Kwon’s are Back

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At Yang’s Mansion

Next day morning Hyunsuk is sitting at the Breakfast Table sipping his Tea. Bom comes to the room and greets Hyunsuk.

“Good Morning!” Bom occupies a chair next to Hyunsuk.

“Oh Pastry...” She picks up the Bowl. “Today Omma is not there. No diet...” Hyunsuk takes the Pastry from Bom.

“Who told you? Omma is not there so more diet... Come here Mrs Wu...”

“Appa you are joking!”

“Yes.” Mrs Wu comes and keeps a glass of Juice in front of Bom. She takes the plate of Pastry away.

“Appa...What is wrong with you Appa... I won't drink this...Yuck! What happened to you?”

“Morning Juice and afternoon Vegetables...” Bom grumbles while Hyunsuk starts reading the newspaper. Bom tries to butter Hyunsuk but it does not work. Hyunsuk takes the Jewelry Box from the table and hands over to Bom. Bom opens it and looks at the Jewelry.

“Oh my God! Appa, This is so beautiful. Thank you so much!”

“Don't thank me. This was send by Donghae and Hyori. Your In-laws sends gifts and all...You are very lucky! They are very generous.”

Bom thinks, “Loser Donghae...this is enough! This is getting serious. I have to stop this Drama of engagement.”

“Well Appa... I have some work. I will go running and be back running.”

“Go running only!”


“For your own benefit... No Car...”

“Come on Appa, Stop it! Bye...”

“ Bye!


At the Lee's Mansion

 Hyori Lee is looking into a file and smiles. “That's great! The forest authorities are in my hand. In the Auction I will buy the entire land at a cheaper price.” She makes a call from her mobile. Minho picks up the Call.

“Hi Mom!”

“Minho, Where are you? This is the first auction in your life and I am sure you are going to enjoy it. In Business you might not have seen things like this earlier. Are you ready for it?”

“I know Mom...I know. I am just reaching...Okay? I will see you.”

“That's great! I will see you there.” Both cuts the phone.

Minho says, “Dara” and then dials her mobile number. He gets no response and tries again. “Not available? Okay...Chaerin...let's try!” He dials Chaerin's number.


At Dara’s Room

Chaerin comes into Dara's room.

“Romeo had called. He was asking about you got up...the hangover is gone...etc etc etc... Hello! Don't make a face. You and I both know that if he would not have been there what would have happened. He saved you!”

“If he was not here at the first place... all this drama would not have happened, Okay?” Dara goes and sits on her bed. Chaerin follows.

“Excuse me! Did he keep a Gun on your head? Did he force you? You went on your own to meet those Guys. He dared you and you went. Don't you have brains?”

“Chaerin, You are telling me this...You? When I dressed up in those dirty tacky clothes and went...then you did not tell anything...You were all nice that time.”

“When did I tell that I have brains? I am an idiot from childhood. And now the whole world knows that you are an idiot too!” The girls laugh. “Thank God Dara, Minho was there. And I really think that you should give him a chance. Because I am sure of it that he is trying to give you a chance. Ummm...Just think about it, okay?” Dara smiles. “See ya!” Chaerin leaves the room.

Dara thinks, “How will I tell you Chaerin that it is not Minho but my Angel who saved me. But I cannot tell about him to anyone. But I know what I have seen. He was there...I know...but I just can't prove it...”


At Lee’s Mansion

The door bell rings at the Lee's Mansion. A House staff opens the door. He recognizes Bom. Bom tells him that she has come to meet Donghae. The Guy tells her that Donghae is not at home.

Bom thinks, “His Car is parked outside.” Bom gets into the house and tells the house staff, “I got something for him. I will keep this myself inside.” The Guy tries to stop her by telling Bom to give it to him and that he will give it to Sir.

Bom thinks, “This much costly jewelry I cannot entrust with him. I will keep this in Donghae's Cupboard myself'.”

