Expected..usual reaction

Dream the impossible..


Gill's POV
I reached just on time. When I went into the restaurant, at the reserved room, omma, appa,ajusshi,ajumma already reached. " Annyeonghaseyo" I greeted 
I took a seat beside omma. " The rest aren't here yet?" 
" Your cousins, 2nd aunt,3rd aunt and your uncles are already parking their cars. Will be here any minute." appa said.
" Saeng has something on before this, but he is on the way now." ajusshi told me. 
" He knows the way here?"
" Don't bother, he will get here eventually." ajumma chuckled.
Not long after, my cousins,aunties and uncles came. All of us greeted each other. They took their seats on the opposite side from me.
" Sorry we are a little late, my daughter was surfing the internet and didn't want to shut the computer down.." 2nd uncle apologized.
" Oh it's okay. Come let me introduce, these two are my friends in Korea. Their son will be coming later,he is busy with work." appa introduce ajusshi and ajumma to them. They shook hand with each other. 
" Cheryl,Chanel, you two have been going for your Korean classes right? How do you greet them in Korean?" my uncle daughters, who is..duh.. my cousins. Cheryl is the sane age as me and Chanel is a year older. We are close, but not very close to that extend. In fact, I'm even closer to my four friends.
" Daddy, don't tease me anymore. I'm shy to say it here. " both my cousins blushed.
"Gill, how have you been? How's school in Korea? Good?" 3rd aunt ask.
" I'm doing fine, thank you" I smiled and replied. 
" So you must have seen a lot of celebrities over there? Cheryl and Chanel are pestering us to bring them to Korea to see their favorite idols." uncle questioned me.
" Not really.. Maybe just SS501?" 
" Ahhh Gill you met them?! That's so lucky! Cheryl and I are currently obsessed with them ever since the trio came out!!" Chanel laughed and said.
" Ah is it? Yup you want their signatures? I can get it for you..probably later haha." 
" Yes I want! Thanks! Huh? later?" 
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Saengie came in. As usual, my cousins gave the same usual reaction. Shocked, jaw dropped and started to quickly tidy up her hair. I chuckled at their typical reactions.
" Chaesonghamnida, I'm a little late. Had lots of things to settle just now."
" Kwenchana, take a seat." appa said and he came and sat down beside me.
I smiled at my cousins and signal them to wait as I get his signature.
I passed him a piece of paper to sign. " Looks like you have fans everywhere you go.." He chuckled and sign.
I pass the paper to them.My cousins, even my aunties and uncles were shocked that they were dumbfounded for words.
" So I guess you were late because you went to the pig sty to visit your piggy right?" I whispered sarcastically.
" De, I see her, just in front of me..now Keke."
" Mwo?!! Yah!!" 
" Haha ani, manager hyung was giving us briefings for the next few days, so i couldn't go away." 
" Don't talk to me." i turn back to talk to my cousins.
" He is not as cool as you think." i pointed to him and told my cousins jokingly.
" Gill..gi.. Isn't this..youngsaeng oppa? Why.. I mean you.. know him..personally?" Chanel stumbled.
" De, he is ajusshi and ajumma's son. So ya..so considered as..my friend..haha. Don't be so tense."
" Saengie, these two are my cousins. Chanel and Cheryl. Both are also great fan of SS501." I introduced them to saengie. Both girls smiled shyly and blushed as they bowed  slightly.
" Don't tell them we are together.. I hope omma and appa doesn't mention about this." I whispered to saengie.
" De, hope so.."
" You were very busy after the fan meeting just now? Haha you are still wearing the suit from just now."
" De.. Didn't have the time to change. Manager hyung keep talking to us and giving debriefs and briefings.. I'm so tired now.." 
" So I guess you better go straight to the hotel later. Take a rest earlier, you look really tired." 
" All of you are not going anywhere else later?"
" Maybe going to take a walk later.."
" Kwenchana I'm not in the hurry to go back, I already told hyung, so can stay here with you for a little while more."
