Honeymoon (2) : Together..Yeongwonhi

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

Rise and shine. I couldn't get up. I always face problems waking up early in the morning. However, I was never once late for my morning shifts in the hospital, all thanks to Saengie.

" You know what I'm going to do next if you continue lazing in bed..." I heard a threat at my ear.

" 1 more minute. Jebal. No tickles." I answered in a sleepy tone.

" De, 60..59..58..57..56..55..." He started counting down loudly beside me. I pulled the blanket over my ears and turned to face the other side.

" Sweetie, you know I'm a guy right? Sometimes, I cannot control myself when I look at my pretty wife.. So should I.." I could sense him getting closer and closer to me. I immediately jump out of the bed, grabbed whatever I needed and rushed into the bathroom.

" I didn't know this would be such an effective way to wake you up. I should experiment more of the waking-you-up methods next time. Pali, be out in 15 mins." He laughed and rushed me.

" Watch out!" I brushed my teeth and mumbled between gargles.

I quickly took a quick shower and rushed through everything.

" Your 15 minutes is up." He knocked on my door and continued rushing.

" I need 10 more minutes." I replied back nonchalantly from the bathroom.

" Andwae. 1 more minute."

" 10 minutes!"

" You know you forgot to lock your door right? So are you sure you want to take another 10 minutes showering?"

" Ahh jinja?? Yah! If I see the doorknob moving, you're dead. Leave the knob alone. Fine fine I'll be out in 5 minutes. Promise!"

" 2 Minutes. If not I can't guarantee you that my hands will listen to me and turn the knob. Arraji?"

" Don't even try. Start styling your hair. You take super long to do that, if I were to come out and see you still meddling around with your hair later.. You'll get it for rushing me. Make sure it's that U R man style I like, if not, you're dead too." I came out with all sorts of nonsense just to prolong the timing.

" I'm all ready even before you woke up. Just waiting for my princess piggy to come out... It's already 8:15."

I sighed and finally came out of the bathroom with my hair still dripping wet. He laughed when he saw me frantically trying to dry my hair with a towel, when there is a hair dryer just right beside the sink.

" Not funny. I was so afraid you will barge in just now."

" I was just scaring you. I won't do that. Aish.. There is a hair dryer by the sink." He pulled me back into the bathroom and helped me dried my hair. Then, he got my hair tied up neatly into a ponytail and fastened it, without even having to secure it with a rubberband. " Okay, perfect."

" Won't it become loose and drop off later on?"

" No, it won't. It won't even leave a mark or dent when you untie it later. I'm an expert in tying ponytails for girls."

I smirked and nodded.

" You're the first female I tried on. I didn't even touch my ex's hair before. If that's what you were thinking.."

" Did I say I mind?"

" Your looks says it all."

" You should learn how to read minds from Yee min unnie. You're far from that.."

" Kaja." He took my bag and pulled me out of the room. Then he returned me my bag.

" Jamkanman! I left my wallet and phone on the table yesterday."

" I have it all packed in your bag yesterday while unpacking the luggage. Kaja kaja, we're late."

I smiled and slipped my hand into his hand and started our day again.


At the hotel lobby, a familiar face walked past me, smirking cunningly. I ignored it and followed Saengie.

" So where are we heading today?"

" There is a Waltz disney exhibition going on. We will go there first. After that, we get to enter a behind-the-scenes of a movie filming. It's once in a lifetime, so we shouldn't miss it."

" Wow, sounds interesting." I became eager to get to that place.

We got to that place Saengie was referring to. The place made me nostalgic, reminded me of the times where I fantasize over Disney characters when I was younger. Many Disney mascots were roaming around, taking pictures with tourists. There is also a museum on the history of Disney. 

" Hello! Wow such a coincidence to meet you here again youngsaeng oppa!" That girl from yesterday showed up again.

" Not very coincidental..." I murmured under my breath.

" Oh it's this lady again!"

" Yes it's me. Very nice to meet you again." I said sarcastically.

" Hmm, so we shall go on our own separate ways okay? Kaja." Saengie dragged me to another corner of the museum.

" Are you really his girlfriend?" She pestered me from behind.