“Well, No Problem! I will keep this myself.” The Guy tries to stop her by calling her but Bom climbs the stairs towards Donghae's room.


Bom opens Donghae's bedroom door. She sees Donghae in a compromising position with another girl and is shocked.

“Donghae!” Donghae and the girl both sits upright leaning to the headboard covering their bodies with the blanket. Donghae puts his hand over his partner's shoulders.

“Bom, Don't you know to even knock? This is such bad manners! I mean, Your Mom-Dad did not teach you even this much?” Bom walks in to the room.

“So your servant is also with you in this... The entire family is involved.” Donghae gives attention to his partner while Bom is talking. “He told you that you are not at home so I did not think it necessary to knock.”

“So then Bom...”

“So then...What are you doing with this girl? If you don't bother about my reputation think of your reputation. You are engaged!”

“When my fiancee does not have interest in me...what is with other girls Bom? I mean, I thought you wouldn't mind, do you?” Donghae is still attending to his Partner and not looking at Bom.

“Yeah, I don't mind at all. But when.” She takes her mobile to click a picture of the Couple. “my and your family see this photo, then they would definitely mind.”

“Go ahead Bom! Baby, Let's pose for Bom.” the girl nods... “Bom, You go there and take. From there you will get a good picture. Come on...let's pose!”

“You disgust me!Are you not ashamed? I did the right thing breaking up with you. Don't you see that in order to teach me a lesson how much you have fallen? Next time... Don't send me expensive gifts like this.” Bom throws the Jewelry Box at Donghae and heads to the door. “You cannot buy me, Stay away!” Donghae twists a strand of the girls hair with his fingers and smiles.


At Auction Hall

Jiyong and Jiyeon Kwon reaches the Auction Hall. They are standing in the Hall and talking.

“Jaesang's plan is well made. By making me stand against Hyori Lee, he is making sure that we get good publicity. And I am happy that now I am doing something more for my family. And moreover, what can be a better way than this to enter the high society?”

“Controversy... is high society's best friend. I am sure that you will win in this auction.”

“Not me... we...” Jiyong looks at her questioningly. “I know that you need this forget your pain.” Jiyong notices a guy ushering Hyori Lee and Minho in.

“There you go...your biggest competitor.”

“Don't worry! I will not let her win. Let's go!” Jiyeon and Jiyong goes and takes a seat at the auction hall.

 Jiyong looks sideways at Minho who is sitting with his Mom at the table near by and thinks in mind, “And here is my competition. But I have to let him win...for Dara. Dara, even by staying closer to you I have to stay away from you.”

 Jiyong looks at Minho Lee and thinks, “Now it is time to see you Minho...if you really care about Dara or not.” Jiyong notices Minho walking away from the table after talking something to his Mom. Jiyong gets up and follows him.

“Excuse me! Minho...Minho Lee...”


“Hi! I am Jiyong Kwon.” Jiyong and Minho shake hands.

“Jiyong Kwon...Nice! Our biggest rivals in this auction...”

“ Competition eh?”

“Well, yes!”

“ Coffee?”

“Ahh, why not? Come on!”

Jiyong follows Minho. Hyori and Jiyeon looks at each other as if sizing up the competition.


Minho hands over a Cup of Coffee to Jiyong.

“So...You are joining your Mom's Business, right?”

“Yeah.” They walk towards the chairs in the room. Minho sips his Coffee. “She feels it's high time.” Jiyong and Minho sits on the Chairs. “and I need to join the Business.”

“Thank God! My time has not come still. Now I still want to chill for a while. And anyways, Mom made Donghae...Donghae, my Brother...join our Business... So not for now!”

“You mean your elder Brother Donghae.”

“Ummm...My big brother..”

“I heard that he is going to get married to Bom Yang.” Minho laughs.

“Yeah! True story...”

“Poor Girl! She is very sweet...but life has been very bad with her. She has gone through a very bad phase. She deserves a nice Guy unlike her younger sister Dara... She is little problematic.” Minho suddenly sits upright keeping the Coffee on the Table with a stern face as if not liking what he is hearing. “She is one of those y types.”