" Haha suddenly want to be with me longer? Afraid I will fly away? " I blushed.
" Gill and youngsaeng shii, don't keep talking to each other. Gill, entertain your cousins."
" Gill, is your..your.. school holiday now?" their voices still shivering, trying to stop themselves from staring at him.
" Yup, only for 2 weeks. I came back to meet my friends and attend SS501 fan meeting just now. Keke. I really miss the things here." 
" Ah..so how..how was the fan meeting just now? I..we..didn't manage to get..get the tickets."
" Haha don't be so nervous,relax. The fan meeting was alright. Anyway you don't have to go for the fanmeeting, one of the member is already here in front of you haha." saengie and I laugh.
Everyone started chatting with each other. My cousins were constantly combing their hair using their fingers. It was a really special dinner. Soon, the food came and everyone started eating.
" Dear, looks like your cousins cannot keep their eyes off me even when they are eating. Kekeke. I think they are going to get indigestions like that." saengie whispered into my ear and chuckled.
I look at them and laugh. " Chanel, Cheryl" i called to distract them.
" Er ya?" they continued eating.
" Haha nothing , just notice you girls are acting a bit differently today." 
" Of course they are, they were just searching on SS501 before we left just now, and now one member is in front of them. So girls, want to interact with him in korean? " Uncle continued teasing them. 
" Daddy!! IWe just started learning, only know the basics. I can understand what they are talking about but I can't speak! " they blushed,  sighed and told their father.
" Oh my gosh, daddy keep embarrassing us today.." I heard Cheryl told Chanel.
I heard waitresses giggling outside.. Haix.. " Saengie ah.. You are forever the centre of attraction everywhere..heard those giggles and quarreling from the waitresses to serve us food in order to see you? Gosh.." 
" No choice. I'm born like this." 
I grinned and nudge his arm while shaking my head.
" We are going to take a stroll at the beach nearby, are you two following us, or are you going off on your own for your sweet little date?" omma asked us and teased.
Heat rushed up to our faces in both of us.Saengie and I started panicking. " Ahh.. I..i need to go to the washroom. Sorry." both of us said together.
" Why are you two going together?" ajusshi teased.
" Yah Heo youngsaeng! I said that first!"
" No I said that first!"
" Er.. Appa, we are not going together.. He is turning left to the gents, I'm turning right to the ladies. Different different.." I stammered.
" Gill, ladies is on your left and gents is on your right.."
" Ah is it? De de de.." both of us dashed off to the washrooms.
Omma's POV
" Haha please excuse them.." 
" Auntie, youngsaeng oppa and Gill-" Chanel and Cheryl's expression was as though the sky was falling.
" Ask them later, not telling you. haha"
The two girls were taken aback. They didn't know how to react to this.. Just like how we were all shocked when we came to know about this yesterday.
Gill's POV
I went back to the room, separate from saengie.
" You two didn't come back together?" appa ask.
" Ahh why should we come back together? I'm not even related to him..he is just my idol or rather my friend..ha.haha..i don't really know him.."
" Okay keep living in self denial.." appa continued with his rounds of teasings and sarcasm.
" Appa! Ssssshhhhhh!" 
I bet saengie got held back by all his fans. Keke.
Obviously, my aunties and uncles know what was going on. They have been through this when they were young.
" Sis, you allow your daughter to start dating now?" 2nd aunt ask omma.
" Why not? She has been achieving very good results and I feel that he has that sense of security. He will protect and take care of my daughter well.. Their relationship isn't affecting her studies, so I think it's okay. Furthermore, I think he has a bright future ahead.." omma said with confidence.
" Ah quite true. If my daughters also can achieve good results and find a good guy, I wouldn't mind too haha." 2nd aunt replied.
" Sorry, my mum is just blabbering nonsense. He and I are just super normal friends.. More towards the idol-fan relationship.. Nothi..nothing more..really.." I really have a hard time clearing up after myself.
