Jiyong save TOP

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At Hospital

Chaerin and Youngbae comes to the Hospital and inquires at the reception about Bom and TOP. The Nurse on the reception tells that Bom is alright but the condition of TOP is bad and gives them the details of the room. Chaerin and TOP rushes to go to the room and on the way they see Jaesang Kwon. Youngbae stops and asks Jaesang about TOP while Chaerin goes to Bom's room.

“Seunghyun has met with an accident. But don't worry... He will be alright!”

“Mr Kwon... Has some one from the Patient's family come?”

“Doctor, I am his Brother.”

“You come with me... Nurse, Give the Patient's papers... Look, At this time we cannot say anything... but you have to sign these papers because we have to do the operation immediately.”

“But Doctor why don't you say anything? Why papers... signatures? You tell me how my Brother is...”

“Look! He is very critical... Anything can happen on the Operation Table. He has lost a lot of blood. He needs blood... everything is in the hands of the almighty... You sign these papers...” Youngbae is reluctant and shattered. Jaesang walks near Youngbae.

The Doctor speaks to Jaesang, “Look...please tell him to sign the papers... we have to do the Operation immediately... please!” Jaesang goes near Youngbae and takes the pen and gives it to Youngbae.

“Youngbae, Seunghyun will be alright! Go ahead...” Youngbae signs the papers.


Chaerin looks at Bom through the Glass at the Door. She then gets into the room.

“Unnie, How are you Unnie? Thank God you are okay... Unnie, How are you?”

“Chaerin, Where is TOP? Is he okay?”

“Unnie, I am asking about you... What happened? How you reached here?”

“It's a long story Chae. You know TOP had made a lot of arrangements for me. It was so sweet. He took me for a date and he only wanted to set my mood right. He wanted to see me laughing. It was so much fun. We were laughing... He turned to see me laughing and suddenly a vehicle came... speeding so much in the wrong direction and then.”

Bom recalls the incident. “it crushed us so badly. You know TOP shielded me with his body and saved me... otherwise I would have died Chaerin... Where is TOP...please tell me... Where is he?”

“And that other vehicle... what happened to it?”

“I don't know...That other vehicle... I had seen... It was a lady...”

Bom recalls seeing the lady's hands... “She also opened the door...but then she didn't help us...and there was a diamond bracelet in her hand.”

“What? You mean it was a hit and run? How disgusting...” Chaerin's mobile rings and the caller identity shows the call from Hyunsuk.


At the Kwon’s Mansion

“Omma I want to know who has done that? Who is that person?”

 “Jiyong, What had to happen has happened. But you should not have talked to them like that. You need them... not to hate you... You need their support ... By getting angry at them or disowning them you can accomplish nothing.”

“No Omma! In this Vampire world there are certain rules and regulations... Appa has taught me and I understand the importance of it very well. Who can it be who has done all this? What do you think? If Appa was here would he have not known who did this? Tell me...”  Jiyong's mobile rings and he picks up the Call. He tells the caller that he is coming.  “I need to go!” Jiyong rushes from there.


In Car

Jieun is walking through the road. Minho stops his Car in front of her. Dara is also along with Minho in the Car.



“Sit in the Vehicle...”


“Told you... no questions...Sit in the Car...” Jieun gets into the back seat and Minho drives the Car.

“It was fun... right Dara? People got to see a new drama for free on Teachers Day... Everyone enjoyed... I am sure... My sister... She was behaving as if whoever remains in the family should have died. I also should have died along with Donghae.”

“Oppa, What are you talking? You know all that is nonsense...”

“Okay...This all is nonsense? Then what was all? You were dancing so close with Youngbae that I had to stop you... That was not nonsense? And instead of being with me you were defending Youngbae...and even that was okay but that Jiyong... creep... who has the bad habit of poking into everything...he also came to save you... And what did you do? You silently went with him...That was not nonsense? I should learn from Jiyong how I need to take care of my sister? What Jieun love was flowing for Jiyong or what? Tell me Jieun...why are you quiet?”

“I heard it Oppa. ……..I love Jiyong.” Dara's and Minho's expression changes. “I love him... Happy?”

“What? Jieun...Jiyong is our family's biggest enemy... You know what you are saying? Mom used to tell right. You are a disgrace to our family.”


“Just let it be Dara...” Dara receives a call from Chaerin.


At Hospital

Hyunsuk and Eunju comes to the Hospital reception and inquires about Bom. Hyunsuk and Bom reaches Bom's room. Eunju gets emotional. Bom tells them that she is alright and asks about TOP. Hyunsuk tells Bom that TOP should be Okay and that they came to her straight away. Bom tells them that TOP saved her life by taking all the impact of the accident on him. Bom pleads with Hyunsuk to let her see TOP.


Jiyong comes near Jaesang. “Appa, What happened?”

