Will this end like this?

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

" Eun Hee ah!!" a couple barged in and shove saengie and I to one side.

Eun Hee got a shock, including us.

" Eun Hee ah what happened to you?"

" Omma,appa, you came to see me.." her real parents stood in front of her and started weeping.

" De de Eun Hee ah, it's really our fault to throw you out, we shouldn't have done that.." her real mother started hugging her tightly and cried.

" Mrs Kang.. I-"

" So it was you! If you don't know how to take care of our dear Eun Hee, then don't! See what state you have landed her into!" she glared at me and yelled.

" Chaesonghaeyo mrs Kang, please take back those words, she tried really hard to take care of her because Eun Hee has such irresponsible parents-" saengie defended for me.

" Yah saengie, don't say anymore!" I nudge him and turn back to face Eun Hee's real omma.

" De mrs Kang, I'm terribly sorry. I will watch her closely in the future." I lowered my head and said.

" No more future, we came here to take her back." mr Kang roared.

" Mwo?! We won't give her back to you!" saengie yelled.

" She is our daughter! Not yours! We don't even need to seek your permission to take her back!"

" From that day when you chose to throw her out, I warned you that you will regret someday, but you didn't bother! And now you say you want to take her back,don't you think both of you are really selfish? She isn't a toy where you can throw if you don't want and pick her up again when you feel like it!"

" We won't be bothered by what you said! We want her back!"

Then Eun Hee started crying.

" Please stop, you guys are scaring her.." I ran up to Eun Hee and hug her.

" Get away from her!" mrs Kang pushed me aside and hugged Eun Hee in her embrace.

" You don't have the rights to say that.." I glared at her and mumbled.

" Okay let set this straight, we will let Eun Hee choose. If she chooses you by the end of this week, we will go, if she chooses us, both of you,please disappear from her life!" mr Kang sternly told saengie and I.

I pulled saengie out of the ward and closed the door.

" Saengie.. I can't lose Eun Hee.." I held on to both his wrist and stammered.

" Don't worry, Eun Hee will choose us." saengie pat my head.

" But they are Eun Hee's biological parents afterall.. She needs them."

" They are only her parents by name, you can call anyone omma and appa on the street, but it's true care and pure concern that you can't find on the streets.. Anyone can buy her toys and whatever she wants and make her very happy, but only that person who shower real love on her really deserve her. Get what I mean?" saengie placed both his hands on my shoulders and reasoned out.

I sighed. " If only eun hee understands that.."

" Trust her, her thinking is far more matured than what a normal 3 year old girl will think. She is very sensible."

" De.. But what if-"

" Then we have to take it in and respect her choice. We will always be her appa and omma whenever she needs us right?"

" I will cry and flood the whole ward if that happens.."

" We can always have one ourselves.." he joked.

" Yah! No way!" I know he said that to make me laugh. He can't bear to leave Eun Hee either.

" Come on let's go in..just let them say whatever they want okay? Let's not waste our energy and saliva on them.." he smiled and pulled me in.


" Omma, appa!" Eun Hee called us enthusiastically.

" Yah Eun Hee ah, they are not your appa and omma anymore, your real appa and omma is here!" mr Kang said.

" Ahh? I cann..cannot call them appa and omma anymore?" she eyes started slowly welling up with tears.

" Eun Hee ah, Kwenchana, we will still be here hmm?" saengie went up and sat beside Eun Hee.

Soon, saengie and i decided to leave Eun Hee alone with her parents for a while.

" Eun Hee ah, we will go off first okay? You have a good chat with your appa and omma." I smiled and told her.

She held on to my hand and refuse to let me go.

" Eun hee ah, don't do this, you will make it even harder for me to leave in time to come."

" Ahh omma. Will you come back?" she teared and ask.

" De,we will come back later at night." I tried to let go of her hand and rushed out of the ward without turning back.

We knew Eun Hee will eventually be theirs. We can't keep her forever, she is their daughter afterall. It's about time we part. Even if Eun Hee chooses us in the end, we know someday, she will go back to her parents.





I am really happy at all your lovely comments! Thanks so much! <3


@ MilkyKaramelz

Hahaha your comment was so cute. Thank you! Hmm ohh is it? I didn't even realise i added that word in LOL. The power of Singlish kekeke. Hmm how old do you think I am? Guess ^^ haha

@ YSotter1103

Yeps ^^ Oh you are too modest..haha :) Nah.. i won't be as smart as you :) Kamsahamnida! <3

@ bigbangluv143

Oops sorry, yeah it's her family... haha let's see how it should go..hmm i'm still planning..  hmm it might be good for Eun Hee? Yea agree..ahh i don't know how should i progress my story..hmm i should follow my instincts to write bah :) Lol. Thanks dongsaengie! 

@ lonelygurl501

Yeah it is..haha miane. I somehow felt that something was missing that's why her parents have to be back.. hahaha. :)

@ Areu501

Wahh Thank you! *celebrate* Have fun reading :) hehe thanks for reading! :) Your fanfics are nice as well! :)

@ HyunSaengie1103

Woo new reader! Hello! Keke Happy reading as well :) Once you get to read this, you will know who is Eun Hee :) Thanks for reading! ^^

@ 143prince

Unnie..haha yup something like that i guess..but saengie has to be back to accompany Eun Hee. LOL. Yeah that couple is indeed her parents.. I hate her parents as well seriously... but why am i hating my own characters? LOL. Okay anyway..Kyaaa i am not an awesome writer yet >.< I'm not better than you haha. i fail at pulling Ling back, can't make cliffhangers like you do, and my story drags..hahaha so yeah. AND i updated! so you better update as well!!! :D 

@ amyra961

Haha so called parents..yeah it's them.. oh my i'm making things too predictable kekeke. YUP he has to! He is such a workaholic LOL. Okay anyway thanks to you too! :)

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...