Unexpected Visit

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV


A few weeks passed.


I held on to my phone and pondered whether my friends should know about it.

*Ding dong*

I rushed down to open the door.


" How did you girls know where I stay? No fangirls are suppose to know it." I said in a joking tone.

" Hahaha Gill Gill, are you practicing for some musical or drama? What's that prop? How many cushions did you stuff in there?" They pointed to my tummy and hollered.

" Erm.. I will answer that when I recover from this shock... When did you girls reach? Are you that free?"

" Aren't you letting us in?" Jan said in a teasing tone.

" Ahh de de..come in..come in.. Make yourself comfortable." I said as I walked towards the kitchen.

" Hold on. Can you take out those cushions first? You look kinda funny.."

" If only I could take it out.. Are you girls pretending to be ignorant or you really do not have any idea about it?"

" Hahaha it will be the biggest joke if you tell us that you're pregnant now.."

" Yeah so let me share a joke with you. I AM REALLY PREGNANT! Oh wait, want to hear more? I'm carrying twins."

" HUH?? Jinja jinja??!"

" Why would I try stuffing cushions under my shirt now? I haven't become insane after getting married."

" Omo!! GILL! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?!!" They literally screamed and pulled me to the couch.

" Hey hey please be gentle on me now. I thought my cousins will inform you.. And I was about to call you girls just before you rang the bell." I chuckled and told them.

" Oh my gosh, you made us sounded so stupid just now. Chukahamnida!! Ahh your babies will be sooo adorable! How many weeks old are they?"

" Komawoyo. 18 weeks. Coming to 5 months."

" Ahh.. Where is Youngsaeng oppa?"

" Jinja dumb question. He is working, of course."

" What time is he coming back?"

" His schedules should have ended by now. I'm not too sure either. You flew and came all the way just to see your idol isn't it?"

" We came to see you.. So what about you? Going to rest for 9 whole months?"

" Aniyo, today is Sunday. I don't  have to work on Sundays."

" Oh.. Can we look around? Your house is so pretty."

" De let me tour you around. Keke. Go to the second level first, it's more interesting up there." I said as though I live in a parliament.

Just then, the door opened. All of them fumbled and stood up. " Er..Youngsaeng oppa. Annyeonghaseyo."

" Ahh annyeonghaseyo!"

" You're early today." I uttered.

" De, nothing much today. Just vocal and dance practices. But I got a schedule on later tonight."

" De. Girls, follow me, I'll bring you up."

I walked them up to the second storey. All of them were wow-ing along the way, even though there is nothing really special, actually. It's kind of strange how they act a little differently, now that I'm married.

We entered the music room first, Their eyes sparkled at the sight of it.

" Gill, this room is exactly how you described your dream house to be like.."

I nodded like a kid and smiled. " I got married to someone who does music, so yeah.. That's how I have this room at home so my dream kinda got fulfilled."

" Play a song on this piano. Wow, this piano is going to sound great."

" Saengie just taught me how to play his own version of Nameless Memory. It's quite nice. Let me play that."

My fingers flowed to the music. After the first stanza, or rather, the first verse, I paused.

" Jamkanman, the music is a little dry by itself, don't you think?" I smirked and gave them that you-girls-are-going-to-thank-me-later look. " We should add in the vocals. It will sound more complete."

I stood up and called for him from the room.

" De?"

" Come come." I pulled him into the room. My friends quickly shifted to the other side of piano and smiled shyly.

" Erm..Saengie, I kinda forgot how to play this part of the song.."

He looked at me and smirked as he shook his head.

" You just want me to sing along with it, right? I saw through you. Your piano skills are on par with me, you could have just listened to it by ear again and play it. You are able to do that."

" Aniya..jinja. Is it an A or a B flat here?"

" It's a G."

" Cheongmal? What is the tune like? How is the whole song like?"

" I knew it..."

" Keke, free concert performance. Thank me." I turned to my friends and grimaced.

" Nothing is free in this world my dear, you get what that mean right?" He leaned against the piano and grinned.

" I'll settle that with you later. Pali,sing. Make sure it's those angelic voice that comes out."

" De. I won't try to experiment other voices in front of my fans."

" Am I not your fan?"

" You're my wife."

I ignored that and started playing. He sang out the song beautifully. My friends stood there and set their eyes on him in admiration.

