Our house

Dream the impossible..



Youngsaeng's POV

" Ah Saengie pali pali, I can't wait to see the interior of this house." she rushed me as I took my time to open the door.

I smiled and open the door slowly.

We were stunned by how beautiful it was. It was a two storeys house, with a spiral staircase which leads the first floor to the second floor. It was amazingly, nicely painted with a light shade of floral blue. Nothing was flowery, Gill will be so satisfied.

The kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms and 1 toilet were on the first floor while the rest were on the second floor.

Gill was like a curious little girl, going around wow-ing at everything she sees.

" Come, let's go up, to the second floor." I held her hand and led her up with me.

" Don't be too shock when you enter this room! :D " A notice was pasted on the door of a room. " Must be Omma's handwriting." she chuckled.

Gill opened the door, and our jaws dropped. The walls of this room were sponged to make it entirely sound-proofed. A white grand piano sat in the middle of the carpeted floorings elegantly. Accompanying it were a few music equipments at the side, just the right equipments to compose songs. With the black sponged wall blending well with the piano and music equipments, this room resembles a mini concert theatre.

" Woow.. This was exactly how I imagined my ideal house to be like.. Feels so much like a dream now." Gill sat in front of the piano and said.

I smiled and sat next to her. " So this is like a mini music theatre for us."

" De." she continued gazing around the room in delight.

" Hmm.. Shall we move on to see how our own bedroom looks like now?" I looked at her and ask.

" Ahh? I..I don't feel like leaving this room yet, it's so amazing.."

" Come on, this room isn't going to disappear." I held her hand and walked out of that room.


Gill's POV

" I think we can start renting a room out to outsiders. There are only two of us, but 4 bedrooms. It will be such a waste."

" Aniyo, we can't. Those rooms are there for a reason. I was thinking of knocking a wall down and building another room here. You see, there will be 3 bedrooms,excluding our room. Imagine 4 little.. people squeezing into one room, it will be too cramp. And furthermore, we also have Eun Hee ." Saengie  reasoned out.

" So you're really taking me as a pig now? Eun Hee gets the priority of having a bedroom to herself. So the other 2 bedrooms..hmm, if you cannot bear to see 6 little... people squeezing into one room, then we shouldn't be too..um..ambitious." I chuckled and answered.

" We taught Eun Hee to share everything she has with others. I'm sure she will be willing to share it with her... Younger siblings."

" Aish.. I will go and purchase a female pig for you. Jinja. Let's go to the farm tomorrow."

" Cheongmal? De, let's go. I'm on a vacation this whole month anyway."

I glared at him. He laughed and led me into our bedroom.

" Woah! Are we that oversized? This room is sooo big! It's like the size of two rooms connecting into one!" I was taken aback.

" That's why this is called the master's bedroom." Saengie answered and grimaced.

" We have a computer here in our room." I said gleefully.

" Never seen one before?" he teased.

" Ani... Just surprised our parents will even put a computer here."

" Hmm..so you can go and check your asianfanfic.com everyday?"

" Mwo? You read? I don't see any extraordinarypig around.."

" Ahem.." he pretended to clear his throat.

" So you really read? Omo...You really make full use of your free time huh.. Phew, lucky i don't really update.."

" De. I seldom have free time, so I should do something I like when I have it right?"

" Whatever...What about other stories? You read too?"

" I'm not telling you which ones i read. But..your friends from that site write better than you do." he joked.

" Of course, I really like their stories too. Yah.. It's difficult to write something non-fictional into something fictional okay.."

" True... Should I really create an account and be your co-author? I will update better chapters, like writing you into the antagonist."

" Andwae!"

" I can log in using your account anyway. Your password should be easy to guess."

" Ani, it's a difficult password, even it slips my mind sometimes."

" You know there shouldn't be any secrets between husband and wife right?"

" Never heard of that before..." I mumbled.

Chuckling, he opened one of the wardrobes and let go of my hand. Somehow, I refuse to let it go and held on tighter.

He looked at me and smiled. "Waeyo?"

I didn't answer. Then, he sat at the corner of the bed while I stood in front of him. " I will answer your questions one by one now. There are a lot of questions bottling up in you right?"

Again, he saw through.

" After we met two months ago, what happened?"

" Nothing happened."

" Then why did it felt as though I was actually dreaming?"

" Because you always found this relationship unimaginable isn't it? As what i said during the concert just now.."

" So what omma said was true? I mean, she said I fainted for um.. 3 days? And after I woke up, she tricked me into thinking everything was a dream?"

" De, after a day we met, I got a call from your omma saying that you weren't feeling well, had a terrible headache and so you slept after that."

