Dara smiles. “And can go ahead in life…disgusting! She is so cheap! I can’t even tell you how she was flirting with Jaejoong.”

“But Bom, You already knew that Uee was always like that! So why is she affecting you?”

“No! I mean…it does not make a difference to me. What for me? She can do what she likes.” Dara smiles again. “If she wants she can jump from her heels and commit suicide. But can’t Jaejoong not see? Can’t he see the difference between right and wrong? Can’t he see what kind of a girl Uee is?” Dara gets up “I just have to look at some reference.”


In Yang's Mansion

Hyunsuk is sitting in the sofa and doing some work and Eunju in the kitchen.

“Hyunsuk I thinks you should know what’s going in your daughters Life.”

“What do you mean?”

“Bom. I think she is again getting involved. I think she is again falling in love. She keep on smiling without reason. Her typical habit that shows she is in love. And Chaerin is not her usually self. You know h

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)