As soon as the song ended, he held on to the back of my neck and squeeze it lightly. " I thought you said you forgot how to play a part of this song?"

" Erm.. Your voice triggered my memory, I remembered it suddenly. Keke." I gave that cunning smile.

" Heh.. Okay I shall watch my TV now. Happy entertaining your friends."

Next, I led them out and entered my room.

" Is it okay if we go in?" They asked politely.

" De de, don't worry, just come in."

" Hmm so, this is the cabinet where he puts all his fans letters and gifts. He treasures them a lot, so don't touch it haha. The one next to it is my wardrobe and so on and so forth.."

" So does youngsaeng oppa comes back?"

" Most of the time. He doesn't come back only when he is overseas or if something crops up and he has to return to his dorm. Hmm.. I will feel kinda..lonely during those times. Keke."

" Awww..don't be." They pinched my cheek lightly and smiled.

" Aniya, I have to get used to that isn't it?"

" Do you guys quarrel?"

" De of course. He is so unreasonable at times.. But we quarrel over the smallest matter, nothing serious."

They nodded and glanced around the room.

" Wow your room is so spacious. This is your bed right?"

" What kind of question is that?" I chuckled.

" Nothing, just asking for fun. So you share a bed with Youngsaeng oppa?"

" Why are you girls asking the obvious? So the ideal answer is, No he sleeps in the toilet and I sleep on the floor right?"

They laughed at their own stupidity. " Hmm..." They stammered and laughed again.

" What?"

" Do you sleep on the left side or the right side? "

" I sleep in the middle." I started twisting all my answers.

" Then... Where does he sleep?"

" In the toilet."

" Aish.. If you sleep right in the middle of your bed, then he will have to squeeze to the side..You give him such a small space to sleep.. Aigoo.. I'm going to have this stomped. My idol is being bullied."

" Who says so..."

" Okay get it. We shan't ask further." They gave that usual mysterious smirk and walked away.

" She is using youngsaeng oppa as her bed, both of them just squeeze to the middle." They whispered so loudly to each other.

I sighed at their childishness and wrap my arms around their shoulders, like what I usually do whenever I'm with them.

" Where is Eun Hee?"

" With her parents. They will bring her back tonight."

We headed down to the first storey and they continued wow-ing at everything. I glanced towards the show Saengie was watching and chuckled. I went forward and sat on the arms of the couch.

" Ahh seo nyuh shi dae and 2NE1 together.. Saengie, is this that star celebrity show which aires different celebrities every week?" I ask.

" De." he answered, eyes still glued onto the television.

I smiled. " Have fun watching." I gave a light squeeze on his shoulders and walked away to join my friends.

" Ehhhh, join me." he pulled my hand from the back.

" Aniyo, I need to entertain my friends."

" My fellow Triple S in the kitchen, star celebrity is starting, do you girls want to watch it together?" He raised his voice and called for them. I laughed and smack the back of his hand lightly. They scrambled out and nodded in delight. He looked up at me, smiled that mischievous smile and pat on the space beside him, gesturing me to sit.

" Keep a lookout of the time, you got a schedule in a few hours time." I murmured as he places his arms around my shoulder, eyes still transfixed onto the television.

" De de de, watch watch. You're so naggy.."

All of us were entertained by the show. Suddenly, I felt a hard kick. I bent down and groan in pain softly. That was the first time I felt that after so many weeks of my pregnancy.

" Yah kwenchana?" Saengie and four of them asked in unison. All of them flustered.

I kept silent and faked a smile weakly. I never knew it would be THIS painful.

" What happened?" Saengie panicked.

The pain slowly died down. " Don't worry.. Kwenchana. Continue watching." 

" Gill..."

" It's nothing, your twins were naughty. They must be playing street fighter with each other in there."

All of them burst out laughing loudly. And they just continued laughing without a pause.

"  Yah! Stop laughing! It's not funny okay.. It really hurts."

" Aigoo.. yeoja namja ah.. You can take a break now, don't hurt your omma." Saengie touched my tummy and spoke in a teasing tone.

" They were angry at you. You were so glued to your seo nyuh shi dae in front of your wife..Aish..Even they can sense it.." I glared at him and said.

