Exam time.

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In Library

Youngbae dumped a bunch of reference books in front of Dara who is sitting and studying in the library.

“ I hate exams dude…”Youngbae said.

“ I know.”Dara replied

“ Don’t know why these colleges make us give exams…”Youngbae asked Dara.

“Who is this Yoo jin Ryoung…Kim, Dae-Jung… what is this…it is so confusing…” Dara said as she read some names. Jiyong is standing in front of a book rack looking into some reference book.

“Youngbae, It comes in news papers everyday… which is supposed to be for reading. YOO Jin Ryong… …who organized the common wealth games… Kim, Dae-Jung… …he is the National Congress President. And if you need to find out what Saenuri and National Congress is…I don’t think you should give exams.” Jiyong said in matter of fact tone. As he throwed the book on the table near Dara.

“Excuse me…” Dara signals peace to both Guys.

“You know what dude…I have not seen a more arrogant person than you…There is this Dara who do not get tired supporting you…and you…an ill mannered moron! Now only she gave testimony for you in Police Station…she just vouched for you…and you…you don’t even know how to talk! You know what my friend…If in any newspaper methods of becoming human are published…please go read it! You definitely need it.” Jiyong smiles… “And here you go. You are smiling? I am not singing your praises!” Dara looks at Jiyong.

“ Sorry Youngbae!” Jiyong looks at Dara. “It’s late to become human!” Jiyong goes from there.


In Jaejoong’s Office.

“Dara…Dara…Dara… How will I separate you from Jiyong? You are turning out to be one tough cookie! I need to do more hard work. You are also stubborn like Yoojin…you also cannot hear anything bad about Jiyong…”

Jaejoong remembers the past and conversation with Yoojin.

“Yoojin, why are you not meeting me? You know how much I love you…Forget GD…what has is done for you? He cannot face your father for you…he cannot face the world…he is weak!” Jaejoong keeps his hands on her shoulders but Yoojin moves away. “Yoojin…I can give you more happiness than him.”

“You are his Hyung and you have come behind his back to talk to me! I will never love a person like you Jaejoong…because you do not know the meaning of love…” Yoojin walks away.

“Yoojin…It is not like that!”

Jaejoong comes back to his present. “Yoojin… what magic was in you that you made two brothers mad in love for you…”

Jaejoong thinks, “I hope that stupid Uee understood what to be done. If she can trap Dara…she can get expelled. And me…college’s new trustee would reach there to save her… round 1 for big Brother!”


In College Campus

“Look Chaerin there is no meaning to wish you all the best. Even if I says all the best always you comes last in exams. For a change you can also come second last.” Hyunsuk told Chaerin.

 “Appa this time the situation is different I have a writer.”

“What a writer can do as he will only write what is dictated to him.” Chaerin has a mischievous smile on her face. Seeing Chaerin in smiles “One minute are you going to do cheating please Chaerin don’t do that. If you get caught I will be called in the college and I will have to beg them for apology.”

“Appa please Relax, just chill.” Dara comes there. “Thanks a lots Dara is here change a topic  please.”

“Why you cannot be like Dara and gets good marks without cheating.”

“Please Appa, okay? This type of intelligence people get hereditary. I am sure her Appa is some big scientist…she got his brain…and I got yours! So it is your fault!” Dara and Hyunsuk look at each other and then turn their faces.

“Okay. All the best to you girls…alright?”Hyunsuk walks away.

“Thank you Appa! Come…This time I would come first…let’s go!”Both girls walk in the classroom.


Bom and Jaejoong at AKS College Campus.

“I am your PR Manager and even I don’t know that you bought our College.”

“Not College…but shares! I am one of the Trustees.”

“Whatever it is…it is a very strange move!”

“Bom…I don’t have  a family! I lost them all. In a fire several years ago…My College was everything to me! My home…my family…everything. Now when I am big I thought I need to make a contribution towards education.”

“That’s so sweet Sir… and I am sorry…I did not know about your family. But Sir, you could have given donation also… Where do you have time for all these?”

“Donation…anyone can give! But time…that’s not possible for everyone…Think of it as an investment.” Jaejoong looks at Dara who is sitting and reading in the class room. “And we need to keep an eye on our investment.”

“I am impressed Sir!” Uee comes there.

 “Hey Jae!”

“Hello Uee!”

“How are you?”

“Now that I have seen you I am great!”

“Excuse me…” Bom goes from there.

“You know what? I thought about what you said…and you are right!...she is jealous of me…she is so jealous and I want to end the topic forever. Today one girl will get expelled from this college…for cheating you know…for cheating in examinations…”


“Dara Park! No one can save her from me…”

Jaejoong thinks, “Good girl Uee, but there is a twist to the plan…Dara would definitely get caught for cheating but I would be present to save her. And that’s the plan love…Dara would come straight from the examination room to my arms…”


 “Hi Babe.”Uee friends greet her.