" Aigoo, believe it or not. I'm his wife. Jinja. This is our honeymoon, so we will appreciate if you allow us to have some alone time together. Kamsahamnida." I told her nicely. She nodded in disbelief and walked off. Saengie just smiled beside me.

"Annoying..." I sighed.

" You chased her away. She won't come and look for us again." He assured.

Anyway, we proceeded on to wherever Saengie planned after that. Had a really fruitful experience. It was only 8pm, and we headed back to our hotel.

" That's it for the day. We will go to somewhere special tomorrow. But it will take us at least 2 hours to travel there so we really have to leave by 8am. I thought of a new way to wake you up so if you don't wake up on time.. Heh.." He sat on the bed and informed.

" De de de I will wake up on time.. Aigoo.. It's still so early now...It's only 8pm..."

He smiled and looked away.

" So where are we heading tomorrow?"

" We will take a bus then a cable car to the Otter world. We get to see live otters and there will be a carnival there. Oh, there will be a short performance by those trained otters as well. I haven't seen a live otter before..."

" I see one in front of me now. I'm afraid those trainers over there will mistaken you for their otters.." I laughed and walked into the bathroom.

" Yah!"

After a while, I sighed and came out of the bathroom. " Saengie, how did you tie the ponytail? I can't seem to untie it. Can you help me?" I pout and tried to meddle around with my ponytail.

He chuckled and pat his lap, gesturing me to sit on it as he helped me untie. I obediently did as he told. " You just have to untwine this portion and everything will be untied. Come, face me."

I turned and faced him. He used his fingers to act as a comb for my hair and combed it neatly to a side. " Ahh komawo." I smiled sweetly and thanked.

Then, he transfixed his eyes on me with those girls-would-faint-over look and used his thumb to brush across my cheek. I blushed and looked away. " We came back early for a reason." He whispered. Next, he pulled me closer and planted his lips on mine passionately and laid me down onto the bed.

" Jam..kanman.. I..I'm not ready for another kid.." I interrupted and mumbled shyly.

" Trust me, you won't get pregnant tonight." he smirked and continued.

Suddenly, our doorbell rang. Both of us quickly pulled back. " Open..open the door first." My face went into a deep hue of red as I took a deep breath and murmured. He sighed and climbed out of the bed to open the door. 

" Hello!!!"

As soon as I heard that familiar voice, I quickly stood up and hid behind the curtains. 


Youngsaeng's POV

I was totally lost for words when I saw the girl appeared at my door.

" Ahh looks like I got stalked.. Do you need anything?"

" Ani, I'm really bored. Just wanted to have a chat."

" Mianhae, I'm quite busy right now actually.."

" Kwenchana kwenchana. You can continue with whatever you were doing, I will just look around your room. May I?"

It's not like I could reject her. I know she would just stand at my door and continue ringing the bell if I turn her down. I reluctantly agreed.


Gill's POV

Argh pabo pabo...

" Wow.. So this is how an idol's hotel room looks like.. So looks like that 'wife' is just blabbering nonsense this morning.. She isn't even here." That girl sniggered.

" She is behind the curtain."

" Argh why did Saengie revealed me... Now it's so embarrassing to get out." I thought.

" Haha.. Er.. Hi. I just.. Dropped something behind this curtain from my room next door so I came in to retrieve it... I'm going back now.." I stammered and cooked up a story and head towards the door.

Saengie grabbed hold of my hand and stopped me from going anywhere.

" Her 'next door' is here. I guess you know what that means right? She really IS my wife, so she isn't blabbering nonsense. We share a room."

" Ahh jinja? Oh... Chaesonghamnida.. I better get going now." She quickly scrambled out in embarrassment.

" You just broke her heart." I uttered in a jovious manner.

" You're too kind..."

" I can't be rude to your fans. I don't have the rights to do so."

" She isn't really my fan. Her ultimate intention was just to disturb us. I knew this from the start." He chuckled and said.

" Ahh.. I didn't see that..."

" She really chose the RIGHT moment to interrupt.. Aish..." He leaned against the wall in front of me and sighed in despair.