" Didn't you come and see me?"

" Of course I did, I was worried. I knew the reason behind why you weren't feeling well. You thought and worried too much about the things I said when we met that day."

" Omo..so I really slept for the whole of 3 days? I think i'm seriously the best...I could have died."

" I wouldn't have allowed that to happen. You slept for a day, deep deep sleep probably."

" Are you hiding anything from me?" I kinda sensed something.

" Aniyo." he answered immediately. I knew it wasn't that simple, maybe just too complicated to explain, so I didn't ask further about that.

" So... Omma and you planned this?"

" Ani..we know you too well to know what your reaction will be, so we just went along with it."

" So..since when did you start planning? I mean..the..proposal.."

" Remember the day I gave you that ticket? I already had that intention. Just that, I knew I had to settle a lot of things before that, as what I promised."

" How did you get Triple S to agree to this? What about those hardcore fan of yours?"

" I have my ways." he grinned.

" Hmm i'm guessing many of them actually cried because of this..Aigoo..ottoke.. I feel like an evil person now."

" I don't lie to my beloved fans and, they understood that I have my personal life to lead.."

I smiled. " No wonder the security guard don't even need to check my ticket when I get in and everybody seemed to be smiling when they glanced to my direction just now. They recognised me by my dress. So i guess this dress is from you too isn't it?"

He shrugged and chuckled. "Yeppeuda."

" Don't you watch TV or movies? Every guy in those shows will kneel on one knee and give a bouquet of flowers when they propose.. How romantic.."

" That won't work on you, my dear. Who knows, I will be rejected even before I ask that question."

" How would you know?"

" Your girlfriends.."


~~~ Flashback ~~~

" Youngsaeng oppa, hmm, she never really share with us about her ideal proposal. But whenever we watch movies, when that guy proposes.. She don't really have any reaction to it while we will be squealing away, envious how romantic that scene was. She just keeps quiet, and gives that straight expression."

" Ahh..i see. Okay, kamsahamnida."

" Jamkanmanyo, you are planning to propose to her??!!"

" You girls will be invited to SS501 concert on 5th June, make yourself free on that day."

~~~ End of flashback ~~~


" They didn't really say anything actually, you know me pretty well.."

" Perhaps, the girl will be the one proposing in the future generation instead."

" Haha de, our daughter's generation, maybe." I laughed and answered immediately, without much thinking.

He smirked.

" I mean Eun Hee.. Don't think too far away."

" Come here." he pat on the space beside him and gestured me to sit.

" What..what are you going to do?" I took a step back and stuttered.

" Hmm... What do you think? Hold your hand, pin you down onto the bed and do what married couples do? Aish.. I wouldn't have shared a room with Kyu when you stayed at our dorm that time if I was thinking of that.." he chuckled and shook his head.

I flustered and blushed deeply. He pulled my hand slightly and I sat on the bed.

" My neck hurts when I keep looking up while answering your questions."

" Now you know my pain..." I joked and replied.

He didn't release my hand and  leaned his head on my shoulder.  "Let me close my eyes for a while.."

I waited for a few minutes and made sure he fell asleep before I speak.

" Saengie ah.. Komawoyo. This day shall be the day I will never forget in my entire life. This is the most romantic proposal I would ever expect. I really didn't expect it to come so soon actually. You must be really tired, busy with your comeback performance in korea and planning for this. Komawo, for always making the effort for me, you really done a lot. Now the feeling of belonging to someone special makes me feel..blessed. I will try my best to be the kind of wife you are looking for."

I smiled and paused for a while. "Saranghae." i whispered, as softly as possible.

" Kwenchana, just be yourself. You are already the kind i'm looking for." he suddenly answered.

" I thought.. You already fell asleep??" I stuttered.

" Saengie ah..komawoyo. This day shall be the day-" he tried imitating me.

" Ahhh! Don't repeat what I said! It's so..embarrassing." I looked away shyly.

Then, he stood up and pulled me back to the music room.

" Let me seal the proposal with this." He leaned me against the sponged wall and came closer till his lips met mine, really gently.

My heart beat faster than usual. I closed my eyes and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. It was perhaps the first time, he was more passionate than before.

It lasted for a while before he slowly released the kiss and chuckled. " My dear piggy, you are going to be my wife soon. If your heart is going to pound this fast everytime I do this, you will get a heart attack sooner or later." he caressed my cheek and said softly.

" My heart isn't listening to me..."

" You have to get used to this."

I blushed. " So..Why..why must you pull me to this room?"

" Why are you so curious about so many things?" he grinned and paused there.

" So why?"

" Because... I want to make you feel assured."