“Hi Cheaters. Today is a day to celebrate.” Uee tells her friends.

“But how babes? Today we have to give the exam and you know that I studies for wrong subject.”


“I mean instead of history I studied for English.”

“What? Okay don’t worry because today we will write history.”


“By getting Dara Park out of the College”.

“Oh my God! Howbabe? You have a plan. Right?”

“Uee always has a plan.” She shows them the copy chit “Cheating…what all people do to get scholarships.”

“Awesome babe what are you going to do?”

“Come with me.”


In Rest Room

Uee sees Dara’s Bag at the Restroom and tears a page out of her note book “This is called covering your tracks.”

 Dara comes out “Best of luck to Uee.”

“Uee does not need your luck as I makes my own luck.”

Uee thinks, “You think about your luck because your goody two shoes act would not be able to save you.” Uee goes from there.


In Classroom

Minzy and Daesung at the classroom.  Chaerin walk in the classroom.

“Lucky Chaerin what is this?” Minzy ask her looking at her bandage hand. “Its good you don’t have to write in the exam and me. I am going to definitely fail in the exam.”

“Why didn’t you studies?”

“As if. Were is the time. I and Daesung are so lost in each others eyes that we don’t have time to look in the book.”


“Hey but how are you going to pass in this condition.”

“Well college is insisting that I should give the exam with a help of a writer. So I have Seunghyun as my writer who would write the exam for her as she dictates.”

“Hey Chaerin…ready?”Seunghyun asked her.

“Yeah…come. What did I know that I have to see this day too!”

Minzy thinks “If my hand gets broken I also would get a writer.” She goes from there.

“If I fail Appa would cry. Who would tell him that instead of studying I was doing my wifey’s duties so that Seunghyun gets a house to stay. He would not understand…he may beat me…hit me and lock me in the room…so what would happen to that aunty…if she comes searching for your wife…what will you say? That your wife’s father locked her in a room?”

“Enough Chaerin…stop all this! Exam is about to start.”

Seunghyun looks at Chaerin and thinks, “For you I can do anything…you see…this year you would top…I will not give you any opportunity for you to be away from me…God only broke your hands…so that we both get some time together.”


In Restroom

Minzy at the Restroom who has covered both her hands and head with bandaid cloth. Minzy enters the class room.

“Minzy?”Ms Jinha is shocked to see her. Students in the class laughs seeing her.

“Minzy what happen to you?”

“Ma’am when I was coming to the college. Some guys on the bike hit me with full speed. I slipped due to the snow….no…no sand… I swear ma’am I have prepared for my exam. But now what  should I do if I got in an accident…. Ma’am Please give me a writer. I am also suffering just like Chaerin. I want to sincerely give my exam. Please Ma’am.”

“Hmmmm.” Ms. Jinah look out of the classroom. “Hey you…. First year….. Sohee…Come here.” Sohee comes in the class.  Minzy is upset.

Minzy thinks, “Oh my God! She is giving me such a dumb writer, she is complete loser.”

“Your exam is day after tomorrow.” Ms. Jinha asked Sohee. Sohee nervously nodded.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“Will you write exam for Minzy?”

“No Ma’am. No…No Please….Please…Please…Ma’am”

“Let her go Ma’am. I mean she need to prepare for her exam. Try to understand her.”

“That mean’s you will write your own paper. Okay.”

“I want to but how can I?”

“You help her.” Ms. Jinah told Sohee.

 Minzy sits in the exam hall with her writer Sohee. “Okay Okay go help her.”

“Okay students, Exam starts now!”


In Kwon’s Mansion

Jaesang is walking to and fro in the room. Jiyeon comes with 2 glasses of drink and keeps one on the table and sits on a chair with one glass in hand.

“Just calm down Jaesang! Everything would be alright!”

“What would be alright? You have seen Jaejoong. You know what he can do. He has come back. This time he has come with a purpose.”

“I know…that he is here for Yoojin.”

“Are you naive Jiyeon? This is not about Yoojin…Yoojin is dead…Jaejoong has come to get that ring…He is after that ring!”

“No Jaesang…no! He will not do that! He has promised me…He has already suffered so much…home…family…he and we have lost so much…just because of that ring…he will not do that…he will not do such a mistake…”

“And just why?”Jaesang goes and sits next to Jiyeon. “Last time he lost us. He lost his family. But this time he has nothing to lose! Therefore he has no fear. He can do just about anything! That ring was given to us Jiyeon. We have to keep it safe. If it gets into the hands of Jaejoong…he cannot be stopped by any power. Therefore allowing Jaejoong to have that ring is not an Option. Anyway, I am going to college. There is some new Trustee who wants to meet. Let me see what it is about.” Jaesang gets up and go.


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)