Then Saengie came in. " Saeng ah, they are talking about you now. Gill's omma is complimenting you. Keke" ajumma told saengie.
He turned and look and me. I just sighed and shook my head.. " Failed attempt again, I give up..clear up the mess yourself." I mouthed the words.
I started to walk away from the adults and joined my cousins at their seats.
" Gill are you-" they whispered. Then I interrupted.
" No no we are not..how can I date a celebrity right? Furthermore, it's not allowed for them as well.. So ya.. Don't think too much..normal friends." I chuckled and clung on to their hands.
" So does one of you want to take my seat, next to him? Then you can have a one-to-one fan meeting with him." I teased.
" Ahh no thanks. I will freak out and not know what to say. He is just too perfect for me to stand." Chanel whispered and laugh.
" Yea, especially his cute dimpled smile and voice!! How did you manage to talk to him like..so normally? Don't you feel a pinch of anxiety? " Cheryl added.
" Anxious? Ya..used to. Actually I can't seem to look into his eyes when we talk. I will be just lost in his world after that haha. But now, I don't feel that way anymore.. He isn't as cold or distant as all fans may think he is, he is a very warm person whom you can just talk to comfortably. " I smiled.
" Exactly!! I can't even get myself to talk to him.. Eh eh Gill, how is having a celebrity as a friend? Pressurizing? A lot of people misunderstand you two as couples right?" Chanel ask.
" It's..nice haha. Like any other friends I have. And yes, super pressurizing..everybody thinks we are together.."
" Haha..heard from the media he has an interest for taeyeon from snsd. Is that true?"
" Haha ask him yourself. You take up Korean lessons right? Just apply whatever you know, he will understand. It's time to improve your Korean language too."
" Wait..no no I can't do that.."
" Yes, go talk to him." all the aunties and uncles spurred them on.
" Okay then ask in English."
" Ahh Gill wait-"
" Saengie, they got something to ask you. You better tell the truth." 
" Ahh, ya?" he turn and look at the girls which made them blush all the way to their toes.
" Ahh Youngsaeng oppa.. Taeyeon unnie..ahh..seo nyoh shi dae-"
" I get what you mean. Hmm.. Is it that obvious?" he purposely said that.
" That's what the media said.." Cheryl mustered her courage to ask.
" Ahh-"
" Yah yah!! I am not invisible.." I glared at him.
" So you want me to tell the truth? " he gave me that mischievous smile.
" Of course the truth!" I didn't think that much.
" Girls, I.. Don't like taeyeon."
I smiled. " Yay you got through your boundaries to talk to him! Well done!" I childishly gave them a hi-five.
" I like the piggy beside the both of you instead." he pointed to me and said.
I look at him and gave him that WHY DID YOU REVEAL kind of look. 
" You told me to tell the truth..Keke"
" Er..just ignore him. He is..he is too tired, don't know what he was talking about.." I stumbled and tried to sneak back to my seat when 3rd uncle held me back. I squeezed my eye shut, preparing to get teased. My 3rd uncle has always liked to tease me with others since I was young and is the well known: speaking-not-through-brain person at home who will speak up anything that is on his mind.
" 3rd uncle-" 
" Your mum already hinted to us. Why not consider him? He is such a famous idol that everyone will want to be with! It's so rare that such an ordinary girl like you will have this extraordinary luck. Even Cheryl and Chanel don't get this chance, even though I know they really yearn for it. Furthermore, he has a career, can support you both physically and financially. Why not? " wow..he really don't..process his words before he speak. I got such a unique family.
" Uncle.. I.. I.. Actually I am-"
" Already together with youngsaeng shii." omma interrupted and 'helped' to complete my sentence.
I didn't say anything, just went back to my seat, flushed. Everyone is staring at me like an alien now. Especially those envious eyes from Cheryl and Chanel.
Just at the right time, a waitress came in and served us our last dish of that day which broke the awkward moment.
" Thanks a lot.. That really helped.." I thanked saengie sarcastically. But I wasn't sure why, I felt happiness ran down the contours of my spine instead of 
unnecessary anger this time. 
