Yoojin- Jiyong's Love Story

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In Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk and Eunju returns after shopping. Driver comes inside with their shopping bags.

 “Keep that all over there.” Hyunsuk instructed the Driver as he pointed towards the table.

“Eunju one day you are going to make an record for shopping.” Hyunsuk .

“Hyunsuk Please.”

“Take this in kitchen and these bag in our room.” Eunju instructed the butler. Hyunsuk switch on the answering machine.

You have 3 new message

Hello Mr. Yang. Our bank is offering you a free credit card our bank supervisor will soon contact you for all the other details.

“These people found out that we have been shopping.” Hyunsuk told Eunju.

Medical insurance for you and your family please call 4598320457.

Hyunsuk started going upstairs.

“Mr. Yang I am calling from orphanage.” Hyunsuk halted as he heard the message. Eunju was alarmed she looked towards Hyunsuk who stood silently on the stairs. “I just wanted to inform you that Sister Agnes is back from her tour. And she has some information which you would like to know so you can come to meet her whenever you want.”

Eunju  comes and stand near Hyunsuk.“I will leave early morning.” Hyunsuk told her without looking at her.

“Hyunsuk I will go.” Hyunsuk turns around to face Eunju.

“You will go Eunju.” Hyunsuk asked in surprise.

“Hyusuk right now you are going through lots of emotion few day before you find out about Sooyoung and you are very upset. I don’t like to see you hurt like this. That’s why I have decided that I will go. I will go there and try to find out the real truth from them and if I find any information I will immediately call you over there. You come over their quickly. Other wise you will only…. You know what I mean.”

“Really? You will do this for me.” Eunju nods. “Thank you so much you are really great.” Hyunsuk saidwith a smile and then went to their room leaving Eunju aloneon the staircase.

Eunju thinks.“No Hyunsuk I am not great. I am just a mother who thinks about her daughters benefit. And its beneficial for the two of them right now is that you not find out the truth about Dara. And I will never let you find the truth.”


In College Campus

Hyunsuk comes to college to drop Chaerin and Dara. He sees the restoration site.

 “Oh my God what’s all this. What’s going on?”

“Appa construction work is going on I have already told you.”

“Yeah but I never thought that college building was damage to such extend.”

Doogwook sees Chaerin and comes near them.

“Hi Chaerin.” Chaerin ignores him.

Hyunsuk sees Dongwook. “Hey Dongwook, what’s going on?” Hyunsuk goes near him and shakes hand with him.

“I am fine. How are you Sir?”

“After a long time.”

 “Hmmmm. How are you Sir?”

“I am fine, so you have taken this job.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Very good. Now that you are here why don’t you visit us.”

“Definitely Sir.”

Hyunsuk looks at the book in Doogwook’s hand. “What is the book you are carrying.”

“Actually Sir there is a repair work going in library and there are lots of book which are damage  so library is giving out those book.”


“That means library is freely giving out the books to anyone. Its wonderful. You know what I think I need to go and get some of those.”Dara happily said.

“All yours.” Doogwook said to Dara.

“Thank you so much.” Dara replied to him.

“Sir.” One of the worker call out to Doogwook. Dongwook signal him that he will be in a minute.

“Okay Sir nice to meet you.”

“Carry on.” Hyunsuk told him.

“Girls see you.” Dongwook bids bye to them and goes.

 “Chaerin books wow!” Dara happily jumped.

“Dude you should have been Appa’s daughter. I have not seen anyone so excited  on old and damaged books.” Chaerin remarked.

“That’s the only thing common between me and Dara one is love for books and other vampires.”

“Ho, ho, ho Appa please don’t start your boring stories again.” Chaerin turned towards Dara. “You saw it, starting chapeter No 1. so boring. Bye boring Appa.” Chaerin walked out from their.

“Boring  Appa, you come home then I will see you.”

“I will not come home.”

“Uncle okay I will also take your leave.”


“Take care.”


“Chaerin!” Dara ran behind Chaerin.


Jiyeon is at the college Campus.  Dara is walking along with one of her classmate.

Jiyeon sees Dara.”Dara!” Dara sees Jiyeon.