I grinned, went forward and wrapped my arms around his neck. " Don't sigh, it's not good for your health." Then, I made the move and gave a quick peck on his lips and intentionally left just an inch in between as I pulled back.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and closed the gap between us as he cuddled me in his embrace.

Okay so, we continued with whatever we were supposed to be doing and that day just passed by, fruitfully.


I felt a warm kiss on my forehead the next morning as a wakeup call. " It's time to wake up my dear." He woke me up sweetly.

" You tortured me last night, I couldn't get to sleep.." I wrapped myself under the blanket and turned to look at the time then at him. He was as usual, all ready.

" It wasn't considered a torture. I was as gentle as our previous ti...okay whatever. Just get up and get ready now."

I looked around the floor and panicked.

" Looking for something? I already packed it into the luggage." he smirked.

" Yah why did you keep it!! I need it now!!"

" Hmm, the clothes you're suppose to wear today, I already hung it behind the door of the bathroom. Why do you still need your clothes from yesterday? So pali, get your off the bed now."

" I know but I can't get up with you here. Can you hide yourself in the wardrobe until I get into the bathroom?"

" Andwae. Need me to help you into the bathroom?"

" Andwae andwae andwae.. Aish...Jebal.."

" What is there to be shy about? I wasn't blind last night. So pali, since you woke up in just a reminder, I'll give you 5 more minutes. 20 minutes. Pali."

" 30 minutes. It's only 730am now. And furthermore, I need time to shower in peace."

" I believe you don't need my help to teach you how to shower in 20 minutes right?"

" You're really evil... Can't you be nicer to your poor wife?"

" I'm already very nice. I woke up early so you could continue sleeping in as I get ready. So are you going in to the bathroom or not? I put everything you needed in the bathroom already. See, you can't find such a meticulous husband anywhere."

" Aish I should have woken up before you..."

" 10..9..7..5..2..."

" Okay okay let me think of a way to get to the bathroom."

" Aigoo, fine I'll keep my eyes closed. 1 second, run to the bathroom."

I refuse to let go of the blanket, so I have it wrapped around me as I ran into the bathroom clumsily.

" Yah!! Why did you bring the blanket into the bathroom? Don't dirty it!"

I opened the door slightly and threw the blanket out and shut the door immediately. " Your 20 minutes starts now." I could hear his laughter as he timed me.

I couldn't disobey and rushed out in 20 minutes. Then, my senses came back when I saw him waiting for me. I blushed deeply, thinking of what happened last night. " Finally.. Kaja." He sighed.

" D..de.. Let me..erm.. take..my.. my belongings and-"

" You were pretty awesome yesterday." He further teased to make me even more flustered.

" Ahh?? What are you tal-"

He bent down and pecked on my cheek. " I knew you would be this shy today. Don't be, I'm still your husband, not that SS501 vocalist for now. Hmm?"

I nodded and avoided his gaze. He grinned and pulled me out.


The remaining days of our honeymoon were as awesome. We visited many different unique places. Cotton candy street, waltz Disney exhibition, movie making location, otter world, waterworks, Food palace, shopping centre named 'smiles and laughter', music paradise, met up with famous pianists, observed performances by the locals there etc. He was so sweet throughout, guiding me and planning the whole journey out.



Throughout my 6 years life journey walked with him, it was just his simple thoughtful actions, such as taking note of my favourites, waking me up in the mornings, planning those little things to make me happy, teasing me, bickering with me, singing just for me, sweet little kisses from him, meticulously caring for the kids, even his unreasonable thoughts.. It was all of these, which made me knew how great a life partner he was. Forever an idol in my eyes and a precious darling to treasure. Daring to dream the impossible, makes everything comes to reality.

My dear prince... Saranghae.


A simple action, yet the sweetest move.     


Throughout these 6 years spent with her, though it started off as an accident, I learnt the true meaning of love. She was so sweet towards me, handling with house matters, taking care of the kids unconditionally, getting exaggeratingly elated over the success of SS501, even her unnecessary small jealousy, shy character, frequent clumsiness, piggy actions.. It all sums up to be a true blessing to me. To find her, have her, own her, protect her, treasure her, love her, these preciously immune deep into my heart, never could be separated. Forever.