He chuckled. 
" Both of you..ahhh...finally.. I was telling myself if you two don't say it before today, i will say it for you." omma laughed. She was really proud of her daughter being able to find someone like saengie.
I smiled throughout, couldn't express that satisfaction in me. It was just a mere statement, "I like that piggy beside both of you instead." So why am I so happy out of a sudden? 
We finished our dinner and everyone stood up and head towards the beach. I held on to my cousin's arms and pulled them along with me.
" Gill, I also like youngsaeng oppa. Keke." they told me.
" But..i like him too.." I pout and told them. I know they were just joking around with me, so I just played along with them. 
Suddenly I felt someone squeeze my shoulders from behind. " I heard that.." Saengie grinned.
" You know I was just joking right?" I turned my head and said.
" As much as we want to be here, we shall leave you two alone now. We will be there with the rest. " Keke. See you later" my cousins smiled and left us alone.
The beach was very peaceful and quiet. It seems like only our family is here.
We allowed the cool breeze to linger through our hair as we just kept quiet, hand in hand and walked along the beach. 
Our footsteps imprinted on the sand. 2 pairs of footprints made by us followed us all the way to the other side of the beach, significantly marking every dented ones here and there. It resembles the footprints of life, facing obstacles every now and then but continue to move on after that.. And I hope, it will 
forever be these two pairs of footprints, now..and forever.
Youngsaeng's POV
I spotted a beautifully heart-shaped seashell glimmering in the sand. It was so beautiful.
I stopped and picked it up and swipe off the dirt on that fragile shell carefully. I gently blew on it to blow off the rest of the sand away.
" What's that?" Gill got curious and came closer to take a closer look at it.
" It's a shell. Here, for you." I smiled and gave it to her.
" Ahh cheongmal? It's so pretty, komawo." she happily examined the shell.
" You are so easily satisfied, looks like I'm going to have an easy time to make you happy in the future." I ruffled her hair and said softly.
She just smiled. " Ani, once I get mad, you won't be saying this anymore." she stopped walking and turned to face the deep vast sea. 
I wrapped my hands around her from the back. " I wonder when..." I teased.
" Just try calling me a pig again..and you will see." she leaned on me and placed her hand on my hands which were around her waist. Not sure why, I could feel that she is very happy today.
" You should be happy to have this nickname, I only give you, my dear piggy. Anyway, what makes you so happy today?"
" How do you know?" she turned around and look at me,puzzled.
" I could feel it, you haven't been this happy for a long time."
She smiled. " Since young, I always imagine myself walking along the beach, hand in hand with the person I like, and it really did came true." She whispered.
" So I'm the lucky one isn't it?"
" Ani.. I am the lucky one. You know what, i don't know why,when you told my cousins that you like me just now, i felt so happy inside. It sounded really sincere.. It's not easy for you to say that, being an idol and for the fact that there were two fangirls there just now..i feel..special "
I bend down slightly and look at her." I choose to say it, it's been hard on you to keep denying because you wanted to maintain my popularity..and i felt, it was time to let them, and your family know. It's really unfair to you if we don't say it. I believe my fans will not stop supporting me even if they know about this, there will be true fans around."
" I really don't mind, as long as you are by my side.." she mumbled and her eyes started to get teary.
" Wahh you get touched so easily.." i chuckled and wiped off the tears from her eyes. " From that day when i agreed to be with you, I took up the responsibility to take care of you. I can't hide that fact forever..they will know it sooner or later right?"
She nodded and smile. " But i think if i were those fangirls, i couldn't stand seeing my idol so happily with another girl..I would go crazy." she laugh and told me.
" If I were just an ordinary guy and see you with an idol so happily together, I will go crazy too.." I pulled her closer and gave her a peck on her cheek and traced my lips to hers.
She smiled and slowly wrap her hands around my neck and blushed. 