" Ani.. I think they must have inherited most of my genes. They were practicing their dance moves in there just now. Ahh my adorable little dancers.."

I moved and switched places with Vic. " Mianhae. My babies will continue kicking me if I continue sitting next to their annoying appa."

Vic smiled and blushed a little. " Ahh I feel better sitting next to my triple S too." We continued bickering with each other.

" De, then sit there forever. You will just make Vic faint due to being too nervous sitting next to her super perfect and annoying idol." I blabbered. 

" You won't right?" he turned and asked Vic in a gentle and girls-would-faint-over manner. She startled and nodded shyly.

" Don't use that sweet voice and keep that prince-y look, Heo youngsaeng sii! She can't take it!"

" You can right?" he repeated using the same manner. This time, I thought I almost saw Vic's heart pop out.

" My goodness.. Both of you continue flirting with each other. Johanna, Jan, Rachel, make sure you block my view from them. Don't let them affect my mood. My twins will be upset as well." I rolled my eyes and continued watching. I have no idea why they found it hilarious throughout.

After a while, it was time for Saengie to attend his schedules, but it seemed like he lost track of the time. I stood up and purposely walked past him. "Ahh some annoying idol is going to be late for his schedules..."

He chuckled and followed me behind. " So I'll get going now."

" Annyeong youngsaeng oppa!" 4 of them shouted.

Neither did I turn back nor answered. I walked towards the door, opened it and handed him his bag, still refusing to look at him. He ruffled my hair and wore his shoes.

" Are.. Are you coming back tonight?"

" De, where else can I return to other than home? You can go to bed first, I will be quite late, don't have to wait for me hmm?"

" Eun Hee and your twins will be waiting for you to come home. Be back as soon as possible."

" De, anyway, you got to settle that 'free' performance now, before I leave."

" Andwae. That's for that flashing that look and using those voice just now. We are even now."

" Sweetie, I'm having a stressful schedule later on, I need a little encouragement."

" Self encourage. Or just choose any Triple S on that couch there. They will give you YOUR encouragement." I grinned as he led me to a corner near the door, where it is not visible to my friends.

" The encouragement I need, you are the only one who can give it to me. Trust me, you won't want to see other girls giving me that encouragement." He placed his hands around my neck, bent down to my eye level and whispered.

I leaned forward and kiss him lightly. Then, he refuse to let me go. I remain in that position for a while and pulled back shortly after. " You're going to be late soon, pali go. Hwaiting. Take it easy, don't get too stressed up hmm?" I smiled and mumbled.

" De." He pressed his lips on my forehead and left.

I shut the door and return back to join my friends.

" Are you guys always so affectionate after quarrelling?"

" How did you see it from here?"

" Anyway, have you gotten that calendar?" They changed the subject.

" Oh thanks for reminding. I'm going to get it one of these days..secretly."

" Why must you get it secretly?"

" Saengie don't want me to have it."

" Keke, understandable. You will know it once you get it."

" You girls already got it? It's already selling in Singapore?"

" No, we got it just now, before we came here. That female model is sooooo pretty."

" I know right..."

" Actually, we got an extra one for Hazel, but she called and told us one of her friends already gotten it for her so...."

" So you're giving me that extra calendar??" I ask them in excitement.

" Aniyo. You ask your husband for it. We are going to take the extra one back to Singapore and sell it at a high price Kekeke."

" Ahh... Serious? But... He won't get it for me.. I tried asking s but seems like they are on his side as well."

" You are his dear, he will get it for you."

" Yeah, in my dreams. He is going to get the SNSD's one instead... Hmm well then.. I will sneak out someday after working and get one myself."

" You're really dying to own one?"

" Yes of course."

Then, they pulled out something from Rachel's bag and give it to me. " This is for you then. We won't come here empty handed."

" Jinja?? Woohoo!! Love you girls to the max!! You girls are the best!!"

They chuckled and sighed at my childish behaviour. I quickly tore off the plastic cover and flip through it.

" July July.. I need to look at the July picture first." Just as I was about to flip to that page, they stopped me.

" Wait wait wait. You shouldn't look at that picture first.. Really."

" Ehhh hands off, let me take a look! I won't mind.. Jinja."

Finally, I saw how the picture looks like. Both of them were only inches apart, with their eyes fixed on one another.

