Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

Tenth month...

I took my college admission exam. Everything was fine, but wasn't confident at all. The results will be out by the end of this month..

After that exam, I rushed back to haraboji's house and started my new list of chores.

I watered the plants in the garden. I squat down and picked up a brightly coloured and conspicuous flower and started plucking out all the petals unknowingly while staring into space.

" Ahhh Saengie..when are you coming back..i'm tired..." I look down and sighed.

" I'm back." I heard a voice from behind.

" Haraboji, I know it's you.. How can Saengie be's only the tenth month, there's two more...wait..that voice.."

I quickly turn my head around and saw a perfect tall figure standing there,chuckling. My tears started strolling down my cheek endlessly.

I ran up to him and hug him tightly and kept weeping.

He wrapped his hands around me and smiled.

I couldn't say anything, my tears were choking me.

" Come, let me take a look at you." he said gently and tried to release the hug.

I shook my head and refuse to let go. I didn't even bother to think if I was merely just dreaming or not..

He smiled and allowed me to stay that way for a while.

" Why are you back so early? I thought-" I released the hug and stammered.

" I wanted to see you." he wiped off my tears and smiled.


" De?? You just came back because-"

" Aniyo Keke. I already finish my work there. We produce quite good results there so, we were granted to come back earlier."

" Ahh. Wow you didn't really change much..still the 'U R man' look I like.. Keke."

" Haha of course I'm still myself. But for you..haraboji must have given you a lot to do? You were already slim and now you slimmed down.." he ask in concern.

" Ani I have always been like this.. Didn't slim down..isn't surprising anyway, I am really tired at times.."

He pulled me close and hug me back. " Miane.."

" Ani kwenchana. I learnt a lot of things from haraboji too."

" Ahh.. So did you treat my childhood friend nicely?"

" Aish..You should be asking her that.. Ask her whether she has been treating your girlfriend nicely.. Anyway, have you seen her just now?"

" De I seen her. She was so happy that she came and hug me just now, like what you did earlier haha."

" Aish I lost... So what did she say?"

" You lost? She ask the same question as you did."

" Argh... Damn. Saengie ahh you really are one-"

" handsome and nice boyfriend," he laughed and completed that sentence for me.

" Both of you were betting on who will I see first when I come back right?"

" Unnie told you?"

" Ani, actually I haven't seen her yet. Of course I will let you win.. Keke" he chuckled and winked mischievously.

" So I was first?? Yipee! Saengie you are the best!!" I wrap my hands around his neck and started jumping.

" Haha aigoo so happy.."

" De of course!! Jinja super happy! I won for once! She will be speechless!! Keke. How do you know in the first place?"

" It's all written on your face."

" Hahaha. I guess you learnt how to read minds in Japan too?"

" Ani i can only read one else."

" Haha so how's everything there? You did not overwork yourself right? Haraboji did not allow me to use my phone, watch the TV or read the news so i totally don't have an idea how were you guys doing there.."

" Ahh. Our comeback was quite a success, received many support from the fans there. It was fun."

" Ahhh so you are fluent in your  Japanese language now? What about the songs?"

" Not really as good as jungmin and the other members. Keke but able to converse in that language now. Aish.. for our songs,as usual, I'm always in charge of all the high parts of every song..i don't like singing those high parts."

" Of course, has anyone ever told you your voice is so angelic that it can actually melt a person's heart? Those high parts are what made me notice you. But of course, the other members' voices are also super awesome. Keke"

" Ahh really? I got an album for you. Our Japanese album. Don't be too touched by my voice! Hahaha "

" Cheongmal?? Komawoyo! I want to hear it so badly.."

" Take it as a souvenir for you" he smiled and ruffled my hair.

"Ahem.." we heard someone cleared his throat.

" Haraboji! Annyeonghaseyo, I'm back."

He sternly walked up to us and purposely stood in the middle of the both of us. " Yee min is in her study room. She has been waiting for you to come back. Go see her now."

"De.." Saengie walked to her study room and I followed behind.

" Yah maid! You are done with the cleaning for today?! Stop following Saeng around! Continue with your chore and leave the two of them alone. They need to have their intimate time alone! "


" I am going to the same direction as him to clean up the room beside unnie's study room,haraboji. I'm not following him. Do you see me following him? Keke" I flashed my ignorant smile and shrugged.

