A change in our Status

Dream the impossible..



Youngsaeng's POV

2nd Nov...

I met up with my brothers and other friends and have a little drink.

Gill and I already got everything settled 2 months ago. Invitations, venue, taking our leaves from work for tomorrow,wedding photos, etc...

We deliberately didn't contact or meet each other for a whole week, just before our big day.

" So, what are your plans after tomorrow?" yoochun ask.

" Nothing much, everything will be as per normal, just that.. I will have a wife with me from then on."

" Ahh I'm jinja envious of you. Your fans are really nice to be able to accept both of you."

" De, I'm thankful for that too."


Gill's POV

Of course, my family, relatives and friends are invited as well. They arrived today to get things prepared. I pleaded for my four friends and 2 cousins to have a sleepover at my house on that day.

" Yah! Don't you dare to ever forget us after tomorrow arraji??" Jan pinched my cheeks and warned.

" Ye ye arraseo. Yah! Let go, it hurts.." I joked.

" Her cheeks are all red now, Jan, you have to watch out. Youngsaeng oppa will come after you tomorrow."

" Mwo?! It's natural blusher. Anyway, even though he is my idol, I won't hesitate to give him a good ear piercing if he ever dare to lay a finger on Gill." Jan scoffed sternly.

" Yah.. Jan, how am I going to marry him if you don't allow him to lay a finger on me?" I laughed and questioned.

" Tsk..you should know what I meant. I meant if he ever dare to make you cry or hurt you in any way.. I won't let him off."

" Aigoo, don't worry. It will be on the news headline if he were to ever hurt me. Haha nah kidding. Komawoyo."

Everyone chuckled.

" Ahh I'm so nervous for tomorrow... Ottoke?" I rubbed my hands together and uttered.

" What are you nervous about? About your wedding? Or...or something that will happen..after that?" they teased cheekily.

" Nothing of that sort. Just..."

" Just? Aigoo don't worry, he will be gentle on you, i think. Kekeke. "

" Aish.. Goodnight. I'm going to have my beauty sleep now." I pulled the blanket over my head and ignored them.

" Okay okay we will stop teasing. Wake up, don't sleep first. This will be the last time we can sit on your bed like this and have a heart to heart talk with you."

" I don't want to have eye bags and dark circles on my big day tomorrow."

" Just keep telling yourself you're not tired. Those eye bags won't find you tomorrow. You'll be the prettiest tomorrow."

" De de I shall stay up for a little while more. Don't talk too loud, Eun Hee needs to sleep."

" She sleeps so early, it's only 1030pm now."

" I need to train her to sleep at this timing. Her appa pampers and spoils her too much, it will be hard for me to coax her to sleep once she starts playing with Saengie."

" Youngsaeng oppa will be too busy AT NIGHT that he won't even have the time to entertain Eun Hee..." they mumbled and grimaced.

" Yeah yeah you are right, he will be working till late at night so I WILL BE ASLEEP even before he comes back home." I stuck out my tongue and tried to twist their words around.

" Anyway, how will your wedding be like tomorrow?"

" Normal procedures of a typical Korean marriage, but the most modern kind, since my parents-in-law are one of the rare modern kind of Koreans. You get what I meant right? Of course, Singapore's traditions and culture will be added in as well. I think it will be a mix, and I hope, everything will not be too complicated. "

" So... We get to 'torture' your husband and his bestmen before he gets to see you tomorrow right?" (A/N In case you aren't aware, in Singapore and some other countries, before the bridegroom can meet the bride on that day, his bestmen and him will have to fulfill the demands of the bridesmaid, something like a list of forfeits, till a point where the bridesmaid are satisfied, then he can enter the room and pick his bride to the next place. It's kind of a tradition.)

" De. Don't be too harsh on him, you know, he is an idol anyway. And you can punish him to do anything , just make sure it has got nothing to do with his voice arraseo? Oh and his bestmen will be the other 4 members of SS501, I'm sure you know about this anyway. I'm worried you girls may do something extreme."

" De de de got it. We are Triple S too, you know how much triple S love their boys right? He will be in perfect condition, especially his precious voice."



The day finally arrived. 3rd November.

Both of us woke up very early at our respective places. In fact, I was too excited and anxious that I couldn't even sleep well.

Oh well.. I hope my dark circles don't start forming later.

My friends and cousins went down for breakfast while I just stayed in my room, sat in front of my dressing table, smiling to myself in the mirror like a lunatic.

" Ahh Yah! Yes you! Better learn to be a good wife from now on arraseo?"

" De."

" You're going to be the prettiest bride ever, be confident of yourself and walk down that aisle with him."

" De.. I will."

Arghh, I'm going nuts. Fancy talking and replying myself in front of the mirror? Calm down for goodness sake!

Then, there was a knock on my door and omma came in.