I gave him the puzzled look.

"You see..this is the only room without a bed."

I chuckled. " Ahh.. You're afraid you may do something to me? Ani kwenchana, you respect me, I believe you won't do anything."

" I don't know why but you're exceptionally stunning today. I'm a guy too you know..."

" Ani, you won't. You're an idol." I was sure about that, he was just joking around. 

" And you're going to be my wife.."

" I'm not worried."

" You sure?" he gave me a peck again.

" Sengil Chukahae." he looked at me and whispered.

I smiled.

" So how was your comeback performance?"

" I like it. It's fun." 

" Ahh.. I like that part where you guys did that L.O.V.E. with your fingers. Pretty cool as a dancestep."

He chuckled. Then a thought struck my mind.

" Shall we go to the amusement park tomorrow? I haven't gone to the amusement park in korea before. Don't drive there, I want to take a bus there. Can we?" I ask. I knew I would get the response I want.

" Amusement park? Er..."

" Waeyo waeyo?"

" Are you afraid of scary rides?" he ask wearily.

" Not really. Waeyo?"

" Ahh jin..jinja? Oh nothing, just asking.."

I think I know why he ask that, but I shall let him keep his pride.

" You went there before?"

" De.. Quite a long time ago."

" With your previous yeoja chingu?"  I could tell just from his expression. It was obvious from his looks.

" Ahh? You stalked me last time?"

" Aniyo. It's foolish to try stalking idols around. I don't do that."

" Ahh is it? De..i went there with her."

I nodded and laughed. " Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby~" I hummed the tune out.

He widened his eyes and startled.

" What? It's Gee. Don't tell me you don't know that song, hmm looks like the kid leader of that group will be disappointed... " I continued teasing.

*Choke* " I..I know..that..that song.." he stammered.

" Mmm.. Waeyo? Afraid I will be jealous if I know about that somebody whose name starts with T and ends with N?"

" Ani aniyo..just that.."

" Just that I thought someone said there shouldn't be any secrets between husband and wife?"

" Never heard of that before..." he copied what I said previously.

I chuckled. I know he will definitely tell me if I ask, that's why I chose to keep it to myself. He didn't have anything to hide from me anyways.

" Aigoo, don't worry, I'm fine with it. I'm just teasing you." I cupped my hands on his cheeks and smiled.

He looked at me.

" Why would I still be jealous over your past yeoja chingu? Although no doubt she is really pretty and talented."

" De she is..."

I smiled and nodded. 

" You know me pretty well don't you? Hmm, indeed my mrs Heo."

" Who is your mrs Heo?" I blushed and mumbled. " Come, it's quite late already, let's hurry see other rooms. Omma is going to be worried if I don't go home today." I quickly give him a quick peck and pulled him out of the room.







@ unchangedlove

Yeah she is keke. Haha yeps, i sorta just got carried away when i was writing this chapter. hehe. Oh is it? Aww thanks! ^.^ I love Eun Hee too :) I will update another one probably tomorrow :) 

@ amyra961

Haha you're loved as well! :D Hmm, yay glad you're liking it still :)) Thanks for your comment! :D

@ bigbangluv143

Dongsaengie!! Before I say anything, I wanna shout a big THANK YOU to you! I'm really very happy, i didn't expect to have a poster for my story ^^ you jinja cheongmal jinja made my day hehehe. Anyway, yupyups i will update another one probably tomorrow :) 

@ Areu501

Hahaha woah thanks :) Haha before I end this, I will still update a couple of chapters in between first. Haha I have been wanting to add that in my story ^^ Hmm for the ending, wedding..hmm I'm not sure if it will be this kind of ending, but, thanks for that idea :) I will try mentioning more about ling :) Yups, yee min and kyu too :)

@ dandeli0n

Wow thanks for your long comment! :) Hehehe yeps she is jinja jinja lucky. Keke. Haha glad that you are liking the chapters, that will be a great inspiration for me :) Yups finally Eun Hee is back! I missed writing about her too. Hmm.. haha i laugh so hard when i read that Best Rookie Actress in the decade part. Haha you're so hilarious :) Kyaa made my day! Oh, I went to Malaysia :) It was really fun..but I only went for a few days, if only it was a longer :( haha Komawo! 

@ lonelygurl501

Nadul! :) Haha yeps new house :) Their parents are reallly generous with their gift kekeke. Wediing..hmm both of them don't want it to be held so soon actually. hehehe. I will see how it goes :) Hehe about that thing Jan whispered to her..hmm Gill answered, i'll carry yours first :) Keke so I guess you know what she whispered? Hahaha. Weeee i love your update too! :D 

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...