“Bom and Seunghyun had an accident... Hit and run case... I was passing that way... I got them here. Bom is alright but Seunghyun is not good. He is in ICU. Youngbae is also not feeling so good...” The Doctor comes near Youngbae.

“Mr Dong...”

“Doc... How is he? How is my Brother?”

“I am very sorry Mr Dong...We are trying to bring him to consciousness but...”

“But what Doctor? What are you people doing? Save my Brother... Just don't say that you can't do anything...”

“Look! We are trying to bring him to consciousness. We also have the option to put him on life support... But he has lost so much blood that his organs are not supporting. We have to keep him under observation all night... maybe some miracle may happen... Mr Dong I am really very sorry!” Youngbae is shattered. Jiyong and Jaesang look at each other.


Youngbae comes into Bom's room and telling about TOP. On hearing that TOP's condition is critical Bom becomes hyper and Chaerin, Dara and Eunju tries to console her. The nurse comes to the room and gives sedatives for Bom to calm her down. Dara, Chaerin and Eunju comes out of the room. Dara makes Eunju sit on the chair outside the room.


“Chaerin... What is this all?” Dara walks along with Chaerin.

“TOP and Unnie had an accident and... TOP saved Unnie's life by using his body as a shield. And that is why he is in the ICU...struggling for his life. You know Dara... why TOP and Unnie were together? Because TOP had planned a romantic evening for Unnie. He still loves her! And I feel that somewhere Unnie still loves him too! Even after break up TOP has always wished for the good of Unnie. And I think TOP is like a support system for Unnie. Poor Unnie... I mean... first Jaejoong...then Donghae and now maybe TOP...Dara, If anything happens to TOP I don't think Unnie will be able to take it. She would be devastated. Poor Girl!” Chaerin turns and walks from there.

Dara thinks, “Oh God...TOP has to become alright... He can't go like this.”


Jaesang and Jiyong are talking.

“I know what's on your mind Jiyong! But you cannot do that.”

“What can I not do Appa?” Jaesang looks at Jiyong.

“Jiyong, You cannot save Seunghyun. There is a balance between life and death...and you can't rock that. What will happen if you save him? There will be miracles here. People will get suspicious of us and we can't afford that. Do you understand?”

“Appa, whenever we needed TOP... he was there for us.”

“I know that! But don't forget that he is a human...and erasing human weaknesses are not our job. We can't afford to expose our clan... So my advice to you... Let go! Forget it!”

“I will... But how can you forget that TOP had put his life on stake to bring news to us? Not once... but several times he has helped us.”

“I am also worried for Seunghyun. That's why I am here. Go away Jiyong!” Jiyong walks from there.

On his way out he passes the Yangs. He overhears Chaerin telling Dara, “Unnie was given sedatives so that she can sleep. But if TOP does not become alright I do not know what would happen Dara.” Jiyong walks from there and Dara notices him going. She goes behind him.


Outside Hospital

Jiyong is coming out of the Hospital entrance and Dara catches up with him.

“Jiyong! Jiyong Please...We need you... Please don't go now.”

“Dara, What are you saying?”

“Jiyong... Jiyong you know what I am saying. Jiyong, you also saved my life. I remember everything Jiyong.... Jiyong please... Please save TOP Jiyong...” Jiyong nods No. “Please Jiyong...”

“No Dara... I can't do this... It is too dangerous.” Dara holds Jiyong's hand in her hands.

“Jiyong, whatever happens... TOP and Bom love each other. Jiyong, they cannot live without each other. Bom has suffered a lot in love Jiyong...I don't wish that anything more happens with her. Jiyong please... You will be saving just not TOP but Bom's love... Jiyong please... Please save TOP Jiyong... Jiyong, For the sake of our love... Please save TOP... What happened Jiyong? Will you not give an answer?”

“How can I give an answer Dara? I can't do this. Try to understand my helplessness.”

“But Jiyong... What can be bigger than saving someones life? And what is that helplessness that you can't save TOP's life?”

“It is my father Dara... He does not wish that I do it. He says right... Who am I to give anybody life?”

“Jiyong, You are not giving someone life... You are saving someone's life. It's just a matter of how you think. Just think about it... You will not be saving just TOP's life... You will be saving two lovers from getting separated. And you will not only give life to TOP... You will also save Bom's love. And this is that TOP who worked for your Appa loyally for 2 years... It is this TOP who saved me from being kidnapped... And Jiyong... Is saving TOP some crime?”

“Dara please... Don't say like that... Please...”

“Jiyong, Please save my sisters love... Please Jiyong...” Jiyong holds Dara's hands reassuring her. he then places one hand on her arm.

“When you look it me with those eyes like that... how can I say no?” Dara leans towards Jiyong and puts her head on his shoulder.

“Then don't say Jiyong... Say yes... for my sake...for the sake of my love Jiyong!”

“I can do anything for your sake... And  for the sake of your love I can make the impossible also possible...” They look at each other. “I love you Dara... I love you!”


