A Surprise

Dream the impossible..

A few months later...


Gill's POV


We talked on the phone every single night and he never breaks his promise to keep in contact with me. Although he is very busy promoting his singles, but... i guess i still can't bear not talking to him...i wished him luck silently.

Now, even none of us mentioned it, we both knew that we have feelings for each other. Not just a normal idol-fan kind of relationship..but something much deeper than that.

I really want to meet him. Miss him so much.

" Hey Gill, i got something to tell you. I'm not sure it will be a good or bad news for you. But you have to take it no matter what." My mum spoke softly but seriously.

"What is it? You sounded serious..." I was afraid she might say something i never want to hear.

"you may have to change school, a school far away...because..." not waiting to complete her sentences, i interrupted.

" WHAT! Change school! No i don't want! I'm staying here no matter what!" I demanded.

" Wait! Listen to me first. Ling will be together with you. Your dad had made a partnership with Ling's dad and both of them had signed an agreement with a boss in Korea. so we have to shift there for a period of time... We will make an arrangement for the both of you to study in an international school there." My mum explained.

" But...i will miss my friends..." I sobbed, missing out the detail about moving to KOREA!

" Pack all your things, we will be leaving in a weeks time after you bid your friends goodbye."

I think i will keep this news from Saengie first.


Ling's POV


Heyhey Gill! Are you excited about changing school? i asked in excitement.

Of course not... i will miss Jan, Victoria, Johanna, rachel and all my other close friends... Gill sighed.

But we may get to attend SS501 concerts more often.. Come on.. it's Korea! Isn't it the place where both of us yearn to go since young? i asked.

What!! Ko... Korea! Are you serious? We are attending the school there? she exclaimed.

Yes Gill. Didn't auntie tell you? Furthermore, auntie promised to buy us SS501 concert ticket as a compensation... I wonder which seat will we get...


Gill's POV


At that instant, i jumped for joy.

The first thing i thought of was not the school there... But Saengie. How will he react if i tell him about this? I smiled unknowingly.



The day before departure...

I checked all my things over and over again, fearing that i will miss out anything..especially that letter.



The flight was tiring... not a pleasant one at all... But..oh well, what it matters is reaching here.

Ling and i were placed in a 3 storeys luxurious house. It was all so well planned beforehand. I heard the house was given to my family by the ajusshi appa works with as a welcome gift. He is sure generous.

It took us a whole 30 mins to finish exploring the house. Ling and i have our own rooms. Mine is on the 3rd floor and Ling's is on the 2nd floor, just directly below mine.

I jumped and lay flat on my bed. Ahhh...we finally reached here....

I'm so glad that i'm gonna have my own room.. I smiled thinking that i can talk to Saengie on the phone without hiding in the toilet and talking softly....So wicked of me hahaha. i thought.

That night, i took the initiative to call. the line got through and it felt different, so near yet so far... 

I missed him so badly.. i wanted to meet up with him but..argh forget it.. i can't.

" Saengie! I'm so happy today! how are you?" i asked in happiness.

" Hi sweetie. Oh..what makes you so happy today? Didn't call you yesterday because i was busy preparing for my concert... sorry"

" It's okay. You must be really tired... Do take care of yourself! Don't fall sick, your concert is only a week away! Dont stress yourself too much. If you need anybody to talk to, I'll...i..will.. always be there." I said shyly.

" Ahhh i guess that's the reason i was so attracted to you..haha. Sigh Gill...i want to see you so badly now..." 

" Me too.. it's so near now...yet..so far.." i hinted him.

" Haha anyway, i know you can't fly all the way here to see my concert but i will specially ask someone to video tape the whole thing and send it to you okay? I guess that' the only thing i can do for you here.. Yup i know i'm the best, don't have to be so touched or thank me"

" You saw through me Saengie haha. but still.. th..thanks!"

i knew i have the chance to see him live on stage but still can't help but be touched at his little actions.

"Gill, i gotta hang up now.!"

" Goodnight!"