" Huh... So this is it.. It's quite nicely taken isn't it? Arghh but.. That female model looks so ugly in this picture." Obviously, I didn't mean it.

" Are you trying to console yourself? She?? Ugly?? Do you need eyedrops?"

" Er..she.. Let's look at other pictures first.."

I flipped through the other months and nodded in satisfaction. " Cool.. She looks better with the other members, just that particular picture looks ugly. And March's individual shot looks better than the July one. The one where he wraps his arms around her."

" So what do you think of your husband in those pictures?"

" I feel cheated. Hahahaha nah joking, it's quite natural actually...not that bad... All of them looks charming."

" Doesn't sound convincing at all."

" I am serious..."

" So do you still want it?"

" Yes. I will place it on my dressing table, so he can see it when he comes back."

" Hahaha, you should stick a post-it note on it. Write something like... I hate you! You're cheating on me!"

I burst out laughing. " Yeah, maybe I should do that, and see how he will try to cheer me up. Keke. Good idea. But coming to think of it, we will end up bickering again. He will try to defend for himself, saying how he warned me not to get it and blabla.."

" Sweetness comes after that isn't it? Each time after both of you quarrel.."

I shrugged. " That's where I can get him to sing for me."

" Just talk to my hand Gill. People get bedtime stories and you get bedtime lullabies.. How is that fair?"

" The world is unfair. Hmm, let me teach you something. Next time when your idol comes, go to the airport and fall in front of him."

" So you fell in front of him on purpose and that's how he set his eyes on you then?"

" I fell accidentally. It wasn't intentional.. And yes, that's how he remembered me from there, somehow.. Wait, or maybe that only happens to me.."

" Arghh whatever... So when's your labour?"

" Hmm..should be around... August?"

" Wow that's fast..."

" De, I'm very scared to be honest..."

" Don't be, Youngsaeng oppa will be by your side the entire time."

I nodded. " Yeah, thankfully. He really make time for me even how busy he may be. Certain housework, he does it.. I only do the light ones. My parents and parents-in-law help me out as well."

" Wow.. My idol is indeed my idol. I'm glad you said that.. So I guess lots of things happened from your marriage all the way till now right? As in..."

I smirked. " Yes. Lots. But.. You know I'm a hardcore triple S right? So his idol image will forever be there.. As in sometimes when he tries to do something to me, his *idol mode* will automatically switch on and * husband mode* switched off. All fans will face that problem..."

" When.he.tries.to.do.something.to.you??" They deliberately chopped up their sentence.

" What should we get for dinner?"

" A meal elaborating what he did to you."

" What is the time now?"

" Time for you to elaborate on it."

" Aish.. Busybodies. Why is everybody so interested about every single thing I do with him?"

" You should know the reason why... So? "

" Nothing much.. He.. Ya.. We are married now.. So ya.. I belong...to him... So... I..he.. Ahh this is so annoying. So how do you think these babies are formed? I swallowed them down?"

They chuckled. " You guys are so free huh..."

I took a deep breath and glared at them. " Oh I just rewatched star golden bell again. Want to watch it together again? I can't stop laughing at it."

" Your babies will go crazy by the way you laugh.. It's scary how you start laughing and cannot stop after that."

" Don't repeat what Saengie said. Come, come let's watch it together again. It will be more enjoyable."










@ adeloveskyu

Yups boy-girl :) Haha ^^ Yeah, super hardcore.. aish.. Haha anyway, thankyu!! :D

@ amyra961

Haha thanks! Ahh it's okay, school is definitely more important! ^o^ Wahh really glad you love it :D 

@ Areu501

Yay thanks! Glad you enjoy every chapter ^^ Yeps, I added her reaction in this chapter :)

@ unchangedlove

Hahahaha I think you are the only one who will understand that joke keke :D I suddenly thought of 'Heo' means good in hokkien, if pronounced properly hehehe. So I thought of those 'names' LOL. Yeps I added her reaction in this chapter ^^

@ mecheko

Oh ya.. Why didn't I think of that.. Argh. Stupid me. Thanks for that idea! ^^

@ dandeli0n

Hahaha your comments are so cute ^^ Yups, a girl and a boy :) Nope, I skipped that whole part haha sorry! ^o^ Hope you enjoyed reading this chappy! :D

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...