Picnic together

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

The next day, Saengie and I tried to spend time with Eun hee.

" Omma, can we go out today?"

" Where do you want to go?"

" Let's go have a...picnic together."

" Jinja?"

" De. It's been quite some time since appa, you and I go out together."

" De, tell appa then."

She happily went to give a call to Saengie, pleading him to agree. Of course, he would agree, he wouldn't bear to turn her down.

I prepared the things and food while waiting for Saengie.

" Omma, can I bring this bag along?" Eun Hee took out a small glittery pink bag.

" Why do you need that bag for?"

" I want to bring my storybooks,  colour pencils and sketch book."

" Andwae. Just bring along your water bottle. You don't need those art materials today."

" Ahhh omma! Please.."

" Aigoo, Eun hee ah, if you want to bring that, make sure you carry that bag yourself, throughout. Understood? Appa and I are not going to help you carry it."

" De!" she replied with a wide grin on her face and ran off to put her art materials inside. I shook my head and chuckled.

Next, Saengie came and drove us to a place where there is a wide and empty open area.

" Appa, sonsaengnim is looking for an event to sing so she finds us. " Eun Hee just blabbered everything out, ungrammatically correct.

" Your sonsaengnim wants to sing so she find you kids to help her?" Saengie joked. He knows what Eun Hee was trying to say but just fooled around.

" Aniyo. We are singing, sonsaengnim is choosing us." Eun hee tried to explain again.

" So you're interested in it?"

" But appa, sonsaengnim say she must hear us sing before we can be chosen."

" Then just sing for her."

" My friends can sing very well, I'm scared they will laugh at me."

" Aigoo.. Eun Hee ah.. Your voice is nice. Furthermore you got personal coaching from me, what are you afraid of? You have not been practicing?"

" Ahh I practice. Appa, one of my friends keep talking about SS501, omma said that name before. What is that?"

Omo, even four year old kids are talking about the idols they like. Aigoo..

Actually, Eun Hee saw SS501 on TV before, I think she had forgotten about it.

" SS501? Your friends know about that band? At your age?? Woah kids at your age shouldn't be exposed to these kind of things so soon." Saengie ask. Even though he himself is in the entertainment industry, he don't encourage kids of Eun Hee's age to be exposed to it so soon. He knows the consequences to it if a person gets obsessed to a particular band or singer.

" What? A band? Yoo won told me her unnie likes it so now, yoo won also likes it. She told me she wants to sing their songs for sonsaengnim."

" Ahh.. SS501 is just a very popular band with cool members inside. Their songs are very nice too, no wonder Yoo won wants to sing their songs." Saengie said skeptically.

I just chuckled at how they tried interacting with each other like real father and daughter.

" So she will get chosen for sure right?" Eun hee said, disappointedly.

" I'm not sure what your sonsaengnim's criteria will be. But, do you want to sing SS501's song? I can teach you."

" Jinja appa?? Sonsaengnim said we must dance along as well."

" Ahh dance... Aish, another one to teach. Ahh Eun Hee ah, what about you sing to a children lullaby? The three bears song. Then for the dance, we can choreograph it together. How about that?"

" But.. Yoo won will get in if she sings that SS501 song, I will lose out like that."

" You won't, SS501's songs are not that easy to sing and dance at the same time.. She may not do as well. The three bears song will be easier for you, and it's for your age."

" De..."

" You will have an advantage over her. Don't worry. "

" De.. Omma, you're so quiet today."

" I'm listening to both of you."

" Omma omma omma!"

" De?"

" Can I play with the people over there? They seem to be having fun." she pointed to the kids in front, probably ages ranging from 2 to 4 years old.

" De, don't run too far off."


Youngsaeng's POV

" Ahh now I have to think of the dance steps for her.."

" Hwaiting! I'm not helping, mehrong. Keke." I stuck out my tongue and laugh.

" Kwenchana, anyway Eun Hee will pester you to learn that dance with her too."