That night... i can't sleep. I don't know how will i react when i see him again after so many months.



That day before the concert...

Ling and i went to a nearby shopping mall, it was a huge one.

The things were fascinating. Haha it sure feels like a foreigner in a foreign country.. i laughed.

Soon, we passed by a shop named" The Wonders of SS501". It is a beautifully decorated green shop.

Ling and i rushed into the shop without a second thought. Everything sold in there were related to them.. stickers, shirts, pen,cards, photoframe, clock and even kitchen stuffs like a toaster with a picture of them printed on it, cutleries etc..It was soooo cute! The shop is even divided into 6 different sections. Younsaeng's section, Hyunjoong's section, jungmin's section, hyungjoon's section, kyujong's section and lastly, SS501 section. 

We stayed there for approximately an hour looking at every single thing..Thereis one thing they don't sell in here, a letter handwritten by one of the members, i smiled, feeling so proud of myself.

Soon, we chose our things and headed to the cashier. The lady at the cashier is actually a leader of triple S! Wow..she was even wearing their fanclub t-shirt.

" Anneyong! Guess you two are a really a great fan of our boys. especially Youngsaeng oppa? haha" the lady at the cashier smiled after looking at the basket full of youngsaeng's merchandise."

" Yup hi. i am Ling and this is Gill. Pangapsumida!" Ling introduced.

" De pangapsumida! you can just call me Jess. Everyone calls me that. Anyway, do you want to join the fanclub? Both of you are lucky today to meet me, i can give you two free membership :) On top of that, we will always get the best seating for any autographs sessions or concerts, I am sure you don't want to miss this chnace right? But...on one condition. You have to come for every contact session with all the triple S. If you happened to miss thrice, i'm sorry but i have to take the membership away from you. is that alright with you two?" 

Without a second thought, Ling immediately aggreed. i hesitated for a moment as i am worried that the contact sessions may clash with my school hours. I don't want to sacrifice my studies because of it i thought...

" Come on Gill, what are you still thinking about? It's such a good opportunity.. and you always wanted to get a chance to meet HIM right? " Ling emphasized on the HIM.

" But..oh well...okay then..." I agreed.

" Okay! Your membership will be valid only AFTER this tomorrow's concert. So look forward to meet you guys for the next few autograph sessions and concert okay? " Jess smiled.

We came out of the shop happily, looking at every details of the membership card.

That night, i held on to that membership card tightly in my hands and soon fell asleep on my new omfy bed.



I woke up early in the morning the next day. i flipped my phone and type : Woohoo your long awaited day! All the best and wish that the concert will be a great success! I'll be supporting you! :D

Search for Saengie's name in my phone and... SEND!


Youngsaeng's POV

I practiced all night hoping that this will be a great success. Not sure why after been through many events and mini concerts, i still feel nervous.. Maybe be cause this is the first time i know that someone is looking out for me in her own country...i don't want to disappoint her..

Then my phone rang. " Woohoo your long..... " I smiled. A smile that really came from my heart.

" Youngsaeng shii! Get prepared and come out in 10 mins! We have to get to the concert ground in an hours time for your first rehearsal! You know how long it takes to reach there. If we are late..who is going to take te blame......" Manager Kim nagged from outside.

" Ahhh early in the morning and he is nagging again..." i sighed. " Okay! i will be right there!" i interrupted him. i quickly slide my phone into my pocket, rushed to the washroom and shut the door. Finally can get away from his naggings..


Gill's POV


At 3pm, Ling and i are dressed up in our most appropriate clothes.

Ling wore an elegant mini lime green dress that accompanied with a cute bear necklace.

Looking at her in that pretty dress makes me envious of her. I do not have any fashion sense, and a little too conservative.. Everything in my wardrobe are mainly only blouse, t-shirts, knee-length skirts, pants, jeans and nothing else.. i rummaged through my whole wardrobe and finally found something. A baby green laced sleeveles top matched with little cute ribbons at the side. i decided to wear that with a long black jeans.