" Yah! I'm not your friend, don't talk to me like how you talk to your friend, maid!" haraboji screamed from behind.

" Lalalalala" I laughed and went to clean up the room.

Youngsaeng POV

* Knock knock*

" Come in."

" Am I disturbing you?" I opened the door and smiled.

" Ahhhh OPPA!! When did you come back??" she ran up to me and hug me, like how Gill did.

" I came back a while ago.. How are you?"

" De I'm fine. Bogoshipoyo! Did you come straight to this room after you come back?"

" Ani..i was at the backyard just now."

" Oh...was.. was anybody there?"

I knew she was trying to ask the same thing as Gill did.

" I just went to see my piggy there.keke"

" Piggy?? Jinja? Since when there was a piggy at the backyard?"

" De there is one. I kept one and put it at this house before i left."

" Cheongmal? How come i didn't even see it even though i was here this whole year?"

" You see her everyday, it's just that you don't notice it." i kept playing around.

" Where? Show me show me." her eyes brightened up and was eager to see that 'piggy'.

" She is next door now." i pointed to the room next to her study room. The door was half ajar and i heard Gill humming our old songs as she pack the bed happily.

Yee min went in. " Did you see a piggy here when you clean?" she ask Gill in her gentle voice as i followed her at the back.

" De unnie? Can you repeat what you said? I'm not too used to hearing you talk to me in that gentle voice." she laughed and told Yee min in her sarcastic tone.

" Yah!" she cleared and chopped up her words.

Gill stared at me with that usual expression. I look down and chuckled.

" Unnie.. I am the piggy he was referring to." she answered with a slight annoyance in her voice.

" You?! Oppa, she is that piggy?"

I look at her and shrugged.

" Woohoo unnie i won!! Saengie came to see me first! Wahahaha!" Gill cheered like a child and ran out of the room, holding a big pile of clothes in her hands,dropping a piece on every step of the stairs.

" Oh my childish." I heard Yee min mumbled under her breath.

" Haha de she is. Like a little girl at times." I laughed and counted the number of clothes she dropped.

I picked up every single piece she dropped. " Yah piggy! Don't your pile of clothes seem lighter as you walk?" I ask.

" Seems like it..looks like I'm getting stronger each day hahaha!" she still didn't realize.

I waved the pieces of clothes she dropped and put it back on her load. " It's not that you are getting stronger, it's that you are getting clumsier. Come, let me help you carry those. I don't think you can see anything in front of you while carrying that big pile of clothes." I took that whole pile of clothes from her.

" I can see! Kamsahamnida, help me throw those in the washing machine too. In the one that is hidden more at a corner."

" De"

Gill's POV

I was too lazy to continue my chores for that day.

I followed behind Saengie to the washing machine and kept smiling.

" Stop smiling, your lips will reap apart and very soon you will need Botox.."


It wasn't surprising that he has eyes hidden at the back of his head.but.. it was kinda scary that he could see through what I was thinking every now and then.

I scurried up beside him and look at him. " So... What have you been thinking of in Japan?"

" How to get my Japanese language right and how to sing the correct lyrics."

" Ahhh... I see.. That's all?"

" Erm..and whether you have been bullying Yee min." he chuckled.

" Haix..YOUR Yee min is perfectly fine, she just clings on to Haraboji day and night. How can I do anything to her.." I look away and said. I didn't really take that to heart actually.

He didn't reply and put all the clothes into the washing machine,then lean against it. I open the small compartment at the side of the washing machine, put in the soap powder and softener, close it, and pressed the start button. Then, I  smiled and walked away.


" Hmm?" I turned my head and answered.

Suddenly, Saengie held my hand and pulled me,leaving me just an inch away from him. I tensed up and my heart couldn't stop pounding. He came closer and kissed me on my lips. It seemed really long since Saengie did that.. I guess that's why I felt so nervous.

" When you hear the 5th song in the album, go Google translate it. I wrote that song. The lyrics are specially meant for someone close to my heart. " he said it with his angelic tone.

I pursed and bit my lips and look at him. I did not know how to answer to that. My eyes turned red.

" You are not going to be so touched  and cry again right? " saengie cupped his hands on my face and teased.

