Hyunsuk's doubt

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In College Campus

Yujin sitting in her Car parked at the AKS College Car parking lot. She removes her seat belt and says in mind, “And now operation getting back boyfriend starts. Bae will forget all anger seeing me and come running to me. Come on Uee bring out your super acting skills and make the face of a helpless hurt sad girl.” Uee opens the driver seat of the Car and steps out with crutches in hands and bandage on one leg. The students who are standing near by rushes to help her. One Guy closes the Car door and hand over the Car keys. Yujin walks through the College Corridor using the crutches. She sees Youngbae leaning to a pillar and her bimbos flirting with him. Uee gets angry.

“Hey Shoo... Didn't I tell you not to follow Bae and don't be around him? Don't you people understand? Just go away!” Uee walks towards Youngbae. Youngbae stands along with Uee's Bimbos looking at her. “Bae... Baby see my plight...I am not able to walk ... hurting....”

“But I am sure that you did not find any problem in doing make up, right?”

“Ahh! One thing... I got handicapped... and you are taunting me on make up?”

“I am sorry that I taunted you on your mistake. Now you can go...”

“Bae... You will talk to your princess like that? You forgot me in one day? How rude...”

“No Uee... I felt that your should taste your own medicine, right? That's why... “ Uee catches Youngbae's hand.

“It's fine... I made a mistake and I also got the punishment for the mistake also...and it hurts so much...”

“Yeah... I am sure!”

“You think I am telling lies?”

“Baby, till now when have you told truth...” The spectators around laugh.

“Bae, don't be angry at me. I made a mistake... forgive me... please...”

“Look Uee... I forgave you...” Uee is happy and smiles.


“But I realized that I do not want to be with you Uee.” Uee's smile fades. “You and me... it is not possible for me anymore. It is all over... I am sorry!” Youngbae turns and walks from there. Uee limps and follows him.


“Come girls...”


Youngbae goes from there with his hand around Uee's Bimbos

“Yeah Youngbae... Now it is our turn...”

“Bae... Stop...You how dare you?” Uee takes her crutches in hand and runs behind Youngbae. Youngbae and the bimbo's turn and look at Yujin. Uee throws the crutches in their direction. “You people wear my old clothes. You use my make up and now you are going around with my Boyfriend. How could you?” Yujin kicks with the plastered foot.

“Alright Uee alright! I thought you fractured your leg.” Uee tries to act again.

“It is paining...”

“Save it Uee...To impress me you told such a big lie... expected! You know what? My opinion about you was right. You and I... never! Enjoy... Come girls....” Youngbae and the Bimbos go from there. Uee is angry. She jumps and screams.


Outside Kwon's Mansion

A Car stops in front of the Kwon Mansion gate. Hyunsuk Yang gets out of the Car. He thinks, “I have to do this. Jiyong's shadow could prove risky for my daughter's life. I am sure Mr Kwon would understand. There is no point talking to Jiyong directly as he is still childish. But Mr Kwon... I am sure will understand the matter that whatever I am doing I am doing for the happiness of my daughter. For her safety...” Hyunsuk walks towards the Mansion.

At Kwon’s Mansion

The door bell rings at the Kwon House and a servant comes and opens the door.


“Tell Sir that Mr Yang has come.”

“Sir is not at home... Madam is here. You please sit. I will go and fetch her.” The servant goes upstairs. Hyunsuk goes and sits on a chair near the fire place.


Collage Library

Dara walks into the AKS College library. She sees the library empty except for the librarian and thinks, “Oh Good...Complete silence! Now I can complete my research in peace.”

 She goes to the rack where the news papers are kept. She thinks, “I have to find out about my dream. Which was that place? And how the place caught fire? When did it happen? May be I will get some clue from these papers.” Dara looks at the news papers. She then picks up one year old newspapers from the lower rack. She thinks, “These are one year old newspapers. Definitely there will be something in this.”