" I think we better get going now, you have to attend to something tomorrow right? It's quite late already, go back to your hotel and take a rest earlier. I think the others are coming to look for us too." 
" De, kaja." I held her hand and went to look for the others.
Gill's POV
" Ahhh so there you are!" Omma shouted from a distant. Everyone is already there.
I quickly release my hand from him. He held my hand back and interlocked even tighter. " It's okay." he mouthed. 
" So sorry, did you all waited long?" we apologized.
" No it's okay, we just came too. So how was your stroll just now?" everyone looked down at Saengie's hand which were held on to mine and gave that cheeky smile.
" It's nice. Very peaceful and quiet here." I replied shyly.
" Looks like it too..keke" 2nd aunt teased.
My cousins came beside me and gave that cheeky smile. " So-"
" Erm, he needs to rush back to his hotel now, so let's go. His manager is rushing him already.. " I quickly interrupted as I knew what they were going to ask. 
" Since when?" saengie laugh and purposely said that in English so that they could understand.
" Yah! Er..since..a second ago.." I glare at him and stammered.
" Our dear youngsaeng oppa don't have to rush back, so don't push him away Gill ah.." Chanel teased.
" Let's go let's go. Pali pali." I pulled him to the front and the rest followed us at the back.
" Must you always try to twist my words around huh saengie?" I chuckled and ask.
" Ani I'm just telling the truth. I don't lie to my fans.." 
" Ahh they are so lucky to know you right? Someone who DON'T LIE TO THEIR FANS..." I snarled sarcastically.
" Yup of course Keke. I think ah.. All the best to you later. Hear them giggling and laughing behind? You will have such a good time answering what we did just now. Remember, don't lie to my fans"
" Why don't you help me answer mr. main vocalist of SS501? I have been trying to explain to them but they don't believe what I say.."
" Because you told them we just took a stroll and did nothing else.."
" But that's really what we did right?" 
" Ani.."
Soon, we reached the carpark.
" Yah! I don't care, I'm not going to answer your beloved fans. We really just strolled along the beach."
" Haha de I'll let you win this time. Okay, I'll get going now. Kamsahamnida I'll return to my hotel now. Annyeong! " he smiled and bid goodbye to the rest.
" Wait! Youngsaeng shii, you are just leaving like that? Not..not, you know.. Giving her a.. Goodbye kiss?" appa ask. Everyone was anticipating.
I didn't know what to do, but I definitely don't want so many people, especially my family members to see. " Appa! He already did just now! I-"  Oh crap, I just 
spilled the beans accidentally. 
" Oh oh oh i get it i get it..so I know what happened when both of you were just STROLLING along the beach just now.keke. It's okay, again! " 2nd aunt said cheekily.
" Keke looks like you recalled?" saengie whispered. I look at him, then look at them, and back at him.
" So how now? I don't want them to see..you better not do that when they are looking.." I mouthed the words to him.
He turned and signaled them to look away, but I know they didn't really did that. Saengie bend down and gave a quick peck on my cheek.
" We don't want to see a goodbye kiss on her cheek, it should be on her lips." Ajusshi teased.
" I thought all of you were suppose to look away. Since when there was a rule stating goodbye kiss should be on the lips? Ours..ours is different. Argh he needs to go now. Jinja. If you don't see him on TV tomorrow means he is getting punished by his manager and not allowed to attend that event tomorrow. So we all don't want that to happen so-"
" Not until it's here." they pointed to their lips and told us.
" Miane.. My family is like that. Super persistent. I think you just have to run away." I chuckled and pointed to the other direction.
" Kwenchana." he smiled and turned me around so his back could face them instead. Then he slowly lifted my chin up and 'fulfilled their wish'. Everyone squealed in delight, which makes me really don't know how to face them later. " So I guess I can get going now right?" he ask joviously.
" De de, be careful!" ajusshi and ajumma shouted.
" De! Kamsahamnida! Anneyong!" 
He ruffled my hair and left.
That's where a hell lot of them started to stick to me like super glue.
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...