“I will just see you.” Dara tells her classmate and then walks towards Jiyeon.

“Hi Aunty!”

“I have come here to invite you.”


“We give surprise birthday party for Jiyong every year. This year I and his Appa thought that we will do something different this time, ignore the birthday and give a grand party on the weekend. And yesterday by coming home you had almost put an end to that surprise. I am sorry Dara if I was slightly rude to you. But I hope you understand. I did not want his surprise to get spoiled.”

“Of course Aunty!” Jiyeon gives the invitation card to Dara.

“Here is your invite. You should come. After all you were the only friend of Jiyong who remembered his birthday. I will see you.” Jiyeon walks away form there.

Dara looks at the card.”Surprise Party?” She thinks.”Am I suspecting Jiyong without reason? What is wrong with me? Why do I always keep suspecting him? But is it really, I mean his Omma does not know anything about his research. She is telling that Jiyong is not writing a Book and Yoojin she reacted in such a manner. Mrs.Kwon and Jiyong has some connection with Yoojin and it does not concern with the book. Tonight I need to go for the party. I may get the answers of some of my questions there.”


Uee is sitting with her friends at he campus and there are some guys and girls around her. Uee proudly shows her invitation card.

“Mrs. Kwon had come to the college to specially invite me.  Its his birthday it’s a big party. So I deserve a special invitation.”

“Hello Uee why will she call you.” Minzy who overheard ask her.

“Its because I am Jiyong’s girlfriend. And I deserve a special invitation.Though it is not yet official Mrs Kwon knows the importance Uee has in her son’s life.”

“Whatever.” Minzy walks away from there.

“This Uee is more despo than Minzy.” Youngbae told Daesung who was standing nearby.

“I don’t care about Uee, I love only for Minzy.”

“Hey Mr. love love I am so sorry dude.Mr Romeo still she hasn’t said yes  and you…”

“Hey she will say yes on tonight party. And then me and Minzy, Minzy.” Daesung close his eyes and hugged Youngbae.

“Control, now a days I think you are trying to get more closer to me.”

“Are you gone mad.” Daesung asked Youngbae.


Old Library

Dara comes to the old library with an library assistant.

“After the new library was made this 80 years old library had been closed for students, one minute I will switch on the light. Before restoration students can take whatever books they want.” He switches on the lights of the library. “Have a look.”

.”Thank you.” He goes from there.

 Dara look around the library its covered with dust and spiderwebs Dara looks into the books that are kept on the table, them she goes to one shelf and looks for the book. After some time shemoves to other shelf while looking at the books Dara finds a book on the History of Gyeyang Palace. She looks at the book and says History of Gyeyang Palace.


Jiyong who is in the college campus hears this because of his powers and is alerted.


Dara takes the book and sits in a chair looking throught it.


 Jiyong closes his eyes and seeks Dara. He then opens his eyes and walks from there.


Dara opens the book. She find some different script printed in the book. Dara thinks. “Its written in some old language maybe some acient language. I have to take help from some translator.”


Jiyong is walking in the campus.


Dara is turning the pages and come across a picture of Yoojin she touches the picture.


Jiyong who was till then walking starts running. Eveyone around the campus looks at him, unable to understand why he suddenly started running.


Dara touches the picture“Yoojin!” Dara hear the footsteps. Dara turns towards the door. Jiyong pushes open the door of the old library and enters. Dara quickly slips the book into her bag.

“What are you doing Dara?” He comes near her. Dara gets up from her seat. “first you tell me sorry and then you interfere in my life. What are you up to Dara? Why are you interfering in my life? Why ?” Jiyong holds on her arms with his hands and presses causing her pain.

“How do you know what I am doing?”

“I know you very well Dara.”

“Jiyong you are hurting me.” Jiyong removes his hands.

“And you are hurting me. Dara you concentrate on your topic and leave my topic to me. Concentrate on your fairies tale and do not interfere in my life.”

“Jiyong, Yoojin’s face resembles mine. I want to know about her. What is your problem?”

“Her face does not resemble yours, your face resembles hers. There is no similarity between you and Yoojin. You are nothing like her!”

“You are talking as if you know Yoojin well.”