“Hold on! What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean...She is like one of those y girls. I heard that she met some Guys at the Pub and got out of there with those Guys... Where she went and what she's really disgusting!”

“Ahh Just shut up! I...I really don't know you. Jiyong...Jiyong, correct! I just know this much that you don't know Dara at all. And about the girl whom you do not know there is no need of talking all this nonsense. How much do you know Dara? Buddy, Dara is a great girl. He loves her friends, family and even her team more than herself. For your kind information, She had gone with the four guys because she was doing a favor on them and nothing else. Why are we even talking? You and me are done... so just get lost!” Minho gets up and walks out from there.

Jiyong thinks, “You saw it Jiyong? This is what you wanted to hear...that there is someone who cares as much about Dara as you. And now that you know that such a person is there in Dara's are feeling sad? Can't bear it? Why? For Dara this is right... So then, Leave her alone. In her life there is such a friend ... such a love... who will always protect her...Will take care of her...She is safe! And you also wish only that, right?”


At Yang’s Mansion

Hyunsuk Yang going towards the stairs of the Hall and Dara coming to the Hall. Hyunsuk sees Dara and greets her. Dara is trying to put the clasp of her chain.

“Good Morning! Where are you running of this early in the morning?”

“Hi Appa! I am going for a jog. Appa just help me... I am not able to do it.” Dara comes and stand with her back to Hyunsuk.

“See this! All the daughters in this house are strange. The one who should run is going by Car and the one who should not be running is going running off.”

“Appa Come on! Omma also keep calling her fatty fatty  Don't call Unnie like that. At least you don't start..”

“Atleast by telling some change has happened. She has become a little slim, right?”

“Of course...” Hyunsuk puts the chain into the clasp. Dara removes the hair from the back and puts it to the front. Hyunsuk is shocked to see that the Vampire Breathe mark which he noticed at night is no longer there. “Appa, Over?”


“Okay! Thanks...Bye!” Dara goes from there.

Hyunsuk thinks, “That sign...Where has that sign gone? It was there yesterday night...but today...”

Hyunsuk hurries to his Book shelf and takes the Vampire Book out. He goes and sits with the book on the chair and look into the page where it is written about Vampire breath. He reads, “Vampire Breath...Dead human's shadow...If a Vampire touches a human this sign stays up to 4 hours on the human and vanishes on its own after that.”

 Hyunsuk thinks, “4 Hours? That means Dara met some Vampire last night. No! How is it possible? Jaejoong is dead. Or has he returned? Otherwise someone else? No! No... It cannot happen. Who is this Vampire?”


Hyunsuk thinks, “A Vampire touched Dara? Yesterday Night... How can it happen? That danger had passed from our lives. But this... No! This time I will not let the shadow of a monster fall on my child. I have to stop any circumstances...” Hyunsuk leans back on the Chair. “But how? How? What will I do?”


At the Auction Hall

A Guy makes the Announcement regarding the Auction of 27 Acres of Forest Land which goes till the Boundary wall of AKS College.

Jiyeon thinks, “This land I have to buy at any cost. This success is very essential for the return of the Kwons.”

 Hyori talks to Minho, “Minho, this Kwons will fight for this property a lot.”

“I know Mom! But don't let them win.”

“Never! This property value would go up to 6 Crores which this Kwons would not be able to afford.”


The Announcer of the Auction shows a slide show showing the 27 Acres of land in the Eastern Forest Area in Gyeyang belonging to the AKS College Trust.

 Once the presentation is over the Bid begins with an opening bid of 4.5 crores.

 Jiyeon and Hyori keeps outbidding each other. Hyori bids 9 crores and Jiyeon raises the bid by 0.5 crores.

Hyori tells Minho, “You know what? It is not worth it!”

 The land gets sold to Jiye

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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)