" Omma.." I smiled and called.

She sat on my bed. I turned around to face her.

" Gill, you're finally growing up and starting your own family soon. You must be more organized and ladylike in front of your husband okay? Remember to come back to see your appa and I at least once a week arraseo? Wahh.. Now that I look at you, you're really all grown up and prettier as well." she my hair and tears could be seen welling up her eyes.

" Omma.. Kamsahamnida, for all these years. I promise to take good care of myself from now on. Don't worry, I will definitely come back to visit you and appa, despite of how busy I may be." a tear fell as i replied her.

She smiled and we wiped off each other's tears. It was really heartwarming.

" Come on, don't cry anymore, today is your big day, you don't want to be walking down the aisle with swollen and puffy eyes right? Here, this is for you. Put it on later, it's our heirloom. Don't you dare reject it." She opened up a box and revealed a beautiful necklace.

" De.. Kamsahamnida."

" Okay, better get prepared now. They are coming in about 2 hours time."

I got my gown on, my make-up stylist designed me into my most beautiful self in my entire life.



Youngsaeng's POV

" Annyeonghaseyo." We reached Gill's house and greeted the bridesmaid.

" Annyeonghaseyo. Hmm, jamkanmanyo, don't..don't think you can get in now, you..you guys will have to do a list of things first." they stuttered like typical fans.

" Yah! If you girls are going to stutter, then hurry let me out! I don't want to be trap in this room anymore." Gill raised her voice from inside her room.

" Hey! You are not suppose to talk! We won't really torture your husband, so you can be rest assured and get back to your seat inside." One of her friends laughed and replied her.

Then they flashed a mini whiteboard in front of us.

" All 5 of you have to finish doing all of this in 45 minutes. If not, your bride will forever be inside."



To-do list:

1)  Eat. Since it's also Youngsaeng oppa's birthday today, we prepared a cake. Finish up at least half of that cake.

2)  Wash. See those filthy dishes over there, wash every single plate until it's sparkling clean. Oh, we purposely applied extra layer of oil and butter on each of the plates.

3)  Drink. Remember the honey lemon+ ginger vinegar drink? There are 10 glasses over there, each containing different amounts of it. Finish up all.

4)  Sing. After the drink, your voice should be triggered. Since you have five members, each of you have to sing that line from because I'm stupid, ~bye bye never say goodbye~ and go up a semitone. Youngsaeng oppa has to do the last semitone up, which is the 5th semitone from the key of G (the starting note). If any of your voices crack within that line, all of you will have to restart from the starting note.

5)  Say. Breathe in the helium in this balloon and say out 3 things you are going to fulfill for Gill. This, nobody can help. Youngsaeng oppa has to do it alone. Make sure you said it loud enough to be heard from inside her room.

6)  Kiss. Apply this super red lipstick on each of your lips. Then make a mark on each other's cheeks. Kyu-->joon-->minnie-->leader-->Saeng. Lastly, Youngsaeng oppa will go in and make that mark at the back of Gill's hand.



" Understand? You guys..can only do one at a time, systematically. Don't try to think of any short cuts. Your time starts...now!"

We did everything in a hurry. One by one, so far until the 2nd, everything was alright.

" Yah can you guys help me drink all these up? I really dislike this drink." I pleaded my members.

" Andwae!"

Then, we went on to the forth one.

" Yah I thought I said you can do anything to them but not hurt their voices? 5 semitones from G is crazily high, it's like asking him to stretch 5 notes up, to the next D key. He isn't an opera singer! Start from the E key instead! " Gill raised her voice from inside the room again.

" They drank that drink, so it should be fine. You should have more confident in your dear high vocalist, I believe he can even do 10 semitones up." One of her friends laughed and replied.

" I know he can reach it, but he will be straining his voice. Yah I warn you, Triple S will come after all of you if you damage his voice box, arraseo?"

5 of us just kept laughing.

" Aish.. Just keep quiet and wait for him to go in!! SS501, your time is still ticking. 6 minutes left..."

" This shouldn't be a problem, I've been training to go 7 semitones up." I boasted.

" Yeah, but failed..." jungmin added.

" Aish..Start your first note, pali! "

It was getting higher and higher. Then, hyungjoon's voice cracked a little.

" Yah! You are a singer, can you do it properly?" jungmin reprimanded.

" I'm doing the forth semitone! You want to switch with me? I can do your starting note without any difficulties."

" Yah yah! We're running out of time, just concentrate and stop cracking, unless you guys want to do the fifth semitone for me."

They tried again and the forth semitone was successfully hit.

Anyway, I did mine, clear and sharp, without even a slightest trace of crack in my voice.

They clapped and chuckled. " No doubt he is our lead singer..."

5th one..

" I'm not going to-" I inhale the helium and spoke in a funny manner. Everybody laughed till they roll.