" Hurry up Gill! We need to go to our appa's office before that to collect our ticket! the time you take to choose your clothes is equivalent to the time i took my breakfast!" Ling raised her voice from the first floor.

I quickly get myself dressed up and tied my shoulder-length hair into a ponytail, matched with a cherry butterfly clip on top of my rubberband. Before Ling started shouting again, i  quickly rushed down.

The journey to appa's office was longer than expected. It took approximately 1.5 hours to get there.. By the time we reached there/ it was already 530pm..The concert is starting at 730pm, and the worse thing is, we need time to travel to the concert hall! Gosh..i'm not sure if we will make it there on time.

"Appa! Appa! My two tickets! " i rushed.

" Relax dear, it's here. Do't need to rush, my boss has kindly offered to send you two there as he has to go there for something as well so you can reach there in 30 mins time."

" Oh thank goodness! Thank you ajusshi!" Both of us heaved a sigh of relief..

In his car, we had a chat with ajusshi. " So i suppose both uf you are great fans of SS501? Which is your favourite member?"

" Youngsaengg oppa! " Ling answered immediately.

" Er..i like all members..but..especially focus more on..youngsaeng oppa.." I answered shyly in a oft tone.

" Oh i see..so both of you favour my so.....i mean youngsaeng shii. haha Gill, don't have to be shy. Your face is all red.." ajusshi teased. " You remind me of the time my son told me about his ideal type though.. hahaha"

" Aju..ajusshi! don't tease me already.. wow you must close to your son.." i answered.

" well..yes..but not anymore.."

Ling and I kept quiet and dare not ask anymore. Soon, we reached there, at 615pm. But, we are only allowed to be in the concert hall earliest at 645pm.

There were MANY MANY fangirls around, It was so crowded. Banners and lightsticks were everywhere.. When Ling and i walked passed the crowd, we realize that all the fangirls were gathering in their groups based on their member's preference.. so cool!

We walked up to Saengie's group of fangirls. They were busy preparing all the banners and stuff.. Everyone seemed so happy and eager.

Ling and i managed to make friends with a few of them there. The funny thing is.. One of them told me that she has her WHOLE room filled with only Saengie. Her cup, her toothbrush, posters everywhere, basically.. EVERYTHING.! the only thing she lacked is not getting to know Saengie personally..which. she told me she will be able to do it one day..i was stunned for words. She is soo obsessed..i thought. Then, she added on. " i must be the first and only fangirl to know him personally..i will make sure the other fangirls will not get a chance, if not, they will be in deep trouble.."   she flashed an evil smile on her face. Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine.

Finally, the entrance door opened. Everybosy rushed i with their tickets and stuffs to get to their seat as fast as possible. As usual, Ling and i got separated as i got pushed to the back.

We met again at out seating place and realised that the obsessed girl is sitting right in front of us.. We pretended that we didn't see her haha.

The concert was still 45 mins away..

" Hey Ling, look at the ticket, what is this small section here? Does it requires us to write annything on it? It states there to write our name, ticket number. next, drop it into your respective favourite member' green box at the entrace of the concert hall.." i asked

" Oh ya.. let's just write it down.. no harm writing.. There is still plenty of time anyway.."

Every box was soo filled. Seems like every memebr has an equal number of fans..

When we dropped the slip into Youngsaeng's box, the lights dimmed and everyone were shouting at various directions of the concert hall.Ling and i quickly locate our seats which were right in front.

After so many months, i get to see him again...

I sat dow there quietly listening to all the songs they sang.. Deja vu, snow prince, a song calling for you, U R man etc..basically all the songs they have.

Then, it was their solo songs.. Saengie sang 사랑인거죠..my favourite song.. a tear rolled down the corner of my eyes as i listened to it..it sounded the same as in first heard it..

Soon, when all of us thought the concert was coming to an end, the 5 members came out again with their comfortable attire, together with the MC of the concert. They were each holding on to their respective boxes in their hands. Everybody cheered loudly.