 Dara takes the newspaper bunch to a table and keeps it. She then sits down and looks through the papers. She then picks up a paper from the bunch and looks at the picture of a cottage on fire. She reads the news, “Fire breaks up in a Stable near Gyeyang palace... Yoojin... This name sounds familiar... This fire freshened up the memories of an age old story. There was a princess in the Gyeyang Palace... Princess Yoojin... It is said that she gave up her life for her love. The Cottage on which the fire broke out also belonged to Princess Yoojin in which ages before she got burned alive.”

Dara is shocked reading the news. She thinks, “Why does this name sound familiar? What is my connection with a princess who lived centuries ago? Why do I feel that I know her?” 

Dara looks at the picture again and resumes reading, “It is said that this place is very unlucky. Fire was seen caught in this place which was already burned ages ago. This time the entire Cottage was taken up by the fire. Police did not get anyone's remains from there. According to the Police someone was trapped in the fire... but escaped?”

 “This is the same place which I saw in my dream. Was it me who escaped from the fire? Am I the survivor? But Jiyong... Jiyong saved me. I am so sure of it. I have to personally go and see the place. I need to go!” Dara takes the newspaper in hand and goes from there.


At Kwon's Mansion

Jiyeon Kwon comes down the stairs to the hall where Hyunsuk is sitting.

“Mr Yang... You here?” Hyunsuk gets up.

“Jiyeon, How are you? I am sorry that I came here without informing... had to talk some important matter with you...”

“Not a problem. Please sit...” Hyunsuk and Jiyeon both sits on the chairs.

“Actually...I wanted to talk to you regarding Jiyong.”

“How many times have I told these servants to keep the curtains closed...they do not listen... Excuse me!” Jiyeon goes to the window and closes the curtain.

Hyunsuk thinks, “There is a nice sunlight outside... Why is she closing the curtains? And why is she so restless?” Jiyeon comes back and sits on the chair.

“ Sorry... What were you saying?”

“I was telling that I wanted to talk to you regarding my daughter and Jiyong.”


“No... not Dara... In fact about Jiyong and Bom...”


“Yes! Mrs Kwon... Bom's engagement has happened in a very big family ... you may know them... Lees. Her wedding is about the happen. And off late I have been noticing that she has been spending a lot of time with Jiyong. I feel strange seeing them together. You know the world...how they talk... I do not wish that any problem gets created for Bom before marriage. You know what I mean.

“I didn't know about this. But you don't worry. I will talk to Jiyong.”

“Great! Thank you so much...” Hyunsuk gets up. Jiyeon also gets up. “I was a little worried about this matter. But I was sure that you will be able to help me...”

“Don't worry! I told you... I will speak to Jiyong...”

“Thanks again! I will take your leave...”

“Yeah...” Hyunsuk walks from there. Jiyeon goes near the candle stand foot of the stairs and start lighting the candles. Hyunsuk realises that his phone is missing and turns back. “What happened Mr Yang?”

“Nothing! I must have dropped my phone somewhere...It was in my hand... but can't find it...I must have dropped it somewhere here.” Hyunsuk walks back to where he was sitting. “I was sitting here so it must be here... My daughters make fun of me for forgetting my phone. Where has it gone? There are some important numbers in it...Can't afford to misplace it... Oh got it... It was here... With out phone these days...” Hyunsuk straightens up after picking the phone. He sees his reflection on the mirror. He also sees the reflection of the Candle stand and candles but does not see the reflection of Jiyeon who is standing near it. Hyunsuk turns and looks to where Jiyeon is standing. He sees Jiyeon still in her earlier position lighting candles. Hyunsuk is terrified. Jiyeon sees the shocked look on Hyunsuk's face.

“What happened Mr Yang? Mr Yang... Is everything okay?”

“Yeah... I am fine...Actually I felt a little giddy...low BP I guess...”

“You should take care... Do you want me to get some Tea or water?”