" I'm not going to spoil Eun Hee too much from now on, I'm going to convince her to help me fulfill my wish list,-"

" Wait, what is your wish list?"

" Only she knows what I'm talking about. Anyway thirdly, i'm going to take care and love her till I die."

" Woooooooo!"

Last one... Each of them made a striking mark on each other's cheek. Next, it was my turn. Finally, I got to open up her door.

She was so beautiful, probably the most stunning bride in the century.

I went up to her slowly, held her hand and kiss it lightly.

" Wooohoo all done! You can proceed to your next destination now."

" Jamkanman, he can't go out with his lips like that." Gill quickly got a wet tissue and wiped off the lipstick on my lips gently. The rest of my members also did the same for their lips.


So for the rest of the day, till evening, we did all the different marriage ceremonies here and there.

Finally, we got a break at our last venue. We waited for all the guests to arrive for the dinner function at the hotel. In the meantime, we got to catch a breath, touch up our make-up and change our wedding suit at our private dressing room.

" I didn't know a wedding could be so complicated.. I was so afraid that I would make a mistake just now.."

" We walked through everything. Now, it's the last procedure of the day. I will be by your side this whole time." I smiled and told her.

" Anyway which idol friends did you invite?"

" Jaejoong,Yoochun,Siwon,Taeyeon,Sunny,Seungyeon and more. Anyway all of them, together with my four members will take up a table."

" Woah! Cheongmal??! Everyone is turning up?!"

" De should be."

" Omo... Ottoke?"

" Waeyo?"

" Aniya..just... You see, i'm also a huge fan of all of them. It's kinda.. Scary when so many idols attend your wedding. Taeyeon-sii is coming huh..."

" De of course. I also invited Jaejoong anyway."

" Oh ya.. Komawo. You will be staring at Taeyeon and I will be staring at Jaejoong oppa. Tit for Tat. Imagine us walking down the aisle and looking out for the other person..Haha this will be amazingly funny."

" Why would I be staring at her on my wedding with you? Yah.. You should think likewise."  I sniggered and squeeze her hand lightly.

" Haha I was just kidding. I got such a handsome husband by my side, I don't see how others can beat that."

I chuckled and pinch her nose.

A slight knock on the door was heard and a little girl came in.

" Aigoo our flower girl is here, where have you been?" I held her up and place her on my lap.

" I don't know. Everybody started coming up to me and pinching my cheeks just now. So I ask an ajumma to ask a person to take me here."

" Haha ahh is it? Kyeopta."

" Omma, where do I throw the flowers later?"

"Eun Hee, just throw at your omma." I chuckled and told her.

" Yah! Don't talk nonsense. Didn't you practice for this a few days ago? Actually, I don't really like flowers, do they have confetti or any other things to throw?" Gill asked.

" So you think it's a party now? Throw confetti? Why don't we get party poppers, hats and whistles too?"

" I don't get why it must be flowers.. Anyway, Eun Hee ah, just do whatever you were told to do. Don't worry, we will be walking in front of you. Just make sure you throw to the sides, or if not, throw at the person walking next to me later." she hollered and stammered between laughter.

" Yah! Watch out... Tonight." I joked and mumbled the last word softly. Of course, I didn't really mean it.

" Happy anticipating. I will be sleeping as soon as I reach home, or I'll be hiding in Eun Hee's room."









Heehee I will continue the next part in my next chapter :) I will elaborate what will happen at the hotel dinner function and more.^^ Hope you are still okay with this, pardon me, because I have totally no experience in weddings.. Duh..haha. :D  Anyway, anticipate ~


@ bigbangluv143

Haha yeps, they were already together in a few chapters back. I roughly mentioned about it somewhere :) Yup it is ^^ Oh it's okay for writing in caps, don't have to apologise ^.^ 

@ lonelygurl501

Yup she won! :) 24/7 omma, yeah forever she will be like that hahaha. Yeps, he already won over Yee min's heart :) Anyway, de okay, I got it :) I will try to think what you will comment and reply you even though you don't comment keke :) But i think I will end this fic soon anyways. Komawoyo for watching over! ^^

@ Areu501

Hehe yeps, they were together a few months ago, just that their relationship still aren't stable yet. :) Weee thanks for anticipating. Ya Eun Hee is one smart kid hahaha.

@ dandeli0n

Haha I don't know if it's considered a surprise, but I'll try to make the wedding as interesting as possible, although I kinda failed at it already haha. Yeah, you can just imagine her performing, aigoo, I also want to go and see. Haha *crazy author* here. Yeps kyu and Yee min will :D

@ amyra961

Woah really? Hahaha that's great :) But, not an idiot though. hehe. ^o^ Glad you're liking it! 

@ starrypoohDBSK

LOL 언니?!! Haha okay, editing my next chapter in progress. ^^ 

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...