At their dorm..

Dream the impossible..


Okay so this is the update ^^ a continuation of chapter 12 :)
Youngsaeng's POV
" Youngsaeng hyung!! Finally you are back with her! Welcome! Come on in!" all of them shouted in unison.
" Guys you are scaring her away.." I laughed at them..
" Anneyonghaseyo, Gill imnida." she politely bow and introduced herself. I could still sense that anxiety in her.. 
" Anneyong! I'm the super charismatic park jungmin, Anneyonghaseyo! Kyu jong imnida, anneyong I'm..."
" Guys! She is a great fan of us, she knows all of you.." I interrupted them.
" Now that you said this..i just recalled, isn't she the one who was the last fangirl we saw in Singapore during the autograph session? Haha now I know why hyung kept smiling to himself once he reached Singapore.. I thought he had gone crazy after reaching there..hahaha" kyu jong oppa laughed.
I turned to him and grinned.
" Yah kyu jong ah..shhhhh." saengie mouthed the words in embarrassment.
Everyone started laughing. " Who is your favorite member here??" maknae asked eagerly..
" Pabo yah! Obviously is youngsaeng hyung! Don't ask stupid questions! " Jungmin and hyungjoon started bickering..
" Hahaha I like every member here, you all are unique in your own ways.. But Saengie..ah no Youngsaeng oppa is.." Gill shyly explained as she held my hand tight and hid it behind our back.
" THE BEST!" I cut in, and glared proudly at them. 
" You can just call him whatever you call him Gill, we already know about it anyways" leader grinned and .
" Okay enough of talking, here you go hyung, it's your job today." maknae shoved a broom at me. 
" It's your turn to do spring cleaning today saengie? I may be of help..your dorm is so much bigger than I expected.. It will take you forever to do it alone." Gill asked.
" Woohoo couple in action to keep our dorm clean!!" maknae childishly ran around the whole dorm,shouting. 
Gill blushed. I pinched her cheeks slightly and whispered " start work now." 
Gill's POV
I rolled up my sleeves and started wetting the mop. Saengie got a cloth to wipe all the cupboards, tables etc..
We have a fun time cleaning up the dorm, I didn't know doing housework can be so much fun..
I went up to him and pretended to be wiping that area he was standing..
" Haha Maine!! I thought it was a piece of dust here.." I laughed and exclaimed sarcastically. 
" What did you say again? You called me a piece of dust? Ha.ha.ha. You are so dead Gill.." he ran and chased after me. " Ahh no no I didn't say thaaaattt! " I screamed as I shoved the mop at him, laughing as I turned back to see him dodging the mop.   
"hahaha okayokay stop playing, we still got lots to clean." I turned back and said breathlessly..
" Ah ouch.." he sighed in pain.. 
" Yah yah! Kwenchana??" I ran towards him and held on to his arm..i frantically locate the wound.. I remembered I did accidentally hit him just now..
" Where?? Where did I hit you? " I got worried..
When he saw me panicking, he laughed and pulled me towards him.." Ah, caught you!" But thanks for being so concerned.." he bent down and pinch my nose..
" Yah saengie! You scared me..." 
" Thanks for being so concerned..yah saengie you scared me.." jungmin oppa and hyungjoon oppa imitated us from behind.. " Yah Yah Yah.. Stop following us everywhere we go! Get a life!" saengie raised his voice..He was blushing too.
 " Jungmin hyung ahh.. When will I ever get a girlfriend like hyung too??" hyungjoon oppa asked in his cute tone. " Wait till you know how to appreciate PARK JUNGMIN!" jungmin oppa glared at him.. And..they started quarrelling again.
I kinda envied them.. I'm always alone at home all by myself when my parents are working..
I headed to clean up saengie's room. " Can't he be more organized? Things are everywhere.." I thought.
I started helping him pack when suddenly chance upon the charm bracelet and letter I gave to him during the fanmeeting in Singapore. Everything was all over the place except these two things, they were nicely placed inside his drawer.. 
" Saengie ah!! Your room is so messy! So many fan letters, presents around.. Don't you have a cabinet for those?" I shouted for him. 
" Ani.. Too many, my cabinet is also filled." he replied from the other room.
"Haha let me secretly read one of his fan letters.." I thought. 
- Youngsaengie oppa!! Saranghae!! Come to HongKong again! We really miss you here! <3 Love, Kai qin. -
" Tsk tsk tsk..haix saengie well liked by so many girls.." I mumbled. 
" Hey Gill ah, come to the living room after finish packing youngsaeng's room. " Hyunjoong oppa gave me a warm smile as he sticks his head into the room and told me.. " Er.. De.." I wasn't sure how to reply him..
After finish packing, I headed to the living room where all 4 of them were sitting on the sofa, watching TV. 