“Oh No no! No... fine! It's okay...really...” Hyunsuk once again turns and looks at the Mirror and still does not see Jiyeon's reflection in it. “I will take your leave... Have a great day!” Hyunsuk goes from there.

 Jiyeon wonders what happened to him.


In College Campus

Yujin is sitting in a bench in the college campus removing the plaster from her leg.

“Loser Bae...Don't know what he thinks of himself. I will teach him a lesson.” She throws the bandage cloth down. Minho Lee comes there and stands leaning to the pillar.

“You will learn the lesson Uee... for what you have done... You will regret it!”

“ Excuse me! What did you say?” Minho walks towards Uee.

“I said what you heard Uee. For the deed you have done... You are going to regret it... In fact you will regret the day you were born.” Uee gets up and faces Minho.

“How dare you? Move away from here. I don't want to waste my time talking to you.” Minho keeps his hand in front of Uee stopping her as she tries to walk from there.

“Aha...You don't have an option! You have to listen to what I have to say Uee.

“Really? Otherwise what?”

“You seriously have the attitude? You are showing me attitude after what you did? Because of you Dara had an accident Uee. She could have been dead...”

“Dara? Who is she to you? Wait! Who are you to her?”

“Wait... Let me tell you... First of all... What I am to Dara is none of your business... And secondly, Dara is my girlfriend. You mess with her, you mess with me...” Yujin laughs.

“Dara is your girlfriend? Meaning you are Dara's boyfriend, right? One second... Boy friend number.” Yujin starts counting on her fingers. “oops lost the count. How sad! Poor Minho...now is your turn...” Minho points fingers at Uee warning her to stop. You are her new scapegoat...”

“I am telling you Uee... Watch your mouth... otherwise I will forget that you are a girl...”

“Oh really! You know what? Your Dara...” Minho catch holds of Uee's chin with one hand and then pushes her. Uee falls down.

“I said watch out Uee... I warned you...” Uee is sitting on the ground.

“Oh God! You Moron! You have to pay for it! help me someone!” Youngbae and the Bimbos come there. Uee sees Youngbae. “Bae help... come here...”

“Hats off to you Uee... Again drama?”

“Bae, I really fell down. It is hurting!”

“If you have really fallen down Uee then it is the Doctor you need not me... He will fit you in 2 minutes.”

“Bae...” Yujin is frustrated. Youngbae goes and sits near her.

“You know what Uee... You have a problem... You have told so many lies...and played so many pranks that even if you are telling the truth... I don't care!”


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Chapter 1: Uee such a and its still the first day.. I hope Dara will not let those mindless bimbo's get to her.. Their not worth it anyway..
Chapter 1: Woo! Thanks for this story. Make more authornim!
Chapter 2: Dara. Youngbae. Dara. Chaerin. Youngbae. Chaerin. Dara.. kufufu this part is sooooo funny~
Chapter 1: The change of scenes on the first part made me somehow dizzy @.@.. but yeah. I think this is a good story :) I'm expecting some improvements on the grammar section to the upcoming chapters though.. :))
cutiefhai #5
Chapter 137: Im speechless...
Only wooooohhhh!!!!!
anonymousmysterious #6
I have watched the original one before so while reading it I can't imagine the characters here. Especially chaerin's character in this one coz in the original one which is indian drama I really loved the chaerin's character played by Priya Wal as Misha. But I understand you wanted to make it in daragon version but it is just that I couldn't imagine them in it. Anyway thanks for writing this story.
porogami #7
Wahhh them chapters *o* I might as well read something long since I'm waiting for Dara unnie to update her sns ^.^
lonerforever #8
Chapter 137: WOW!WOW!WOW!
Thanks for the moving,fantastic and amazing story.
Wish to see more stories from you authornim!!!!!
Denise97 #9
Omoo @.@ the number of chapters! Oh well .. I better start reading this one :D
Stella112 #10
Chapter 137: Wow ! Fantastic baby ;) it's very very very cool author-nim
Gamsahamnida ~ (y)