In Hospital

Hyunsuk, Chaerin and Eunju are waiting impatiently at the Hospital corridor. Eunju is sitting while Hyunsuk and Chaerin are walking to and fro. Jiyong dressed in surgical green clothes enters the Hospital with a file in hand. He nods at a nurse who greets him and walks towards the ICU. He looks around and then enters the ICU.


Jiyong goes near TOP who is lying unconscious on the Hospital bed.

Jiyong says in mind, “TOP, I want to save you... that is why I have come here to save you. For one moment I got carried away...I was about to do a big mistake... I forgot that what you have done for me and my family this is nothing compared to that. For what you have done for me and Dara... for what you have done for my Appa...for what you have done for our Company... you never asked anything in return...And I was going from here without saving you...I am sorry TOP! I made a mistake... Today Dara has send me here for you... to save you... and I will not let anything happen to you... Doctors have said that to save you a miracle is needed... I will do that miracle TOP... I am here to save you.”

 Jiyong sits on a stool next to TOP. He places his hand on TOP's head with the thumb in between the eye brows to heal TOP. As Jiyong progresses in his healing with closed eyes, TOP starts breathing vigorously and the monitor starts beeping. TOP slowly starts breathing steadily.


On the Hospital Corridor, Eunju who is sitting on the chair is crying. Hyunsuk sits next to her and holds her hand.

“Hyunsuk, TOP put himself in danger to save our Bom. I was so wrong about them. That boy... You told that there is something between TOP and Bom... If something happens to TOP... How can we face Bom?” Hyunsuk puts his hand around Eunju.

“Nothing will happen! Have faith in God... Everything will be alright Eunju...” Chaerin looks at Youngbae who is sitting in a chair looking shattered and goes and sits next to him. She puts her hand around Youngbae.

“Youngbae, I promise you... He will be alright. He has to become alright...”

“Chaerin...TOP is my Brother and how badly I have treated him... Just look at him now... He gave his life for our forgiveness.” Dara comes and stands in the corridor.

“Hey... He has not given his life, okay? Don't speak like that Youngbae... You got to have faith. I mean he will have to become alright... he will get alright...”

Dara says in mind, “Do something Jiyong, save TOP!”


A nurse comes running through the Hospital Corridor and informs 2 Doctors that the ICU patient has regained consciousness. She goes from there to fetch Doctor Yoon.


At the ICU room Jiyong in disguise and the two Doctors are standing near TOP. Doctor Yoon comes to the room along with the Nurse.

“Doctor, I was checking the Patient...and now he is regaining consciousness...”

“This is a wonder... Nurse check the Monitor...” As the Doctors check TOP, Jiyong withdraws from there.

“Yes Doctor, He is responding...”

“Good! We need to inform his family...”


Dr Yoon comes to the Hospital Corridor and informs that TOP has regained consciousness. Jaesang is startled to hear the news.

“He has responded to our Medicines.” Hyunsuk, Eunju, Chaerin, Youngbae and Dara are happy hearing this. Chaerin and Youngbae hugs.

Jaesang asked in shock. “How?”

“It is the power of almighty. To tell the truth, we had lost hope. But the way the condition of TOP improved it's a miracle...”

Dara smiles and says in mind, “Thank you Jiyong! Thank you...”She walks from there.

The Doctor tells the Yangs and Youngbae that they cannot meet TOP only after sometime and goes from there


Eunju, Hyunsuk and Chaerin comes to Bom's room and informs her that TOP is alright. Bom is happy and insists to let her to see TOP. A nurse comes there and Bom requests her also. The nurse agrees to take her to TOP. Bom thanks her.

“Go dear... Go and meet your TOP...” Bom hugs Eunju and smiles. Hyunsuk smiles at Bom and Chaerin gives her a thumbs up sign.


Jiyong is getting out of the Hospital. Dara runs behind him calling his name. She goes and holds his hand.

“Jiyong... Thank you so much Jiyong..” She leans on to his arm. “Jiyong, I knew that you would not disappoint me. Jiyong you know... you know how important this is... Jiyong today you have not only saved TOP but you have saved the lives to two lovers. Jiyong, You have saved my sisters first love Jiyong... Jiyong, inside there no one knows who is the angel who saved TOP's life. Jiyong, You have always given only... and never left anything for yourself...You did not think about you at all Jiyong...and that's why I love you Jiyong...” Jiyong looks at Dara who look at him with dreamy eyes.

“Dara... Whatever I did I did for our love. If at least some humanity remains in me it is because of your heart beat.”

“To keep this love alive one beating heart is enough Jiyong...”

“And now... that heart is mine...”

“I love you!”


Hospital attendant bringing Bom in a wheelchair to TOP's room and then leaving from there. Bom goes closer to TOP on her wheel chair.


“Sshh Don't talk to me. I don't want to talk anything with you.”

“Bom please... Look at my condition... at least give some sympathy...”

“Why did you do that? Stupid fo

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)