" Er..Chaesongham..chaesonghamnida, you called for me? I.. finish..packing his room." I stuttered. I still can't  believe myself talking to all four of them.
" Gill Gill come here.." hyungjoon oppa pulled me to the front of the sofa where the 5 of us gathered in the circle on the carpet.
Oh my gosh..what am I suppose to do..
" Don't be so nervous, we won't eat you up, we just want to have a chat with you. " Kyu jong oppa comforted me with his warmest charming smile.
" So how long have you two been together?" hyunjoong oppa asked.
"Around 5-6 months." 
" So he kept it to himself for the whole 6 months.. He's so dead later.." jungmin oppa retorted.. Everybody laughed.
" Hmm.. I guess it's tough for you to keep this secret especially in school right? I'm sure there are a lot of fans out there who wanna be with Youngsaeng hyung.."
" Ya.." I sighed. "But guess what, remember that girl who played the first round of game with saengie at your concert who requested a kiss after that? She actually coincidentally sits beside me in school.. " I started to open up to them. 
" Wow this is exciting.. I can't imagine if she knows you are with him..disastrous! But I'm sure youngsaeng hyung will protect you no matter what.. " Kyu jong oppa laughed.
I blushed.
" So what do you like about youngsaengie? What is the most touching thing he ever did to you? How is he whenever you are with him? Er..have you know..what couples always bo? How was it??" A thousand of questions bombarded me at once.
" Saengie..his voice and actions touches me.. Is like an indescribable feeling.. I feel a sense of assurance and security whenever I'm with him, like all my problems will be gone instantly.. Er.. For the other question... " I hesiatated.. 
" Wow so many questions huh? She is shy..don't bully her.." Saengie 'came to my rescue on time'. He reached out his hand and held on to mine " Kaja, i need help in packing their rooms, going crazy soon.." 
I smiled and followed him to the member's rooms.
" Yah hyung! She haven't answer the most crucial question yet! " Hyungjoon oppa shouted. 
I laughed all the way as he 'scolded' Saengie.
Saengie placed his hand around my shoulder and said " Don't bother about them, don't answer them that, you know what will happen if you do.."
" Which question? They bombarded me with thousands of questions." 
Suddenly, saengie bend down and gave me a peck on my lips as we walked. " This." he smiled. 
I quickly turned back to see if any of the members are watching.." Yah! Your members are around.." i spoke in a soft, shy tone.
" Its very simple to know that answer to the question..just play a game later and purposely make them lose so they will have to do a forfeit! Make sure that the game will ensure a 100% chance they will lose. "
Jungmin oppa came out with a suggestion from outside. Everybody gave a wizard's laugh as they imagine what will happen.. 
Finally.. everything was done. Except cooking dinner. " Saengie ah.. Who cooks dinner everyday?"
" Sometimes kyu will do it, but mostly I'm the one.. But our cooking skills aren't good so it's always those few plain simple dishes.." 
" Ooo.. What about today I do the cooking? You take a rest." I volunteered.
" You sure? Ani.. You done a lot already.Come, I can do it, you should be the one taking a rest.." he held on to my shoulders and pulled me aside.
" Kwenchana.. Shoo shoo I can do it." I pushed him out of the kitchen and laughed.
Youngsaeng's POV
" Yah you are leaving her to cook all by herself? Accompany her! She is a guest afterall!" hyunjoong blamed me.
" She shoo me out of the kitchen. I can't do anything.." I went to sit on the sofa.
" Waa.. Youngsaeng really found a very nice girl.. Treasure her." kyu jong smiled in envy. " De..hyung, it's not fair.. Why I don't get to meet such a girl.. Why don't you find a new one and let me have her? " jungmin joked around.. 
I hit his back and rolled my eyes at him.. " NEVER! SHE IS MINE.." 
" Haix.. Don't know who said previously that she is just a NORMAL friend.." hyunjoong said sarcastically. " how? She is too shy to answer that question..what about.. you answer it?" he bombarded that question on me..
I refuse to answer that question so continued playing the game in my phone.. 
" Yah hyung!! Youngsaeng ahh!!" everyone pestered.
" Ani ani ani ani aniyo! Haven't yet.." I lied to them in exasperation.
Everybody looked at each other and winked.. I wonder what are they up to..
Gill's POV
After 45 mins, dinner was ready.
Everybody ran to the table eagerly. " Gill Gill come sit beside me!!" jungmin and hyungjoon each pulled my hand on one side, persuading me to sit beside them.. 
" Ahh de de! I will sit in the middle of both of you then." both of them jumped for joy like a little kid and stuck out their tongue at saengie. I laughed.
 " Jalmukesumida!"
We talked and joked over dinner. Before I could even put a spoonful of rice into my mouth,every single member started putting every dish into my bowl. It stacked like a mountain. " Kamsahamnida, it's enough" I smiled. 