“Yeah! I know her very well. I have been doing research on her for several years.”

Dara thinks.”Why are you telling lie Jiyong? There is no research and you are not writing any novel. There is just you and Yoojin and some secret which everyone is hiding you, your Omma after hearing Yoojin name she reacted in such a way, I can’t understand anything. You are hiding something.”

“ Stay away from my research. The topic of Gyeyang is mine!”

“The topic of Gyeyang or Yoojin?”

“I am warning you Dara stay away from my research and life, understand?” The light goes off. Dara turns off and walks. She get scared when a pigeon hits her and impulsively moves towards Jiyong hugging him. Jiyong holds her by her waist too. Dara lifts her head and looks at Jiyong. She thinks.”See Jiyong! The moment I came into your arms everything became alright. Don’t you feel it. We are so close then you go so far? What are you hiding Jiyong? What is your secret Jiyong? What is it that is troubling you so much? Trust me Jiyong make me apart pf your truth Jiyong.”

Jiyong says in mind, “You cannot be part of my truth Dara. The truth will bring you closer to my world. I want to keep you far away from this dark world. You will get lost in the dark world. And I….I do not want to lose you.” Dara looks at him mesmerized she lifts her face to him as if wanting to be kissed by him even Jiyong moves his face closer to hers. The light comes and Dara moves away from Jiyong


“Dara, you are crossing your limits. Don’t do this! And yes remember stay away from me.” Jiyong walks from there.


Dara comes to the new library and starts scanning  a photograph of Yoojin from the book.

“Dara what are you doing it the closing time.” Librarian asked her.

“Ma’am please its important just 10 min.”

“Okay only 10 min. Switch off light when you go.”

“Yes Ma’am. Thank you.”

When the scan print is ready Dara pick it up and look at it. She is petrifried when she sees Jiyong in the same Picture.

Dara thinks.“Jiyong picture with Yoojin how is this possible . This is Yoojin who was alive almost 200 years ago. Jiyong with Yoojin at that time. How is this possible?”

Dara recalls her conversation with Jiyong

Why are you having her picture with you.

For few years I’ve been writing a novel about the Princess of Gyeyang. My research and studies about her have become a sort of obsession.

Dara check for more pictures in the book and scan them magnifying the image. In one picture she see a clear picture of Jiyong.


Dara thinks.“Jiyong!! God is it possible. This girl had died 200 years ago. Jiyong is having a connetion with her. Oh God!! what is all this Jiyong. How do I know what is this?”


At Restoration Site

Minzy enter the construction site to meet Dongwook.

 “Doongwook Hi!”


“I was searching for you.”

“Why? What happen?”

“I have choosen you as my subject.”

“What subject?”

“In our class we have to do a project. Like in history we have to research on a topic and then prepare a report on it. So I have choosen the topic Preserving Historical Architecture, ie Restoration for that I have to know you.”

“Know me?”

“I mean I have to understand your work. And who could explain me better than you.”

 “What is this?”

“Blue print.”

“Naughty naughty boy.”

“It’s a blue print not a blue film.”

“It’s my mistake.”

“Onew take this.” Doogwook gives the blue print to Onew.

“We will do one thing, Its not safe over here lets go out.” Doogwook told Minzy.


 “To know your work I have to be under you.”

“Under me?”

“I mean under your supervision. How would I know how your brain works, how creative you are  I need you know the and bits of it. And anyway only one artist can understand other artist.”

“So now you are an artist.”

“You know what?  When I was 6 years old my Omma said I had a very creative mind  because I had drawn a colourful horse. You see it really matches my personality how colourful I am.”

Doogwook looks at her from head to toe. “Yes, yes, yes. I can see that.”

“Very Naughty boy.”

“Anyways I have to spend a lots of time with you. Everynow and them I will have to meet you often. Like Lunch, Coffee, Dinner. I can also come at your place. We can have a pizza. Do you like pizza. Anyways I am going to eat pizza will you like to join me.”

“Anytime. But right now No. I am not free.”

 “Oh come on.” Minzy takes him towards the corridor. Minzy takes out a table cloth from her bag and spread it she

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)