Pure coincidence...

Dream the impossible..



Gill's POV

The next day...

" Gill, here, for you." my mum handed me a piece of paper.


" Here..."

" Concert ticket?? You guys are holding a concert?!"

" De, a small scaled one. Only some triple S will know about this."

"So this is for me?"

" De of course, Your ticket is the first ever ticket. I got it even before it is announced to our fans."


" Where did you get this ticket from?" I asked her in shock.

" Oh, I bought it online for you. Don't you like this band?"

" So..so when is..is this held?"

" I'm not so sure, it is not stated on the ticket? I think if i'm not wrong..should be on your birthday."

" What?! 5th June? This can't be true.."

" What can't be true? You don't want it? I can give it to your friends if you don't want."

" No..no I want..i want..thank you.." I held on to that ticket tightly in my hand.


" So when is this held?"

" When do you want it to be held?"

" Are you serious?."

" De."

" Now then. Keke."

" Hmm.. Now? But my members are busy playing with Eun Hee. I can't do it alone, without my members."

" Then..wait, are you serious about letting me choose the date? You are just playing around right?"

" I think I will choose then. 5th June next year. How does that sound?"


This is just pure coincidence..


That month, I don't what has gotten into me, I just have the urge of eating ice-creams every now and then.

And I mean, really eating.

I would take a tub of ice cream, and wouldn't even bother scooping it into a bowl or whatever. I just scoop huge mouthful of ice cream from that container and eat it wholeheartedly.

I know this is weird. But isn't that what people always do when something is bothering them? Just do whatever you like.. Gorging down ice creams, freezes my mind instantly.


A month later, Mid-May. 

*Ding Dong*

I didn't bother opening the door since I know either mum or dad would open it.


" Gill, come down for dinner now!" my dad instructed from downstairs.

" Okay!"

" So Gill, what do you want for your birthday? It's about only 2 more weeks away." my dad suddenly popped that question out.

" It's alright. I already have a concert ticket from mum. I think I only want that." I smiled and told him.

" Oh..anyway, I got you a dress. See whether you like it or not." He handed a beautiful box to me.

" Ahh thank you! Can I open it now??" I asked eagerly, like a little child.

" Er..yes yes of course you can."

I opened the box gently, fearing that I will blemish it.

" Woah! This dress is lovely! Where did you get it from?"

" It's a secret. Hmm..glad you like it. It's your favorite colour isn't it? Pink."

" Yes yes! I love it, thank you! It's been quite some time since I wore such a beautiful dress." I grinned from ear to ear while admiring that new dress.

" Then you can wear it during the concert. The concert is held coincidentally on your birthday right? You can wear it there."

" Yep I will."

We continued with our dinner. Then, a curious thought struck my mind.

" Hmm so how did the two of you meet?" I asked my parents.

" He was my senior in school."

" Oh... So..mum,how old were you then?"

" I think around 18 or 19? I can't really remember.. Why? Can't wait to have a boyfriend too?"

" Hahaha. Nope, I can't wait to get married. Hahaha nah i'm joking.. Just suddenly,curious about your story."

" Gill, you are already 20, already legal to even get married in korea... So when are you going to bring your boyfriend back to show us? I know if that guy is a good or bad person just by looking at him. I may be of help." my mum smirked and said.

" In my dreams...haha. Hmm.. I don't even have one now. I promise to bring him back to show you as soon as I got one. Keke."

" We will hold to that sentence. Get an awesome one back." they smiled and pat my back.

" Pray hard then. Hahaha."


It's been almost 2 months, life was as usual. I guess, I got over it. It will be too childish to keep dwelling on that dream. It's not even true. I mean..who in this world in the right mind would keep trying to figure out whether a dream is real or not?


Obviously, there is only an answer to it.. No.






@ bigbangluv143

Haha they aren't disappearing :) Don't worry. Ahhh don't cry! I feel really evil now.. but.. erm.. you will be glad, i hope :)

@ YSotter1103

Hmm.. i don't know.. maybe, maybe not. But.. just, keep anticipating kekeke ^^

@ Areu501

Haha ^o^ yeah the title.. last chapter will be something.. i won't try torturing myself into writing something i don't like lol :)

@ lonelygurl501

DONGSAENG AHH! No you aren't dreaming when you are reading that chapter... OMO don't cry..aigooo miane! Thia is too nice, i wanna let her win. Haha but i also won't put my characters at a disadvantage. But sadly..yes it's currently still a dream D:  ... Keep reading on :) 

@ dandeli0n

Kekeke yes it's still a dream. Hmm i don't know :) Gill has a very weird mum.. lol. 

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Posted the sequel to this :))


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Chapter 103: Read this for the 2nd time and still, it makes me smile throughout the whole story and never gets rid of it!!! Really the best!!! ^^ i hope you come back soon author-nim!!! :))
Chapter 103: aww... the story ended... but really nice!!! ^^ maybe write a sequel?? haha anyways daebak!! :))
Haneul0907 #3
Chapter 103: i love this story! daebak!!
yulkris #4
love the title!
and the story too!! :DD
wanna read this again and again!!! love it! <3 :)
SEQUEL!!!! kekeke~~~
soojoon501 #8
dear you really did a great job... i love it,,, your story line i like it,,, anticipating for the next story... love ya too...