Emcee: Hello everybody! So how was the concert so far??


Emcee: Haha okay! so as all of you can see, these are the five boxes you all threw in your slips. I'm sure nobody here knows what is the slip for right?... We will have a bonding game now with these 5 handsome boys here now. They will pick out a slip out of the box without looking. When your name is called out, run as fast as you can up the stage and show us your ticket number as evidence. The pair that win the round will have a chnace to request for anything you want your idol to do for you. But of course, it must be reasonable. Due to time constraint, there will only be two rounds.

Fans: Ahhhh please be me..please be me!!

First round- Two balloons will be connected and each one is tied around one leg of each person. You have to try bursting the other pair's balloons and the pair that have the last balloon left after 7 minutes will be the winner.

" Argh Gill.. i want to be the one!!" Ling shouted

" Haha how can we have any chances? There are a hundred thousands fans here.." i replied disappointedly.

Jungmin: Let me pick one..okay this one. Cho mun jong. ticket number 6825.

Kyu Jong: Kim yeo yeon. ticket number 5788

Hyunjoong: English name.. Tricia! ticket number 3895

Hyungjoon: Gu hye min. ticket number 5081.

Youngsaeng: She has the same surname as me! Heo myo min ticket number 4267.

" Oh my...isn't she that obsessed girl just now? I can't imagine what will happen if she wins the game.." I sighed.

Emcee: Okay, is all the fans up here already? Ready for the game? Okay 1,2,3 start!

Everyboy on stage was crazily stepping on each other's balloons. The fans were all cheeing for their favourite member to win.

" Hey that obssessed girl, myo min is trying to use this time to get close to Youngsaeng oppa! Look at where her hands is.. Around his waist!! Ridiculous! " Ling snarled.

I just stared at it..

5,4,3,2,1 beeeeeeeeep! TIME'S UP! 

Emcee: So looks like the winner os this game goes to Youngsaeng and Heo myo min! *CLAPS* okay myo min, so what do you want Youngsaeng to do for you?

Myo min: Hmmm.. i have been waiting for this.. Can i request for a ...kiss?

Saengie was shocked.. Everybody else too.


Emcee: Since she requested it.. Youngsaeng shii, just a slight kiss on her cheek, is quite reasonable! :D

Everybody on stage took a step back. " Come on Hyung! You can do it! " Jungmin oppa teased from behind.

At that moment, Youngsaeng went up to that girl, bent his back and gave a quick peck on her cheeks. Everybody shouted.

I sat there smiling.. I trusted him, so didn't feel a tinge of jealousy..

Myo min came back to her seat, in front of us. She was smiling from ear to ear, next, she turned aroud and show off to us.

" Ahh whatever.. hope you don't wash your face and get pimples everywhere.." Ling retorted.

" Hey don't say that Ling. Oh..congrats to you myo min unnie, your dream really did came true." I turned to her and smile.

Second round- Each pair will be given a biscuit stick and both of you are uppose to bite from both ends. The pair that have the least biscuit left will win!

MC: Woo this is exciting! Be careful SS501, you may end up lip to lip with a fan. hahahaha okay let's pick.

Jungmin: Ho Sung ye. Ticket number 0094

Kyujong: Kim sei en. Ticket number 2386

Hyunjoong: Jung Tae im. Ticket number 2456

Hyungjoon: Gil Yeo Nim. Ticket number 3458

Youngsaeng: English name, Madeline. Ticket number 4675

Emcee: Okay so everyone is here already? Youngsaeng you still do not have a a partner. Madeline... Once, Twice, Gone. Okay Youngsaeng you may pick one again.

Youngsaeng: English name again, Gillian. Ticket number 0501.

At that instant, i can't believe my ears...did he just called me? I asked. I checked my ticket number 0501. Yes it's me..

I was stunned. I couldn't move.. The MC started counting down. Every fan around me started helping me. " WAIT WAIT! SHE IS HERE!" they screamed..

i stood up and ran towards the stage...






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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...