" Thanks for the dinner! It's the best I've ever eaten. Please come here and cook for us everyday.." hyungjoon oppa pleaded.
" She isn't your domestic helper maknae!" saengie turned and reprimanded.
" Hey let's play a game! Sit over there, in a circle." hyunjoong oppa suggested.
All the members shoved saengie and I to the carpet where we all sat down in a circle. 
" let's play... The truth game. We will all start off with a life of 10 fingers, so everyone will have to say a statement. If the statement does not apply to you, you will put down a finger= losing 1 life. The first one to lose all your 10 lives will have to do a forfeit." hyunjoong oppa explained the game.
Okay the game starts...
Hyunjoong- a singer. (Gill 1 life down)
Hyungjoon- I don't like park jungmin. Hahaha. ( all the rest 1 life down)
Jungmin- I am a..haha.a guy!( Gill 1 life down)
Kyu jong- i have been to... er... Australia! ( everybody saved). Hyunjoong nudged him, and gave him a weird look, like hinting something to him.
Youngsaeng- i.. ever kissed a fan on stage. (all the rest 1 life down)
Gill- i am a triple S. So you guys aren't counted! :) ( all of the rest one life down) 
The game goes on and I'm only left with a life.. Kyu oppa, hyunjoong oppa and saengie each have 3 lives left, jungmin oppa and hyungjoon oppa have 2 lives left..looks like if  hyungjoon oppa says another thing that is not applicable to me..i will have to do a forfeit.. " Jamkanmanyo! It seems like every question I also have to lose a life.. That's deliberate!!..." 
" I.. hyung." hyungjoon oppa purposely said that.
" Ahahaha Gill you lost! Forfeit! Forfeit! Forfeit!" everybody shouted in excitement.
" Ahh.. my..forfeit..then? I stammered, knowing that it is going to be a tough one.
" Youngsaeng hyung and you... Bo Bo!" jungmin exclaimed. All four of the members started giving a hi-five to each other.
" Can I have a change of another forfeit?" my face flushed as I turned to saengie.
" Yah!! It's not my forfeit..and she is shy, don't make her embarrass." saengie rebut. 
" BO BO! BO BO! BO BO! BO BO....." everybody insisted as they clapped along.
" Looks like we got no other choice.." he turned and mouthed the words to me. 
" Ha..ha ji man..."
Before I could complete my sentence, saengie moved his head  in front of me and place his lips on mine. A quick one. 
My face turned red. Feels like a sudden rise in temperature.
" Woooohooo! Woah!! Daebak!!" every member screamed.
" Better to make it fast, if not they will ask us to do something more extreme.." saengie whispered into my ear and smiled. 
" One more time!! One more time!!" all the other members started cheering..
" ANIYO!" saengie and I shouted .
A sudden thought prompted me to check my watch. " Argh!! It's already 1015pm! I will never get home on time!" I shouted in anxiety.
" You have a curfew?" kyu jong oppa asked.
" De, 1030pm..latest.." I panicked.
" Please don't go..we were having so much fun.." hyungjoon oppa whine like a baby. Haha he looks so adorable, like a little child begging for a toy.
" Maine..i have to go, I out again if you need any help. Feel free to ask me." I smiled. " Oh wait before I forgot..."
I ran to saengie's room and pulled out that bag of gifts from my bag.
" Jungmin oppa, this carrot keychain is what you always wanted from Singapore. Hyunjoong oppa, this tuner is for you. Kyu jong oppa, this this cap is for you and lastly hyungjoon oppa, this book is for you.. Hope you all like it." 
" Wahh kamsahamnida Gill! Youngsaeng hyung,please please please ask her to come again!!" they pestered saengie. 
Saengie just smiled as he grabbed my bag from his room as I bid goodbye to the rest.
" Come again!!" 
" De, i will. Anneyongkaeseyo." I bowed slightly and headed downstairs with saengie. 
Saengie drove me to my doorstep. " Komapda Gill,for coming,for cleaning up my dorm,for everything.. Don't mind my members..they are usually like this.. Very different from when they portray themselves on TV isn't it?" saengie teased.
"Aniyo. They are very's nice getting to know them personally..hmm so unbelievable..last time, I can only search  SS501 on the net or see you guys on TV.. Woohoo, now i have SS501 as my chingu! " I laughed. 
" Hmm..anneyong I have to go now, i'm late,omma will be fuming mad... Thanks for the ride home saengie." I turned to him as I smiled and waved.
As I was about to open the car door, saengie held on to my arm. " Gill.."
" De?" I asked and turned to look at him.
He leaned in and kiss my cheek. " Jal ja." he whispered as he gave me a warm gentle smile.
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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...