" Ani.. Something just flew into my eye..i think it's the soap powder just now." I quickly denied and rubbed my eye, wiping off the tears welling up.

I smiled and look down. He is really sweet.

" So I suppose you were thinking of that someone close to your heart when you wrote that lyrics right? Haha" I asked shyly.

" I think so..i just imagine a piggy actually." he laughed.

" Why don't you be my Google translator?"

" It's embarrassing to say it out like this. You ask your Japanese friends from your previous school or take up Japanese lessons." he said jokingly.

I chuckled. " So you have to work tomorrow?"

" Ani, I came back early so that means I will have 2 months break."

" Oh.. That's good. I better cook dinner now,if not haraboji will start scolding me again. You go talk to Yee min unnie first, she really misses you a lot too."

" Kwenchana. Haraboji will pester me to do that later. So now, let me just stay a little longer with my dear can?"

I blushed. " De.. Then you just stand at the side mr.idol, I need to cook. What do you want to eat?"

" Aniyo I'm helping you. Cook curry today. I kinda miss your cooking. "

" Ah de. I am the master of curry. HOHOHO!"

Both of us started washing the veggies, cooking the ingredients, putting everything here and there and whipping up a nice meal.

" You look like an old ajumma when you cook. Like those really experienced housewife.." Saengie laughed.

" Aish..that's what all my friends said- Just be a housewife in the future, you look like one-"

" And your husband will be the breadwinner. Right?"

" Huh.. Yah Yah Yah! Did you gang up with my friends long time ago to talk about this?"

" That's my impression of you too..keke."

" Mwo? A housewife? I want to work..not stay at home all day and ask my husband for money every now and then..the society has already changed, saengie.." i continued stirring the curry and exclaimed.

" I'm pretty sure your husband will be willing to do that.. Support you financially.."

" Jinja? That husband will have to work really really hard then.. Ani..i won't tire him out.."


" nice to have you as my wife isn't it?" he washed his hands and teased.

" Aniyo.. Keke. Go find one yourself. But I'm sure there is already a long queue out there, happy choosing."

" None of them will fit the requirement i think.."

" Don't put so high expectations on them. It's hard to find one like that.."

" My expectations aren't very high..i just need someone whom i love.. Whom i can be myself in front of, whom i won't have to act like I'm the all perfect Heo Youngsaeng.."

" Ahhh i see. Then that wife must have gone through a lot of obstacles with you so you can totally be yourself huh?"

" De like how she went to that extend to pull me close to my parents, seeing the weak side of me, sacrifice quite a lot of things just for me.. Like what halmoni did.."

I smiled. " Halmoni?"

" She left long ago. I think that explains haraboji's demanding character..they were really a loving couple. My halmoni is the best halmoni in the world. I always tell myself how nice if my partner next time will be like halmoni..caring and perfect in my eyes.."

" She sounds really nice..if only she was still around, i want to see her."

" You just have to look at yourself in the mirror 60 years down the road."

I chuckled. " You flattered me.. How can anyone be compared to your perfect halmoni.."

" Okay the curry is almost done. Help me put that into a bowl and bring it out."

Everything was done and finally, I was obliged by haraboji to have dinner with them..since saengie is back.

" Yee min ah, go sit beside Saeng. I will sit beside Gill."

Of course I knew why haraboji placed us in that seating arrangement, but decided to joke around with him.

 "Haraboji Keke so nice of you to want to sit next to me.." I clung on to haraboji and laughed.

" Who wants to sit next to you.. I was just trying to make you distant yourself from Saeng.. And stop talking to me like your friend!"

" Keep trying haraboji Keke. I know you want to sit next to me hahaha..okay okay let's eat!"

" Haraboji, am i approved already? Can i go home today?"

" Who says still got 2 months."

" Keun de...Saengie is back."

" Hmm okay you are allowed to go home. Even better. Then Yee min can have a closer relationship with Saeng."

" Then i will stay for another 2 more months. I don't want my hard work for the past 10 months to all go down to drain.."


After dinner...

" Okay go wash the dishes and mop the floor after that. Yee min ah, pull Saeng out with you for a walk along the pool."

Yee min unnie grinned at me and clung on to saengie and pulled him out while i have to wash the dishes and mop the floor.

