
Dream the impossible..



Youngsaeng's POV

Before the show starts...

" Ahh why am I so nervous suddenly?" kyu jong mumbled.

" Kyujong ah..just take it as you are dedicating the song to yee min..keke."

" Yah hyung! Chingu CHINGU yah!"

" But you like her isn't it?"

" Ani..aniya.. Nonsense.."

" You are learning from how I denied last time right? When you guys asked me about Gill.."

" Aniyo! I'm not denying..." kyu looked away and blushed slightly.

" Whatever... Anyway, spare me your extra pillow and blanket today again..oh..your floor too."

" Aigoo hyung ah, you are going to marry her no matter what right? So why don't you just stay in your own room? It doesn't make a difference."

" Will you do that if it was yee min?"

" Ye I will."

" Wah I better give a call to Yee min now and caution her to beware of you."

" But it's not as if we are going to share a bed.. We can sleep separately and far apart even in the same room right?" kyu jong grinned.

" That's called mutual respect, I respect Gill, so I won't ever do that until she is really mine by law."

" Ahh your professor side is acting up again, professor Heo..."

" Ah the show is starting soon, let's talk after that." I signalled them.



Gill's POV

" Omma, what time is appa coming back?"

" I'm not sure..."

" When is jungmin oppa coming back?"

" Waeyo?"

" I want to play."

" Andwae. They will be very tired once they are back, you cannot disturb them arraseo?"

" But-"

" No more buts. It's already 12am..go to sleep now. Pali."

" But I don't have school tomorrow, can I wait for appa to come back?"

I shook my head.

" Appa will come back here right? You will be here once I wake up in the morning right?"

" Aigoo Eun Hee ah, so you are still worried about this. De we will always be by your side. We promise. So don't worry hmm?"

She smiled gleefully and obediently went to sleep.

" Ahh..it's a new year..Lots of things had happened in the last few years..hope this year will be a good one." I sighed as I sat beside Eun hee and pat her to sleep.

I switched on the small lamp at the bedside and turned off the lights after that.



Youngsaeng's POV


" Ahh finally ended! I'm so tired!" hyungjoon yawned and said.

" Nadul, let's hurry go back now..." kyu jong mumbled.

" I will ask Yee min to watch this episode.." I smirked and teased kyu.

" Ahh hyung ah, you still got the energy to tease..."

" Kekeke de de, kaja kaja."

Everybody was like a dead pig. As soon as we reached our dorm, they just dispersed into their own rooms and lie flat on their beds.

I gently knock on my room's door and opened slightly.

" Ah you are back..." Gill turned her head and said softly.

" De, I thought I told you to sleep first? You don't have to wait for me."

" Aniya, Eun Hee didn't want to sleep, she wanted to wait for you guys to come back. I finally coaxed her to sleep..."

" Aigoo... Can I come in to get a shirt?"

" De sure, of course, this is your room." she chuckled.

" So did the show went well?" she asked while I opened my drawer and picked a shirt out.

" De, it was fine."

I walked towards Eun hee, sat by her side and ruffled her fringe. " My little girl here is sleeping so soundly.." i smiled and said.

" De, she was so tired but kept telling herself to wait for you to be back before she sleeps.." Gill chuckled and shook her head.


Gill's POV

Saengie then turned to look at me and grinned.

" What?" I questioned.

" You are becoming more and more like an omma."

" Ahh? Jinja? I don't want to feel old yet..."

" Waeyo? Does being an omma equates to being old?"

" Are you trying to say that I look very old now?"

" Keke aniya, you look kinda adorable when you look after Eun Hee so meticulously and...omma-ly. Keke. You handled her with so much care."

" Kojima..." I chuckled and mumbled.

" Since when i lied to you? I don't lie to my fans keke." he walked towards me and said.

" Since... A second ago." I laughed softly.

" Ani, you are really adorable my dear..." he smiled and my cheek lightly.

I blushed.

" Okay I'm tired, i'm going to sleep now, see you tomorrow." he yawned slightly and smiled as he walked to the door.

" De, jaljayo." I walked behind him.

" Jamkan.." he turn around suddenly and kissed me gently on my lips.

" Jalja." he pat my head and left to kyu's room.









@ amyra961

Hmm... maybe.... :) Good guess! ^^ Thanks for commenting! And daebak on your story too :) 

@ Areu501

Yup, he does. I thought i have to let Yee min appear somewhere again haha. Sorry if you don't ike this pairing. Thanks for your comment ^^

@ bigbangluv143

Yeah this chapter marks the start of their 4th year relationship. ^^ Hmm ya this story won't be dragging too long anymore, i will have to end it soon. :) But i will definitely have till 70+ chapters. I don't know what to write anymore, while planning, i'm just writing everything i thought at that instant, don't really have anything in mind.. so ya, please pardon my "lousy-upcoming chapters". lol. I'm trying my best to write it as interesting as possible though. Keke.

@ forever2323

Yeps thanks! ^^ Appreciate your comments :)

@ lonelygurl501

Woo kamsahamnida dongsaengie! Hahaha that Kyu Jong's reaction, he sounded quite despo.. LOL! Weee anticipate further :) I will slowly lead the story to an ending which i hope all of you will be satisfied..hope there isn't any 'instant tragic moments' between them suddenly. lol. Ooo okay, hwaiting on your studies :)  i will update soon :) My next chapter..will be kinda long haha. 

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...