My dear princess... Saranghae.


An accidental start, yet the love of my life.












Hope you all enjoyed the honeymoon chapters ~  So, this marks the end of my whole story line. ^o^  

Hmm, but as I mentioned in chapter 100, I will be adding an extra final chapter on the kids, an alternative ending :)

Comments are still greatly appreciated!                                                                                                                                                                                          



@ dandeli0n

Haha thanks! Argh don't lose your sanity yet, there is one last kids chapter keke. Yeah, I like Kyu-yeemin CP too *slaps myself*. Yup, Yeemin really understands him.. indeed scary lol. Yoon Eun/Saeng.. yeah, spoliers. Hahaha. Ya cotton-candy fully keke. 20 flavours ~ :D I'm jealous too >.< Anyway, awww don't be sad.. Hmm about a sequel, for now, most probably not.. I have already dragged the story to 100+ chapters, so not much thing to write in the sequel if I have one haha. 

@ bigbangluv143

Haha *muacks* >> from you to YS. Hahaha. *He caught it ! * >.< LOL!! Yeah, next chapter will be officially the last one. Yeps, I will add your suggestion into my next final chappy :) Haha don't faint over their sweetness in his chap! YA! That freaking girl is such a spoiler hahaha. Anyway, Woooo THANKS for throwing that *big party* for me! XD 

@ SHINeeluvsME

Yeah, sooon haha. * help you wipe your tears* keke. Aww don't miss them :) I won't delete this story away ^^ Anyway, sorry about not adding much about hyunjoong, I kinda swayed my focus >.< Thanks for reading and commenting! Appreciate it to the max! :D

@ lonelygurl501

Wahhh komawoyo dongsaengie! <3 Haha another hundred chapters wil be kinda impossible.. LOL. My brain is drained from Saengie-Gill couple keke. Hope you ike this ending:) Alternative ending coming up as well :) Anyway, arghhhh don't die! LOL! Yeah, so sorry that this story is ending.. ^^ Thankyu for commenting! ^.^

@ amyra961

Yups sweeet :D Awww don't tear ~ Anyway, just wanna say, thankyu so much for supporting/commenting me all the way! You were one of my earliest reader to comment, from the time where I start my story from the beginning till the end. Love ya! <3 

@ adeloveskyu

Yeps.. Gill..tsktsk.. Haha. Don't worry, Saengie will keep an eye on her. LOL. Yeps, he once like Gill, but yeah, Yee min will still be the one for him, always! keke. Haha yay glad it made you happy :) I love the couple too. *Envying Yee min together* ~ LOL. Lombok island? Oh wow.. so I guess you will be imagining them in that place during their honeymoon right? ^^ Anyway, sorry, I don't think I can add in Kyu-yeemin's wedding :( Mianhae! Thankyu for commenting! 

@ unchangedlove

~~ Thankyu! ~~ Hehe. Hmm.. about the sequel, currently, most probably not. About starting a new fic, yeps, I already have a plot in mind. :D Will consider writing and posting it :) Ya I ever wanted to write a real cold war between Gill and saengie too.. But each time I started writing.. my stupid fingers will sway back to typing those little bickerings only -.- Aish.. Hahaha. Fanservice can be considered a punishment if they don't feel like doing it ( My own nonsensical logic) XD Aww 'sweet like candy floss'.. yeah! Argh don't be sad~ * Console you* ^.^

@ Areu501

Thankyu! :D Yeah, furthermore she is 'literally' feeding them.. Haha. Yeah, can't help it to feel insecure. Keke. Yeps, hope you enjoyed the two chapters of their honeymoon! ^^ It's their once-in-a-lifetime kekekeke. Hmm.. anyway, thanks for commenting unnie! ^o^

@ shocobee501

Ahh I'm always so happy at your comment, it's so sweet kekeke. Haha yups, I'm considering to start another new fanfic of my own :) THANKS sooo much for your endless support! Love ya dongsaengie! :D 

@ rbest320

Thanks! :)  I'm glad to see your comment! Really appreicate it as well! :D Hmm.. yeah me too, I don't want it to end, but it's time to end. Haha too many chapters already. ^^




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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...