" Gill do you need help?" saengie ask.

" Ani she can do it by herself. Come,let's go." Yee min unnie replied on my behalf and pulled him out.

Youngsaeng's POV

She clung onto my arm and we strolled along the pool.

" Oppa, you really like her? Don't you?"

" De."

" Haha although i always bully her, but she seldom gets angry..she is really a nice girl."

I look at her and puzzled. " Oppa i know what you are thinking. Yes it's true i really like you. But i can see that Gill deserves you more than i do."

I smiled.

" I just like to see her reaction when i clings onto you.. It's funny when she gives me that annoyed expression. Is she your fan as well?"


" De a super big fan haha."

" Wow she's really lucky..haha look at her now, she is happily mopping the floor even though haraboji is giving her a hard time there. I wonder which girl in the world can endure like how she does..i really demanded her to do a lot of things..she just happily finishes the chores day by day without even complaining.. But sometimes i feel I'm a bit too cruel to her. I often see her dozing off when she waits at the washing machine for the clothes to be done."

" Aish.. You tortured her ah.. She is really precious to me, she went through a lot these few years.. don't be so hard on her.." i chuckled and said.

" So your taste didn't change in Japan at all?"

" Ani.. Won't. Hmm I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know I can't lose her no matter what.."

" Haha I seldom see you so devoted to a girl. She changed your life totally huh? Good for you"

" Hope you can find one too. You are a really nice girl, don't hesitate too long.."

" But I only like you,oppa.."

I look at her and was taken aback.

" Haha I'm joking.. Gill already occupy that empty space in your heart, no more vacancies right? Haha but don't worry, I've got such good qualities, I will be able to find one soon keke."

Then Gill came out and mopped the area where we are standing. " Excuse me unnie. I am mopping, don't get in my way."

" Yah! Yah! This shoe is branded! It cost me a bomb!  You placed your filthy mop on it, how are you going to compensate it to me?? Pay me back the money?? Buy me another one?" Yee min threatened.

" Ah Miane Miane. But I don't have that much money..anyway I don't intend to work in the future, just gonna be a housewife at home and wait for my husband to feed me.. So it's no use even if you pester me for the next few years..hahahahaha"

" Then maybe you should sell your husband away in the future to repay me."

" I will see who is my husband next time. If he doesn't treat me well then maybe i will sell it to you.Hahaha"

" Yah!" I glared at her.

" What! I didn't say I was going to marry you next time.. Kekeke" she laughed and ran into the house.

" Okay maybe I take back what I said about her just now." Yee min chuckled and said.

Both of us laughed.








Wahhh you comment so fast! YAY! :D Kamsahamnida! Yeah i will make ajumma and ajusshi on Gill's side..keke they are Youngsaeng's parents! LOL hahaha. I am waiting for your update too! oh and haha ya! he suits jae better kekekeke. hwaiting unnie! you are amazing!:D 


Dongsaeng ah! ahaha i never even read my story for more than three times, haha how did you do that? haha i will fall asleep halfway haha. I don't know how to thank you enough haha. *bow down to you*. ^^ those comments really motivates me :) i will update sooon haha!


haha yeah! i speed up everything..haha initially, i wanted to put one month one chap, so there will be 12 chapters altogether without youngsaeng..then i thought about it..hmm not worth it, i would not enjoy typing like that too haha so i squeeze five months to one chap. lol! and haha yee min is actually a nice girl afterall right? :)


Wow how did you know i will make saengie come back on the tenth month? haha woah you are genius! haha when i was planning this chap, i wanted to make him come back exactly after 1 year.haha oh well, then..haha and you guessed it! woohoo! haha thanks for your comment! yea..yee min really over confident -.-. hahaha


Hahahaha your comment really never failed to make me laugh like crazy! haha. made my day! thanks! :D haha my mum was like..hey are you crazy?! why are you giggling and laughing at some words? hahaha oh.. saengie will want to meet her first, of course hahaha. woo! lol. and update yours soon too:) 


Helloooo! yay you commented again!! thanks! love ya! i missed your comments! :) haha yup i would just die if i were gill seriously..haha! i was actually having fun writing the teasings between gill and haraboji.. ^^ i look forward to your comments again :)

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...