" I will hide myself first.. But I guess Eun Hee's friend will be chosen instead."

" Actually... I just got a call from my manager before I came. He says we have to get down to a school to see how kids perform, and we will get to judge who will be the one to perform for that particular event for some big shots of some committee. I guess, it's Eun Hee's school if i'm not wrong."

" De?? Jinja? Why are there always so many coincidences? But according to Eun Hee, quite many elementary schools are holding this event for their students too, so it may not be her school."

" I'm not sure either. Anyway even if it is, I will be a very fair judge. If Eun Hee don't perform well on that day, she won't stand a chance too, even though she is supposedly my daughter."

" Aigoo..appa, you have to give an advantage to our beloved daughter right?" I grinned and said.

" Ani, it will be very unfair to other kids."

" You pamper Eun Hee too much, you will lose all your so called 'fair judgement' on that day."  

" We shall see.. Don't tell her about it yet."

" De."

After half an hour, Eun Hee came back, drenched from her perspiration.

" Woah Eun Hee ah, did you slip into  the lake just now?" I took out a handkerchief from my bag and wiped her dry.

" Haaah ani..aniyo.. I.. I was chased by..those friends over..there.." she puffed and stammered breathlessly.

" You're going to catch a cold like that."

" Omma.. I like playing with them. It's so boring at home, I'm all alone."

" Hmm, I'm always at home with you isn't it?"

" But you can't play with me like how they played with me just now."

" Then continue playing with them." I pointed to those kids.

" Omma, you can give birth to babies so when they grow up, they can play with me." 

I turned and glared at Saengie. He shook his head, indicating that he wasn't the one who told her that.

" Aigoo.. Eun..Eun hee ah, how am I suppose to give you your siblings to play with now?"

" Don't babies just pop out in your stomach?"

" Hahaha aniyo. It's not that simple. Hmm you just continue playing with those kids, don't ask me about all these things now. I can't answer you."


Her favourite move, to seek Saengie after I turn her down on anything. She knows he gives in to her easily.

Saengie chuckled and placed her on his lap. " So how many dongsaengs do you want?"

Eun Hee smiled and held up her five fingers. Then, he grinned and look at me.

I continue munching on my sandwich and look away.

" Yah Eun hee ah, somebody ordered you to ask me isn't it?"

She shook her head.

Then, I got a call from omma.

" Yeobuse-"

" Gill! Okay settled. Youngsaeng's omma and I already chosen a date for you."

" Mwo?? Omma!" I know that it would be soon, even though she haven't reveal the date yet.

" Wait, I haven't even tell you the date."

" I won't agree to it if it's anything earlier than December this year."

" It's just slightly earlier. 3rd November."

" This year?!"

" De, this year. Wait, let me speak first. You see, youngsaeng sii proposed to you on your birthday, so it will be perfect if both of you get married on his birthday right?"

" Whose idea was that?"

" It's on our own accord."

" Omma.. Can't we choose the date ourselves? Saengie may have to work on that day as well. I also got an internship going on at a hospital..."

" That's why I'm telling in advance. Get everything settled."

" Even if I can, he can't..he isn't working for himself, he is working for his company."

" But his omma also agrees to that date. Aigoo, is he with you now? Hand the phone over to him."

" Aniyo, is there another later, available date?"

Then, Saengie tapped me on my shoulder and gestured me to pass the phone to him.


Youngsaeng's POV

" Annyeonghaseyo ajumma."

" Ahh Youngsaeng sii! You have your schedules planned out for this whole year right? Do you have anything on on your birthday this year?"

" De, I have to work on that day as well, but it's just a fan organised party..and after that, I got to.. Attend a short meeting, if I didn't remember wrongly."

" Oh.. So there's no way it can be held on that day?"

" Actually.. it's possible."

" Yah Saengie! Just tell her it's not possible!" Gill interrupted.

" Jinja? It's possible? De de so it's settled, tell my beloved daughter that it's fixed then. Annyeong!" ajumma didn't wait for me to reply, and hung up the call.

" Isn't it too early? You can just reject omma.. She won't dare to say anything back."

" Kwenchana. Actually, I expected it to be held even earlier. You should know our parents, they are even more excited and eager than us."

" Ahh but.. Then what are you going to do? Push away your fan party on that day? Don't turn up for your meeting? It's not possible right? It's not like you can start inviting all of those Triple S to our wedding.."

" Komawoyo. I didn't think of that.. Problem solved."

" I was just kidding you know.."

" Not all of course, maybe those triple S who are closer to us.."

" Jinja? O..okay.. Are you going to invite all your idol friends as well?"

" Wae? What if I say yes?"

" Yes? Woohoo!!"

" Yah yah yah!!"

" Hahaha ani just kidding.. I’m not going to look at them on that day."

" Omma! So you're getting married to appa on my birthday?" Eun hee ask her.

" De should be.. You can be our flower girl."

" Yayy!! Can jungmin oppa be the.. Flower boy?"

" Hahaha it's pageboy. Aniyo! It's only eligible for small children like you."

" Ahh.. So what will happen after both of you get married?" Eun Hee ask innocently.

" Nothing will happen, everything will be as usual." Gill answered immediately.

" Of course there will be a difference. Your omma will belong entirely to me after we get married. Then, the difference will be seen from there." I teased.

" Huh? What difference are you talking about?" Eun hee puzzled.

" Ani ani nothing nothing, he is spouting rubbish, don't listen to him." Gill frantically answered her.

" Ahh finally appa and omma can be together. I'm so happy!" she held our hands and placed them together.

" And on that day, an official fanclub will be created. Called the Anti-Gill club." she joked.

" That will be sad.."

" It's all thanks to you."

" Oh, you're welcome."


Gill's POV

Soon, the sky turned dusk. Everybody was tired. It was time to go.

We packed all the things and set off.

" Appa...my bag is heavy, I'm tired..." Eun hee tapped him on his waist and whined.

Saengie took the bag from her and smiled.

" Eun Hee..." I called her name sternly.

" Ahh but it's heavy..."

" I told you not to bring so many things, you have to carry that bag yourself."

" Aigoo kwenchana, I can help her." Saengie cut in.

" Aniya, don't spoil her, she will take you for granted next time."

" Miane Eun Hee ah.. Come, you carry this yourself." he clung the bag back on Eun Hee's back. Next, he bend down and carried her up and place her on an arm.

" She is tired, don't be so harsh on her." He smiled and said.

" Aish... Eun Hee is jinja lucky to have an appa like you.."

" You will also be jinja lucky to have a husband like me too." He whispered and wrap the other arm around my waist as we continue walking towards his car.









So yup, I'm super duper happy today. *my new poster* keke ^.^ .. Anwyay, yup hope you enjoyed reading this chappy :) 


@ dandeli0n

Ahh really? Haha :) Somehow.. Taeyeon just popped out in my mind when I crafted that chapter. I was listening to her song actually haha. So yeah, aish.. if not it would be perfect hahahaha. Yay I'm glad you like :) 

@ bigbangluv143

Dongsaengieeee! I have no idea how to insert two posters into one chapter haha so I just put it in my foreword. I love them both! Thank you!! <3 Anyway, it's okay :) Weee glad you like it :) Yup she did, it's long over ^^ Their wedding? Hmm.. I shall see how it goes :) Is my story dragging too long?

@ amyra961

Thanks!! I hope to update another one soon :D

@ lonelygurl501

Keke yeah it's him.. Haha but Gill got over it ^^ Haha ya he is a sweet meanie lol. Yupyup I brought Eun Hee back :) I miss writing on her too.. Komawoyo dongsaeng! :D

@ missheartxoxo

Yay new reader ~ Thank you! Yup she is..haha. ^o^

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...